Equipping Church Leaders • East Africa                   |||             "DEEP FOUNDATIONS • HEALTHY CHURCHES • TRANSFORMED LIVES"

Deepening the foundations of biblical knowledge for East African church leaders

Burundi Kenya Rwanda South Sudan Tanzania Uganda
Burundi Kenya Rwanda S Sudan Tanzania   

to create healthy churches and transformed lives.

To learn more about each of the countries of East Africa and ECLEA's work in those countries, please click on the flags of the countries above.


The United Republic of Tanzania takes its name from the union of the mainland formerly known as Tanganyika and the island of Zanzibar. Geographically, Tanzania is larger than the rest of East Africa (which technically does not yet include South Sudan) combined. Tanzania is strategically very important not only because of its size but also because of the size and influence of Islam (Zanzibar is approximately 97% Muslim).



Learn more about Tanzania

To learn more about Tanzania, please click HERE.


Photos of Tanzania


 Short videos of approaching Stone Town harbor and in Stone Town are available on the ECLEA Videos YouTube page, HERE.


ECLEA in Tanzania

ECLEA personnel began their work in Tanzania in April 2008. Particularly beginning in 2011 we have spent much effort in the country. We now have a well-organized ECLEA-Tanzania committee that itcludes national, zonal, regional, district, and local coordinators, headed by national coordinator Dickson Laizer and national secretary Joram Ibrahim. The ECLEA-Tanzania team is active in conducting all-Tanzanian church leader conferences and TOTs (training of trainers).

Here are updates from ECLEA's Tanzania team concerning ECLEA's work in Tanzania (older news accounts of ECLEA's work in Tanzaniaa and the rest of East Africa are located in the News Archive):

Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

For February and March, we planned for six All African Conferences of which we managed to do five. Sanare did Habbakuk in Hanang, Mwaisaka did Timothy at Maramba, Mdimi is going to Kibaigwa to introduce ECLEA and go through the summary of our main subject courses. Instead of Songwe and Mbeya where we did not go, Sanare went to Magara where he did James, and I am just coming back from West Kilimanjaro where I did Biblical Theology.

In 2022 when we started we had six teachers who run three classes. 2023 wo doubled both no of classes as well as number of teachers from three to six classes and six to twelve teachers respectively, losing one teacher and interpreter, brother Michael Nyangusi who passed away, made us finish last year with eleven teachers. We have ten classes this year and sixteen teachers, this means we have added four classes and five teachers.

As our bible school is concerned, we have a monthly program of one week in eacr class doing two subjects then three other weeks researching and writing as post session assignment of the studied subjects.

I taught Biblical Theology and Expository Preaching at Arusha and Tanga respectively. Lazaro went to Maramba with James and Jonnah, Mdimi was in Mwanza and now going to Dodoma for the same. Sanare in Mbulu while Julius in Magara. Bishop Sheggar is on his way to Katesh, where he will teach Biblical Marriage and Forgiveness and Reconciliation starting tomorrow. Also Bishop Sumaye for Riroda, Anthony Mwaisaka and Kelvin for Horohoro with 1. Timothy and James respectively.
We always have fixed programs for our classes in terms of weeks from Monday to Saturday, being first week of the month second week, third and fourth week, but this time we are skipping the fourth week of March and the first week of April due to Passover eve. We have many classes this week we will also have many classes the second week of April as we will skip the first week.

Good enough is that, with your facilitation and our means, we managed to do all ten classes we planned plus five All African conferences, which means we missed one conference. Our team is exited as they themselves learn when teaching, they have their own testimony as well as testimonies from students they teach. We are working on keep on taking these ten classes to the end for glory of Jesus.

Blessing to you and all ECLEA supporters.



Year 2023 we did a total of 21 all African conferences, these conferences were strategic, some of them targeting ordinary training to church leaders, while the same we did at particular stations targeting on establishment of ECLEA class for Advanced Diploma Courser in Theology and Leadership.

We did Biblical Theology conference in Tanga in January 2023 resulted to a class.

February we did Biblical Stewardship in Mwanza and Habakkuk in Riroda and managed to establish classes in both stations.
Islam and Christian conference in March at Maramba and the Maramba class was established.

April we went to Mbulu we did Forgiveness and Reconciliation people were reconciled and the class started.
We went to Katesh in May with Habakkuk.

Ruth in July at Dodoma, the class is scheduled to start next week.

We did several other conferences last year including Mbeya, Hanang, Maforoni and Arusha where the Arusha class started January this year. We also focused at Ubungo, Moshi, Boma, Singida, Manyoni Korogwe and Momo.
Five classes have graduated, Mwanza and Riroda joined together, Mbulu was alone, Tanga and Maramba joined. A total number of sevemty two leaders graduated.

ECLEA is now registered in the country and we operate with legal authorities. We have an office in Arusha, Paul and Rosemary mate some ECLEA members in the office. We still have to do with office fitting and inventories.

On January we did the constitutional meeting and ToT, both in 2023 as well as 2024. We are getting to ran with our vision, as filling the country with deep foundation, healthy churches transformed life. We are running with ten classes this year. Tanga, Maramba and Horohoro in Tanga region. Riroda, Mbulu, Katesh and Babati in Manyara Region, also Mwanza, Dodoma and Arusha regions consecutively. We still have some work to do, to establish ECLEA in other areas, we hope for more classes in the near future.

Be blessed,


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