Equipping Church Leaders • East Africa                   |||             "DEEP FOUNDATIONS • HEALTHY CHURCHES • TRANSFORMED LIVES"

Deepening the foundations of biblical knowledge for East African church leaders

Burundi Kenya Rwanda South Sudan Tanzania Uganda
Burundi Kenya Rwanda S Sudan Tanzania   

to create healthy churches and transformed lives.

To learn more about each of the countries of East Africa and ECLEA's work in those countries, please click on the flags of the countries above.


Burundi is a small country to the southwest of Lake Victoria. It is bordered by Rwanda on the north, Democratic Republic of Congo and Lake Tanganyika on the west, and Tanzania on the south and east. It has recently emerged from a lengthy civil war. The total devastation by fire of Bujumbura's (the capital's) central market in early 2013 has significantly affected the national economy. Despite these setbacks, Burundi remains a beautiful country in which there is real spiritual hunger.


Learn more about Burundi


To learn more about Burundi, please click HERE.


Photos of Burundi


ECLEA in Burundi

ECLEA personnel first went to Burundi in January 2009. Early-on, Jonathan Menn began working with Rema Ministries. Rema is an indigenous ministry in Burundi that, like ECLEA, focuses on training church leaders. Consequently, Rema and ECLEA have entered into a memorandum of understanding whereby Rema will use its personnel and contacts to teach ECLEA's courses in Burundi and to identify good candidates among those who participate at ECLEA training sessions to become part of the ECLEA teaching team. Our plan is that Jonathan will train the Rema staff members and ECLEA-Burundi treachers in ECLEA's courses as well as participate in other church leader training sessions. In this way, ECLEA will have maximum impact since we already have an experienced group of teachers.

Here are updates from ECLEA's Burundi team concerning ECLEA's work in Burundi (older news accounts of ECLEA's work in Burundi and the rest of East Africa are located in the News Archive):


1. Introduction
From 23rd to-27th September 2024 a church leaders training took place at Muzye. This was a new intake. This is the third promotion of trainees. The second promotion graduated in May this year. We give thanks to the Almighty God for this opportunity he gave us to be able to build the capacities for church leaders in that area.

2. Participants
17 church leaders from five different church denominations participated: Eglise des Vrai Croyant, Horeb Temple, United Methodist, Eglise Pleine Evangile, and Eglise Nazareen.

3. The training
The training came as a response to a request made by pastors in the region asking Rema to help them by giving the basic requirements and duties they must take to fulfil their mission of preaching, teaching and evangelization. They are totally aware of their limitations in terms of academic and theological training, Bible reading and Leadership in their areas of influence.

4. 1 Timothy course
During that week, we were able to teach 1 Timothy We chose to start with 1 Timothy. For sure, this book is one of the most important books in the New Testament, both doctrinally and practically, as it deals with the most important aspects of our faith, the qualifications to be a leader in the church, and important practical issues. This is an important course as it is meant to help Christians in general and church leaders in particular evaluate their own spiritual lives and the condition of their churches.

5. Methodology
We used a participatory method as this was an adult learning. We gave them text/manual/books, and home works were given to them on a daily basis. A written test/exam was given to them on the last day, and went home with their results.

But before entering the depth of the course, the students began to put in place their guidelines/rules which will guide them throughout the period that the training will last. During that time the trainees elected 5 people to be their executive committee which will be dealing with students’ issues and also to ensure that the regulations that they themselves have set are not violated. After that exercise, they took enough time to pray for them, asking the Holy Spirit to come upon them and give them wisdom and to be their guide in whatever they will do for the success for this training.

6. Commitment of trainees
All the trainees proved their interest by the way they followed thoroughly the teachings. They had no time to waste. They were disciplined. What they needed was only to learn. We were so much encouraged to see how serious they were, especially the respect of the timing. They sincerely took the training as theirs which really motivated us to move on with the training. They said that they won’t give up, that they will persist to the end.

7. Responses from the trainees

From the School delegate:

“I am released now; my heart is appeased. I am very delighted to see this beginning. Please, help us; train us until we reach somewhere, different from where we are now. You have realized that our people know almost nothing about the Bible. The proof is the results they got after the test you gave us for evaluation. But this is the beginning. This is something new to us. Don’t leave us on the way”. I know that you will be amazed. We are expecting many more to join the training.

Trainee from EVCBU church:

“We thank the Lord for this training, that has come to us. Let us not take it for granted. It is for our benefit. After the few things we have learned as we start this training, I realized that I didn’t understand this book of 1 Timothy. I was reading it without understanding the meaning of its content. The commentaries I found in it are very rich and instructive. I will read and re-read this book and the commentaries as well. I promise to use it in our study bible groups. Allow me to make When you teach us please go slowly, take your time. Because we have come to learn and our level of understanding is low. I join my fellow trainees to ask you to go slowly not to rush, because we want to understand well the lessons. Note that our level of learning and understanding are different, and same how challenging. Understand that we are not university students”. But we have all come to learn. Allow to take us the way we are.

8. Our comment
This was a very good start. It is good we began with 1Timothy. This gave us an idea of how we shall move on with this ongoing training. In order to help these pastors, for them to learn well and follow up the training, and understand well, we will have to move slowly and systematically. We have moved by their willingness and engagement to learn.

The trainees testify how they are benefiting from this course. They say that the lessons they are getting are of great importance to them because they were serving the church without being trained, in the biblical or theological field and even less leadership and discipleship.

The trainees also appreciated last part of the book especially those series questions found in each chapter because they will guide them as they read and respond to the questions.

9. Conclusion
We ended well the session, they did a test and we left with them exercises they will be doing during the period before the next training and they will come with reports of how they have implemented the requirements arising from the formation.
The pastors were happy to have followed this course because it was new to them. We do not cease to thank ECLEA for material and financial support in order to conduct this training. We thank God the Almighty who guided and protected us during this week dedicated to that activity of building capacities of those pastors.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi teacher

Report of a Church Leaders Training at Nyanza–Lac Commune, Makamba Province

From 9th to 13th September 2024, a training course was held for Church leaders working in the province of Makamba, precisely in Nyanza-Lac. We went through the course in the book of Biblical Stewardship. The training was attended by 52 leaders, all from Beloved Church. Beloved Church is one of the biggest churches in the area. This course is an exposition and application of God’s word concerning Biblical Stewardship and our roles and responsibilities as stewards in major areas of our lives.

Before going through the whole course, we started by summarizing the content of the whole ECLEA books we intend to study during the period of 4 years, encouraging the new trainees to be courageous from the beginning to the end. This course was quite long, that we couldn’t finish it in one week, because the trainees requested us to go slowly in order for them to understand well. Thoroughly introduction to the course of what biblical stewardship is all about and its content as well, such as: stewardship of the environment, our minds, time, bodies and relationships, issues. The course was interesting that many of the trainees have asked many questions and shared testimonies.

1. Mr Gabriel the senior pastor of Beloved Church in Makamba province took enough time to thank Rema Burundi for the initiative to train their pastors. This training comes at the right time when the government of Burundi is taking measures to the church leaders who have not gone through theological studies to stop leading, or pastoring local churches. He asks the Director of Rema Burundi to cover for them by pleading for them with the Ministry of Home Affaires as they are in the process of being trained. He adds that this training is of a vital importance not only for the church but also for a daily life. Before this course, he didn’t know how to use his time rationally, and how to make a daily plan of activities. But through this course, he has discovered that he has lost his interest in unitary things, which has caused poverty and famine in his household. Thanks to this lessons, a path towards sustainable development has been opened up.

The weather was so hot that we took refugee under the palm trees to get some fresh air. The trainees were really looking forward to the course. They asked lots of questions related to the course and to daily life. Most of their questions were answered.

2. As for this pastor, he claims to have learned things he had never heard before. He has indeed understood that he was created in the image of God and was assigned a mission to take care to the environment and to work the land. He had a large plot of land to cultivate, but out of ignorance he didn’t work it and they are really hit by famine. He also made a promise that as soon as he leaves, at the end of this week, he and his family will work this land which God has granted them. He hopes that from this land, he will be able to get something to eat, and also find the money to cover their living expenses, and get also the food to help poor people, widows, and orphans. Hence, the fulfilment of God’s words which says that a church that are pleasing to the eyes of the Lord is one that cares for the poor, widows, and orphans… He also learned that as a steward, he must take care of his body, washing his clothes, cleaning his house, his kitchen equipments, his surroundings, and his environment.

As a trainer, I have found that this course has meet the needs of God’s servants. It has come to remedy the problems that these leaders face in their life of leadership. I thank God for this important work which through Rema Burundi and Jonathan Menn in particular who gives himself body and soul to write this so important manual that many people appreciate. May God bless him and keep him safe.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi teacher

1. Introduction
From 02nd to 06th 09/2024, a church leaders training on forgiveness and reconciliation was conducted at Buhiga center. Took part in this mission Francois Nitunga and NDUWIMANA Patrice. This course was overdue if we consider what was the response from the participants.

2. Attendance
The training was attended by 45 trainees from 6 church different denominations and from different communes of Karusi province. After a short introduction to the course, the students showed a great interest to go through this course.

3. Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Unanimously participants said: “Surely this is a topic we needed to learn more in these present days, for we want to change our behavior as forgiveness and reconciliation is concerned. Many of us were not taking seriously teachings on subject to our congregants. Within our Union of Churches in Buhiga, we have been going through serious times of hatred and animosity among us leaders, not accepting one another, fighting against each other. It is very sad to say that the first people we consider to be our enemies are our fellow pastors. We are not serving as a good example to our church members. May the Lord forgive us. So this training is so important to us, said pastors”. One of the trainees continued: «We seem to ignore the fact that our country and the church for that matter went through hard times of division, killings and deep seated hatred. This issue has never been resolved openly. There has not been a strong national reconciliation effort as such, rather so many cover ups. As church leaders, I see that we are the driving force to spearhead such a genuine reconciliation starting from ourselves who have been exposed to this teaching.”

4. Sharing testimonies and experiences from the last trainings
As usual, before we embarked on the training we took enough time to listen to the trainees as they shared their experiences on how they have tried to put into practice what they have learnt so far, and also as they bring back the homework they did during their time of reading and writing. This is very important to us because it is whereby we can know what impact the training is bringing to the trainees as physical and spiritual transformation is concerned.

4a. Pastor Bizabityo Adelin
Adelin is one of the pastors taking part in the training we are offering at Buhiga. After having been trained in the book of Biblical stewardship, he was so much interested in the stewardship of environment and the stewardship of time. He shared his new experience of how this course is transforming his life, and showing a good example in his local community.
He says: “I have been wasting my time spending it doing nonsense things, walking around in the market places, sitting on the long side of the road, engaging in non-sense discussions with other people. I regret that I have wasted my time. During the three months of summer period, I was doing nothing apart of those things I have mentioned so far. My life was characterized by laziness doing useless things. But after going through this course, I have changed my worldview and started using my time in production of things that will generate income and transform my proper life and that of my entire family. I have cultivated corn, colocaceae and yams, tomatoes, sugar canes, sweet potatoes, and I took my time to water them. To say the truth, I became very busy and no wasting time again”. He then ended his sharing urging everyone not to waste his time on unitary things during the summer, but to follow his path to fight against famine, poverty, and also earn money. He assures us that by December he will have a satisfactory result.

4b. The Lord’s prayer is not understood by many people who recite it
As we moved forward into the subject, participants thought deeply on how they have been using the Lord’s prayer, reciting it only, without taking even a short time to think sincerely on what should be the really consequence of what they prayed.
“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”. Those words in that verse, touched deeply their hearts. They realized that when Jesus said those words he was really meaning that: the level at which we forgive our debtors is the same level you should forgive us, or the measure we use to forgive our debtors should be the same you use to forgive us, and if we have not forgiven our debtors the same way you should not forgive us!! What a powerful revelation! One of the participants said: “I wonder really if the Lord understands what we pray or if it is just a show off. If really that is the case, nobody will get to heaven, for we realize that we really do not forgive”. “Did really Jesus ask us something that is impossible to accomplish? If it is not an impossible thing he asked of us, why practically don’t we see forgiveness at work in our daily lives and churches? The answer lies in the fact that the good news we have been preaching was superficial”. Said by another trainee while asking himself why forgiveness is not practically easy.

5. Response from Participants
There was a good response from participants as this topic of forgiveness and reconciliation is the heart of the gospel. At the end so many participants asked us to pray for them. Indeed, they stood up and prayed. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so powerful and repentance was so real. After prayers people went around to ask forgiveness and to forgive those who had wronged them. Some went even far saying: “It is a shame to continue serving together one Lord as shepherd showing other people the way of repentance and forgiveness, how to forgive their enemies, yet we have hatred and enmities among ourselves. Let us put to an end our unforgiving behavior and practice. If not, the gate of heaven is still far from us. Let us change and start preaching and teaching what we live, not only what we believe, and practice it”.

5a. Here are testimonies from participants:
NKORERIMANA Claudine: “Now I feel very happy and released” I would like to thank the Lord because of this training, indeed this topic. This was special to me. I learned a lot from this subject. I have been suffering for not forgiving myself. I have been telling other people to forgive other people. But I didn’t know that I need to forgive myself, the reason why I was carrying with me other people on my shoulders. But today I feel released. I prayed within my heart. I asked the Lord to forgive me and to give me strength and courage to forgive myself. I take also this opportunity to tell you that because of what I have learned during these days, I prayed and took a step to forgive some people who offended me. I decided to forgive them. Now I feel very happy and released. Thank you for this workshop.

“From now I have taken a step to forgive with all my heart”: For sure, this is a special subject that came to us at the right time. Me personally, I needed it. It is an embarrassment that I have been walking carrying with me a heavy burden because of my un forgiveness behavior. I could not talk about reconciliation nor to call people to forgive to one another. I am a pastor who have been living a rancorous life. I have realized that to forgive must be my daily duty and that it is a good gift from God to take hold of and use it. I understood that as I forgive those who wronged me I free myself, I feel free indeed. Now I am going to encourage my congregants to live a life characterized by forgiveness and reconciliation. May God help me to serve my church and the community where I live an exemplarily life.

6. My Comments
During the time we were going through the course, and during the discussion groups, we realized that the problems those concern forgiveness and reconciliation, be it among church leaders or among Christians are: lack of truth, lack of humility, power, pride, hatred, lack of love, egocentrism, and ignorance. People are not well taught about forgiveness and reconciliation. Forgiveness and reconciliation is not an easy thing, it is not an overnight thing, sometimes it can take longer than expected. But, as born again Christians there is no other choice. Our wish is that forgiveness and reconciliation should be a lifestyle for Christians and especially church leaders

7. Conclusion
I would like to thank our almighty God who enabled us to hold this training. Our gratitude goes to Jonathan Menn the Director of ECLEA who took his time to prepare this special material on Forgiveness and reconciliation which is profitable to our churches. We praise God for having been with us and enabled us to accomplish this timely mission.



1. Introduction
On Sunday of 18th, August 2024, a graduation of 33 graduates took place in the premises of the United Methodist Church, Rohero Parish. It was a great honour and joy for Rema Burundi in particular and the body of Christ in general, because God has entrusted us by giving us an opportunity to fulfil the Great Commission through training those graduates which are made by young people at 98%, for three and a half years.

The graduates were praising God who enables them to spend three and half years following theological trainings. 

2. Different speeches
The Director of Rema Burundi, in his speech for the occasion, urged the graduates to fully apply what they have learned by dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to serving their churches and local communities.

He encouraged them to continue studying, revisiting the course materials, and re-reading the manuals and books they used during their training. "Rema has equipped you with valuable resources through the use of ECLEA materials. Don’t let these tools gather dust in your boxes or cupboards," he advised. "Instead, go out and preach the gospel, teach the Word of God. The world desperately needs to know Jesus Christ, through whom salvation is available. Be mindful of the growth of Islam—don’t turn a blind eye. Don’t stay silent. Reach out to them now, for if you don’t reach them, they will reach you. If they don’t reach you, they will reach your children or your grandchildren”. He also encouraged them to strive for the transformation of their own lives and those around them. He warned them to be vigilant against false teachings, particularly the prosperity gospel. Regarding living faith, he emphasized that as they go out to serve their communities, their faith should be more than just words; it should lead to action. "Seek ways to put your faith into practice. True faith is evidenced by a commitment to love and serve others," he cautioned. 

The ceremonies of the day, were enhanced by the presence of the Honorable Rev. Dr. SINZOHAGERA Emmanuel the president of the Burundi Senate and Legal Representative of the United Methodist Church of Burundi as well as some other high authorities of the country.
In his speech, Rev. Dr. SINZOHAGERA thanked Rema Burundi for his efforts to equip and train the faithful of the Church. He called on other faithful who had not had the opportunity to follow the training, to sign up. He encouraged the faithful of his church to register in the training which will follow this one. We would like to see many Christians follow theological training to better understand what the word we read in our bibles is all about, and explain the bible’s message to others. As Christians study their Bibles this will help them. This will help them to stand firm. Other families were encouraged to do the same.

It is a great joy to see this family, father, mother and daughter who have successfully followed this training.

The government representative in his speeches congratulated the leaders of the United Methodist Church of Burundi for the efforts it is making to train the leaders. The leaders of the churches should have gone through a theological so that they can know how to explain well the content of the Bible especially to explain cleary the truth found in it. He also congratulated the graduates. He conveyed advices concerning the good practice of personal hygiene precisely these days when there is an epidemic of monkey pox, more precisely washing the hands at all times, among many other recommendations.

The superintendent of the United Methodist Church, Bujumbura District, thanked Rema to take the time to train leaders in her district. She called upon all born again Christians to join the training because the Word of God tells us that the people of God are destroyed from lack of knowledge. She asked Rema de continue with the program of training churches.

3. Give out diplomas and certificate activity
Before issuing the diplomas and certificates Nitunga Francois, took time to summarize what courses the graduates went through and thanked them for the efforts they made, though there were many challenges they faced during that period of training, such as transport. They didn’t give up. “All the glory be to God”, he said.

Here the senior pastor of the United Methodist Church, Rohero Parish, is welcoming the visitors especial the graduates. He praises God because many of these graduates are from his parish. At the same time, they are looking at the diploma and certificates the courses the students went through.

On behalf of Rema Burundi, Dr. MBAZUMUTIMA Theodore, the Rema director, received from the graduates a Certificate for Recognition for its commitment and dedication for training them in theology.

The Legal Representative of the United Methodist Church together with the superintendent of the Bujumbura district give to the graduates, certificates and diplomas.

The school delegate speaks on the behalf of the graduates thanking Rema to have taken much time to train them. He urged his fellow graduates to go back in their local churches and communities to exercise what they have learnt for the 3 and half years.

4. Testimonies
Rev. pastor NIYOKWIZERA Leonique sharing her testimony telling other people how the time she spent studying the courses from ECLEA materials has transformed her lives. She says: “The training, surely, helped me to know the biblical story-line and the theological themes that weave their way through that storyline. It also opened my eyes in order to see what Jesus does with the biblical story-line and its themes.

This young lady is sharing her testimony of how the training benefited her. I understood more what the church is, it’s nature, purpose, vision and mission my wish is to know more. Therefore, I will continue to do the training as any occasion is presented. I am also going to apply what I have learned here. God is good!

The preacher of the day was one of the graduates. He preached from the book of Luke 10:17-20. He preached well! He exercised the expository preaching course and biblical Interpretation as well.

5. Conclusion
The graduates also sung a special song before the closing of ceremonies.

We are very glad for the outcome of these activities and plan to start a second promotion in the future.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi-Teacher


1. Introduction
A church leaders’ training took place correspondingly in Mishiha and Cankuzo from 5 to 9 August / 2024. We are much grateful to the Lord who helped us to be able to start a second promotion of 37 trainees from different church denominations in Mishiha center , and 20 candidate in CAMKUZO center, mainly from the United Methodist Church. NITUNGA Francois led the training in Mishiha and NDUWIMANA Patrice conducted the training at CANKUZO center. We praise God for the successful activities we had. We also thank Him for his protection over our lives.

The training
In both centers, we started the activities of training, asking students to form their governing committee which consists of: school delegate and his assistant, secretary, treasurer and advisor. Then, they proceeded to formulate the regulations which will govern them during their training period.
The training came as a response to a request made by pastors in the region, asking Rema to help them by giving the basic requirements and duties they must take to fulfil their mission of preaching, teaching and evangelization. They are totally aware of their limitations in terms of academic and theological training, Bible reading and Leadership in their areas of influence.

Biblical Stewardship course
We started with this course because Biblical Stewardship topic is very important for church leaders, it is having a strong basis on leadership and discipleship, which our pastors need in their daily activities and lives as leaders.

Discussion groups
In order to enrich the understanding of this subject, we had group discussion sessions whereby participants were able to share deeply and learn more from one another. Be the trainees and facilitators, we found that this was very important as this is an adult learning.

One of the leader representing the Union of Christian Churches in Mishiha, says:

“We praise the Lord because this important day whereby 37 students from 9 different church denominations have come to follow the teachings. We are waiting more to join the course. We praise our Lord because we have invited you to train us again our leaders, and you have responded positively to our request. God bless you Rema Burundi!"

Commitment of trainees
It was very encouraging for us to hear what the trainees who were present, unanimously testified: “We are committed to the training, we want to acquire knowledge, we do not want to remain the same, we want to be transformed in order for us to be able to transform others in our local villages. From our homes, our community and then our churches who have sent us here to do the training. Keep in your mind who we are. We are not university students; we are leaders who want to learn many things, we have set aside this time for this course. Please, take us slowly. We ask you humbly not to rush us because many of us are not highly educated. We have come as we are because we want to be taught. We have come as blind people so that our eyes may be reopened” Testimonies from the trainees

“I feel so much uplifted. This training is a fulfilment of my dreams as leader of the church in this area.
My heart is appeased. I am very delighted to see this beginning.

This is a pastor who represented the other trainees. “We thank the Lord for this training. Thank you brethren from Rema for accepting to come to train us! After the few things we have learned during this week, we have become conscious that we have been preaching and trying to teach only mistake due to our ignorance. But as from now, we want to be well equipped. We are all the stewards."

Our comments
We can say that this was a very good start. The training came as a response to a request made by the leaders of “Union of Christian Churches in Mishiha”, and by the Superintendent of Cankuzo District in the United Methodist Church, asking Rema to continue to help them to train new pastors and other people who have different responsibilities in church leadership, by giving the basic requirements and duties they must take in fulfilling their mission of preaching, teaching and evangelization. We were so much encouraged to see how serious they were, especially the respect of the timing. They sincerely took the training as theirs which really motivated us to move on with the training.

This is a new intake they are not yet familiarize with the materials; we are in the beginning. We have started to climb a mountain. Some are still timid to express themselves and asking questions.
Transport is still a nightmare. It is a big challenge. Because fuel is hard to get in the petrol stations we get it in the black market which become very expensive. Everything in the market is expensive

Though there were those challenges, we were so much encouraged by seeing many of the former students passing by to encourage the new trainees to keep going and not to give up. To persevere the hardship, they will come across during the training exercises, until they finish the course in 3 and half years. They said that they will be coming to see how they moving and faring on, and that they will continue to be close to them to motivating and to encourage them so that they can move forward. They said: “They are our little brothers, and we are their elders. So on this we are going to play our role, that of the elders.”

Plan for the future
As we continue the training in all our training centers, we are planning to emphasizing in and on the practical side in order. to encourage our trainees to be more practical so that they can impact their local communities. We wish to see changes in their homes, villages and churches as transformation is concerned

During the training, we used a participatory method as this is an adult learning. We gave them text/ manual books, and home works were given to them on a daily basis. A written test/exam was given to them on the last day, and went home with their results.
In all we can confidently to say that God is good all the time and all the time God is good! We are expecting more students to join the training.


Report of activities carried out in these two previous months: June and July 2024

This report on activities over the two months, June and July 2024, begins with the graduation
of 158 students who have just completed three and a half years of theology studies.
Graduation at Rema theological institute. From the 21st to the 31st of June, Rema BURURNDI held graduation ceremonies for 158 different leaders who had undergone theological training over a period of three and a half years. Rema
Bururndi offered this training in four centers, including Rutana and Muzye in Rutana province, and Cankuzo and Mishiha in Cankuzo province.

During the ceremonies, Jonathan Menn, the author of the materials used in the training, honored the
students with his presence and shared with them a message of encouragement and congratulations
for having completed the three and a half years of this important theological training. At Rutana
Center before graduation, Jonathan Meen took time to teach the students one the books they have
missed. He taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. He taught also the book of Jonah at Mishiha center and Cankuzo center. The participants were particularly impressed at the depth of the book of Jonah and how it deals with some of the most fundamental issues of life, including: the nature and character of God; our relationship with the world and things; our relationship with people who are different from us; and our relationship with God.

The government of Burundi now requires that anyone who wants to preach or be a pastor has to
have evidence of a theological education. I am happy to say that our ECLEA courses meet the
government's requirements. The 31 graduates in Rutana, 42 in Muzye, 38 in Mishiha, and 47 in
Cankuzo received diplomas after having studied 15 ECLEA books over a period of three and half
years. Many were accompanied by their spouses when they came up to receive their diplomas. In
fact, the President of the Senate of Bururndi attended and spoke at the graduation ceremony in
Cankuzo. So, what we are doing is important and will make a difference that will last.
Referring to the Bible verse found in 2 Timothy 2 :2, he reminded the graduates that God has
entrusted them with the things of the Bible, so they need to give them to entrusted people instead of
keeping them. God has chosen hem to be the changer agents, so they need to go out to spread the
gospel everywhere. He promised that he will be with them in all circumstances.

At Cankuzo, the graduation ceremonies were honored by Dr Emmanuel SINZOHZGERA, the speaker
of the Senate of Burundi and his wife, who is also the legal representatives of the United Methodist
Church of Burundi. In his speech, he thanked the Rema Burundi organization for its efforts and support, both financial and material, which it had offered to the pastors of the church he represented. He encouraged them by saying that they should seriously review the courses they had seen, with a view to applying them in their own lives and in the lives of others. He also promised that he would go out into the field to see for himself the achievements of the courses they had learned, and to make his own contribution to those who could have applied what they had learned. He also added that at the time of ordination two criteria will be considered:
1. To have a diploma or certificate proving that you have undergone theological training,
2. Good behavior in the community.
Now that you've fulfilled the first condition he said, it remains to be seen whether what you've
learned conforms to what you do in the community, and « I'm hopeful that you'll represent us as
good shepherds in your local churches and in the community ». he added.

At each of the graduation ceremonies, a number of the graduates gave testimonies of the impact of
the ECLEA courses. One graduate said that she had always been afraid to speak to Muslims;
however, as a result of what she learned in our Christianity & Islam course, not only does she no
longer feel intimidated, but actually has led one Muslim to Christ! Another said that, as a result of our Biblical Stewardship course, he is now planting various vegetables and is supplementing his income from sales of the produce. Another graduate said she used the techniques outlined in our book on Forgiveness & Reconciliation to reconcile two people who had hated each other for six years; they are now "like sisters."

Another said that, until he took our Biblical Theology course, he had never seen how Christ is present
in typological form throughout the Old Testament. Several of the graduates testified how Rosemary
Nelsen's Biblical Literacy course has made a big difference in their understanding of the Bible, and
they recited the different biblical books in their proper categories (e.g., historical books, books of
poetry, major prophets, minor prophets, etc.)

The people we have trained are key people because they are leaders of churches, and the church
can be the instrument for transformation of our nation.

Report of activities carried out from 6th to 10th of May 2024

From 06 to 10 we went to the province of Karusi, in the commune of Buhiga, to train Church leaders
on Paul's first epistle to Timothy. 7 different churches have participated in the training.

Before starting ,as it is usual in our program, trainees have to share what they have practice in the
last two months in the book of Biblical stewardship. Three different people among many others have
shared their experiences:

1. NDUWIMANA Belie from AMEC Church: the book on Biblical stewardship touched my spirit so reflects both physical and spiritual talks about stewardship of time, money, body,
environment, different ideologies, in general it teaches all about holistic life. In a period of only two
months, I find that I have changed my way of thinking and this has had a direct impact on the fact
that I have saved more than 200,000 Burundi francs in two months. He also added that the Rema
Burundi association was making an effective contribution to the development of our churches in
particular, and our province in general. My sincere thanks to the people in charge of Rema Burundi
and to the initiators of this program.

2. NIBARUTA Emmanueline from Anglican Church: As for her, the book of biblical stewardship has
marked my was my first time to receive such an important training that no one can ignore in his
life. Before this training, I was a person who does not know how to plan daily activities. I could spend
the whole day without even carrying out any time was wasted by anything.

3.TURIHOKUBWAYO Alfred from New Life Church: I'm really very interested in this course, which has
totally changed my life. Before coming to this course, I knew nothing about how to give offerings and
tithes in a dignified way, as recommended by the Holy Scriptures. At first, I gave away almost all my
money, thinking that I was serving God and contributing effectively to my church. I didn't even think
about my home. But after learning what stewardship of money is, I asked God and my family for
forgiveness, promising to change my way of thinking and acting according to what the manual says.
After hearing what the learners had been able to apply and share testimonies, we had a good
opportunity to add on those they had shared but also to begin Paul's first epistle to Timothy.

Rev Francois one of the facilitators, as for him, he gives the overall picture of this book while
explaining in summary what this book says, its content and the different chapters that make up this

First Timothy is one of the most important books in the New Testament, both doctrinally and
practically. It deals with the most important aspects of our faith: salvation by grace through faith in
Jesus Christ; the importance of prayer; the qualifications to be a leader in the church; and the
centrality of Jesus. The book also deals with important practical issues: true versus false teaching;
spiritually disciplining one’s life; rebuking and counseling people; the church’s responsibility to the
poor and needy; issues involving church elders; and the gospel and money. This volume contains a
detailed outline of, and commentary on, the book of 1 Timothy. The “Inductive Training Manual” is a
series of questions on each section of 1 Timothy, designed for small group discussion, to help
Christians in general and church leaders in particular evaluate their own spiritual lives and the
condition of their church.

Rev Patrice, As for him, he explained in detail each chapter that makes up this book while insisting on
the following points: False doctrine and Gospel faithfulness, Epistolary Prescript, false and true
instruction, false teachings in the church, the goal of true instruction in Love, Paul and the Gospel,
command to remain faithfulness, the qualifications to be a leader in a church,
Some of our trainees have missed some hours because they work in the government. Here
they have come for catch up hours.
Some of our trainees have missed some hours because they work in the government. Here
they have come for catch up hours.

We really thank God who enables us to offer this special training to God’s servants. We pray
that God will use our donors to support this important work for future plans. Amen


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi teacher

February 2024

Greetings from Burundi in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hope you had a blessed Christmas and wishing you a peaceful new year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you gave us towards the church leaders training. We praise God that we were able to do the training as it was scheduled in our 6 training centers. As we see the outcome of this ECLEA course, for sure, the training we are giving, as many church leaders and pastors said: is a “Training for Transformation of our Churches and our Communities.” Many trainees have changed the way of doing things, the way of preaching, the way of interpreting the Bible, understanding of OT and NT as they see Jesus Christ throughout the whole Bible as Biblical Theology is concerned, putting into practice what they learned in the book of 1 Timothy, Biblical Stewardship and the book of James and so forth.

We didn't do Galatians and 1 Peter where it was scheduled; rather, trainees humbly asked us to go in deep the course on Biblical Eschatology, because there are many Seventh Day Adventists and millennialists who are teaching wrong teachings and many other groups who have come to teach, yet they are misinterpreting the bible and are misleading many church leaders and as results Christians are misled to. So we took time to reinforce the Biblical Eschatology course. And we succeeded.

We are planning the schedule of the training for this 2024 year which I will send you early next week for your consideration.  I also want to let you know that there will be graduation of students in 5 centers in April and May. That will be at Muzye, Rutana, Cankuzo, Mishiha and EMUBU Bujumbura. Please, plan to make a favor to visit Burundi during that period. We can plan according to your availability.

Thank you so much for the efforts and endeavors you put in to produce these materials for the training for transformation of our society and our churches in particular.

God Bless you,


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