Equipping Church Leaders • East Africa                   |||             "DEEP FOUNDATIONS • HEALTHY CHURCHES • TRANSFORMED LIVES"

Deepening the foundations of biblical knowledge for East African church leaders

Burundi Kenya Rwanda South Sudan Tanzania Uganda
Burundi Kenya Rwanda S Sudan Tanzania   

to create healthy churches and transformed lives.

To learn more about each of the countries of East Africa and ECLEA's work in those countries, please click on the flags of the countries above.


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2015 News Archive

October 19, 2015
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

James Kamau

The Biblical Stewardship meeting was held from 14-16 October 2015 after a change of dates from the previous ones.
It was held at Abundant Grace Evangelistic Ministry Church at Naivasha Town. Teachers: Rev James N. Kamau & Tom Mboya. It had an attendance of 31 delegates.

The following denominations were represented: 1. Fountain of life Church; 2. Baptist Church; 3. Gospel Revival Church; 4. Abundant Grace Ministry Church; 5. Anglican Church in Kenya; 6. African Independent Pentecostal church in Kenya; 7. Bread of Life Church; 8. Life in Christ Church; 9. Glory Salvation Church; 10. Gospel Transformation Church.

James Kamau teaching at Naivasha conference

Rev. Maina wa Maina our host Pastor said he has gotten saved and delivered as a result of the teachings. He promised to introduce us to his Bishop in Nakuru for other meetings there in future.

Rev. Murungaru from North Kinagop was greatly transformed. He promised to call us to their area for ECLEA meetings.

Pastor Peter Mureithi from Bread of life Church has been a Missionary in Botswana and now he is in Mozambique. He said ECLEA could be very useful there and he has invited us there. Personally I thank ECLEA for enabling us to do this great work of equipping the church in East Africa.

Naivasha participants with their books

Best regards, James N. Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya coordinator


October 30, 2015
George Kariuki, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

George Kariuki

I would love to report of a First Timothy conference. I Timothy had 47 people and since we are doing these two in Murang'a, the logistics are okay. Teaching this course always seems new, and this time we had small group discussion about church as a family and real issues of divisions in a single local church between members especially in our Kikuyu area where even pastors preach in mother tongue despite having other tribes in their communities. The different denominations also are divided and do not work together except when there is a crisis. Paying of pastors is being embraced by pentecostal people and little steps are being made.


November 3, 2015
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

ECLEA Naivasha Karagita meeting report on Biblical Interpretation:
This meeting was held from 28th – 30th October 2015 at Mirera Sonland hall. The teachers were Rev James N. Kamau and Rev Peter Mwangi. It had an attendance of 26 delegates comprising of Pastors and leaders from different churches. Major denominations represented included the following:
1. Jesus Revival Gospel Church                         2. Glorious Mission Outreach Ministries
3. Fountain of life Church International            4. Jehovah Nissi Church
5. Catholic Church                                           6. 1st Baptist Church
7. Africa Independence Pentecostal Church      8. One Accord Church
9. Redeemed Gospel Church                           10. Christian Outreach Mission Worldwide
11. Glory Celebration Church

Pastor Rachel from Redeemed Gospel Church said she learned the importance of going deep in to the Word of God in order to get the correct meaning.

Eric Wandera, a Sunday school teacher said he has now understood the meaning of figures of speech in the Bible and interpretation of texts.

Pastor Maina learned how to follow the thought of the writer, the time the book was written and the purpose and not looking at everything from our framework.

Rev Maina wa Maina from Naivasha town saw the importance of knowing about church doctrine and teaching it to the church.

We also had groups that were divided (workshops) and they worked on Mark 10:29 – 31 and 2 Cor 5:11 – 21 as their texts.
They then presented them through their secretaries and they did very well.

Best regards, James Kamau

November 8, 2015
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This year has been of more impact for ECLEA. Personally I have seen many of the pastors and leaders we have been able to train sharing wonderful testimonies in relation to the teachings. Regardless of the challenges I encountered in losing all my belongings, I was able to do the meetings. The participants well attended and were really thankful for what we are teaching.

Mombasa, Kenya-Biblical Stewardship (October 15-17)
One of the participants in the Mombasa training had this to say, “This kind of training is rare to get, but we thank God that ECLEA has been used of God to reach us.” We had 28 participants in this meeting. The churches were well represented, and there is clear indication that these leaders have a hunger for the word of God.

Voi-Sagalla, Kenya-Biblical Interpretation (October 8-10)
This meeting had an attendance of 30. When we were doing Biblical interpretation, most of the pastors confessed that most times they read Scriptures already with perceived idea, hence forcing the Bible to say what they want. In my view this course is very crucial to pastors.

November 12, 2015
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Here, finally, is part one of my report from my trip to Uganda and Rwanda which concluded 2 1/2 weeks ago. Part two will be posted tomorrow. The following was emailed from Uganda:

I have just finished a productive time here in Uganda. I now leave for Rwanda for a week. Here are some highlights:

I had a good meeting with the registrar of the Kampala Evangelical School of Theology (KEST). I will be teaching our course on Biblical Interpretation at KEST the week of February 8. We then talked of my teaching Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials and Biblical Marriage & Parenting at later dates. Plans are proceeding for entering into some form of formal relationship between ECLEA and KEST.

Mukono: 1 Timothy TOT and Biblical Stewardship
ECLEA's Kenya national coordinator, Ernest Mwilitsa, joined me for a TOT to selected participants who had taken our 1 Timothy course last August and then for teaching Biblical Stewardship to a larger group.

1 Timothy was held with approximately 14 participants who attended the course in Mukono two months ago and also included Medard Arinaitwe who hosted me in Mutungo two months ago. It was a very profitable refresher session and included a lot of good discussion. This came at the right time as Bishop Sempala is planning on taking a small group of teachers in November into the area outside of Mukono to lead a 1 Timothy conference for church leaders who have never had this course and who have few opportunities for good, practical theological education.

Biblical Stewardship was held with approximately 20 participants including a number of influential Pentecostal bishops. As is often the case, much of the material was new, challenging, and identified key areas where the churches need to fulfill their mandate to apply Christianity in all areas of life. I was very gratified to learn that after we talked about stewardship of the body (including eating a better diet), one of the pastors reported the next day that he went to the market that night and bought a large quantity of greens. But he did more: he began clearing an area in his garden for planting vegetables so that he could defeat "the god of carbohydrates!" Praise the Lord!

ECLEA-Uganda (and Rwanda): on the move!
I believe we have at last found committed leaders to move ECLEA forward in Uganda and, unexpectedly, in Rwanda. Bishop Stephen Sempala who hosted me in Mukono has proven himself a good organizer, trustworthy, very sharp, and keen to train and equip other leaders. He already has plans for November and December. To complement him, pastor Francis Ngoboka, a Ugandan originally from Rwanda, who also teaches in a Bible College, has multiple contacts in Rwanda and frequently goes there, is ready, enthusiastically willing, and able to work with Bishop Sempala in both Uganda and Rwanda. I thank God for these good men and think that the future now looks bright for ECLEA in both countries!

I will plan on reporting back after I return home. Thank you for your prayer and financial support. Both are vital and both are appreciated very much. God bless you, Jonathan

November 14, 2015
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Part two of report from Uganda-Rwanda trip: Following my time in Uganda, I spent a week in Rwanda hosted by Bishop James Mulisa of Kigali. Here are some highlights:

Biblical Interpretation
We did two Biblical Interpretation conferences in the Kigali area. In Kigali proper we had approximately 24 participants at the Bishop's church; in the Kinyinya area of greater Kigali we had approximately 30 participants.

These conferences went well, although the second afternoon of the first conference was largely "rained out" (the noise of the heavy rain on the iron sheet roof was so loud that no one could hear). At both conferences there were several very intense discussions. Small groups and the classes as a whole wrestled with multiple passages. Key concepts included reading in context (both literary and cultural), being aware of our own "framework" that we bring to a text, and attention to genre (e.g., seeing that Proverbs are not laws, absolute promises, or guarantees). Much was challenging, but these men and women have such important roles to play that this course will prompt them to be more faithful to what God is actually saying to us in the Bible.

Preparing for the future
Unfortunately, because of language (most Rwandans are not fluent in English, and the Biblical Interpretation book is not yet available in Kinyarwanda), less that one quarter of the participants were able to purchase the book. However, Bishop Mulisa and his team will be translating it into Kinyarwanda (the national language).

The bishop also identified a number of very sharp people at both conferences who I plan on working with in the future and who can be part of the core of ECLEA-trained teachers in Rwanda (such as we have and are developing in the other East African countries). These conferences also enabled me to tweak my format in preparation for teaching Biblical Interpretation at the Kampala Evangelical School of Theology in February.

A postcript from Uganda
While I was in Rwanda I received an email from Bishop Sempala, my host in Mukono, Uganda. He not only outlined his plans for doing ECLEA trainings in November and December but added, "I keep hearing leaders who were in our meetings that they have started to eat vegetables and are planning to grow them. They found this to be right for them and their families. I'll be posting their testimonies to you as they come in."

I will now be home until the last part of January, the longest home stay I have had in over eight years. My oldest son was married on october 31 to a wonderful young lady, and I have a number of ECLEA-related projects I will be working on.

With the year-end approaching, please consider making a special year-end tax deductible donation to ECLEA. The website ( provides different ways to give online, or you can send a check either directly to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914 or to me at 714 S. Summit St., Appleton, WI 54914 and I will get it to Brenda, ECLEA's bookkeeper.

Thank you for your prayer and ongoing support. This vital work could not happen without you. Attached are some photos from this trip. I hope to see a number of you while I am home. God bless you, Jonathan

November 17, 2015
Obed Magoko, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Expository Preaching in Garissa, Kenya
I should say this with all boldness that my just concluded teaching on Expository Preaching has been the most satisfying. I left Garissa with a feeling that I have done the right thing in the kingdom.

Listen to this: I asked the present pastors how many of you prepare a sermon for your Sunday service and in an attendance of 27 only 2 have been doing it. The reason given by the majority was that “the Holy Spirit Will give us what say” (quoting Mark 13:11). Your notes address this issue.

I was able to see the reason why our churches are said to be "a mile Wide and only an inch deep." I mean if in my class 25 don't bother to prepare how then shall our churches grow and change and be more like Jesus?.

I like what one lady said, "My husband has preached for over 7 years and he does not prepare sermons as I have learned. From today and every Saturday I will be asking him before going to bed what tomorrow's sermon will be about. If he has none, then I will make sure he goes to the study. And in return will make sure he is dressed like a preacher before he leaves the house for I have learned the importance of appearance.”

In my opinion, if these pastors change as they promised me, then the church will have roots and be able to withstand the End time challenges.

1 Timothy in Kisimani, Kenya
Later I did 1 Timothy in Kisimani. I started on very low key with 12 pastors and 3 elders. The reason was that they had received the wrong information that I was coming to teach against what most do, Prosperity Gospel. I was able to go through the manual and by the 3rd day the number had risen to 32 among them 23 pastors.

The question of a church leader being in polygamy came up. The point was addressed according to the manual and the Bible.

Jonathan I really appreciate what you are doing to change the way church is done through your manuals and financial support without which these dear ones could continue doing it their way and by so doing make the church in effective.

Pastor Obed, ECLEA-Kenya, North Eastern Region Coordinator

November 28, 2015
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here is the report for the three stations we had been doing this November.

We had 36 participants of which 24 were senior pastors; 16 local churches and 12 denominations were represented.

There we had taught 1 TIMOTHY in the first day people were shocked at the end of end the last session when they said knew about the book Timothy in the Bible and we have teaching people things which are not true. We told them don’t point the finger to the Anointed of God, but to false teachers or prosperity gospel preachers. But just today we discovered what is the true gospel is. On the third day they promised to put it in practice by teaching in their congregations; then we gave evaluations for which I have to make the follow up soon.

We had 28 participants of which 21 were senior pastors; 13 local churches and 9 denominations were represented.

Also there we taught 1 TIMOTHY. There participants were so excited about the way the course had been very deeply explained and very applicable. Four bishops and five overseers promised that they will apply it by teaching their church leaders. They asked us to go back earlier to teach Biblical Stewardship.

We had 34participants of which 22 were senior pastors; 13 local churches and 10 denominations were represented.

This is very remote area, very dry, and lacking water, but the pastors are leading big congregations without any formal Bible knowledge. We taught 1 TIMOTHY and at the last day they said we have been attending many conferences and seminars but never heard the teaching like this, which all flowed from one book of the Bible. They asked us to go back soon.

November 30, 2015
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator

Frederic Harerimana

Report of the mission held in Muzye, Burundi from 16th to 20th November
From November 16-20, 2015 a five day pastors’ training on Biblical Stewardship took place in Muzye. This was the fourth training with those leaders. In spite of the unstable socio political security situation in this country, we praise the Lord that we were able to continue with this noble task we have started to train those needy and hungry pastors in the bush who are willing and committed to learn. We praise God for your prayers and your continuous support. We continued with the second part of stewardship.

The trainers
The training team was made by Rema staff and 3 interns from Light University of Burundi who are finishing their bachelor in theology. Before we embarked on the training with them, we took enough time (eight days) to train them, so that they can be acquainted with the training material. They helped in delivering the teachings as well as coaching the participants. This exercise was an opening eye for them and an experience to them as they are being prepared to stand in front of congregations and teach. The experience was different from what they have been undergoing as far as learning material is concerned. One of their comments was that the materials they had in their hands were different from what they are taught daily. They appreciated the fact that the material is a down to earth material, a practical one and seeks to address the character rather than the intellect. They lament that in most cases they are indoctrinated in their theological studies, especially when it comes to addressing the issues of their different denominations.

20 trainees attended the training among which 3 students who were absent during the last training due to various genuine reasons, were able to attend this time. One of our students was sent by his diocese to do theology in a college! Those who went into exile in Tanzania have not come back yet. 
We praise the Lord because of our group of trainees; unanimously the testified: “We have invited you to train us, we are committed to this learning, It is different and unique from those other workshops we have been attending in the past, we want to acquire knowledge, we do not want to remain the same, we want to be transformed in order for us to be able to transform our local communities. Keep in your mind that we are not university students; we wish to learn step by step, understand the teachings and practice what we have understood, then we will be able to transmit the message to our congregant.”

Stewardship topic is very important and foundational for church leaders. It has a strong basis on leadership and discipleship, which our pastors need in their daily activities and lives as leaders. In order to enrich the understanding of this subject, we had group discussion sessions whereby participants were able to share deeply and learn from one another. Be they trainees and facilitators, we found that this was very important as this is an adult learning.

The trainees were given an opportunity to overview and compare the difference between the OT and the NT. To their discovery, they realized that one and the only one law that the church of today in Burundi want to transfer from the OT to the NT is the law of tithe and misquote Malachi 3:10 and apply it out of context. Asked to how to change that, they said that it is very hard to change it as it is already ingrained in the minds of people and in the practices and traditions of the churches. However, they realized that if they were to teach their congregants to love God with all their hearts, spirit and mind and soul, as well as giving themselves first to the Lord and committing themselves to serving him, as Jesus gave himself wholeheartedly, they would gain much more in terms of giving and offerings rather than manipulating people into giving tithes.

We give thanks to our Almighty God who gave us this opportunity to go and continue the teachings. This training happened in a critical situation of insecurity in Burundi precisely in Bujumbura. Due to that, some roads going to Rutana were not passable. We had to use another safer road. Because of roads insecurity in some places, we used another road which gave us an extra/excess of 40 km.  God protected us, protected our students and we had a wonderful time with them.

We regret however the fact that during this training, one of the key leaders who was also going through the training, lost his closest family member. This disturbed the training for some hours, because the funeral service and the burial took place the same day. However, after this sad incident, we continued with our program of training. Paul instructed Timothy to work in season and out of season.

Our Comments
There are considerable development and progress that was reported during this fourth training with this group. Participants are beginning to understand the learning process, how to take time to read their materials, and are beginning to grasp how good and unique this course is. They did not waste any time joking. They are getting on. How they worked in group discussions and their response during the training is a tangible proof of the seriousness they invest in the training.  Good enough is the results they got after we have given them a test. It is so much encouraging.

The future plan
This training is scheduled to continue next year February 2016. We are planning to have another similar group of students in the same vicinity. The innovation will be that with one stone we will be killing two birds, that is while some members of Rema staff will be ministering in one place, others will be in the other place doing the same training. This is done to increase productivity and to reduce the cost as Rema staff will be travelling in the same car.

As already mentioned, there are few participants who are neither able to read or write well Kirundi our vernacular language in which we deliver the teaching. This becomes difficult to assess them or make sure that they understand what is within the book. Although they are learning slowly, we are doing our best to get them trained. We will teach them to an extent that they will be able to narrate what they have learned. Traditionally Burundi people are culturally and traditionally oral, and we shall give them an oral test/examination.


December 5, 2015
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

2015 has been a productive year for ECLEA. In addition to  training church leaders in East Africa, we broke new ground in different areas which, God willing, will yield significant results in the future.

Jonathan's work in East Africa
I made five trips to East Africa in 2015. I am typically in country about three weeks then home for six or so weeks where I spend most of my time researching and writing ECLEA-related materials.
     * This year I did 23 training events. I have found that the impact of what we do is greater by interacting with smaller groups rather than doing large conferences; there are fewer distractions, and the time for discussion and Q&A is maximized.
     * The courses I led were as follows: 1 Timothy--8; Biblical Theology--5; Biblical Interpretation--3; Biblical Stewardship--3; Expository Preaching--2; Forgiveness & Reconciliation--2. There were a total of over 420 participants.

All-African trainings
ECLEA's name accurately sets forth our mission and purpose: we equip church leaders in East Africa. We equip them with good teaching and good written materials for a purpose: so that they can equip others. That is what Paul tells us we should be doing in 2 Tim 2:2 (cf. Eph 2:8-10).

Consequently, the heart of ECLEA's mission is the faithful men and women with whom we have established relationships and have taught. They reach church leaders in places I can never go; and they do it effectively, because they speak the languages and know the culture and conditions of the people far better than I ever can.

According to my records, in 2015, ECLEA's East African pastor-teachers led the following all-African ECLEA trainings (in fact, some of these are ongoing this month):
     * Kenya: 1 Timothy--33; Biblical Stewardship--33; Forgiveness & Reconciliation--16; Biblical Marriage & Parenting--12; Biblical Theology--5; Expository Preaching--5; Biblical Interpretation--3: Total--107.
     * Tanzania: Biblical Stewardship--26; 1 Timothy--14; Expository Preaching--3; Biblical Interpretation--2; Biblical Marriage & Parenting--2: Total--47.
     * Uganda: 1 Timothy--4; Biblical Stewardship--1; Expository Preaching--1; Biblical Marriage & Parenting--1: Total 7.
     * Burundi: 1 Timothy--3; Biblical Stewardship--1; Forgiveness & Reconciliation--1: Total 5.
     * Rwanda: 1 Timothy--3.
To read about the work that I and the ECLEA-East Africa team are doing as well as see pictures from many of the events, please visit the "News" page of the ECLEA website:

New developments
In addition to the above work, there have been some important new developments in several areas:

     * ECLEA in SOUTH SUDAN! ECLEA-Kenya teachers went to South Sudan in June, September, and are there again now. In South Sudan they taught 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship four times apiece in different cities and towns to a total of almost 200 participants. Additionally, ECLEA-Tanzania teachers returned to Democratic Republic of Congo where they taught 1 Timothy, Biblical Stewardship, and Biblical Marriage & Parenting to over 230 participants.

     * ECLEA began working to establish formal relationships with recognized theological schools in East Africa whereby our material could become part of their curricula. To that end, I met with the Principals and Registrars of Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College (NPBC) and Kampala Evangelical School of Theology (KEST). Both schools are impressed by our material. KEST has invited me to teach our course on Biblical Interpretation at its main campus the week of February 8.

     * New books and translations. In early October I completed work on Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials. 2015 also saw the translation of Biblical Theology into Kiswahili. I am now in the final stages of re-formatting my book, Biblical Eschatology, into the ECLEA format. These and all of our written materials are available on the "ECLEA Courses" page of the ECLEA website:

Other happenings
     * Uganda & Rwanda: We have now gotten some good people to spearhead the work of the ministry in Uganda and Rwanda. Things had been in a low state in those two countries since my leaving EPI 2+ years ago, but now the future looks bright!

     * ECLEA presentations: I gave presentations about ECLEA at two churches this year. One of them (audio and written, with photos) is available at the end of the "ECLEA Mission" section on the "About ECLEA" page of the website:

Wherever ECLEA teachers go, the participants report that we are making a big difference. Here is a small sampling of the comments from East African church leaders who attended ECLEA training sessions in 2015:

     * Kisongo, TZ: The host bishop said, "I attended different bible colleges here in TZ and Kenya and never heard this kind of teaching on biblical stewardship taught in this way. Now I've got the true teaching on what the Bible says about stewardship. This is the very teaching which the church needs as God's representative on the earth as His ambassadors."

     * Muzye, BU: "After the few things we have learned as we started this training, we have become conscious that we have been preaching and trying to teach only mistakes due to our ignorance. God forgive us. But as from now, we want to be well equipped."

     * Karurina, KE: "A lady shared with us how one day she was in hospital, bedridden, and how her in-laws ill-talked her, calling her a witch at a time when she really needed their support; it was so painful for her. But when she remembered what she learned on Forgiveness & Reconciliation she was able to forgive them and harbor no grudges against them."

     * Kiserian, TZ: Three of attending bishops said, “ECLEA is a messenger to the church today from God. Our experience of big numbers of members could be nothing without this teaching which changed our view and our church perspectives. We need you more than you think.”

Looking forward
Translations are ongoing, scores of all-African training sessions will be scheduled for 2016, and I will be returning to East Africa beginning the last week of January. Here's what you can do to make a difference:

     * We value your prayers and financial support. We are sticking to our plan for reducing our share of conference and TOT expenses; nevertheless, ECLEA's work and impact are expanding. Thus, your financial support is vital. Donations are tax-deductible, and 100% of your tax-deductible donations goes to the work of the ministry; nothing is raked off for personal support.

     * Giving opportunities: Giving can be done online through the website (; or automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank; or checks, payable to ECLEA, can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914. Please consider becoming a regular financial supporter of ECLEA.

     * To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA's secretary and bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is

     * We value your input and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me with any input and suggestions you may have. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. God bless you, and may you have a wonderful Christmas. Without you we could not do what we are doing.

Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

December 6, 2015
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Yesterday we wound up our 2 conferences on Biblical Theology at Gatunduri and Karurina successfully.
The BT course is a bit difficult for starters, but all the participants really appreciated the importance of the course. We had a wonderful time together as we journeyed through the unfolding story of the Bible from the beginning in Genesis to the end (Revelation), highlighting the great landmarks of the journey, and not allowing ourselves to deviate along the way, even as we saw Jesus Christ enthroned, and that everything revolves around Him. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit backs the Bible when we teach it the way He has intended.

Delegates at Karurina were better in grasping the teachings, the reason being that we had done the Expository Preaching course in that place before.
These courses are doing in the lives of recipients more than I myself imagined. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless the work and the efforts involved in this great burden He has laid upon you. Otherwise, much appreciation for the great motivation you have been to us, and the great support you have given us. In terms of doctrine, finances, or otherwise, may God bless you with more. I also take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a very prosperous 2016.

Take care, Robert

December 15, 2015
Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda coordinator

I would like to apologize for delay in report. Two challenges befell me: (1) I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of need for training and composing what kind of report to make; and (2) I got sick when I came back but am now healed.

We did 1 Timothy conferences in Butare and Nyagatare during the last half of November.

In Butare, four prominent denominations were represented and training was for three full days, 1 Timothy book was well done as evidenced by the scope of participation and later on positive remarks by all the members present one by one. Attendance was 19-22 persons per day. The request was that we should not delay but get on the second book as quickly as possible, which we scheduled for Jan 11-13, 2016. People are excited by the fact that the next book, Biblical Stewardship, is in Kinyarwanda.

In Nyagatare, five denominations were represented and attendance was 21 members each day for three days. Pastors and some Elders present were amazed at something that sounded new material yet many thought they had studied it before. The end of the seminar was characterized by excited confessions of THIS IS THE WAY TO GO, meaning teaching and a similar demand of making sure we get to the next book quickly. We chose Jan 14-16, 2016.

God bless you and may you have a wonderful Christmas. Francis Ngoboka

December 16, 2015
Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda coordinator

Greetings in His Name; trusting that all is well. Here are the updates both for Uganda and Rwanda. As l am writing this I am away in Kampala meeting leaders from eastern, western,  northern and central—in number they are 18 senior leaders. I am talking to them concerning ECLEA. Hopefully next year we are going to have meetings across the country. For this reason please allow me to give you brief updates of what has transpired in the last 1 or 2 months.

Starting with Buvuma Island, we did the training with Apostle Ernest and we had 23 leaders including a Bishop still from the East. We used ferry one day going and one coming back. Leaders were moved by such teachings; they said that they found a treasure.

When we got to Rwanda, Pastor Francis went ahead of me and he really did the work. I found him there and I left him there still mobilizing members for other trainings ahead.

The next meeting is going to be in Jinja in the week of Christmas. We have been changing our program because of the political atmosphere. Our hosting leaders at times changed the days as we have been having nominations for our political leaders in the areas where these meetings are.

Yours as ever, Stephen

December 17, 2015
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 7th-9th Dec. 2015 we took the Biblical Stewardship course to Igembe. 11denominations were represented; the total number of participants was 31. Many pastors on the first day thought that we will talk about prosperity. When we continued with the stewardship of our bodies, for example how one ought to brush his teeth and also the tongue, great was the laughter in the house because someone in the room said that he washes his mouth once a week, i.e., Saturday only. All the other days of the week he is busy picking mirraa (khat).

What amazed me is when he told us that he owns a mirraa plantation, and since he pays a big tithe to the Church from mirraa sales, his Pastor elevated him to the rank of a deacon. Also, one of the Pastors present left the seminar before time because he has three mirraa plantations. He said that if we preached any other gospel he would tolerate, but condemning mirraa to him was an abomination.

One of the area subchiefs recommended us because of the stewardship course we taught the other time. He testified and said that his area has changed because mosquito breeding sites have changed into sukumawiki (kale) gardens. These are putting our teachings into practice!

On 10th-12th Dec. 2015 I took 1st Timothy course to Maua town. 33 Pastors and leaders attended our seminar; 7 denominations were represented. I felt moved and touched by the testimonies of 2 Pastors. When we taught chapter 3 about the qualifications of the church elders and deacons one Pastor started to shed tears. When I asked him why he was shedding tears he was unable to talk but the following day he requested us to pray for him since he had betrothed a certain lady and had sex with her once. His first wife was unaware of that demonic affair. We prayed for him but we will take him through the process of healing because he is a wounded soldier.

The other Pastor said that he was not above reproach since before he was ordained as a Pastor he had 3 children out of wedlock. He said that he will step down let another Pastor lead the Church. The two said that they have never read nor understood 1st Timothy the way we presented it to them.

Finally may the almighty God bless you because of the far you have brought us. I must admit that your teachings and the ECLEA courses have not only changed me but the whole region of upper eastern and the whole East Africa.

The Pastors told me to do reconciliation and forgiveness at the end of this year but I told them that I will be in South Sudan from 14th-23rd Dec 2015. We agreed that we will do it and Marriage & Parenting early January 2016.

Have a blessed Christmas together with your family and a blessed year 2016. We love you. I am leaving today (Dec. 15) for South Sudan.

Regards, Bsp. Barnabas

December 21, 2015
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator

Report of the mission (Biblical Stewardship) held in Cankuzo from 7th to 11th December 2015

A five day pastors training took place in Cankuzo from Dec. 7th -11th, 2015. This was the first training we held in Cankuzo. We praise the Lord that we were able to do this training, in spite of the socio security wrangles and upheaval in Burundi. The security in Cankuzo was good, the reason why many pastors were able to travel long distances from their communes and came at Cankuzo center. There were some participants who came from Ruyigi province, which is bordering to Cankuzo. We are thankful to the Lord for this noble task we have started to build the capacity of those needy and hungry pastors in the bush who are willing and committed to learning. We greatly thank you for your prayers and your continuous support. Had not been your support we would not have been able to hold this workshop.

In order to help these trainees to learn and understand well, due to their low (if any) education level, we divided the stewardship course in two parts. This time we taught the first part of it and in March or at the end of February, we will teach the second part. It is encouraging to see how these hungry pastors are following keenly these teachings. They are taking it not for granted but as an open opportunity that God has given unto them; and this is an answer to their unceasing prayers; having discovered that they need to increase their capacities and abilities in order to be effective in their respective ministries, churches and preaching.  

The trainers
The trainer team was made of Rema staff and 3 interns from Light University of Burundi who are finishing their bachelor in theology. This was done as we did at Muzye last training. These interns are finishing their internship with us within two weeks. But we hope that they shall come to attend the TOT when you come to train us.
33 trainees attended the training. They came from 3 main church denominations: United Methodist Church of Burundi, Elimu Pentecost Church and Full Gospel Church of Burundi. We were blessed by their passion and zeal to learn.


Superintendent: You are saving our church. Due to the situation of turmoil and hardships that the country has undergone in the past, so many people run away and went to Tanzania, others became IDPs (internally displaced people in their own country). During the time of Bagaza leadership, so many missionaries who were sponsoring seminaries and who were heads of Bible schools were ordered to pack and go back to their countries of origin. As a result, many churches were not able to send their pastors to Bible colleges who were outside Burundi. Moreover, during the mass killing of 1972 in Burundi, most educated people from “the wrong tribe” who were heading bible schools were massacred. This challenge went on until today; we are still picking up bits. Hence, this school has come as a rescue. We have been ordaining pastors who have no clue of what the Bible is all about and as a result, everybody gives out what he has. This cannot take our churches to a level of growth and understanding, and this is the reason why it is said that Christianity in Africa is one inch deep but a mile large. The world is becoming an island and technology is making inroads even in the churches. Pastors are called to minister to people who are much more enlightened than them, and as a result, they do not allow any literate person to lead on fear that they would take over from them and usurp their leadership. For these kinds of teachings, we give glory to God.

Responses from the trainees

Rev. NDIHOKUBWAYO FELIX (52 Years old): Please train more young generation who will replace us in the future. I thank Rema Ministries for organizing this training. It has opened my horizons in regards to my personal development as a pastor, development of my family and also my parish. For us who are here, we are becoming old. Therefore we ask that the same training to be planned and organized to our young people who desire to become future pastors. For example: evangelists, catechists and our young generation who are willing to be the servant of God in his Vineyard, and serving well our churches. We wish to be replaced by pastors who have a good knowledge in the Bible and rooted in the Bible.

Rev. MACONDO Philippe (53 years old):  My time has come. As I was following these teachings, I can affirm that they came for me at the right time. This is a great miracle from God he has offered me. I will follow it up to my graduation. My prayer is that this training may continue to equip the servants of God especially those like me who did not get the grace and opportunity to go to theological training. But I thank the Lord that this is my chance.

Pastor NIBOGORA Desire (37 years old): This training came as a revelation that I am only a manager of what the Lord has entrusted with for we all were born naked. Naked, we will go back to the earth we were formed from. I praise the Lord for what I have benefited from this first training. It is very interesting to see and understand what the Lord entrusted us with. I was so challenged to know that I am only managing all what God has created, all what I have, including my body and my time. I have understood that my responsibility is to be a good steward who will give an account to God and my community as a leader. Meanwhile, I pledge to put into practice what I have learned from this training. I cannot wait to attend the second part of this training on stewardship.

Our Comments
As we said in our last report  on Muzye 4th training, Stewardship topic is very important for church leaders; it  has a strong basis on leadership and discipleship which our pastors need in their daily activities and lives as leaders. Stewardship is a transforming topic.  Participants followed with lots of interests the training. We were so much encouraged.

Plan for the future
As said earlier from now on we will be alternating Rutana and Cankuzo.  Hence, the second training at Cankuzo will take place next year in the beginning of March of 2016.

December 28, 2015
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

This is a short report from among the 8 stations we have been doing ECLEA'S training.

This area we had 42 participants where by four Bishop attended with their fellow workers who leads a big numbers of church members. Here we taught 1 TIMOTHY. Then they gave testimonies and said, “We are very astonished that we have been looking at the way we can face this big challenge ahead of us of these false teachers and false prophets without any good answers. But today ECLEA'S team brought us a very clear answer and enlightened us on how to defend the Church with the true gospel. We are going to teach to our church members everything we learned in this conference. We are pleaseed you welcome again to help us for more training.”

Here we had 36 participants there we taught 1 TIMOTHY and where the host bishop led in showing the big interest by saying, “I never heard this kind of teaching taught in this way for my thirty years of my ministry, i.e., having learn one book of the Bible--and the person I knew for so many years became a great teacher to wonderful and very helpful teaching” (by that he meant me).

Four overseers said, “We are healed from the sickness of prosperity because all of us were about to turn and act like them so we could prosper through the false gospel. So we would like to invite you to come and teach our church members because they will listen to than us thinking that we are jealous to those false prophets.”

We drove about 36 km from then we reached the area where we meet 32 local pastors including 12 elders and deacons, so we had a total of 44 participants where we taught 1 TIMOTHY. They showed a big interest in learning ECLEA'S course and they showed up on time. They did a lot interactions with questions in the middle of teaching. I had to respond by answers them in short so we might be able to proceed, and it took us to end up at five o'clock in the third day.

The big testimonies among of the six overseers said, “The teaching is the deliverance to us because we could end up in hell as were copying the false preachers while thinking they had a new revelation. ECLEA'S teaching helped to see the true gospel which the apostles of the earlier church preached without looking any self-prosperity but the kingdom perspective.” They said, ”We are going to teach this to our church members so they be delivered like us.”


December 29, 2015
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


On 15th-23rd Dec. 2015 we have been in S. Sudan doing Biblical Stewardship course and 1st Timothy. The brothers and sisters in Sudan are appreciating what we are doing in their war torn country. Of the group that we started training from the first ECLEA mission to S. Sudan only one person who failed to attend but all the others attended.

We experienced a number of difficult things:
     1.Hyper-inflation is taking place at a higher rate, hence affecting the exchange rates now and then; for example, in the month of September this year we paid S. Sudan visa kshs 4800 but this time round we paid Kshs 9800.
     2. Due to inflation they have also increased bus fare almost twice the price.
     3. Food in the hotels is also expensive due to their weak currency and unstable economy.

But above all we are encouraged by the testimonies we receive from the Pastors and Church leaders every time we visit them. Our Churches supported us and we were able to meet the full cost of our budget. We also informed the S. Sudan people that when their economy will be stable they will also give hand.

I did stewardship course at Shirkat with 11 Pastors and 15 Church leaders. When I was teaching them on stewardship of time, and when we arrived to the time management matrix, many of them said that they have been concentrating with quadrant three (i.e., matters that are “urgent but NOT important”) as their next priority after dealing with quadrant one (i.e., matters that are both urgent and important) which is very wrong. We all agreed that the key to effective time management is to maximize our time in quadrant two activities (i.e., matters that are “important but NOT urgent”) so as to minimize the crises, pressing problems, and deadline-driven projects. We also held the TOT in Shirkat and we brought the guys together. We taught the Church stewardship and stewardship of relationships among others. Many said that they have never had such teachings since they were born.

We bless God because in S. Sudan there are very few prosperity preachers and in fact they are not the citizens of S. Sudan but from abroad and Nigeria. The ground is very  ripe for true doctrine. No other effective teaching ministry apart from ECLEA is changing the mindset of church leaders in this Country.
May God also bless all the ECLEA supporters because without your facilitation I don’t know where we could be since we were deceived by the prosperity and man-made gospel.

December 30, 2015
Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

SOUTH SUDAN (part 2)

Our trip to South Sudan was good apart from small hiccups here and there which we expected. I had to travel earlier (7th Dec.) than my two brothers (Robert Mwago and Barnabas Mpekethi) since I had a burial of a close relative to attend on 16th after which I was to host KMTC Embu students for mission the following day. My trip was okay apart from an impassable road due heavy rains especially on our way to Nimre the Sudan border.

We were also shocked when we finished our meetings to rumors of an explosion and at first we thought they have started fighting again, but we later learnt that the explosion was from Northern Sudan. We also had a problem in the border where they are no longer accepting any other currency than US dollars. That frequent changing of currency did not favor our visa budgets which came to almost twice what we paid last time. Their pound is declining dramatically and this is why we need a small amount above our budgets to cater for these unpredictable occurrences in this country.

We did a very successful Stewardship Conference which took off on 10th-2th. We had 19 pastors the first day but the number increased to 27 Pastors and leaders. We had a very spirited debate which did not happen until the second day because they first thought it was a lecture, but I took time to explain to them the way we teach in ECLEA.

Most of the places in South Sudan do not have toilets and as I taught the stewardship of environment the pastors saw the need of teaching their members and actually digging toilets. The only challenge to me was when a discussion came about the Muslims who go to the toilet with water instead of tissue paper. I allowed them to discuss since I didn’t know between us who had that culture. I didn’t take any position so as not to offend my brothers and sisters though I thought it’s hygienically not good.

Stewardship of time is not only a Kenyan problem but also a big issue in Sudan. I took time to explain the time management chart and as always people think they should spend much of their time solving crises. On behalf of myself and the Sudanese pastors, I thank you for the facilitation; may God continue using ECLEA to change the lives and ministries in East Africa.

Enjoy a wonderful and prosperous 2016. Thomas (ECLEA Missioner to South Sudan)

December 31, 2015
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

South Sudan (part 3)

Mine is to bring you highlights as pertains the South Sudan Mission.

First the challenges:
     1. The Journey by bus was quite long and tedious, and the buses there travel at an abnormally high speed; but on the other hand we were able to seriously connect with our Maker along the journey as we really needed Him desperately, all the time clutching the seat of the bus until we arrived. Lots of wind from the speeding  and battered busses caused us to wear three jackets. It was a health-hazard journey.

     2. The scorching South Sudan sun was able to tan our skins and for the first time I understood why people from the area have a darker skin than I.

     3. The bus-fare was hiked because of the festive season. 

     4. I was personally harassed at Nimre boarder by the South Sudanese immigration officials concerning my passport but they released me after a protracted tussle. They needed a bribe but when they realized I was a pastor they let me go. So much for that.

The conference was amazing: 
The Sudanese people are so hungry for the word of God that I felt so encouraged by it until I forgot all the challenges. I did Biblical Stewardship at Jebel and then we did a TOT on First Timothy at Sherikat with Barnabas. At Jebel I emphasized so much on Stewardship of Relationships as these people really need to know how to live with one another, and did they love it! The word of God is powerful to change this dear people to become wonderful men of God.

Thank you for supporting this work. I realized as I was teaching them that God has a greater purpose with them than I had imagined. I am ready to face all challenges to be with them in the future as God may allow.


2016 News Archive

January 2, 2016
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator

Why ECLEA is so valuable: A Report from a Burundian Pastor
Frederic Harerimana writes: "In our endeavor to build the capacities and equip church leaders, pastors and fulfill our call, vision, and mission, Rema Ministries embarked on training pastors/leaders in various subjects and courses developed by Jonathan Menn in his bid to reach out to East African Community through ECLEA: Equipping Church Leaders in East Africa. As ECLEA could not do it alone, it partnered with Rema Ministries which was already working on equipping church leaders. This is an excerpt of one participant to the 3 trainings we have already concluded in Rutana, Muzye training centre. This pastor hardly writes, one has to decipher what he writes with so many grammatical mistakes but can read the Kirundi language and especially the Bible. This is a text written by him in Kirundi but translated by Frederic into English."

Report of Pastor Nkengurutse Emmanuel of the Anglican Church

There are so far 3 courses we have undergone. Those are Forgiveness & Reconciliation; 1 Timothy; and Biblical Stewardship. These courses did help me a lot. Indeed, I did understand what I was not aware of. In these courses, I realized that we had been intoxicated, and indoctrinated by cultures, traditions, and malpractices. Upon reading and taking part in these courses, it led and incited me to review my thinking, my approach, and to question everything we have been given or taught, using Bible lenses and review the way I used to think, teach and approach any subject whenever I know that I will minister and stand in front of the congregation.

1. The course of Forgiveness & Reconciliation
Before we embarked on that course, I did not understand what forgiveness is all about. I just used to recite it but putting it into practice was different matter altogether. I used to think that reconciliation and forgiveness means to forget the evil somebody has done to you. However, after your course, I realized that forgiveness does not necessarily mean to forget rather it means to let go the anger, and evil thoughts as well as revenge the victim would be harboring against the one who did wrong to him. The innovative thing I got is that I did not know that someone can forgive himself/herself. This was new to me. I read it on page 20 in the book translated in Kirundi.

I understood and discovered that there are five steps one has to undergo in order to forgive.
     1. To stick onto forgiveness
     2. To make a decision of forgiving others in front of people
     3. To give the gift of forgiveness to others.
     4. To suffer with the culprit
     5. To remember what happened.

What forgiveness does not mean: Forgiveness does not mean to call evil good, or to cover up evil, evil is evil.
What does forgiveness require? It requires the strength of the character, etc, I even today refer to it whenever I remember something that went wrong with somebody. Now, I am currently reading about the 13 steps we find on the pages 39 to 42 in the translated book in Kirundi.

2. The course based on the book of 1 Timothy
This course based on 1 Timothy did help me a lot. It did help me to prepare sermons and deliver them to people. I realized that based on 1 Timothy one can preach a living message, not verbally but practically. The message you preach should not be based on what you heard from somebody else or from somewhere else. I continue to read this course and whenever I do, I continue to discover new insights hidden in that course. I realized that this book summarizes everything we should be doing. The goal of our undertaking should be based on love. I noticed that the call is so important in everything we should embark on.

3. The course based on Biblical Stewardship
Due to what we had been taught I misunderstood a steward for a senior pastor. I did not know what a steward is and hence stewardship. I thought that a steward is somebody like a senior pastor, a bishop or a deputy pastor in those big churches. Now, I understood that a steward is somebody who has been entrusted with something that belongs to somebody else, to manage it, to control and rule over it. I understood that in this stewardship, one will have to give an account of how he/she will have used/ managed what has been entrusted to him. I understood in a new way what a talent is and how we will give an account to God with regard the talents he has entrusted us with.

On top of this, there is more important I understood and discovered: the stewardship of time. I understand that to lose time is to lose life, and to lose time is to lose money, to lose development, etc.

I discovered and understood six things we should care for with regard to the stewardship of oneself: these are: stewardship of the mind, stewardship of what we see, stewardship of the relationships, stewardship of the spirit, stewardship of the feelings, and stewardship of the body. I understood and learned about how to protect the arable land and the environment. From this, I planted 150 trees, planted fruit trees that will not only provide shade but also be a source of foods as well, and from one stone I killed two birds. One of the most important things I learned is to fight against wild fire which not only destroys the fauna but also the flora. 

January 5, 2016
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

This is a short report from among of 8 stations we have been doing ECLEA'S training (for the first part of this report, see our report of December 28).

This place is 168km from Arusha. We had 33 participants and we taught 1 TIMOTHY. As a remote area, not one of the people had attended any Bible school; they just had been attending seminars only.

Two overseers said, “This seminar has been like a Bible school to us especially as we learn one book of the Bible and received our attendance certificates. This is a miracle to us. Please, we are asking ECLEA team to open a class here for us. It will be helpful to us because many of us we are not able to go to a Bible school.”

Here we taught Marriage & Parenting together with George Kariuki and his wife, Lucy (ECLEA teachers from Kenya). We had 37 participants. Although our dates were interrupted by four people who died on the very date we were supposed to start our seminar and one of the them is the assistant bishop of International Evangelism Church and we were supposed to use one their Church building but finally we were succeeded to be there.

One the bishop said, “I have been attending and teaching about marriage but never heard like this one where the teaching touches very different areas of lives in depth. Our cultures and tribalism has been big in living a Christian marriage but ECLEA'S teaching is the key to a Christian marriage. This teaching is a need for the church today, especially church leaders so they may lead as examples.”

Here we had 41 participants. We taught Marriage & Parenting and this people showed a big interest. Husbands and their wives were attending frequently without missing a class. They said we want to be equipped so that we can equip our people with the right truth and taught by examples when they look at us.

Monduli is in the middle to the way to Babati and we taught Biblical Stewardship with 38 participants attending. One of the overseers said, “This teaching turns on my eyes to the light of the truth of the word of God. I thought prosperity gospel preachers are the people to be looked at and imitate their way of doing things as they say, ‘God did not create you and gave you salvation to be poor.’ Today I realize through ECLEA's teaching that I could be lost totally.” As we are going to end up tomorrow here we hope the big impact will take to place in this small town.

Thank for your great support in expanding God's Kingdom in Tanzania and East Africa. I wish you a happiest New Year.
Best regards, Dickson

January 7, 2016
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

By the grace of God we are moving  on well with the work of God. The conferences went on well though a few changes were made this happened due to continuous heavy rains that hit most of the areas at the region.

The conference meant for Taveta was not done; I shifted this to Upper Taita where we had a good number of participants (28). They were really appreciative of the stewardship course saying most leaders fail because of lack of such key teachings.

The Malindi conference was very successful with 32 participants. The point of having a budget was something new to most of the pastors who thought that since they are Spirit filled they are led by the Spirit and having a budget is being carnal. As we continued, they understood and promised to start implementing right from their families.

January 11, 2016
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

On Dec. 31-Jan 2 we completed our training program at Kigongoni. We drove 78km and met people who are in a very great need for training. We had 38 participants representing 18 denominations with 13 local church leaders, and among of them we had 4 overseers.

The big testimonies were similar to other places. One of the overseers said, “We could perish in leading people to hell instead of heaven, because we were using our church tradition and imitate false preaching from these prosperity gospel preachers, thinking that we are right while we are not. ECLEA'S team came to turn us to the light from the darkness. Please we ask you to train us every month or after two month so we could be strong in the depth of the Word of God.”

January 20, 2016
Obed Magoko, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I did Expository Preaching in Nguuni on January 6-8. We started with 19 pastors, 12 leaders and 7 members who were helping in the setting up of the meetings (logistics). We maintained the same number to the end, with about 7 more coming in between. I realized that 5 pastors had theological training before and the rest none; this was their first.

Asked how many prepare messages, none does; they wait for the Holy Spirit to lead them. Asked how many had a Bible with a Concordance, none had and many were hearing it for first time.

In the second center, Kisimani, on January 11-13, the story was much the same with little or no theological training.

I did ask a question as to how many plan what to cook. This caught everybody by surprise, since we do not put similar emphasis on planning the Preaching of The Word of God. I remember one Pastor in his early sixties who stood up in the middle of my teaching and said that most of Jesus’ teachings was on planning ahead. He requested we all repent in prayer for not planning the Preaching before leaving and we all did so.

One Lady said that by writing down notes one will be tied up to notes and therefore be stuck in one position and this would bore the Church. In answering her, I said that the thing is that one should not be tied to notes (I referred to page 24 of the Expository Preaching manual), but rather the Church must know what is next!

Thank you for your support. Obed Magoko, ECLEA-Kenya, North Eastern Regional Coordinator

February 9, 2016
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We are doing pretty good over here; the grace of God has always been so sufficient for us. My family is good we are expecting our fifth born in a couple of months!

ECLEA work is progressing well. The conference at Taveta was very successful. We had 35 participants, both pastors and leaders. It was a new thing for the group to do such a course (Biblical Stewardship). When they heard from the coordinating pastor about this, everyone was eagerly waiting to see what will be taught.

There was a heated debate when we were doing stewardship of money. Most of the pastors do not keep records on church finances. One of them said, “When money is brought to the man of God, he then offers the same as a burnt offering; hence what record will you keep for all is burnt?” But as we went on they came to understand the importance of it as stewards. Out of 15 pastors, only three do budget for the church, the rest don’t. Yet they have been pastoring for close to 10 years.

This was a worthwhile training for the group. God bless you. Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya coastal region coordinator

February 18, 2016
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Report from Uganda
I returned from three weeks in Uganda on Saturday, Feb. 13. Here is a brief summary of the trip:

We began with a worthwhile week in Masindi. The Masindi-Kitara Diocese of the COU (Anglican) has chosen 12 good people to be their core group of ECLEA teachers. We did Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation with them. (The 12 had earlier been part of a larger Biblical Theology class last year.) Both courses were enlightening.

In Biblical Theology, we saw how the biblical storyline--how the OT is filled with "types" and "shadows" that are fulfilled in the NT--has implications in many areas. For example, one of the participants talked about how one pastor says that people should take their shoes off when entering the church building because it is a "holy place." I pointed out that that really was an "Old Covenant" way of thinking. In the Old Covenant, the Temple was a "holy place" in that the Shekinah Glory of God dwelt in a special way in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. In the New Covenant, however, we are the temple. We are a "living temple." No longer are there "sacred places or days," but God is wherever His people are, in all places and at all times. Our office or shamba (farm) or home is as sacred as the "church" (building), because, in us, God is present in our office and shamba and home.

In the course on Biblical Interpretation, we covered eight core hermeneutical principles as well as application of Scripture. In each teaching unit the participants either divided into small groups or as a whole discussed various passages of Scripture that are often misinterpreted, taken out of context, or misapplied. All in all, I think things went reasonably well.

Over the course of the week, the participants were exposed to (or confronted with) a vast amount of mostly new information. But they are committed to go out and teach others, both in Masindi-Kitara Diocese and elsewhere. I think this is a good group. The last day Bishop George Kasangaki came, spoke to us, and closed the training sessions. Having the support of the Bishop is important. In short, I am encouraged about ECLEA's presence and the future prospects within the COU.

Following my week in Masindi, I spent the last week in Mukono. We did a TOT (training of trainers) regarding Biblical Stewardship with 9 selected participants who had attended the Stewardship course we taught the last time I was here. Then we did Biblical Interpretation with those 9 plus 12 additional participants. Here are some highlights:

Ernest Mwilitsa of Kenya was to have taught this course with me. After he had purchased his bus ticket to Uganda, however, his son was admitted to the hospital in Nairobi for a medical condition (fortunately, he is OK now). Consequently, Ernest could not come to Uganda. Fortunately, Francis Ngoboka, one of the men I am working closely with here and who is also one of the leaders in Rwanda, taught this TOT with me and did an excellent job.

The thing that came through clearly is that Christianity is a wholistic faith and way of life. It is designed to affect and change all areas, e.g., how we treat the environment, our time, our bodies, our money. These applications flow from our biblical theology, e.g., "the earth is God's footstool" (hence, we are to treat the environment well); "we are the temple of the Holy Spirit" (hence, we are to treat our bodies well). The participants were all Pentecostals, and most Pentecostal preaching has stressed "spiritual" concepts (heaven, etc.). These participants were challenged, but I think excited, to see the great relevance of Christianity to "real life." I think they can be God's vehicles to bring significant life-change to their families, congregations, and communities as they teach and apply the things we talked about. Please pray for them as they set out on this great journey.

As in Masindi, we discussed 8 core principles of biblical interpretation and then used small group discussions to consider multiple passages in context. In this course, we looked at a number of Pentecostal "frameworks" (i.e., customary ways of looking at things based on what we have always heard) that the Scriptures challenge--when considered in context. There were several lengthy discussions about this, and the participants received this thoughtfully and well.

I was very impressed when, without being given a lot of time to read, think, and discuss, they were able to take a long passage of Scripture (1 Corinthians 13--the "love chapter") and see why it was placed where it was (i.e., between chapters 12 and 14 [its immediate context]) and also see how the larger context of the book affected what Paul was doing in chapter 13. In short, 1 Corinthians 13 is not the sentimental, "feel-good" passage as it is often portrayed, but is actually a sharp rebuke to a church that was gifted in many ways but was completely immature because it lacked the one essential thing: love. I think the biblical understanding and preaching by this group of church leaders will be different from now on, and that they will preach with much more depth and power.

I spent the last week in Kampala, teaching Biblical Interpretation at Kampala Evangelical School of Theology.

My nine students (some pastors, some preparing to be) and I spent fully-packed days, from 8:30AM-1:00PM (or slightly thereafter), Monday-Friday, working through the principles of sound biblical interpretation. We covered the most important principles of hermeneutics and exegesis, and spent significant time considering the importance of genre, biblical theology, and application. Every day we considered and discussed several different passages of Scripture, both long and short. I know that the students (from Anglican, Pentecostal, and Baptist backgrounds) were challenged, learned much, and will be better handlers and teachers of the Word as a result of this intensive course.

While I was at KEST, I also had a lengthy meeting with the Principal and Registrar concerning the next steps of what needs to be done in order to enter into a memorandum of understanding whereby KEST and ECLEA can work together in some more formalized capacity in the future. It was a productive meeting.


February 20, 2016
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 4th-6th Feb. 2016 we had a very successful Forgiveness & Reconciliation conference at Maua town. Eight pastors and 21 church leaders attended the conference.

As you know this town, the main cash crop is mirraa (khat) and all other drugs. As a result of the above, people kill each other now and then, creating room for great enmity and revenge. Whenever one revenges he or she counts it a great victory. I informed them that forgiveness is not weakness-to forgive does not mean that you lose your "dignity" or your "manhood".

Although we all agreed that the greater and more hurtful the wrong, the tougher is the act of forgiving, many of them said that it is hard to let someone go unpunished after committing crime. As we continued with the conference they learnt that even if you forgive you must allow the legal process to take place. I gave them an example of one brother who went to prison just to reconcile with someone who killed his brother, and even after reconciliation the guy was not released but he served his full term in jail.

We all learnt that without reconciliation we fail to show the world the single most important evidence of our being Christ's disciples. I shared with them how I was unable to forgive my father for 16 years because he chased me away from home when I got saved and sold all the assets and plots that he had allocated unto me before salvation. I taught them that iron sharpens iron and that is how a man can sharpen the countenance of his friend. I Informed them on the steps to follow: Decide to reconcile; After decision, Discuss and do not stand on your ground; After discussing Detoxify the poison; then Devote yourself in building the relationship. When I narrated how I forgave and reconciled with my Dad many of them went straight away to reconcile with their families and relatives. Great was the grace of God in the hall the third day.

They all promised me that they will impart the same to those who have never attended ECLEA courses. God bless ECLEA because it is a blessing even to the people you don't know. Three pastors said that they have never heard such teachings in the theological schools they attended.

Regards, Bsp Barnabas, ECLEA-Kenya, Upper Eastern regional coordinator

February 24, 2016
Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We have been able to do two meetings and one of them is scheduled for next week, 25th to 27th Feb.

We did Stewardship course at Kiganjo Thika on 1st to 3rd Feb and we had a total of 23 Pastors and leaders. We took the course with Barnabas who joined us on 2nd due some other commitments he had. The meeting was relatively good and in particular the stewardship of environment with the pastors knowing their responsibility concerning nature and environment. Kiganjo has a lot of garbage and it’s chaotic when it rains and this leads to outbreak of diseases. Since these leaders may not be able to do much they agreed to start with their churches and homes by even mobilizing their members. We also had a debate when we came to the stewardship of relationships and we touched on many divorce cases even among church members. I taught the time management matrix and advised to use more time building relationships to avoid crisis. Otherwise we hope to go back there in the due course due to the need in that place.

Our stewardship course at Kirigiti took off on 4th to 6th Feb with 19 pastors, but seven more joined us the second day. We were able to teach with Fredrick and another good teacher in my region and out of this meeting what stood most is the stewardship of time. This is mainly because we pastors are sometimes not good managers of time especially Pentecostals. Church and finances also came and again a challenge of church budgets with many pledging to introduce this. We will be doing Expository Preaching at Kangari and I shall report about it.

God bless you. Thanks,
Thomas (Kiambu/Aberdares ECLEA cordinator)

February 25, 2016
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 8th-10th Feb 2016 I took Biblical Marriage & Parenting to Igoji Meru. Thirteen couples and two widows (total 28) attended the conference. I bless God because a big number of the participants came with their wives because I had instructed the host pastor to urge them to come with their spouses. In this region a man walking together with his wife on the streets is taken as something odd.

Some traditions here allow men to marry many women thereby violating the original plan of God concerning marriage. It is in this region where I met some church leaders who have got two wives. We insisted that an elder or deacon must be a man of one wife, However, no one is forbidden from being a member of the church even if he has two wives. I told them that if you got saved while having two wives you should stay with them, but don't add another one or mistreat either of them.

Many of the participants were saying that Abraham had many wives. I took most of time to put a distinction between OT and NT. I taught them that the original plan of God was one man-one wife. I told them that having many wives so as to have sex any time you want it is the lust of the flesh. God designed people to have sex only in permanent, monogamous marriage. Many wrangles in the place erupts from the children of the same father but different mothers.

We were able to cover many things among them: understanding-setting aside your own issues and agenda (i.e., what you want) in order to truly appreciate the other person's points and feelings; listening-to take time to listen and pay attention to someone is to show that you value what that person has to say and thereby that you value the person himself or herself. I told them that poor listening stifles communication and fosters misunderstanding. In fact, they told me that many wrangles in the families of the participants was as a result of poor listening and poor judgment.

When we started discussing the importance of empathy-many of them said that they have never heard of such a thing. Thinking and feeling from the other person's perspective, standing in the other person's shoes, was the most difficult thing in the lives many in this locality. It is true all what one requires sometimes in a family setting is to be listened to. We shared many things.

I taught them about the four sittings in a family:
     1.sitting for prayers
     2.sitting for finances
     3.sitting for quarrels and disputes
     4.sitting for children.

All of them said that they have attended many seminars on marriage but they have never heard of such a life changing training that is real and practical. They requested us to go back and train them more on this course(M &P). In fact, people at the village level or those who live in these interior places need more teachings on marriage than those who live in cities and big towns. Something ought be done. They bought all the manuals.

God bless you. Regards, Bsp Barnabas, ECLEA-Kenya Upper Eastern Coordinator

February 27, 2016
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here in TZ we are proceeding well with ECLEA'S training to different places. Here are short reports from those places we passed:

We had 43 participants where we taught 1 Timothy for the second time as they requested. The testimonies which touched us is so much from two bishops is that, “ECLEA'S teaching is deliverance and the medicine to our churches from false teaching which has been the big winds today. We were looking where we can get help so that we can help ourselves and our peoples.”

We had 29 participants where we taught 1 Timothy where the big number were seniors pastors and church elders and three bishops. Here participants were very interested. They showed up in time and they needed to know the truth from the word of God. We got interaction of a lot questions which in answering took us in teach in a full of three days.

One the senior pastors said, “If we had been taught this kind of teaching we could have enough knowledge from the Word of God to stop these false teachers who had been deceiving our church members for long time. So please, we need this teaching even to our church members and we are ready to make our contribution to our next seminar.”
To this place we had 37 participants and we taught 1 Timothy which shows we touched the very need of the church leaders as they were give their testimonies during the break time. One the bishop said, “This is what we need in the church today. I have been pastoring the church for 15 years and attending many different s seminars but never taught the Bible through one book in a clear way and not the white people but black Africans like us. This turned my focus and I discovered we are call pastors and bishops but we don't know the Bible we are preaching too. Thanks for ECLEA'S team for bringing this help from God to us.”

This area is very large with the big number of church members, but the pastors never attended any Bible school or college. We had 32 participants where we taught 1 Timothy. To them this was a Bible school for three days. They said, “We had  never learned the Bible in this way but we were told by our overseers and bishop to depend on the Holy Spirit who will teach you what to preach to our congregations. We are asking you let this school proceed in helping. Without ECLEA'S teachings we could be lost without knowing while we thought were right.”

Now we are in Moshi at the place called Niapand replacing Kiboriloni where we have 36 participants. They have shown interest in learning with a lot of questions. As we proceed I will keep in touch with you for more reports. Thanks, Dickson

March 1, 2016
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I do hope that you are doing well in the Lord. I also am fine and spiritually renewed to be able to take ECLEA to all corners of this region. My vision is to reach the unreached of this region with biblical knowledge and understanding as clearly stated in ECLEA courses.

Last weekend, 18-20/2/2016, I had a very successful 1 Timothy conference. I hosted about 30 participants. I was here last year with Forgiveness & Reconciliation and because of that I did not encounter many problems in organising the meeting. We hosted the meeting in a PAG church, NYERI TOWN. I have attached two photos of the conference:
The challenge we experienced mostly came from the study, mainly from chapter 3 and chapter 5, which required more clarification through examples in the ministry. I am planning to go back there with Biblical Stewardship.

Thanks a lot for the heavy commitment you have for our pastors and leaders to have a forum to learn like this.

With regards, Fredrick Njoroge (Regional coordinator Nyeri/Nyandarwa Region)

March 7, 2016
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya, regional coordinator

Report on Naivasha Karagita meeting on Biblical Counseling, Feb 24-26, 2016

We had 21 participants. Ten churches were represented. James Kamau and Monica Wambul were the teachers.

Rachel Kimani of Redeemed Gospel Church said she had now received skills that would enable her to counsel her members and other people in a better way.

Eric Wandera said that his ministry with children, which is his main ministry, would be better because of the skills he had learned.

Most important were the groups where the participants wrote reports as observers and acted as counselors and clients. We are ever grateful to ECLEA for helping to make this meeting a success for the empowerment it has brought to the people of the Naivasha Karagita area.

March 16, 2016
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This is to let you let you know we wound up our 3 conferences at Gatunduri, Githimu, and Makutano successfully. The courses done were Forgiveness & Reconciliation at Gatunduri, and Biblical Theology at both Githimu and Makutano. The following are some of the responses we received from the conferences:

After Biblical Theology course at Makutano, one participant said: “I have never seen Jonathan Menn, but you (Robert) go tell him that although I have never met him, his works are bearing fruit even in his absence. Personally, I am edified beyond expression. I have grown in my knowledge of the Bible. I now see the Bible is one coherent story, revealing God and how creation is His work, and His redemption plan after the fall of man, showing the supremacy of Jesus over all things and over all creation.” From the same class we had this comment: “This course is a bit harder than the other courses we have done; we need another conference on the course for it to sink deeper.”

On Forgiveness & Reconciliation, one participant could not hide his joy, and this was his comment: “No teaching has ever done for me what this course has done; I see how unforgiveness has been eating at me. I see how Satan takes advantage of me through unforgiveness. I am a free man now, I am so happy.”

These comments were so uplifting to me also to see that these courses can have such an effect upon the lives of the participants. All glory be unto God. Robert

March 17, 2016
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Report on Naivasha Town meeting on Forgiveness & Reconciliation: March 9-11, 2016:

There were 24 participants and 9 major denominations were represented. The following are some of the testimonies of the participants:

Pastor Grace Maina confessed that she had been bitter with a lady who had caused her to be put into a police cell by implicating her with stealing. It was later found that the goods she was supposed to have stolen were in the accuser’s house. Grace had a difficult time in releasing this lady, but after the training she was able to release her and forgive here completely.

Pastor Murugami narrated an incident where his father forsook the family many years ago when the pastor was only 2 years old. Many years later when he wanted to marry he went to his father to seek his blessing. The father told him he is not his father. Pastor Murugami became very bitter and could not understand why. He later forgave his father and said that this training had helped him realize the importance of forgiving and releasing. He promised to teach others.

Evangelist Lydiah Bosire said she had a grudge against a person for 13 years. She said every time she remembered the person she would get a severe headache. After the training she released the person and her headache disappeared.

March 21, 2016
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We had a very successful Forgiveness & Reconciliation conference last weekend. It was very encouraging to note that the reception of ECLEA was very positive in this area compared to last year's conference. Last year the senior pastors of different denominations could not allow their leaders to attend the conference (1st Timothy). Now they are our good friends. Now they can understand that we are building the body of Christ.

This is one of the courses that get deep down into the hearts of many people. In this part of Nyeri county (Mukurwe-ini) polygamous marriages are very common in many homes and in this situation many testified of frequent conflicts, grudges, divisions, jealousies, etc., even though many of them would claim to be Christians. Therefore, the act of forgiveness and reconciliation is highly needed.

One woman testified, she was abandoned by her husband, and the husband went to live with his third wife. She had to take care of her six children and educate them though the husband was capable of doing the same. Later when the husband came to learn that some of his children had started earning, he showed up, making his wife to feel very much offended. We all shared passionately this story and at the end the woman was healed. The attendance was above thirty although we had prepared ourselves for thirty only.

Challenge: We experienced many questions related to family conflicts and the same emerging into the churches.

March 26, 2016
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We left Kenya for South Sudan on 7th March 2016; we were back home on 22nd March 2016. First of all may I thank you for funding us because without you it is hard for us to reach S. Sudan people. I did Forgiveness & Reconciliation in Shirkat and Arua Junction. Later I did 1 Timothy in Shirkat with the people whom I trained in our first mission to S. Sudan. At Shirkat I had a group of 23 participants in each course and at Arua Junction I had 25 participants.

When I asked one of the participants whether he can remember the importance of 1 Timothy to the Church today, he told me that chapter 3 has really transformed his thinking towards the Church leadership. He confessed to us that his pastor has two wives and a concubine. He told me that he will leave that Church. He told us that the man of God believes a lot in the Old Testament more than the way he believes in the New Testament. I strongly condemned that habit and I informed them that God created one man for one woman and any other culture or tradition that goes against what is written in the Bible is of the devil. It is amazing that of all the participants no one has ever attended any theological school, but by the grace of God they are leading people to God. ECLEA is the only course they are proud of. They were asking me whether we will give them certificates, but I suggested to them that we will do so after they go through the foundational courses and when they will be conversant with at least three courses.

What pleased me most is when I requested one of the sharp guys in class called Joseph to present 1 Timothy chapters 1 and 2. When he started outlining the two chapters, he impressed the whole class when he emphasized the goal of our preaching (love). When he drew the distinction between Muslims and Christians and how grace is not known by Muslims, a quarter of the class was unable to withhold our tears. At Shirkat one man told us that it is impossible to forgive a nonbeliever since they don't know what Bible says about forgiveness. I told him that we are instructed by the Bible to forgive all people whether they are saved or not. I convinced them when I narrated to them about the enmity that lasted for 16 years between me and my father and how you taught me at Muranga about taking first initiative and not to stand on my ground. When they heard that my father is my best friend they promised me that they will no longer stand their ground rather they will try their best and forgive even those who killed their relatives.

In group discussion one man told us that S. Sudan culture is somehow against chapter 3 of 1 Timothy because if a man dies and has left behind a young wife, his elder son inherits that woman and the offspring continues. In Kenya we are past that culture and tradition. The word of God is shaping the lives of many in this war torn country. When I asked them whether they will comply with that culture they all said that they will adhere to the word of God rather than following such an awkward culture.

We encountered a number of challenges:
-A Kenyan transporter was shot dead about 2 kilometers from where we spent our last night.
-Due to hyper-inflation the price of food or the cost of living is too high; even many businesses people are running away from that country.
-The sun roasted us since it was above 40°C [104°F]. In fact, as a result of the same I got a skin disease. I visited the doctor in my country and I was given a dose that I will complete next week on a Tuesday.

Finally, even if am being told to go back to S. Sudan tomorrow I cannot hesitate because of the marvellous things that are taking place in the lives of S. Sudan people. I pray God that when peace will prevail you will visit these people and see how ECLEA is doing a tremendous job even in your absence. Some people from different denominations bought all the manuals and some of them said that they will make your manuals part of their library.

Regards, Bsp. Barnabas

March 29, 2016
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Our mission in Juba, South Sudan ended successfully last week. I thoroughly loved the mission although our meager resources would not allow us to live in an average hotel, leave alone a 5 star hotel. Unfortunately, I came back home with a fever, and my skin had also been affected by the contaminated water that we were using to bathe and also the exceedingly high temperatures to which we were exposed, soaring above 40C [104F].

We also desperately needed the protection of God since some fellow Kenyans who were transporters had been mugged and severely injured, and one of them shot dead, shortly after our arrival. It’s a great risk and sacrifice doing ministry in South Sudan; I assure you it’s no bed of roses. But God kept us by His power; God has also healed me. Glory to His name.

I did one meeting at Jebel (Forgiveness & Reconciliation) and 2 courses at Munuki (1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship):

After the Forgiveness & Reconciliation course, one lady who could not hide her joy told me: “God had personally sent you to me. This message was meant for me. I thank God you came to teach us forgiveness and reconciliation. When are you coming back to teach us again?”

A church elder in the same meeting said, “I was preaching the message of love at our church last week, now God has crowned it with these powerful teaching on forgiveness and reconciliation. This is the message that the church desperately need at this hour.” As an aside, this elder touched my heart so deeply when he told me how he loves the word of God but how his dimming eye-sight is frustrating him. Since I have gadget with an electronic (voice) Bible, I promised it to him the next time I go back there.

On teaching the 1 Timothy course, I realized that love, being the goal of our commandment, needs a lot of emphasis in that war-torn nation, and this love will be the motivation for forgiveness and reconciliation, which will be our next course at Munuki. SS is largely a semi-arid area, with effects of war causing lots of damage to the natural environment. Rivals will burn the few forests they have to flush out and expose one another for combat, thereby ruining their environment.

The Biblical Stewardship course spoke to them mostly on the preservation of the environment, and impressed upon the need to take personal responsibility to plant trees in that beautiful nation, which will also help to trap water through water-catchment initiatives.

We are eager to go back to SS. It’s interesting to see what God is doing there and to be part of it. God has a greater purpose with that nation than we first realized. Let all Christians of goodwill pray for Sudan’s peace and prosperity and support the work of God in that place in all the areas that God will enable them.

Attached are some of the few photos we were able to capture while there (it’s illegal and punishable to take photos there).

Enjoy. Robert

Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We left for South Sudan 7th March and came back home after a two week mission in South Sudan, the longest we have ever made. The journey was good and we were careful not to take a bus that had problems on the way. The only thing we noticed is the inflation of the Sudanese pound which have made life there is a bit difficult which has really affected the foreigners and to some extent the Sudanese themselves. We were a bit scared when they killed a Kenyan transporter just near where we slept, but we got together and prayed for God's protection which God did. We parted ways with Robert and Barnabas and everyone went to his region. I was able to teach two courses of 1 Timothy, one of which consisted the sharp guys in the two meetings and a Stewardship course. Below are the highlights and some of the pictures captured, though many Sudanese don’t want to their photos taken, so you request those who want.

Stewardship in Gudelle
I was able to do Stewardship course in Gudelle at a place called Konyokonyo where we hosted 23 pastors and leaders. What came out so strongly is the interest of God and the environment because most of South Sudan doesn’t have trees. Pastors learned that it’s their responsibility to plant trees and care for the environment for everything was created by God. The heated debate only came in the area of relationships because most of Sudanese are brought up in the bush fighting. This time they are not relating well with foreigners because they believe they come to their country to take what is theirs. I had a chance to teach them how our culture sometimes conflicts with the truth. I found out that more of Forgiveness & Reconciliation is needed there for them to know how to forgive and reconcile.

1 Timothy in Gudelle
I did a 1 Timothy course  in Gudelle whereby I hosted 25 pastors and leaders. Most of the participants were South Sudanese in origin who did not understand English, but we had a very good Sudanese interpreter who is a teacher and we were able to connect well. This time we got some women Church leaders from Sudan. One thing I noted is the hunger for the Word. Another thing is that no single shop sells Bibles in Sudan. These people were asking for Bibles but unfortunately we had none. I realized that when teaching the qualifications of a Bishop, especially the “one woman man” aspect, it was challenging because the culture allows a man to inherit his father’s wife when he dies. This one needs time and prayers.

1 Timothy in Gudelle (Leaders)
I had a three day course with 16 Pastors and leaders who seemed to be getting well and we spent most of the time in discussion. I had each person give an overview of the book after teaching just to test their understanding. I thank God because by the grace of God people were able to remember the foundational things like the Goal, Church as a family, and true and false godliness.

Future Plans
The future plans and the burden that I have for South Sudan is to take more time with the Leaders this year and part of next year, they teach as I watch, and do TOTs so as to grow responsible and trusted leaders who can take ECLEA forward. I also embark on prayer for them so that peace may finally come because the stability of what we are doing will be sustainable when there is stability in the country. Also pray for the country’s peace and if possible find possible donors of Bibles. Thank you for your support.

Regards, Thomas N. Mwai (ECLEA South Sudan missionary)

March 31, 2016
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator

In a bid to continue building the capacities of Pastors, Rema Ministries [ECLEA's partner in Burundi through whom ECLEA's trainings are conducted] organized a second training of church leaders in Cankuzo, dated 14 to 18 March 2016. On this occasion, 35 trainees attended this training. These participants came from Cankuzo and Ruyigi provinces. These participants come from 7 different denominations: United Methodist Church of Burundi, Full Gospel Church, ERIMU Pentecost Church, EUSEBU, C.S.C.C, T.G.G.M and Kanisa la Injili.

The team of trainers was made by four people from REMA MINISTRIEs, namely:
     1. François Nitunga,
     2. Harerimana Frederic
     3. Rev. Jean NDAYISABA,
     4. NIYOKWIZERA Obed,
     5. Ruben NDAGIJIMANA.
Rema Ministries have taken much time to train the last three people first on the material while they were doing their internship in Rema Ministries. They have just completed BA in theology at the Light University of Bujumbura and they did their final internship in Rema Ministries organization. While there they were introduced to the ECLEA material and we think to be using them in most of our trainings.

We taught the last part of Biblical Stewardship and were able to go through the whole book for recapitulation of what we had already learned. Every morning before we embarked on to the teachings we did a Bible study for 30 minutes. This was done by one of the trainees, chosen after each morning devotion. Each team member had the opportunity to deliver the material that had been assigned to him to teach for coaching and evaluation purposes before they brought it to the trainees.

Every day the training lasted from 8:30am to 16:30pm. Every night, trainers met for over an hour to evaluate the day (debriefing) which allowed an improvement in the presentation of the contents of the materials. At the end of the training, we ended with an evaluation test. The trainers were pleased with the results. This was possible because of the good atmosphere, cooperation and understanding between the trainers and trainees. The objectives that Rema Ministries had set for this topic have been met, based on testimonies shared by some of the trainees testifying on how this training is benefiting them and on what they are doing to put into practice what they are learning. At the end of training, participants were given an occasion to summarize in one minute what they learned so far during the training.

In the previous training, the trainees were asked to do some practical activities before the next session. We asked the participants to report on what they did during that period. What they reported encouraged not only the trainers but also other pastors who in turn came also to join the training. What they reported is also a big encouragement to their respective local communities. Three of these pastors are NGENDAKUMANA Christophe of T.G.G.M Church, Ndimurukundo Venant of Kanisa la Injili and Mwitegeneza J. Claude of C.S.C.C church. NGENDAKUMANA Christophe of T.G.G.M Church said: “I watched pastors who have already enrolled in the training and prompted me to come to do this training. I was so much influenced by looking at them.” Participants followed the teachings enthusiastically. The following are some testimonies of pastors:

Rev. BUGUSU Alexander: He told us that he influenced the members of his church to plant fruit trees and trees in the premises of his parish and 8 branches in order to safeguard the environment and to praise the Lord. They planted 450 different kinds of trees, including fruit trees and 71 banana trees.

Pastor Zoya Melchior: He said he planted 10 fruit trees and 300 eucalyptuses and opened a cafeteria. He organized a seminar to teach the importance of stewardship as well as good management of money and time.

The Superintendent Rev. Matthew BUGUSU of the United Methodist Church of Cankuzo province: He said he planted 20 fruit trees and that he has begun to engage himself more in family activities. Following the change in his behaviour and life observation made by his wife, also a pastor, Reverend Past. Nkeshimana Immaculee was influenced by this new attitude of her husband until she decided to come to take part in training as well. Here's what she says:
"Before the training, my husband handled largely administrative and church activities. Less time was given to the family. He used only to delegate workers in domestic work, e.g., take care of livestock and farming activities. Currently he is involved himself in family chores without delegating workers and other people as he did before.” She added: "I would also take this training that has transformed the way of life of my husband, for the sake of our family, our church and our community."

RUKUNDO Mary: She said that she was able to manage time well. This good time management has allowed her to realize more projects than before the training. For example, she had enough time to evangelize her neighbours which increased the number of faithful. She also had time to closely monitor the small cafeteria project for her husband.

Pastor NIYIBOGORA Desire: He told us that he collected 16 unemployed young people in the church to start an association. Then those unemployed young people began to undertake income-generating activities including small restaurants that support them for survival. He also learned to use his time and for the family and for the church. They intend to do a chicken project and plant bananas.

In general, the teachings received during the previous training were put into practice. The testimonies of those who came in the second training confirm the change of attitudes towards sustainable development. These successes were possible because of effort these young people have put into this endeavour. The training ended with an evaluation test and the results are satisfactory for trainers and for the trainees. Nobody failed the exam. We noted that churches in those regions are disturbed in their faith by the false teachings especially in relation to the gospel of prosperity, the use of spiritual gifts and sects.

Following this training, it was recommended that the trainees continue to put into practice what they are learning: plant fruit trees and trees in order to protect the environment. We also discussed on the period of the following training and it was decided that it will be the end of May or the first week of June. We agreed that the following topic for the teaching will be based on 1 Timothy.

They were given assignments of things they will be doing during the period before the next training. They will come with reports showing how they have put into practice the requirements of the training. Namely, the theoretical and practical training on the field as these are evaluated at 50%.

Climate change is disrupting planting seasons and this causes poverty in the region. Drought has made participants afraid to find food for the next training which was scheduled for the last week of May or the first week of June. We foresee difficulties in sustaining this program if the climate continues to behave the way it is now. Hence we are praying for God’s intervention in the situation. We are praying that we find ways to support them. This applies to classes of Cankuzo and Rutana. We are praying to God to open the doors and hearts of people to be able to support this training especially with regard to food while they are undergoing training.

We thank Rema Ministries for this initiative and ECLEA who supported this noble activity. Thank you for the unceasing prayer for us and your sacrifice for this work of ECLEA. Be assured of our prayers. We do also appreciate your prayers. We give thanks to the Almighty God who protected us and helped us during that activity.

Frederic Harerimana

April 1, 2016
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Last weekend I did have a very successful conference on Forgiveness & Reconciliation in terms of its impact. This was a unique area in that pastors loved sharing with their colleagues without any reservation. Other areas where I have gone pastors tend to be suspicious to one another in terms of each wanting to be popular than the others, if not trying to fish from the net other than fishing from the waters.      

The turnout was fairly good although we did not hit our expected figure, but this group was very interactive within the conference. Registration which was in form of buying the manuals was not really a problem to them. Towards the end of the conference we had an open forum whereby participants shared life experiences in matters of Forgiveness and Reconciliation. It is unbelievable to hear from pastors how they have lived with spiritual fear, hurt, pain from their senior pastors and yet they do not know how to go about it. The unforgiveness atitude in the heart has grown for years due to various reasons. Most of the pastors said that this course was a wake-up call for them on the need to understand and practice what they have learned.

What I learned from this interaction was that most people do not understand the underlining principles of forgiveness and what it entails. Hence the importance of this course. Almost everybody requested the same to be repeated.

I also recently completed another conference on Forgiveness & Reconciliation in Ngurumo. The attendance was amazing. The first day we were thirty-five (35) participants and this number was increasing as we continued.

Towards the end of the conference the meeting turned to be like a healing clinic, for the participants opened up their hearts of unforgiveness and failure even to reconcile. This was very powerful to us. A few testified of the burden they received in course of conference of reconciling their family members after understanding the importance forgiveness and repentance. It’s like these issues are not spoken at the pulpit.

The three conferences that I have now covered on forgiveness and reconciliation shows very clearly that the body of Christ is seriously wounded and need abundant healing. A good number bought their manual for a continued study at their homes.

With all regards, Rev. Fredrick Njoroge, Regional Coordinator (Nyeri/Nyadarwa)


May 2, 2016
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator

Report of the mission held in Muzye (Rutana) from April 18 to April 23rd 2016

The mission started on Sunday 17, 2016. Took part in that mission the following people:
     1. Nitunga Francois
     2. Harerimana Frederic
     3. Obed Niyonizigiye
     4. Rubin Ndagijimana
The last two people have been working with Rema Ministries as interns, did theology at Light University and graduated there. Rema took time to initiate them in the material we are using and took them around to see how we were training pastors until the time they were mature enough to teach themselves with confidence.

We are thrilled that now we have two classes going on in Muzye. With the first group, we are already at the sixth week of training, while we are at the second week with the second group. During their first session which took place in February, the two groups were mixed so that the second class could learn from the first class and catch the vision and enthusiasm. Iron sharpens iron, so pastors were to encourage other pastors. The former group is made of 20 participants while the new one has 33 participants. These new participants came from the provinces of Rutana and Makamba and are from 8 different denominations namely: United Methodist church of Burundi; church of rivers of life; Africa Gospel Church of Burundi; International church of the blood without borders, Anglicane church of Burundi (EAB); Evangelical fellowship of Central Africa in Burundi (FECABU); Eglise de l’Union du Saint-Esprit au Burundi (EUSEBU) and Evangelical church of Central Africa (EEAC). This class came from a special request from the first group. We noticed that the new participants are more numerous than the number we expected. We agreed to enroll all of them for they showed a special will and commitment to engage with the training, having seen the impact and change it had on the first group. There were even other participants who wanted to be part of the training on the fourth day but we could not allow them although they got wind of the importance of this training from those who took part in it.

We did Marriage & Parenting instead of Biblical Theology with the first group for the materials we were to use was not ready yet as it was being proofread. With regard to the first group, pastors were thrilled to go to the subject matter of the marriage and parenting material. Indeed, many of the pastors struggled to rethink the theology they had been taught and we reasoned together and arrived at a compromise. Most of them repented of how they had been treating their wives and how they had been counseling partners who come to seek for counseling.

The subject matter of divorce came out strongly especially when Moses advised the man to write a divorce letter and how Jesus gave a meaning to that idea. The hardness of their heart led Moses to allow them divorce for fear that one of the partners could even lose life in the marriage if they were not allowed to divorce. We know in Burundi cases where women were hand amputated by their husband through violence and how some were even poisoned and lost life. Under such circumstances, a letter of divorce could be written but in the beginning, God said that that which the Lord has united nobody is allowed to put asunder. With regard to what is happening in the West where people walk out of marriage at will and later are allowed to remarry even in the church and hold ministerial position in ministry, this left people in wonder and questioned even 1 Timothy 3 which speaks of the qualifications of pastors and elders in the church.

The other issue that came out strongly was the issue of polygamy. How about people who were already polygamous when they came to Christ? Should they choose just to remain with just one and leave all the rest while they had been living as wife and husband and when this is clearly known to the community? A compromise was made that the husband should not divorce his wives but that he should not add any more to them. He should also not be given a role to play in church apart from witnessing to others.

The second group was taken into Biblical Stewardship material. It was an eye opening with lots of discussions on practical matters. A good testimony of how stewardship material has helped participants was given. Most pastors applied the principles in the materials and went ahead planted palm oil trees, eucalyptus, banana trees, etc. which not only protect the environment but also give profit to the family during the time of harvest.

All these participants from the two groups were given assignments and homework which will make them go through the whole subject. In fact, they were challenged and advised to read the whole material, digest it and get substance from it which will help them in the mission, work and call they have.

The training is bearing fruits
Among the participants from the second group, there is a lady of 9 children; although she does not know to write well, said she wants also to take part in this training for she believes she will acquire and get knowledge and wisdom which will help her to discover more on: biblical knowledge, knowledge of a holistic life, knowledge on how to serve the community she is living in as a leader of others, knowledge of how to be a good steward and stewardship of what the Lord has entrusted her with. In her own words she said, "Please allow me to take part in this training, for I know that this training will not leave me the way I am now and where I am now. For sure I know that I will be imparted and will gain even if it won’t be all anyway I will get something more." She said she was taught by the Holy Spirit to read the Bible and that the Lord revealed to her that she should be part of this ongoing training.

One participant from the first group, Enock Niyoyunguruza, shared with us in the class how this course is building up his Christian life. He says, “For me everything was new. I knew nothing; I was reading the Bible without understanding it. I used to teach my hearers what seemed good and favorable to them as well as to me, anything that came into my mind. I was hardly reading the Bible. Now after six weeks of training, all seems to be new to me. Now I am starting to have the veil removed from my eyes and starting to understand more. This is a good training and material I have never met anywhere else despite the many capacity building seminars I have attended.” The others say that now they take ample time to prepare their sermon which takes into consideration stewardship of time.

Looking ahead
We plan to have the next session in Muzye on 13 of June this year and we will hold two classes as aforesaid.
With regard to Cankuzo, we are planning to have the next session from 23rd of May 2016.

We were so much encouraged by how different church leaders were able to apply what they are learning. Church leaders in the training are so much interested and motivated. They learn with enthusiasm. We hope to see the impact of this training within the course of the program and after training.

We cannot finish this without thanking you for your prayers and financial support. This ministry in Burundi and in East Africa for that matter could not continue to achieve so much without your commitment to it.

Frederic Harerimana


April 25, 2016
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA director

Report from Kenya-PART 1
I just returned from 3 weeks in Kenya. Here is part 1 of my report (which was emailed to friends and supporters about half-way through my trip). Part 2 will follow soon.

I am in the middle of three weeks in Kenya doing 5 courses on Biblical Theology and will then conclude with one course on Biblical Interpretation. We began in Amagoro which is near the border with Uganda at the Katakwa Diocese of the Anglican Church of Kenya. I have been working with them for a few years. There have been some changes over that time. Bishop Zak Epusi will be retiring in August. Isabellah Inyele, my ECLEA coordinator, has gotten married, has one son, and a second child is one the way! I worked with 12 new participants. They were a sharp group.

I was then in Kisumu, located on the shore of Lake Victoria, which my host, bishop George Okuta calls "the city of fish." He was very kind to make sure I ate fresh lake tilapia every day. A real treat. The best I have had. Thank you, George! The group of 12 was smaller than anticipated because there was another American doing something on "miracles" in the vicinity while we were doing biblical theology. (Not) surprisingly, we were the losers. That says something about the priorities of many church leaders, I am sorry to say. Nevertheless, we had some good and spirited discussion, and I know that several of the participants were challenged in a number of areas.

In Eldoret the group was bigger and better: 20 mostly senior pastors and bishops. In Eldoret there also was some "miracle-worker" meeting going on opposite ours, but the participants here said, "We prefer good teaching." They were men of their word, as they kept good time and we had wide ranging discussion including an almost 2 hour discussion/debate on grace, works, the law, sin, and perseverance of faith initiated by our looking at Paul's discussion of the Abrahamic Covenant and the Law of Moses in Galatians 3 and 4. All in all, I thought it was and excellent time that, God willing, will be fruitful in their lives and ministries. It certainly encouraged me.

I am now in Shinyalu, near the Kakamega national forest. A more rural area with a group of about 35 Pentecostal participants. The first day suggests that it will be a lively and thought-provoking time.

April 26, 2016
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA director

Report from Kenya-PART 2
Since my report from the field, here is a summary of the last part of the trip:

Shinyalu is a village near the Kakamega national forest. It is Ernest Mwilitsa's (ECLEA-Kenya's national coordinator) home area. We had approximately 35 participants. Because this is a rural area, the opportunities for good theological seminars and in-depth knowledge of the Bible are limited, but the level of enthusiasm was high. Consequently, we covered a number of areas beyond the Biblical Theology course we were conducting, especially matters relating to our Biblical Stewardship course. Most notably, during a rainstorm when it was too loud for me to continue, the participants engaged in a lively discussion relating to appropriate clothing for men and women. We were earnestly requested to come again.

The 16 participants for the Biblical Theology meeting we held in Nairobi included not only Ernest Mwilitsa but also 3 of ECLEA's regional coordinators (of whom James Ndiba, our host, was one) and other ECLEA teachers. This conference was challenging to many, especially in 2 areas: (1) The facts that OT Israel and its institutions were "types" and "shadows" of NT realities and the church was always God's "plan A" raised a significant challenge to the eschatological position that many of the participants always had been taught; (2) The New Covenant affects how we speak (or should speak) about the church (i.e., we often use "Old Covenant" language such as viewing the church as a building or "holy place," or "inviting the Holy Spirit to enter the meeting," or going to Malachi 3 when talking about giving).

We concluded with a conference on Biblical Interpretation with approximately 25 participants, hosted by George Kariuki. As was true elsewhere, the pre-existing theological "framework" of many of the participants was challenged as we considered several passages of Scripture in context. For example, looking at what Paul actually says both at the beginning and end of    1 Corinthians 12 concerning spiritual gifts challenges the common Pentecostal idea that speaking in other tongues is necessary as a sign that one is born again or filled with the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 11:1 (a description of faith) actually is part of a lengthy discussion of suffering instead of being a proof text for the idea that "if one has enough faith God will grant one's (materialistic) wishes." I was particularly impressed with how so many passages focus on fundamental matters, particularly our relationship with Jesus; if that is truly deepest in our hearts, everything else is only relative and "takes care of itself."

Looking ahead
I am now scheduled to be home until the latter part of June when I go to Tanzania for 3 weeks. While home, I intend to make some significant additions and revisions to the ECLEA teaching book on Biblical Theology. This will be an important project, but I am always striving to provide the best material to those worthy church leaders who are in the "front lines" of the spiritual battle in East Africa. Please hold the church in East Africa up in your prayers--it is truly in one of the most, if not the most, strategic areas spiritually in the world today.

I thank you for your prayers and financial support. This ministry could not continue to achieve so much without you.
God bless you, Jonathan

April 27, 2016
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I thank God for our continued good cooperation we have of equipping church leadership in my region with the truth of the Master builder. I am seeing that ECLEA is providing an opportunity for in-service training for church leaders for a better output in the body of Christ. It is no doubt, ECLEA has started to take ground because now the so-called senior pastors have started embracing the courses. This has boosted my teaching morale greatly.

My desire and prayer is to penetrate to the real rural areas for this is where we experience church leadership challenges. Otherwise our recent conference on 1 Timothy (April 7-9) was very encouraging compared with the previous one. Leaders showed keen interest in the learning and this could be understood by the many questions they were asking.

The biggest challenge this time was buying of manuals because many of the participants had a language challenge so only a few who got their copy. Due to their interest of learning I hope to be there for another conference in the area.


April 28, 2016
Bob Mwangi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We had two very successful pastors and leaders conferences at Family Worship Centre 29th Feb - 2nd March which had eighteen participants and East African Pentecostal Church 3rd - 5th March which had twenty one participants. We studied the book of 1 Timothy in both conferences, and the pastors and leaders had good time of fellowship, interaction  and discussed of many things about the church and leadership.

We prayed for the unity of the body  of Jesus Christ and we broke the walls of differences. We all agreed that the church of Christ is one and we are called to care for his flock and Jesus himself is the shepherd. May God Bless the ECLEA Ministry; our labour is not in vain because ECLEA is building the kingdom of God.

April 30, 2016
Obed Magoko, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Finally we are done last week with our two previously postponed meetings on 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship in a small town called Waita.

The meeting started on a high note with 16 pastors, 21elders, and 13 church ministers. By the last day of first meeting the number dropped to 9 pastors, 11 elders and 7 church ministers. I was told that a neighbor church was hosting a speaker on prosperity and some opted to go there. I was able to address this issue on true prosperity and those who made to the end appreciated much since now they heard the truth and were able to make a choice.

One pastor who came back for the Biblical Stewardship told the meeting that he went and did put the teachings in practice by facing one of the pastors who opted to go to prosperity seminar and proved through the manual that he had been cheated out of his money; they had been told to go home and bring each 200sh for "doors to open".

In Biblical Stewardship, the issue of preserving the environment became an issue of concern since this is a dry ground with almost no food. On teaching on the importance of trees a good number resolved to go and plant trees and harvest water now that the rainy season has started.

On stewardship of time, this was a challenge to many since one delegate raised his hand to ask a question as to what should be done since ladies go for water and this takes half the day as the distance is far but they also sit down to talk and hence waste a lot of time.

One pastor said he has never started the service on time since his members always come late and leave before the service is over. One elder said that he has realized the problem to their church since as an elder he personally campaigned to be elected but by the qualifications required in 1 Timothy he fails halfway and had these guidelines been followed he could not make it. He promised to put his family and private life in order.

Thanks ECLEA for making this to happen. Soon we are going back to do more work since they have almost no training regarding biblical foundations.
Pastor Obed Magoko, North Eastern Region

May 7, 2016
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We have just concluded the Biblical Interpretation conference in Malindi. The 28 participants included pastors from different denominations. Most of them commented that they have never done this. It was their first time, and they requested that ECLEA continue to help in training them more. One of them had this to say, "We know that that is the reason Paul told Timothy of rightly dividing the word of truth."

The TOT on Biblical Stewardship at Voi was well with pastors from different churches, 25 in number. Since most of them were doing this for the second time it was becoming more clear. They said now they are more confident to apply this, especially in the areas of church and finance which has always been challenging to the church in Africa.

The training on Christianity and Islam was successful. I involved 6 key pastors to first interact with the material and get their comment. They said that the material is so rich with relevant information on the subject, good and balanced, and it is of worth teaching others. The material is huge and we suggested that we do the training in 4 days instead of three.

May 9, 2016
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Yesterday ended our 2 conferences on Forgiveness & Reconciliation at Kevote, and Marriage & Parenting at Gatunduri.

Forgiveness & Reconciliation was our first ECLEA Conference at Kevote although the host pastor has attended ECLEA courses on Biblical Stewardship, Biblical Theology, and 1 Timothy elsewhere. The following is what the pastor said at the end of the conference: “I have done other courses with ECLEA but this course on Forgiveness & Reconciliation has had a remarkable and tremendous impact upon my life. What I have received today is indelible. I feel inexpressible relief after forgiving others. A great change has happened in my life today. I believe not only me but all who attended this course.”

Another visiting pastor who for the first time attended the ECLEA meetings at Kevote had this to say, “If these are the kind of meetings ECLEA has brought to us, then the next ECLEA conference will be held at my place. I will mobilize all the pastors of my town and make sure they all attend the ECLEA Conference.”

After the Marriage & Parenting conference, one women leader said, “Today I have made a huge stride forward. As a parent I am not where I was. I have learned a lot from this ECLEA course. I have gained a lot of knowledge which I trust will help others. I have gained a new perspective on how I view Marriage & Parenting. We need this course again.”

Personally, I take this opportunity to thank you for ECLEA’s being a great blessing to us. Our lives have been changed by these great teachings. God has used ECLEA to keep us in the safe path of sound doctrine.


May 12, 2016
Ernest Mwilitsa, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

We had a wonderful meeting at Kagumo which was well attended. The attendance was around 30. Some pastors came from far to attend the meeting. We did 1 Timothy because we felt that leadership teaching was very important. Most of the participants said that they are tired of prosperity Gospel and also people preaching only one verse. They said these teachings have come at the right time. In fact, nobody wanted to leave even after the meeting had ended.

They requested for Biblical Stewardship to follow in July. They even proposed the dates as July 14-16. They promised to go and get more pastors and Bishops to come and hear that.

George Kariuki, who taught the course with Ernest, adds this, “We bless God the conference we are doing with Ernest is going on well. This is the best so far doing a 1 Timothy conference.”

May 16, 2016
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

The Biblical Stewardship conference at Taveta was great. The participants were hungry for the word. They confessed they were getting such kind of teachings for the first time. The church has a membership of 40; two of them they have motorbikes yet the pastor is really struggling living in a mud house with only three old stools, cooking outside, and the 3 children have no mattress to sleep on.

After active participation the three days out of the teachings three things they promised to do: 
    1. have plans for budgeting
    2. support their pastor 
    3. they were able to pledge 51,500 Ksh to start buying public address system

The pastor and the wife confessed that I have helped the church so much and he asked me to go back to encourage them more and see what changes could have taken place by July.

In His service, Michael

May 17, 2016
Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

I did Expository Preaching to Anglican and Horohoro on 4th to 9th April and 9th to 11th May respectively, then one day Marriage at New Life in Christ, on 14th May. Attendance were 27 Priests and Evangelists for Anglican and 19 at Horohoro. Anglican was a better class than Horohoro, where they at least grasped something and had something to say about expository preaching than Horohoro team who almost preached as they usually did. The Anglicans picked something, but they testified expository preaching is the challenging one, but very effective. They requested for another session of this training with more time (extended duration).
The one day marriage seminar at New Life was fantastic. Attendance was 96. We covered: the origin and nature of marriage; God's will for wives and husbands; communication; and sexual responsibilities. We also had time for questions and answers. You can see that we changed our former plan as per requests. A number of Christian leaders, the majority being employees, had requested a Saturday marriage conference, and they attended.
At the conclusion of the conference, participants gave open opinions that Christian marriages are more suffering than the world marriages. A number of them stay in wedlock according to the law, but they more like slaves than free, as wedding is bitter. The world offers other alternatives which might appear as relief, but the church which has the real true one never trained God's people in the important principles that can help attain God's standard of better marriages. The importance of more marriage training was emphasized.


May 25, 2016
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 28th to 30th April 2016, we had our First Timothy conference at Maili Nane (Meru). I expected 22 participants but the number went up to 26 and the third day we were 29 both pastors and  leaders. Seven denominations were represented.

When I was teaching 1 Timothy chapter four one Mzee who was is a pastor in the area told us that it is next to impossible to overcome false teachers in Kenya and Africa in general. But, I informed him that verse 11 of chapter 4 tells us to command and teach them truth regardless of the lies that the prosperity preachers are spreading like fire in our country. Another lady who attended the conference told us that she was restricted by her family members from getting married so as to serve as a minister of the word of God in a certain denomination. After she understood chapter 4 of 1 Timothy and also after reading the 1 Timothy manual, she called me and informed me that she will not join the denomination again in life. All the pastors at Maili Nane are blessing God for changing the believe and the life of that lady. I am also grateful because of the great impact that ECLEA left in the locality.

On 12th to 14th May 2016, I took 1 Timothy course to Kaithe (Meru). I expected 24 participants but the number went down to 20 participants, both pastors and leaders. Nine denominations were represented. The number went down because there was a self-proclaimed prophet who was in the area. Of the 20 participants only two of them had attended Bible school while the rest had no theological background.

These brothers told me that they have never thought of what the Bible talks about in chapter 2 of 1 Timothy. We had a heated debate on chapter 2 because a number of the participants believed that men ought to lift up their hands when praying while women ought to keep quiet and ask questions at home. I told that the lifting of hands is just a metaphor and even people without hands can pray and God answers their prayers.

When we were going through chapter three about the qualifications of church leaders, three pastors walked out and when I inquired the reason they walked out, some of their church leaders told us that one of the pastors who had walked out had three wives and two pastors had two wives each. It was amazing. I told them that a pastor must be a one wife man. Their argument was based on the Old Testament that all the great men of faith in the old testament like Abraham had many wives. I took time to put a difference between the old and the New Testament before going on with chapter three of 1 Timothy. The brothers requested me to go back to their small town in the month of August if the Lord wishes.

On 16th to 18th May 2016 we had a very successful conference at Chuka Town with 30 participants from different denominations. 11 denominations were represented. Half of the participants told us that they had attended a number of bible colleges, but after going through our manual on 1 Timothy many testified and said that their frameworks were highly challenged. Many of them said that they never understood their goal of preaching as it is indicated in 1 Timothy 1:5.

The problem with many of the leaders was manifested when we entered chapter 5 of 1 Timothy. Two pastors said that they carry the offering and no one knows how much was offered hence prompting their congregation to have no faith in them. I told them that good records of church money should be well kept and any office bearer in the church is free to verify what is in the books. After discussing the issue of double honor, i.e., paying the pastors who run the affairs of the church well, the big number of participants told me that they will introduce accountability and transparency in their churches.

In fact many of the leaders are living in the church not as a result of being called upon by God to serve but having nothing else to do in life. One pastor informed us that he selected his wife as the church chair lady and his son was the secretary of the same church because he feared being overthrown by the members of the church. Robert told them that the church should not become a property of one man; rather, it is the pillar of truth and the family of God.

All the participants said they will be meeting once a month to pray for ECLEA and reading of the 1 Timothy manual until I will take another ECLEA course to their locality. Finally, may God bless ECLEA

Bishop Barnabas, Upper Eastern Coordinator

June 1, 2016
Thomas Mwai N'gang'a, ECLEA regional coordinator

We are going on well with ECLEA work and, in fact, what ECLEA is doing in many pastors’ lives and their ministries is great. We did our two AA conferences and below is our report:


We did our conference in Mangu at a place called Karuri and despite the heavy rains that made us start a bit late the first day we were able to do the meetings. We had 24 Pastors and leaders from different denominations and we realized that among Pastor there are many hidden issues which they never thought were hindrances to their lives and ministry, but these issues required forgiveness. The part that was very interesting is reconciliation; many could not differentiate the two (forgiveness and reconciliation). Also the four Ds in the process of reconciliation (decide to reconcile, discuss the matter, draw the toxin out of the relationship, and devote yourself to the relationship) was very helpful. In the interactive session, one of the pastors confessed that he had been going through rejection and he needed to forgive his parents for mistreatment when he was young.

Our conference hosted 27 Pastors and leaders. One of the participants commented, “We realized that Biblical Stewardship is a very spiritual book which you can not realize at first because it is not easy to connect spiritual things with environment and the like but when you go on you realize this is the foundation of Christianity.” The five love languages came out very well with the realization that there is a way you can show love. We gave a homework to all to go and do research of their spouse’s love language. Time management is also another thing whereby many say that you spend much time in quadrant one (i.e., matters that are both important and urgent) and we had a good chance how you can eliminate crisis by good planning. Basically the meetings were good and as always pastors ask for more.

Thanks for your continuous support and facilitation. May God bless ECLEA.

Thomas (Kiambu/Aberdares ECLEA codinator)

June 21, 2016
Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Christianity and Islam conferences launched in Kenya!

We really thank God for how far he has brought us as we serve in His kingdom. The work here is quite good regardless of several ministerial and family challenges which by the strength of God we must overcome.

I have just concluded the training at Malindi on Saturday. The participants had a good time of learning. They were very much impressed by the much information found in the Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials manual. Some thought they had all knowledge on the subject, but after the training one pastor said, “We wish we had this kind of training much earlier, but we are grateful that we are now informed. This will help us a great deal as we interact with the Muslims.” The group included both pastors and leaders from different denominations, 26 in total.

The Mombasa conference was very successful although the participants were not punctual the first day. We had 17 people, but the rest of the days we had 25 in total, both pastors and leaders from different church backgrounds. Bearing in mind that Mombasa has a big percentage of Muslims, the participants had more information as opposed to those at Malindi. However, they confessed they really needed this teaching and especially the notes because out of this they will be able to do more study on their own and also be in a position to teach others.

The conference at Voi was a bit challenging because pastors at this town have no unity. There are various pastors fellowship factions, however we had 22 participants. The other challenge was they are not good at keeping time and this affected us because the manual is of a bigger volume compared to the other manuals. They proposed that due to the bigness and more references to the Bible and Qur’an maybe the material be divided in two potions so as to do thorough digging on the same in future.
One good report is from the pastor at Taveta. We have been in contact and he reports that the church has changed. Members are now giving more after the Biblical Stewardship conference. We are yet to agree when to go back by July and a do a follow up and do a TOT. I will let you know.

May the Lord continue to be with you and your family even as you serve Him. Continue also to remember my family in your prayers. My wife is recovering after some complications after delivery. Till then remain blessed, Pastor Michael


June 10, 2016
Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

Last week from Monday to Friday we had training that involved 1 Timothy TOT in Kaliro and also Biblical Stewardship in Jinja. I conducted the Training with Bishop Geofrey.

The training went on well. As we reviewed Timothy it came back live to the members and we had a long time of discussion and some of the challenges that were facing the church mainly in the Busoga region were:
    1. Praying for those in authority, “How possible can we pray for those in authority when they don't deserve our prayers?”
    2. They still hold on this belief that women are inferior to men when it comes to ministry and also in social status.
    3. Leadership roles—the majority of churches don't have trained leaders and churches have sprung up without having elders affirming them and sending them to start new churches. So this became a matter of concern.

We had to address these issues, which were raised by referring to 1 Timothy 1:5. The heart issue, we emphasized that when we allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives and cleanse our hearts, it is the love that comes from a pure heart that will enable us to pray for our leaders without being biased. This means that we will be able to promote God’s work without coming against God’s government, which consists of the leaders on the seven mountains of influence.

Concerning women being inferior to men, we had to bring in at some point Ephesians 5 the relationship between Christ and the church as being one with that of a husband and the wife. I gave the example of my wife and myself, how we are working and complimenting each another. At first it didn’t make sense for the husband and wife to know how much the other was getting and worse still to put that money together and budget well. Their belief was the man to keep away some amount of the money from the woman. But the Bible and the book proved to be of greater importance.

We encouraged the leaders to start getting involved in the trainings of some kind, to encourage young leaders and support them to go for Bible training centers and not to be quick to lay hands on the members as mentioned in 1 Timothy 5:22, which has been the order of the day in this region.

When it came to Biblical Stewardship, leaders were overjoyed to find out that Stewardship touches all areas of life, some said that “we thought that Stewardship was to do with only money and maybe those in Pastoral role, but not everybody to be a steward!!” Most of the subjects that caught their attention were: looking after the environment, oneself and others, which included time management,  relationships.

They were encouraged to grow vegetables and use of herbs for their health. This was another issue as most of them had cherished the wrong doctrine that using herbs meant that one was a witch doctor. They had gone very far to teach this in their churches. Thank God for this training because we left them happy knowing that it is God's will for them to use the green plants for both their food and medicine (Gen 1:29). We emphasized the accountability as good stewards of all that God has given us here on earth, without forgetting time as that is one of the challenges in African church/culture.

When it came to relationships, especially the marriages, we found that some ministers had lost their wives due to poverty. This subject healed some who had gone through such experiences of letting go of their spouses. And after the training, leaders were appreciative and some said, “We wish that if we had such training before, our marriages wouldn't have been in such conditions.” They promised to get other leaders in order to learn from the same Biblical Stewardship.

Many words were said and answers were given from the book itself and also the Bible verses. We thank God that we have started getting the testimonies that the leaders didn’t remain the same. There has been a shift in their mindsets/frameworks.

Greetings from the leaders in this region to you and your entire team. God’s blessings be with you.

Kind Regards,


July 3, 2016
Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

ECLEA books are doing great work in many places, so we are encouraged trust God for all this we are doing with Him. I have taught the following books as shown by the dates and as well the encouraging remarks I these places:

Byumba—40 leaders came—23rd-25th-June—1 Timothy
In Byumba, they were so touched by the leadership lessons that they want us to have a second group of the remaining leaders so that every leader gets this stuff.

Ruhango—15 leaders came—27th-29th June—Biblical Marriage & Parenting
One lady Pastor after the Biblical Marriage  & Parenting book went home immediately and told the husband how they urgently need to correct many things and the husband was excited with what could have changed his wife. She gave a testimony at the end of the third day—Glory to God!

Jean de Deau, a minister in a church and a school teacher said, “These lessons are not only for Christians but should be for all persons to understand.”



August 11, 2016

Report of Church leaders seminars held in Cankuzo and Muzye from 4th to 8th July 2016

1. Introduction
I am so pleased to present to you a report on two church leaders training held simultaneously in Cankuzo and Muzye. This activity was a continuation of the training Rema Ministries is doing to empower pastors and leaders. On this occasion two separate teams were made and deployed to Cankuzo and Muzye to do the training. The training went on well in both sites and was successful.

2. The trainers
The trainers in both sites were all from REMA MINISTRIES together with five interns who have completed their bachelor in theology. We trained them and prepared them for the teaching ministry using ECLEA materials.
Cankuzo trainers were made of Nitunga Francois, Ndintore Felibien (director of Rema Ministries), Obed Niyokwizera, Bikorimana Nahason and Ndayisaba Jean, while Muzye team was made of Frederic Harerimana, Mbazumutima Theodore, Ndayishimiye Augustin and Rubin Ndagijimana. We have trained interns so that wherever we have such trainings we may resort to them whenever needs arise.

3. Lessons
As we did not start the two missions at the same time, we taught 1 Timothy in Cankuzo and Biblical Theology at Muzye.
For the first Epistle of Paul to Timothy, we went through the various topics that cover the epistle, such as: Sound Doctrine, Public Worship, Church leadership, Personal Discipline and Caring Church. We finished the book.

For Biblical Theology, we took the trainees through Biblical Theology book and went all the way through up to: "Jesus is the New, True, and Faithful Israel." We intend to finish the book of Biblical Theology during the next training.

4. Participants
In total, 73 participants attended the two trainings: 27 in Cankuzo and 46 in Muzye. In Muzye, we combined the two classes of trainees so that they can learn together this biblical theology lesson because of timing and availability of the trainers.

The training went on well and all the glory be to God. There were some pastors who didn’t show up for various reasons. But many of them sent their apologies. We decided that those who have missed one training should find ways of studying materials before he is eligible to the certificate at the end of the whole course.

5. Development of Activities
Every day the training began at 8:30am to 5:00pm. The first 30 minutes are reserved for morning devotion held by a chosen member from the participants. Every night, trainers met for more than 30 min to evaluate the day (debriefing); which allowed an improvement in the presentation of the contents of the material and significant advances in terms of the course.
The lessons were delivered as scheduled. At the end of the training, we ended with an evaluation test. The trainers were pleased with the results.

6. We are so much encouraged by the results we are getting
The trainees testify how they are benefiting from this course. They say that the lessons they are getting are of great importance to them because they are serving the church without being trained, in the biblical or theological field and even less leadership and discipleship. The books translated into Kirundi help them in the preparation of seminars in their respective churches. When we were closing the previous training in Cankuzo on Stewardship, the trainees were recommended to do some activities before the next training. It is in this sense that we asked them to share what they have experienced during that period as part of evaluation activity.

A. Rev. Nkeshimana Immaculée: She said that she stood against people who were cutting the eucalyptus heads to make brooms. These people were Christians. Her husband, who is also participating in the training, both sat together and prepared a nursery of 500 seedlings. Those will be transplanted at the right time, to a bare open space in order to protect the environment, and contribute to the safeguard of nature. She encouraged other pastors to prepare sermons related to the topic on the field of the environment.

B. Pastor NIYIBOGORA Desire: He said that he planted banana trees. He has changed the way he used to cultivate and the harvest increased greatly. Then for the next coming growing season, he has already bought the manure.
He also taught his parishioners to plant crops in a modern way. They have a vision of increasing food production so that people have enough to eat, and sell the surplus to the market.

C. RUKUNDO Mary: She said she was able to start a group of Christians that conducts charitable actions toward the sick, orphans and widows. She organized a seminar where she urged women she represents to manage time, to initiate income generating activities, improve farming techniques and trading. She taught them how to trace the contours to better protect arable land.

D. Pastor MUKORUKARABE Simeon: He said he borrowed money to buy livestock. He raised cattle to produce organic fertilizer to fertilize the land in order to increase his agriculture production. At home he is now building a modern toilet so that other people can come and follow that example. At church, he organized a seminar to teach members on how to initiate micro-projects and activities that generate income, using the manual "Stewardship" book. He also said that through his teaching, 34 Muslims have converted to Christianity. These are divided into the three branches that make up the parish. This is a challenge as we have not yet got the Islam and Christianity material into Kirundi--who knows that it won’t be a tool to rescue many Muslims and win them to Christ!

7. Challenges
Due to climate change, crops did not do well and as a result the grassroots people are suffering not only from hunger but also from malnutrition. As a result, our trainees struggle to get enough food during the training. Life is becoming expensive on a daily basis. The socio-economic problems that the country is facing discourage both the trainees and the trainers. But the Gospel continues.

8. Next training
Before closing the training, we discussed over the period of the following training and concluded that: From 12th to 16th September 2016: the training will take place at Muzye and
Cankuzo from 03-07/10 /2016

9. Conclusion
We kept on encouraging participants to continue to put into practice the teachings receiving. We invited them to widen their horizon to include in their sphere of intervention, their local communities and their surroundings, for the world is God’s parish and the perishing are God’s lambs which Jesus died for and came to rescue.

Before we left, we gave them assignments which will help them go through the whole material before the next training and we expect them to come with reports of how they have implemented the acquired skills arising from the training.
The pastors are happy to have attended these teachings because they help them to better understand and interpret the Bible.
The training in both areas: Cankuzo and Muzye ended on Friday, July 8, 2016 in the afternoon.

10. Gratitude
We do not cease to thank ECLEA for material and financial support which enabled us to conduct this training. We thank God the Almighty who guided and protected us during this week dedicated to that activity of building capacities of those pastors.

God bless!


July 28. 2016
Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

Report of trip to Tanzania

I spent three weeks in Tanzania during the last half of June and first part of July, beginning in Arusha and ending on the coast. Here is a summary:

Arusha and Usa River--Biblical Theology
I have finished doing Biblical Theology to a group of about 18 in Arusha and to an unfortunately smaller than expected group of about 8 in Usa River (a suburb 45 minutes from Arusha). This was the first time using the newly revised and expanded Biblical Theology book. Both courses went well--lots of in-depth discussion on such things as grace vs. works, speaking in tongues, and the messages we inadvertently convey by how we express theological truths, and some good questions and feedback.

One participant at Arusha who had had a course in Biblical Theology at Bible School said that our ECLEA book contained much material that he had never been exposed to before and is far better than what he previously had in school.
    One Usa River participant suggested that the number of participants (which was only about 1/3 of the number who had been expected) was as the result of spiritual warfare: "someone" doesn't want the church leaders to hear this material because it could transform their teaching and the churches. Perhaps so.
    Another Usa River participant (a church overseer) said he had known Dickson Laizer (ECLEA's national coordinator) in the past but had lost contact until recently. He has attended another ECLEA course Dickson has taught, and he told me, "Dickson has moved far! He needs to lead me."

Kibaha--Biblical Theology
We did the third of our Biblical Theology training sessions in Kibaha (near Dar es Salaam) for a group of about 12 participants. Throughout Tanzania the numbers were lower than the 20-30 who had been invited and who had committed to attend. One reason for this is language--unlike in Kenya and Uganda, most people are not fluent in English, and they had been anticipating the sessions would be translated into Kiswahili. Since we would not have time to cover the voluminous material with translation, the Swahili speakers went home, but Joram Ibrahim promised to return in August with a Swahili class.
    The class itself was effective, I believe. This was our first time using the revised and expanded Biblical Theology book, which really added to the section on how Christ and the church fulfill the entire OT. One participant told me, "This has opened our eyes."

Dar es Salaam--Biblical Interpretation
We had some hot discussion among the eight participants, particularly concerning speaking in tongues and miracles when we discussed the "framework" we all bring to understanding the Bible. One good aspect about Biblical Interpretation is that ti is very interactive--we use small group and large group discussions and analyze lots of passages of Scripture in several different genres. One participant, who had been to bible school, commented, "I had never been exposed to the Psalms before. It was very helpful."

Tanga--Christianity and Islam
In Tanga, I led the class of approximately 11 participants in the study of Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials. We took four days for this course (it is our longest book). I am happy to say that one of the participants was a former Muslim. He told me that, when he was a Muslim, he had never heard of much of the information concerning Islam that we covered (and I quote Muslim authorities throughout the book). Tanga is a highly Muslim area. I think this course will prove to be very helpful for the church leaders of East Africa, particularly after the book is translated into Kiswahili.

Moving forward
In teaching through Biblical Theology and Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials, I discovered some typographical and other errors in both books which I have corrected. I have posted the corrected books on the "ECLEA Courses & Resources" page of the ECLEA website ( I will now be home for just over a month before I leave for Rwanda and Burundi on August 13. Fortunately, although I was somewhat ill while I was in Tanzania, I am mostly back to normal now (Dickson Laizer who was with me also had some health problems but was considerably improved by the time I left TZ).

I hope to see a number of you while I am home. Your prayers and tax-deductible donations to ECLEA are making a positive difference in the lives of many, many East African church leaders and churches.

August 13, 2016
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I hereby wish to kindly let you know that we were yesterday done with our three meetings at Kevote, Mwea, and Gatunduri respectively.

The Marriage and Parenting course at Kevote had a very big impact. I guess this was as a result of the Forgiveness and Reconciliation seminar we did there some time back. A number of people testified how the course had a great impact in their relationships, especially In their homes. But when we last week did Marriage and Parenting, they responded by saying the courses are getting better.

At Mwea, we were privileged to have Ernest, our national director, teaching alongside me on Forgiveness and Reconciliation course; Ernest did a tremendous job showing those people who live at that border how to reconcile and relate to each other; attached are a pair of photos as he taught.
Finally we did Biblical Stewardship course at Gatunduri and people were especially happy to learn how important are their bodies, environment, relationships, and how to be good stewards of all the Lord has entrusted unto them, including their time and money. They promised great changes will occur, and be seen to have occurred, in their lives as they confessed that the teachings have already changed their perspectives. Hopefully, we are eager to see it.

Blessings, Robert

September 7, 2016
Obed Magoko, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Biblical Marriage & Parenting in Garissa, Kenya

A lady said that she has now known the cure to her marriage since she did not know her husband’s love language and this had contributed to communications breakdown which translated into severe stress to the point of her leaving the marriage. She made a decision of going back and start again now differently armed with this new information.

A pastor decided to go and read the manual with his wife since according to him, understanding and listening part of communication was lacking. The wife leaves for work at 8:00 in the morning and comes back home at 11:00pm. She does not want to be asked why since according to her she is overworked in their hotel business to make ends meet that the church has failed to meet. I hope and pray it will work out well.

Later on the following Sunday, I decided to go through the communication section with our church. I was surprised to note that only a third has ever heard about any of the five love languages.

Once again I wish to thank you for making this to happen.

Pastor Obed, ECLEA-Kenya, North Eastern Coordinator 

September 9, 2016
Bob Mwangi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

The pastors and leaders conferences at Baraka and Naromoro churches (held August 8-13) were very successful and we had good time for fellowship and praying for one another. Baraka we had 23 participants and Naromoro 21 participants.

The pastors and leaders confessed that their eyes got opened while we were studying together the 1st book of Timothy and they discussed in length very many things:
     a) We should teach true gospel of faithfulness because there are many people who are confusing the people of God by      teaching the false teaching in the church of Jesus Christ.
     b) People should be taught a sound teaching which is in the Bible.
     c) The qualification of church leadership was discussed in length because we have many battles in the church and even many court cases because of leaders who are not qualified because they were just elected in the positions of leadership.
     d) People should be taught the true Godliness because false godliness is also taught in many churches.
     e) True Christians should have spiritual discipline.
     f) People in the church should treat one another as a family Brethren to live together in unity caring for one another.

Because we are members of one body and keepers of each other, we agreed to teach the true relationship between godliness and material riches because we have many people who are also teaching false gospel and are confusing the people of God.

September 10, 2016
Samuel Ochieng, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


The first one was done in Huruma Faith Crossing Centre Church the subject was 1st Timothy Leadership). I did it in June 15th to 17th 2016, with facilitators Steve Maina, Philip and Samuel. Attendance was 22 leaders. Many questions concerning the quality of church leadership, the place of women in the leadership of the church, the character of a minister and so many other issues that have been properly explained in the manuals.
The other meeting was done in Kimilili town. We did a seminar with pastors on Biblical Stewardship. We concentrated  especially on the area of money and possessions and the critique of prosperity gospel and finances. We managed to cover almost half of the book because there were a lot of questions on money issues and leadership/church stewardship.
The attendance was so good because we almost had 29 leaders every day. The meeting was done during weekdays from 13th to 15th of July. Those who facilitated were pastor Samuel, Dr Philip and pastor Wycliffe Wawire.
The last one was in Kapsabet 18th to 20th August 2016. We did Biblical Theology because we were dealing with Bible College students. It was so intensive a class with a lot of explanation and debate surrounding area like the old temple and today’s temple, the spiritual Israel and physical Israel, then the tabernacle and God’s relationship with mankind then and now.
I tell you for sure they loved to study the manual that even three full days cannot be enough for them we did the teaching with Dr. Philip Okumbe, Dr. Gedion Nyangweso (the man who prayed for you when you were at my place; he is a great teacher), and I. And it was a good one!

So far the North Rift ECLEA team has done their six meetings, plus the one you did in April makes it to be seven in number.

God bless you. Samuel Ochieng, ECLEA-Kenya, North Rift Coordinator


September 21, 2016
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Here's a brief report of my most recent trip to Rwanda and Burundi:

Byumba and Ruhango, Rwanda
We have done Biblical Interpretation in both Byumba (about 30 participants) and Ruhango (about 20 participants). Both courses went well even though this was my first time teaching this course through an interpreter. Animated discussions. Since we are talking about basic principles of reading, observing, interpreting, and applying the Bible to pastors and church leaders, it is amazing and saddening (but not entirely surprising), that one participant said, "I have never heard any of this before."

One of the things I do is have small or large group discussions of multiple passages of Scripture as we deal with the various core hermeneutical principles and biblical genres. One participant said "He's choosing all the passages we misinterpret!" Several people have indicated that the things they are learning are challenging their "frameworks" (i.e., their pre-conceived views and ways of looking at things). That is true, but in the long run it should prove to be beneficial if the churches can get re-directed to a more sure foundation.

Protais Nshogoza
Our host in Byumba was pastor Protais Nshogoza. He is and will be working with ECLEA closely with coordinator Francis Ngoboka. He also has been doing some translating of our written work into Kinyarwanda. It is my honor to work with him, especially after he told me some of his story. After his parents died, he was raised by a Muslim relative and brought up as a Muslim. He was trained at an Islamic school and was equipped to try to convert Christians to Islam by using the Bible. This he did for a few years. However, Christ appeared to him in a vision or dream. He converted to Christ and then, unfortunately not surprisingly, faced persecution by his erstwhile Muslim "friends." Protais received a theological education and has been God's instrument to lead a number of Muslims to Christ.

His story is even more interesting. During the genocide in 1994, Protais's wife, two sons, and other family members were murdered. Protais himself and his daughter miraculously were able to survive and later be reunited. He had to live in a swamp for a month, eating only papyrus and drinking fetid water. But things became even more amazing. Protais learned that the murderers of his family were in a particular prison. God spoke to him about forgiving those who had murdered his family. He ultimately went to the prison, forgave the men, helped them, and was instrumental in their being released. Now he leads forgiveness and reconciliation meetings around the country for former genocidaires and their victims. Only God could have brought about this miraculous transformation of his life. He is an inspiration.

Kanombe, Rwanda
I did a Biblical Theology training for about 25 participants in Kanombe (a suburb of Kigali). The participants found that seeing Jesus in all the Scriptures (i.e., in typological form in the OT) was a new and exciting thing. We also had considerable discussion concerning the tithe, given the fact that Christ fulfilled the OT law and the Old Covenant and instituted the New Covenant.

Following that, we did a TOT on Biblical Interpretation for 11 leaders from around the country and concluded with a meeting with those leaders so that I could give them my vision for ECLEA in Rwanda and take their questions. Francis Ngoboka is doing an excellent job coordinating ECLEA's work in Rwanda. He (and the leaders I met with) has the vision and is very missions oriented. Further, in just a year he has organized 6 teaching centers in different parts of the country, recruited capable leaders in those centers, and has led 19 all-African conferences at those centers. Quite an accomplishment!

A God Thing
Rwanda and Burundi are, unfortunately, having a war of words right now. As a result, buses from Rwanda no longer can go into Burundi. They have to stop at the border then, after going through customs, one has to walk some distance to get a Burundian bus to the capital of Bujumbura. As I was standing in the customs line on the Burundi side of the border, I asked the person in front of me if he knew where one had to go to catch the bus. He said, "Are you a servant of God?" I said I was and asked him if he was. He and his companions in fact were pastors from Burundi on their way home from Kenya, and they all spoke English! He told me not to worry as they would wait for me. After I made it through the line I walked on; the pastors had rented a private car. For only about $3.00 over the cost of a bus ticket I was able to ride to Bujumbura with them without waiting. Just a little special grace from God.

Bujumbura, Burundi
In Bujumbura I did Biblical Interpretation for five full days with the staff of ECLEA's Burundi partner, Rema Ministries, and some others, a total of 16 participants. The extra time enabled us to have plenty of time for good questions and discussion. We covered, either as a whole group or in small group discussions, 16 important biblical passages the significance of which is often missed or misinterpreted. Further, on the last day (which focused on application) we looked at about a dozen passages demonstrating how biblical ideals, doctrines, examples, laws, commands, and rules can be applied within our context today.

An Interesting God Thing
While I was in Bujumbura, I bought some bottles of pili-pili (hot sauce). I also needed to get a bottle of water so I pointed to the water which was located next to the pili-pili bottles. The shop's proprietor said the water was 2000 Burundi franks (about 80 cents), which was higher than expected, but the bottle was bigger than the standard 500ml size so I didn't think much of it. I left everything in the bag until the next morning when I needed the water and then, when I finally looked at the label, discovered that it wasn't water at all but was white vinegar!

I decided to take the vinegar to Rema Ministries to see if they could use it. When I offered it to him, Felibien Ndintore, the outgoing director of Rema, smiled and then told me "the rest of the story." He said that throughout his term as director, nothing has ever been stolen or gone missing from the Rema Ministries headquarters except, oddly, one bottle of vinegar! Since I gave him the vinegar, he can now report that nothing has ever been stolen or gone missing from the Rema Ministries headquarters during his term of office. Amazing.

Looking Ahead
I am now scheduled to be home until I leave for Tanzania and Kenya on October 15. I hope to see many of you. Please keep ECLEA in your prayers. Your financial support is also very important. We are making a big difference in a vital part of the world. You can read reports not only of my work in East Africa but of many all-African training conferences on the "News" page of the ECLEA website ( Thank you for your support. We could not be deepening the foundations and strengthening the churches without you.


September 13, 2016
Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We were able to do our Expository Preaching at Witeithie where we hosted 23 leaders and pastors. Many of them were used to topical sermons and through the course some pastor pledged to use expository. Many appreciated the fact that the book explains the purpose of preaching is to change life, an idea in line with God's word and not to entertain, and the book explains that. Anyway we need to go back there in future for follow up program.

We also finished the Biblical Stewardship course last Friday where we hosted 25 pastors and leaders at Githunguri. When I started with stewardship of environment they thought there was nothing spiritual, but as God helped me to unfold the truths in the book they eventually concluded that this is most spiritual book and they promised to teach it in their churches! Not many of them know how to handle relationships and finances. Many promised to work with budget to avoid waste.

We thank God for you and ECLEA for being a partner in our ministries. God bless you.

Thomas (ECLEA-Kenya, Kiambu region)

September 28, 2016

Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 8th to 10th September 2016 we had a very successful Biblical Stewardship at Chogoria Town. 22 Participants, both Pastors and Leaders, attended the conference.

We went through the whole book. When we were sharing concerning the issue of time and how one should master his/her time, the debate was very hot because many had a believe that only Mzungu can keep time not Africans. I informed them that whenever one messes up with his time he is messing up with his life. I also told them that time is irreversible and irreplaceable and to waste your time is to waste your life. One Pastor told us that when he is conducting the Church service he does not look at his watch but allows the Holy Spirit to take control. I strongly challenged this kind of belief. Many of them agreed with me that we are not slaves of time but stewards of time.

I told them that slaves are tortured so as to accomplish the objectives of their earthly masters while stewards are the trustees of their heavenly master. The frameworks of many were changed and they promised me that they will be good stewards of time. They were amazed when I told them that how we will spend our eternity depends upon what we do with our life now.

On 12th to 14th September 2016 I took 1 Timothy T.O.T. to Muthara Town. 19 Pastors and Leaders attended the conference; six denominations were represented.

I thank God because all the participants were sharp and everything we discussed they were able to understand very quickly. They told me that although many of them have been in the field preaching the gospel of the cross they never understood the goal of their preaching. When we discussed chapter 1:5, they were astonished. The issue of men lifting up their hands while praying and women to keep quite was also another thing that raised a very fruitful discussion because many said they were practicing chapter two as it is written. But after the conference they changed their mind and they have come to a point of understanding that the lifting of hands is just a metaphor.

On 15th to 17th September I did Marriage & Parenting at Chuka. 23 Leaders and Pastors attended; 5 denominations were represented.

I taught them the 4 wrong ways of solving problems in a family set up; for example:
      1. Deny that there is a problem
      2. Avoid or run away from the problem.
      3. Endure the problem without trying to solve it(suffer in silence)
      4. Make threats, yell, and demand your own way.

Many of them agreed that they are the victims of the above and nobody has ever addressed such problems in the churches they attend. Many sisters were shedding tears when I emphasized the above because throughout their marriage life they have been running away from the problems instead of solving them. Some marriages in this locality are collapsing due to the influence of their mothers-in-law. I told them that in-laws should not be allowed to interfere with or control one's marriage and home life. We came to a common conclusion that nobody should deny that there is a problem when the problem is existing. One Pastor told us that he used threats whenever he was unable to meet the needs of his family. After discussing many things concerning marriage, many of them requested to pray for them and their families of which I did.

Finally they were all grateful for what ECLEA is doing not only to them as individuals but also to their Churches. May God bless ECLEA in Jesus name.

Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


November 9, 2016
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On November 2-4 we taught the Forgiveness & Reconciliation course at Naivasha town. Peter Mwangi and I did the teaching. We had 23 participants, and 9 churches were represented. The meeting went well.

Here are some testimonies:
   * Pastor Mary Ngaho: She had a grudge with a neighbor who she thought had poisoned her calf. She was very bitter. But she forgave and even more after the teaching. She knew she had done the right thing and was very grateful.
   * Pastor John Mutuku: He had carried a grudge against his uncle who he knew had been involved in bewitching his father who died. Every time he remembered this he felt very bitter. After the teaching, he completely released his uncle and experienced the freedom that comes with forgiveness.
   * Rev. Muiruri: He had had an encounter with an employer who had employed him for a long time and had failed to pay him 100,000 Kenya shillings which were owed him. It was a big issue, but the employer later paid him 4000 shillings and he released and forgave her.

James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


November 12, 2016
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Barnabas Mpekethi

On 24th – 26th October I took Biblical Forgiveness & Reconciliation to Kiutine town in Meru County. 21 Pastors and Leaders attended. This town is beyond Maua town. It is a miraa (khat) growing zone, and as a result of this drug, many people live in great grudge.

In the conference many were the questions that were being asked commonly when they understood what forgiveness is and what forgiveness is not. In this town people attend the same church and yet they have pending criminal cases in the court of law against each other.

Due to miraa and lack of forgiveness there is a big number of people living with one hand or both cut off. They argued that it is impossible to forgive and reconcile. I told them that it is not a must you reconcile with the one who wronged you but it is a must for one to forgive. We agreed that I will take the same course to them next year if the Lord wishes.

The Biblical Interpretation conference started at 8.30am on 27th – 29th October with 19 participants and 8 denominations were represented. This course challenged many pastors because some of them have mastered some verses in the Bible and when they present them to the congregation they use a lot of time wandering in the Bible because they don`t understand the context. How they travel in the Bible is also another big problem because they don`t know how to connect a chapter with another chapter or even how to relate one book of the Bible with another.

We used a lot of time to do away with the old approach of the Bible. We allowed the Bible to interpret itself and emphasized not putting our own things or twisting the Word of God so as to fit our own desires. I bless God because of the people of this area. They were very serious even when it came to group discussions.

On 31st October – 2nd November 2016, I took 1st Timothy to Mbaranga village, a small shopping centre with a big population. 17 pastors and leaders attended the meeting. 5 churches were represented. Two brothers and one sister attended this course at Muthara sometime back, and they were very happy to see that ECLEA is mindful even of the people who live in such villages because many organizations do not mind about the village people; rather they like dealing with the people in towns and cities. (They were very grateful.)

We were able to cover the whole course. I asked them whether they know the goal of our preaching as it is indicated in (1st Timothy 1:5 [the goal of our instruction is LOVE]) they said they didn`t. I was to explain slowly by slowly because many of them were slow learners.

When we tackled chapter three, one pastor was very remorseful and he said that he does not qualify to be a pastor since he has two wives, initially because he paid dowry for the two of them he thought there was nothing wrong with starting a church and continue preaching. I told him that it is good to lose a big responsibility like that of being a pastor and participate in other church activities rather than breaking the Word of God. As I write this report, the man has stepped down willingly and the church is moving on well. They have invited me to go and share what transpired in our conference to a point of their pastor stepping down and I am planning to visit them as soon as possible.
I told the pastors that they should be paid by the church and not to carry the offering every Sunday while hiding their members for accountability and transparency purposes. Many of them said that they would keep good records in the church. I bless God for the great transformation that is taking place in this great region of upper eastern Kenya.

On 3rd – 5th November, I took the Christianity & Islam course to Isiolo town. 26 participants attended. 3 brothers who were Muslims and later accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour were among the 26 participants. Through them, I can see a wide door opened for many to receive Jesus Christ in this densely populated town (many Muslims).

As you know this book requires many days to go through because it is a very detailed book. It is of great help to the converted Muslims in this town of Isiolo and other parts of Kenya and East Africa at large. We were able to cover the Basic Aspects of Islam and the five pillars of Islam. We all agreed that if at all the Christians will understand all this, the growth of Islam in Kenya and East Africa will decrease at a higher percentage. They requested me to go back with the same course as soon as possible. All of them said that they have never come across such a book (Christianity & Islam)

On 7th – 9th November I took the same course to Maili saba, still in Isiolo County. 16 people participated and we were able to cover a big area of our manual, reason being the more the number, the more the questions; hence taking much time to elaborate almost everything. We covered the Basic Aspects of Islam, five pillars of Islam and the six articles of belief (Iman). The participants told me after the course that they`ll print the manuals and engage the up-coming generation in reading them bit by bit and as the years goes by, Maili saba will be transformed into a Christian town.

They all came to a common conclusion that they've tasted the teachings of this wonderful book (Christianity & Islam) and they want us to go back again and again because teaching them once is not enough. I am planning on how I will go back to them and I will let you know.

I concluded my conferences with a very good team of sharp guys at Bula Mawe on 10th – 12th November 2016. 20 brothers and sisters attended. Among them, only one had never attended the mosque before he accepted Jesus at his tender age. One of them said that he has read so many books concerning Islam but recommended our manual and said that the whole manual is full of insight on the matters that pertain to Islam.

Finally I thank the ECLEA team. God bless you. Your labour is not in vain. God bless ECLEA.


November 14, 2016
Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We did our all-African Expository Preaching meeting in Kangari whereby we had 22 Pastors and leaders from different denominations. We found out that many pastors do not apply the Word of God and they had to agree that preaching is work. One of the things that we discouraged so much is preaching from one verse out of context as many Pentecostals do. They pointed out that ECLEA curriculum is very rich for any serious pastor who want to preach well.

We also did Marriage & Parenting in Mangu where we hosted 10 couples. We realized that many Christian marriages are suffering silently and we had a chance of interacting and addressing some of the practical issues that face marriages today in the light shed in the ECLEA curriculum. In fact some of the families were healed.

Finally, we did 1 Timothy in Mairi where we had a host of 19 Pastors and church leaders. We had a spirited debate especially in the controversial areas of women since this place is dominated by several cults some of which were in the meeting. At last, as explained in the 1 Timothy book, we did not take sides but explained the word of God and different positions. The very thing that we stressed so much is the goal of our instruction.

Thomas (Kiambu ECLEA regional coordinator)

November 29, 2016
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This is to let you know that we last Saturday successfully wound up our meetings that were scheduled for the first two weeks of November. We did Biblical Stewardship both at Makengi and Kevote. The stewardship of environment was a great favorite with many at Makengi though there were several who confessed that they have learned a lot from 'Stewardship of time', that it was so significant to them; that they will henceforth plan their time carefully and wisely, and endeavour to honor their schedules. At Kevote many promised to plant trees to check the growing problem of deforestation and soil erosion.

At Githimu, the most lively meeting among the four, many minds which had used the gospel to focus mostly on themselves, were graciously humbled by the fact that Jesus Christ takes the center-stage in all of the scripture. 

1 Timothy at Karitiri was also very interesting in that many people are now aware of the false gospel that a few years back was quite popular with many. They are now attentive to the true gospel that is devoid of empty promises; and as this was one of the major goals of ECLEA, to that effect I can say we are successful.



November 17, 2016
Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Here is the account of my most recent trip to east Africa (my fifth, and last, of 2016). I spent 2½ weeks in Tanzania and then finished with a two-day summit meeting in Nairobi of ECLEA leaders from each of the five countries of the East African Community.

Sakila—1 Timothy
Dickson Laizer arranged for us to teach 1 Timothy at a new and important venue, a large school in Sakila (about an hour away from Arusha). The school trains men who will be planting churches and men and women who are training for ministry. We were to teach Monday-Friday afternoons from about 1:00PM-4:30PM.

When we arrived on Monday, however, we were informed that there were some other presenters. As a result, we only had 1 hour 15 minutes to teach on Monday and two hours on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday had to be cancelled because of a graduation ceremony the people at the school had forgotten about when Dickson made the arrangements. We finished with 2 1/2 hours of teaching on Friday. This is Africa, and one must adapt.

That being said, while our presentation was truncated, the 80 participants received the material enthusiastically, and I think we made an impact. What is particularly significant is that, although these are people preparing for ministry and planting churches, not one of the students had ever studied an entire book of the Bible all the way through as we did with 1 Timothy! Hopefully, this will bear fruit. The head of the school was very impressed by ECLEA. So despite a less than auspicious beginning, we probably will be returning.

Arusha—Christianity & Islam
We went through our lengthy and important book Christianity & Islam: Theological Essentials. The 22 pastors and church leaders are finding this a very important and timely course, especially given the large and rising presence of Islam in Tanzania. The 5½ days of Christianity & Islam in Arusha were very important. One participant said that he had studied Islam from the diploma level to the masters level but had never encountered a book as deep as ECLEA's Christianity & Islam: Theological Essentials. The participants talked about their continuing to stay in touch so as to be able not only to teach their own people but also to develop effective strategies for reaching out to Muslims. Please pray that this occurs.

Babati, TZ—Biblical Interpretation
Our last venue in Tanzania was Babati, about 2 hours south of Arusha. We did Biblical Interpretation for about 18 church leaders. As we have found elsewhere, the course challenged many people's "frameworks" (i.e., the way they have historically approached the Bible and understood several passages). That is why I go through many passages--from single verses to entire chapters (and more)--and have the participants discuss them in small groups (or we discuss the passages as a committee of the whole). Seeing the importance of context along with core hermeneutical principles is transformative.

Nairobi, KE—ECLEA Leaders' Summit Meeting
Immediately upon concluding the teaching session in Babati, Dickson Laizer, Joram Ibrahim, and I traveled to Nairobi, Kenya for the important summit meeting of ECLEA leaders from each of the 5 countries of the East Africa Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). This is the third such summit we have held, and this one proved to be the most focused and productive.

Here are the highlights:
     * Each country now is led by excellent people who all share the same vision and are committed to what ECLEA is doing. ECLEA's vision and goal is summarized as "Deep Foundation - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives."
     * The best way to achieve this goal is to have indigenous, independent, self-sustaining ECLEA organizations in each of the East African countries. This will involve registration as independent organizations in four of the countries (in Burundi we are partnering with an already-established organization, Rema Ministries). At the summit, we agreed on a timetable for determining organizational structures, preparing constitutions, and registration which, God-willing, can be completed by the end of 2017.
     * We agreed that, to have lasting impact, follow-up is as important as our conferences themselves. Consequently, follow-up will be mandatory for all future training conferences. Each country will send a report to the others of how they are doing follow-up now, including what works and what doesn't seem to work. This will enable us to develop a more standardized follow-up and assessment protocol.
     * We also decided to standardize the budgeting process for all-African conferences and the reporting procedure for reporting on what is being done in each country. This will help with financial accountability, among other things.

Summary and looking ahead
There was a great spirit of unity, seriousness, and enthusiasm at the summit. Dr. Paul Nelsen, who was one of the people whose input was instrumental in the development of the (attached) vision and goal statement was present and was a valuable contributor at the summit. In fact, because of the new procedures and timetables we agreed on, instead of holding the next summit in two years (as we had done in the past), we agreed to hold the next summit meeting in February 2018 in Kampala, Uganda.

In short, ECLEA is focused and is on the move! I am very grateful for the many good East Africans who are doing such an excellent job of equipping the church leaders in this vital and strategic part of the world. I am also thankful for those of you who pray for this ministry and support ECLEA financially. God has certainly answered our prayers, and your financial support is paying great dividends—the deep foundations ECLEA is laying are demonstrably leading to healthy churches and transformed lives. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

Thank you again, and may God bless you. Jonathan


December 23, 2016
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here is a short report on what we are doing here in Tanzania:

1. BWAWANI: Here we did 1 TIMOTHY where we started with 27 participants and complete with 33 and they showed that they are very interested. Most of them said they had not attended any Bible school (only two went for six month Bible school). All of them they said this kind of teaching is very new to us; three overseers said, “This a treatment to sickness of the church where a lot of us have been supporting false teachers of the of gospel by giving our goats, sheep, cows, and money to the wrong people because lack knowledge but today ECLEA team has given us the light through this training.”

2. MUNGUSHI: Here we taught 1 TIMOTHY  to 35 participants and they were showing up on time all most all of them. One big testimony to many of them is that book of 1 TIMOTHY became new to us; likewise, it seems that “it opened our eyes, now we can see clearly how to speak about false teachers.”

One bishop said, “This is the teaching needed as a solution to the church to be strong today instead of being like children tossed to and fro by the wind of false doctrine as we have saying those people are used by God while they are not. We are ready to applying this teaching within our churches and denominations. Our request is for ECLEA ministry to come to us in every three months and we will be ready to take care the food expenses.”

3. MIGUNGANI: Here we taught also 1 TIMOTHY  to 27 participants where the pastors said, “This is the church’s true deliverance through ECLEA teaching. Next time we have to invite all our church members to attend and they will contribute their own food. Thank you so much to ECLEA team for coming to help us to lead the church of God according to the Bible.”

4. OLOKII: Here is the to dry place and there is a lack of rain but there is a work of God which shown God is at work no matter what. Here we taught 1 TIMOTHY to 35 participants. The big challenge we found here is the Masai language where people use to read the Masai Bible when you read the Swahili one they would like to in their language again. So I had to teach in Masai language to make understand what we were saying. They also said, “This teaching has helped us to stop giving our goats, cows, sheep, crops to those prosperity preachers who had lies to us for long. We have been giving our things to wrong people thinking that we are obeying God. Even if you give one time they will come back again saying another revelation has been revealed to me that you need to sacrifice the big bull, otherwise people will start to die with the family so you are required to give a good deliverance sacrifice to stop the death.  So we so grateful for ECLEA’s teaching that opened our understand what the Bible says about those people we thought were servants of God. We need you to come back again soon please.”

5. MUUNGANO: Here we taught Biblical Stewardship to 29 participants and the testimonies were given as follows: One bishop said, “I discovered that I have been teaching selfishly biblical stewardship. I used those verses of Luke 16 to tell people to give offering faithfully for me to gain and not according to what Christ have done for them on the cross. To me, according to ECLEA’s teaching from this training I now know what biblical stewardship means.”

Another one bishop said, “This teaching is very new and I have been misleading the church for not knowing the whole truth of God’s word. ECLEA’s teaching is the mobile school which is sent by God to help people like us who had been given the task without knowing how to accomplish it. Thank you for ECLEA team and please let this be a continuing class; it will very helpful if we get those other courses.”

Today we are proceeding with our training at Kikuletwa where we accomplishing tomorrow then we will break for Christmas holidays then we will continue.

Best regards,


December 12, 2016
Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi national coordinator


I. Introduction
We praise the Lord that he opened the doors for us to go ahead with our program of training our rural church leaders. We believe that this program was inspired by God as we testify how the trainees in this program are so much devoted in this teaching program. We see that this training has started to transform people’s lives. We are looking ahead to look on the results as the training goes on.

II. Activities
The mission started on Monday 21st, 2016 in which five people took part in that mission as trainers.
     1. Harerimana Frederic
     2. Nitunga Francois
     3. Binagana Mukiza Amon - intern
     4. Hitimana Emmanuel - intern
     5. Nduwimana Ferdinand - intern

As you can notice, the last three people have been sent by Hope Africa University to do their internship in Rema Ministries. They are also theological students writing their dissertation/paper. We have thoroughly trained them and initiated them in the ECLEA materials we are using and joined us in the training. They did well. We are happy with them. We are thrilled that now we have a new class that started in Nyanza lac on the request of Minevam Church. Pastor Theophle Nahigombeye had insisted that this training and class be started in Nyanza Lac in collaboration with MINEVAM as he is the superintendent of Bururi, Makamba, Rumonge and Rutana provinces encouraged the participants with and through this testimony. But not only pastors from Minevam church attended the training but also from other church denominations nearby Nyanza lac.

III. Topics
We did with them Biblical Stewardship material. It was  an eye-opening time with lots of discussions on practical matters.

Different pastors testify:
Rev. Pastor Nahigombeye Théophile: "I had served the Lord for quite a long time but without any prior theological training until I got an opportunity to meet Rema Ministries and have any capacity building session. My former employer which was Swedish Pentecostal Church said to me when I submitted my calling to them: 'You have the Bible and the Holy Spirit; those will guide you, feed you, and do everything for you. As for us we will just give you "a piece of soap”.'" Indeed, he was paid 800 BIF, less than a dollar per month, yet he had a wife and children to cater for and yet most of his time was spent at the church. He said: "I had an opportunity to sit at the feet of Rema Ministries staff and learned something. On top of their biblical exposition trainings, based on stewardship course, they also train pastors to work hard and initiate something that would generate for them something to rely and depend on and fight against poverty which is rampant in our families, something we had never heard of in my former church, Swedish Pentecosta,l where they were pleased with giving me a piece of soap and hope that the Lord would open the gate of heaven and shower money for me to depend on." From his past experience, since he started putting into practice what he learned in that course of stewardship, especially stewardship of the environment, his life and of his whole family changed completely.

Not only his family’s life changed, he went ahead and trained, opened the eyes of his congregants and they understood these teachings related to the stewardship of the environment, stewardship of money, time, etc., and to the surprise of the surrounding, they realized that the life of the church and the congregants have changed. To date, none of his church pastors is paid a “soap”! Rather, they receive a salary, be it small but it is a salary, for the congregants have understood the importance of working hard to earn honestly their daily bread and they pay the tithe regularly as a result of God blessing the work of their hands. He went on telling them that now he is well dressed, and from scratch now is having a milking cow; he runs pharmacies which are producing funds he is depending on. Not only that, he planted some fruit trees which produce fruits and these fruits are sold to increase the bag of the church.

He told the participants that this was the reason why he insisted that Rema must start this class in Nyanza Lac for local pastors in the area. He assured of all the participants that they will never regret the time they have given for I know you will benefit a lot. Taking them into the Bible he told them that the Lord has remembered them and that they should not thwart this opportunity and take it for granted. He encouraged the participants to be serious and get everything that will be said, and more importantly, put those things into practice.

Pastor Sylvestre NDAGIJIMANA: "These teachings have edified and built me up considerably. I have understood that I am a steward. Wow! I am a steward of myself. I must work hard to develop myself. I must set a goal of myself for tomorrow and that of my family, contrary to what I had been taught out of context before; that tomorrow will worry about itself." He for the first time realized the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net but from now on, he was going to purchase mosquito nets for the whole family. He did not understand the connection between malaria and mosquitoes.

Pastor Elisée MUKOZI: "This is a divine golden grace and opportunity to be accepted in these training sessions related to the protection of the environment. In fact, the government is silent about it and everybody does what he things good without minding the negative consequences he might be creating not only for himself and the present generation but also for the future generations. Now, that I have understood through this training by Rema Ministries, I vow to inform and train other people in my neigbhorhood and expect me to give you a tangible report next time you come and if you want, come with me I will show what I will have done in the between session. I would wish to see my neighbors living decently and I notice that people perish for lack of knowledge."

Pastor Gilbert NDAGIJIMANA: This one understood and appreciated the teaching on the stewardship of time. "I understand now that time is money and that many people cheat when they use their time on things they were not supposed to especially civil servant people. They cheat the government. From now on, I promise to manage and steward my time. I will start by my church where I am suppiosed to steward and now that I have understood that I will give an account to God as to how I have used the time the Lord has bestowed on me and the people he has entrusted me with."

IV. Conclusion
All these people were given assignments and homework which will make them go through the whole subject. In fact, they were challenged and advised to read the whole material, digest it and get substance from it which will help them in the mission, work and call they have.

We were so much encouraged by how different church leaders discussed on what should be done so that they be able to apply what they are learning. Church leaders in the training were so much interested and motivated. They were looking forward to coming back with the reports of what they will have initiated and achieved in connection with the teachings they got. They learned with enthusiasm. We hope to see the impact of this training within the course on the program and after training. Praise God.



2016 has been a momentous year for ECLEA. Here are some of the highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
As has been my practice for several years, I made 5 trips to East Africa and did training sessions in each of the countries of the East Africa Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). As I have been trying to do for the last few years, I am working more and more with smaller groups of leaders rather than doing larger conferences. Also, I am trying to not do as many of ECLEA’s foundational courses (since we have good African teachers in each of the countries who teach these well) but concentrate on training our pastor-teachers in more theological courses. This focus is reflected in my work this year:

Burundi: I spent a week doing Biblical Interpretation with 16 members of Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s partner in Burundi) and selected others.
Kenya: I did Biblical Theology 5 times with 95 total participants and Biblical Interpretation once with 25 participants.
Rwanda: I did Biblical Interpretation 3 times with 60 total participants and Biblical Theology once with 25 participants.
Tanzania: I did Biblical Theology 3 times with 38 total participants, Biblical Interpretation 2 times with 26 total participants, Christianity & Islam 2 times with 33 participants, and 1 Timothy once with 80 participants.
Uganda: I did Biblical Interpretation 4 times with 54 total participants (including teaching for a week at Kampala Evangelical School of Theology) and Biblical Stewardship once with 9 participants.

Frank Cummings' work in East Africa
Frank made 3 trips to East Africa. He concentrates on Biblical Counseling and Hermeneutics (he uses somewhat different material than I use for Biblical Interpretation). His records indicate the following:

Kenya: Hermeneutics 3 times with 87 total participants; Biblical Counseling 2 times with 54 total participants.
Uganda: Hermeneutics once with 14 participants; Biblical Counseling 2 times with 35 total participants.
All-African conferences and TOTs
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! This is reflected in the all-African ECLEA training sessions conducted in 2016. My records indicate our ECLEA teams have taught the following courses (and the number of times each course has been taught):

Burundi: Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi) did Biblical Theology—3; Biblical Stewardship—3; Marriage & Parenting—1; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—1; and 1 Timothy—1. Rema has established 4 teaching centers around the country and typically teaches for 5 days in a row, giving assignments and conducting follow-up.
Kenya: Kenya has 14 regions for ECLEA training, each with a regional coordinator. This year the ECLEA-Kenya teams have done 1 Timothy—26; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—25; Biblical Stewardship—22; Marriage & Parenting—9; Biblical Theology—7; Expository Preaching—6; Christianity & Islam—4; Biblical Interpretation—1; Biblical Counseling—1.
Rwanda: Rwanda has established 6 training centers around the country, each with its own coordinator. So far this year, 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship have been taught in all 6 centers, Marriage & Parenting in 4 centers, Biblical Interpretation in 3 centers, Biblical Theology in 2 centers, and Expository Preaching in 1.
Tanzania: Tanzania is divided into 4 zones which are subdivided into regions and districts, with ECLEA leaders over each. This year ECLEA-Tanzania teachers have done the following training sessions: 1 Timothy—37; Biblical Stewardship—30; Expository Preaching—11; Biblical Theology—4.
Uganda: Uganda is divided into 3 ECLEA teaching regions: West (primarily the Masindi-Kitara Diocese of the Church of Uganda); Central (consisting of 12 centers); and the East (Soroti area). In addition to using ECLEA material to train the COU’s lay readers, ECLEA-Uganda teachers have taught the following in the Central and East regions: 1 Timothy—12 (including follow-up TOTs); Biblical Stewardship—10 (including follow-up TOTs); Biblical Interpretation—5 (including follow-up TOTs).
South Sudan: Although not formally part of the East Africa Community, South Sudan (the world’s newest country) borders northern Uganda and Kenya. ECLEA-Kenya teaching teams have gone to South Sudan 3 times this year and have taught the following: 1 Timothy—7; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—7; Biblical Stewardship—6; Expository Preaching—6; Biblical Theology—3; Marriage & Parenting—1.
Other ECLEA happenings
In November, we had an important summit meeting of ECLEA leaders from each of the 5 countries of the East Africa Community. This is the third such summit we have held, and this one proved to be the most focused and productive. Here are highlights:

Each country now is led by excellent people who all share the same vision and are committed to what ECLEA is doing. ECLEA’s vision and goal is summarized as “Deep Foundation - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives.”
Our goal is to have indigenous, independent, self-sustaining ECLEA organizations in each of the East African countries. This will involve registration as independent organizations in four of the countries (in Burundi our partner, Rema Ministries, is already established). At the summit, we agreed on a timetable for determining organizational structures, preparing constitutions, and registration which, God-willing, can be completed by the end of 2017.
We agreed that, to have lasting impact, follow-up is as important as our conferences themselves. Consequently, follow-up will be mandatory for all future training conferences. Each country will send a report to the others of how they are doing follow-up now, including what works and what doesn't seem to work. This will enable us to develop a more standardized follow-up and assessment protocol.
We also decided to standardize the budgeting process for all-African conferences and the reporting procedure for reporting on what is being done in each country. This will help with financial accountability, among other things.
The translation of our books into the major East African languages is continuing. There was a great spirit of unity, seriousness, and enthusiasm at the summit. In short, ECLEA is focused and is on the move!

Looking ahead
I am very grateful for the many good East Africans who are doing such an excellent job of equipping the church leaders in this vital and strategic part of the world. I am also thankful for those of you who pray for this ministry and support ECLEA financially. God has certainly answered our prayers, and your financial support is paying great dividends—the deep foundations ECLEA is laying are demonstrably leading to healthy churches and transformed lives. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

Here’s what you can do to make a difference:

Giving opportunities: Giving can be done online through the website (, or automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, or checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914. ECLEA’s work and impact are expanding. Thus, your financial support is vital. Donations are tax-deductible, and 100% of your tax-deductible donations goes to the work of the ministry; nothing is raked off for personal support.

To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is We value your input and suggestions.

Merry Christmas and Greetings from ECLEA!

Thank you again, and may God bless you. Jonathan Menn (ECLEA Director)


2017 News Archive

Jonathan Menn
ECLEA Director


Bujumbura, Burundi
I went through our extensive Christianity & Islam: Theological Essentials book with the staff of Rema Ministries in Bujumbura, Burundi. Because I arrived a day late, we covered it in 3 1/2 days instead of 4 1/2. Nevertheless, we did it justice and the book was well received. This came at a very good time since in the past 2 years Muslims have been erecting mosques and schools all over the country, even where there are very few Muslims. It appears that Turkey is the prime mover behind this drive. I am sorry to say that the US and the West seem to have their heads in the sand when it comes to this and to involvement with East Africa in general.

Ruhango, Rwanda
I have just finished doing Biblical Theology with about 12 participants here in Rwanda. This course is so important, and it prompted many questions and much discussion. Additionally, I spoke twice at night to a particular church regarding prayer. They are looking for "breakthrough" prayer. I focused my remarks on putting Jesus first--his character, values, priorities, desires, etc.--and becoming like him. That is the key, as I see it, to effective prayer. It may not have been what they expected, but when it was over, I think they understood and appreciated the importance of this.

Byumba--Biblical Theology
Biblical Theology is a foundational course that covers the basic biblical storyline and how the Bible fits together (particularly how the NT fulfills the OT). The 15 participants found this to be an enlightening course. One member commented that "we thought we knew these things [but discovered we didn't]."

Kigali--Expository Preaching
One of the things I want to concentrate on with ECLEA's East Africa leaders is our foundational theological courses of Biblical Interpretation and Biblical Theology, which prepare the way for Expository Preaching. I was therefore happy to do Expository Preaching with 10 of ECLEA-Rwanda's regional leaders. Being able to take a passage of Scripture, analyze it, find the main point, and see how it applies to major life issues can be transformative. Everyone (including me) preached a sermon and was critiqued by the rest of the group. One participant said that this course "overcomes the problem of shallowness." Another compared preaching in this manner to "a good speech by President Kagame which remains in the mind because of good ideas even though he doesn't shout and say 'Hallelujah!'"

I am happy to add that the Kigali class included Samuel Tumushime, general secretary of the Church of God in Rwanda. Samuel is going to recruit a number of pastor-teachers and form a new ECLEA center in Kigali. He is excited to become a part of ECLEA and is impressed by our materials. Samuel preached on Psalm 1. Following his preaching and critique, I asked him what he was planning on preaching in his church on Sunday. He said that he was going to rework his sermon in light of the critique and preach Psalm 1. I just received an email from him that he did preach that sermon on Sunday. He said, "Wonderful THINGS HAPPENED WHEN THEY NOTICED I WAS PREACHING DIFFERENTLY AND THEY CAME FORWARD TO BE THE BLESSED OF THE Lord."

Looking forward
I will be home until early April when I will leave for Kenya. During this time I have some translations to proof and also want to finalize our next ECLEA book on The Church: Its Mission & Purpose, which concentrates on discipleship and mission.

I thank you for your prayers and financial support. On the flight from Amsterdam to Nairobi we had to turn around and return to Amsterdam because of a problem with the "skin" on one of the wings. The importance of prayer came home to me (again) in that I received an email from one of my supporters who said "when I read about the plane having to turn back, I realized that I did hear the HS about praying for the flight....didn't know why, but I prayed....thank you for sharing and encouraging me with what you said. Not sure how to put it any other way." God's ways, and the whole issue of prayer, sometimes can be mysterious. I thank you all for your faithfulness--it makes a difference.


February 25, 2017
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

My first conference this year was successfully conducted. We had good time in learning the principles of Forgiveness and Reconciliation as prescribed in the annual. To many as they confessed was awake up sign for their well-being. The attendance was not as we expected for we were more than thirty.

The biggest challenge was to make them see the sense of taking care of themselves in the course of the conference of which they did, but on a light note. As you know, CHANGE is not all ways easily welcomed But sometimes it is inevitable.

This made them to take manuals at home with debt, promising to pay as l return to them, as l conduct the follow-up exercise. It was not easy but we will continue to insist to them that they need to share the burden of the conferences for their own benefit.

With regards, Rev Frederick



In order to continue to strengthen the capacities of Pastors, a church leaders’ training was organized in Cankuzo from 27/2 to 03/03/2017. The subject was ECLEA's book on Biblical Theology.

All trainers were from Rema Ministries staff: Ndintore Felibien, Nitunga Francois

As Biblical Theology material is big and foundational, it took us 3 full and different sessions to complete it. As usual in Cankuzo, the training took place in the premises of United Methodist Church of Burundi (EMUBU) where the Superintendent Rev. Matthieu BUGUSU welcomed all of us, trainers and the trainees.

Every day in the early morning the trainers had to gather around the Word of God using the Bible Reading Guide for about 30 minutes before going to the training site. The training began at 8:30 am and ended at 5:00 pm. This was so good because all the trainees were staying at the same place for that whole week.

Each evening, all trainers had a time to come together to do the debriefing, pray and evaluate the day. This gave us an opportunity to better prepare the next day according to the schedule provided in advance.
At the end of the training, we closed with an evaluation test where almost everyone did well. We are thankful because of the achievement during this training on biblical theology. The following are testimonies from some of the students.


5.1. Rev. Matthieu Bugusu: After completing the course on "Biblical Theology", Rev. Mathieu BUGUSU, Superintendent of the District of the United Methodist Church in Cankuzo, affirmed: "This course on biblical theology was beneficial, for I was able to know that all the Old Testament passages speak of Jesus Christ and point to him. I am truly proud to understand that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. For me it is like a secret that I have just discovered. I am sure that the pastors of this district and all those who have just followed this course will henceforth teach what they have mastered, without slapping on the left or skilfully, so as not to deceive the congregation. I thank Rema for taking her time to come to train us”.

5.2. Pastor Marthe Nduwimana: “I feel very happy,” She said. "I confess that I lived in ignorance during all these years as a preacher as regards to the sacrifices of the Old Testament. I thought that the sacrifices and feasts of the Old Testament had no significance today in the New Testament. For example, Isaac who bore the wood for a sacrifice is like Jesus bearing his cross for our sacrifice. Now I can clearly see Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. I feel very am happy. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for this training.”

5.3. Rev.Bugusu Alexandre: He is glad to have understood that the Plan of God is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Before, he thought that the Old Testament is apart, totally separate from the New Testament. He now asserts that he has just understood that the whole Bible speaks of Jesus and his salvation. Thus, he promises to go and teach what he has learned after studying the course on Biblical Theology.

5.4. Rev. Sylvère Birutagusa:
He said, "Every time I read the Bible, I had doubts about the divinity of Jesus. I could not even argue with Muslims and other individuals who deny the divinity of Jesus. In my preaching, I was afraid to say that Jesus is a 100% human person. But it is now, after this course, that I have come to understand this truth and reality. No doubt, Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% human. I praise God because I feel that I am growing spiritually."

The training was started and finished in peace and serenity. Although there have been interruptions from torrential rains from time to time, training has achieved its objective and the planned material has been fully dispensed.

We praise God that the participants live far from the training site and were able to take care of themselves throughout the training; it is a great effort that they provide by getting the means of travel and the ration throughout the training week.

At the end, before we separated, we agreed on the timing of the next training which will take place from 24 to 28/4/2017 instead of 17th to 21st /04/2017 because that week is just a Easter Monday whereby most all church leaders will have no time to come to the training.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Respectfully submitted, Francois Ntunga

March 1, 2017
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On February 22-24, 2017 Peter Mwangi and I) did Biblical Stewardship at Wanjohi, Nyandarua. We had 25 participants. The meeting went well.

Here are some of the comments:

* Rev. Samuel Ndirangu said this meeting was transformative in that it will help the delegates to become better stewards of that they have learned. He promised to continue to teach his church.
* Archdeacon Peter felt that the training would go a long way to help the people see things from a new worldview. He promised to attend future meetings.
* Mary Wambui felt they had gone from one level to the next. She was greatly helped by the teaching on stewardship of relationships, and said she would do her best to be a good steward in her family.

Best regards, James Kamau


March 1, 2017
Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

We had a good time in Soroti training leaders in Biblical Marriage & Parenting.

There were 12 couples, and 4 pastors who did not come with their wives. These were some of the questions the leaders raised:

1. Why a man is allowed to divorce his wife because of marital faithfulness and yet this is not so with a woman?

2. At what level should women endure being submissive to their husbands, even if the men are not doing what is right or taking advantage of the women?

3. It looks impossible to help the situation of a man who gets saved and he has been polygamous in the sense that he has to choose among his wives to whom to stay with?. How can a church practically help this process of bringing harmony to that family?

4. Can a pastor or Christian brother divorce his wife because of impotence?

These questions created a great platform for a collective participation of the leaders. These questions were answered because the book itself had the answers, though we were not able to finish the whole book but as we will be doing TOT we will finish it.

Best Regards, Bishop Stephen Sempala

March 3, 2017
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We have completed successfully our Forgiveness and Reconciliation courses at Karurina and Gatunduri. At Karurina we wound up Thursday last week and at Gatunduri last Wednesday. The courses went on smoothly in the two venues since we had done the same course at the two venues before. Delegates at the two venues were quite engaging this time round proving the course done before was bearing fruit. Soon I will be going for follow-up where we have agreed that each and every one of the delegates will testify how the course has helped them, and those they have been able to reach in their communities.

Take care, Robert Mwago


March 11, 2017
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I did 1 Timothy on 23rd - 25th Feb 2017 in Nchiru. The conference was attended by 16 church leaders and pastors, seven denominations were represented.

God brought to me on that day two prosperity preachers who opposed almost everything in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of 1 Timothy. I told them that the goal of our preaching is love, which comes from a pure heart and a sincere faith. When I emphasized how the prosperity preachers are misleading God’s people with their fake teachings they were unable to tolerate; they left after lunch.

The fourteen who were left promised me that they will be the ambassadors of true gospel in and out of the season.
Some pastors confessed that they have been teaching people myths and endless genealogies due to lack of enough knowledge. One old preacher of the gospel confessed that after church service for about 22 years, his wife carries the offering of the church without recording because the Bible says what the left hand has done, the right hand should not know. I told them that church records should not be kept by the wives of the pastors but by transparent and accountable people in our respective denominations. The man said that his framework was highly challenged by chapter five of 1 Timothy and vowed that he will not repeat that kind of mistakes in his Ministry life.

Best Regards, Bishop Barnabas


March 18, 2017
James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On March 8-10, Ernest Mwilitsa and I led an Expository Preaching workshop for 14 participants at Naivasha Karagita.

Here are some of the comments:
* Pastor Christine Kamau said she learned how to help the congregation apply the Word of God and how to make an outline of the message she will preach.
* Pastor Rachel KKimani said she had learned how to become an effective minister and to have a good delivery of a sermon. She also learned the importance of hearing from God before saying anything to the audience.
* Reverend Robert said he now can prepare a message well from the introduction all the way to the conclusion, not forgetting to do a good application.
There was also a time of preaching and assessments for 4 of the participants.

In His Name, James Kamau


March 28, 2017
Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

My second conference ended last weekend. We did 1st Timothy. I am pleased to report that, this conference was a unique one in this region, because I had one senior leader of those who wear turbines on their head. He said that he could not be accompanied by his fellow leaders because he had to test the waters first. You can see the man in the photo—he was one of the best contributors in the conference, especially when we came to chapter 5.

Can you imagine he went home with 2 Swahili versions and 1 English manual without any struggle or heavy persuasion. It was fantastic! For your information this group does not believe in education of any kind.

God bless you, Rev. Fredrick Njoroge


March 29, 2017
Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I did Forgiveness and Reconcilliation on 23rd to 25th March 2017. I was unable to conduct the conferences as earlier scheduled because I was involved in a number of activities (I am in class doing a diploma course with the Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College, church activities and am also involved in the national politics since I am a Bishop – playing a clean game not dirty politics).

I expected 15 participants in this conference but the number increased the second day to 20 people because the man who had come alone the first day decided to bring either their wife or their brothers because forgiveness is not taught skillfully in this locality as it is in our manual.

Two brothers who attended the conference and belong to one church amazed us when I gave each member a piece of paper directly to the members to give their offenders. When I requested the groups to explain the significance of the same, the two brothers were unable to withhold their tears. I decided to go deeper to their cases. One of them said that he was not expecting his brother in Christ to beg him for forgiveness depending with the level of hurt and instead of the offender asking for forgiveness the offended wrote him a letter requesting for forgiveness. The brother was excommunicated and was removed from the church leadership due to false allegation from the offender. To cut a long story short, I told the offender that he should go back to his church and reveal all his false allegations and ask for the forgiveness if he is a heavenly candidate.

Yesterday I received a message from the pastor of that church congratulating me and ECLEA at large. He told me that the two guys went to court of Law in Meru town but there was no solution that was arrived at except that the matter was referred to the area chief who had nothing to offer.

The above was triggered by myself giving them my own story on how I lived with my father for 16 and above years and how you took me through the process of forgiveness and reconciliation and at the final analysis I and my father are living harmoniously and in great love.

The participants raised so many issues whether they should seek for the law after forgiving. I told them that they should forgive and allow the legal process to take place.

Great was the impact in the third day when brothers and sisters were requesting each other for forgiveness. I informed them that forgiving is a must while reconciliation is not a must since it takes two to reconcile. Forgiving is a one man decision and must be exercised at times regardless of the level of harm.

Best regards to all, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi



0. Introduction
From Monday 20th to Friday 24th March 2017, a church leader’s training was was conducted by Rema Ministries at Muzye. The team of trainers was made by Rema staff: Frederic Harerimana, Francois Nitunga and Jean Pierre Baziyaka the driver. The team left Bujumbura on Sunday 19th to be ready to start the training early Monday. The course: Biblical Theology.

1. The trainees
As you may know, we have two classes in Muzye. But as we were teaching this course, we decided to put the two classes together, because we wanted them to go through the material together in order to strengthen and share experience and lift each other in discussion groups. We were winding up Biblical Theology which actually had become a foundational course.

As we taught, we took time to encourage and motivate them to read and put into practice what we teach them. We also encourage them to help each other as they do home works we always give them after the training, as we do the training after two months. We are also encouraged by the outcome we are getting from our trainees. All the time before we go to the heart of the next training, we take time to do an evaluation.

2. Response from the trainees
The trainees responded constructively to the teachings. They said that they learned new things they didn’t know. Answering questions was good as participants got chances to participate in contributing to answering questions that were raised from the trainees. This was an encouragement to us and to them to know that they have something to contribute. Our teachers showed us a heart of humility because they involved everybody in discussions. The trainees learned from each other.

“Nobody knows everything. In life, all are learners”, they said. “During this biblical theology course, we were able to discover that the Old Testament is the shadow of the New Testament, and that everything pointed to Jesus Christ. Most of us didn’t understand the OT. But from now, we have got something new, we can preach the Word of God even from the OT. For instance, we can now explain what the sacrifices were and what they were pointing at”.

3. Thanksgiving
It was a rainy season. Two mornings were characterized by rain and, as there was no ceiling, we could not continue, but we gave them opportunity to share in small groups. God protected us and we thank him. Trainers and trainees have enjoyed his amazing grace that kept us and our families safe during that period.

4. Comments and Challenges
As we look forward to the next training, we anticipate some challenges concerning food for our trainees. This is due to the climate changes. People didn’t harvest for the last two years. Last year, it rained heavily and destroyed all crops. This year, rain came very late and to worsen the situation, there followed a scorching sun which destroyed crops that had been planted and vegetables as well.

There is hunger in the country; things in the market places have tripled in a country where unemployment is high and life is becoming impassable. People are hardly surviving. But the good news is that our trainees vowed that they will make their efforts to get food and to go through all the trainings until they graduate. Another challenge is the training materials. We have few books (materials) translated in Kirundi. Let us join hands to pray for those two challenges

In all we give thanks to our Almighty God for what he has done for us.

Francois Nitunga, Church leaders training program, Rema Ministries


April 1, 2017
Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

We had a successful Biblical Stewardship conference in Matimba at Eglise vivante center and the neighbouring churches. Altogether, 15 leaders attended and continually made encouraging remarks. One young pastor, concerned with happenings in the church said: “God has come to redeem us again and do a new thing.” I had personal time with him to discuss the details of his remarks and it was interesting. The  church had just undergone a split and miraculously here we are teaching stewardship and more so of our relations and most so Christian relations.

Also God made it possible for us to meet their national Bishop who was happy with the work done and also interestingly remembered we had served together in western Uganda some years ago in the days of our youth.

Best regards, Francis Ngoboka


April 2, 2017
Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I hereby wish to let you know that our follow-up meetings for the Forgiveness and Reconciliation course both at Karurina and Gatunduri went on well on Friday and Saturday respectively.

At Karurina we had the most touching testimony of one woman whose two children were killed by her relatives (in-laws), where one was offered as a sacrifice following the commands of a witch. She says after we taught this course she has been able to move on after she forgave her relatives. She also says she has been able to have a lot of peace which she did not experience before she was taught how to forgive.

At Gatunduri we also had a touching testimony where one woman shared with us how the course has been able to help her; she told us how her abusive husband always beats her up for no particular reason and how she had developed deep resentment and unforgiveness toward her husband. But after teachings on Forgiveness and Reconciliation she was able to forgive her husband. I asked to share her experiences with her relatives in order to come up with a way of dealing with the abuse once and for all as this is a threat to her life.

Many people, especially women, and even pastors loved the course so much as it helps deliver them from unseen prisons and chains.


We did our two AA Conferences in Kiruga and Githunguri as planned. We had to reschedule the one for Githunguri to 31st March to 2nd April. Below are the reports:

The conference was very interactive though at first Pastors had problems with preposition. The conference had 18 pastors and leaders. The most difficult part was the applications because many pastors do not know how to bring the word to now. Many pastors are used to topical sermons and after they learnt this they concluded that expository is the only way you can be faithful to the word of God.

This is the best conference I have had since we started this program. We were also privileged to have Ernest [Mwilitsa—ECLEA-Kenya’s national coordinator] for one day and I can confirm that the pastors promised to invite us to teach their church leaders especially the stewardship of church and finances. The conference had 28 members whereby they agreed to cater for the extra expense. The time management matrix was very interesting to learn that any use their time in crisis. They remarked that stewardship book is really spiritual though at first they thought otherwise because they could not connect anything spiritual with environment. I am doing follow up using our forms and within a short time I will be able to report how this has impacted individuals.

In His service, Thomas Mwai Ng’ang’a, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Jonathan Menn
ECLEA Director

We got to Murang'a in central Kenya about 1:00AM (I brought 2 cases of Bibles over here for one of ECLEA's regional coordinators, and it took a considerable time for them to actually get off the plane and to me). In any event, we did Biblical Theology at George Kariuki's church with about 20 participants. Because of some scheduling conflict, we were only able to do 2 days, not 3. Nevertheless, we covered most of the important material, and I think the participants generally "got it," although much of the material (especially how the entire OT is full of "types" and "shadows" that point to Christ and the church) was largely new to them.

Barnabas Mpekethi picked me up, and we traveled to his home town, near Meru. This is the area where the drug mirra [khat] is grown. Barnabas and other church leaders are trying their best to get the local farmers into other cash crops instead. 

I preached on Sunday from Hebrews 4-5 on why we can trust Christ. The host pastor, who was one of the participants in our Biblical Interpretation course, told me on Monday that one young woman received Christ as her savior and Lord as a result of the sermon. Praise God! 

The Biblical Interpretation course went well, I believe. The 15 or so participants discussed many different OT and NT passages of different genres. This was all very new, and there were lively discussions particularly concerning prophecy and eschatology (the study of the "last things").

We headed back south for another Biblical Interpretation course in Kiangai, near Karatina (where I stayed). I am happy to say that Samuel Tumushime, one of ECLEA-Rwanda's (new) regional leaders has come to Kenya and was part of this course and will also join our next course on Biblical Stewardship in Nakuru. Samuel (who does have a theological education), said that our material on Biblical Interpretation is deeper and goes far beyond the similar material he had at theological school and, at the same time, is very practical. 

Again, most of the material was new to the participants. Many commented how their "frameworks" (the way they traditionally have seen things) are being challenged. One example: we looked at 6 OT and NT passages that discuss Sodom and Gomorrah (in addition to the basic story in Genesis 18-19). We found that the traditional view of the "sin of Sodom" is never explicitly stated, the actual reason God destroyed the cities (stated by God in Ezek 16:49-50) is different from the the "traditional" view, and the actual "sin of Sodom" is far more nuanced than the way they have traditionally taken it. I am trusting God that this course will bear good fruit in their lives and ministries as they read the course book and study the Scriptures in context.

By "chance" our group met Bob Mwangi's friends, Bishop Zachariah Shahasi and his wife Rebecca, at a restuarant; Rebecca and Zachariah then invited us to stay in their house while we were in Nakuru. They were wonderful hosts and we very much appreciated their hospitality and home cooked meals.

In Nakuru we did Biblical Stewardship with about 11 participants. The section on stewardship of relationships prompted a huge discussion on marriage, which became quite animated and evolved into a discussion conducted in Kiswahili. I am so happy when that kind of thing takes place! Two pastors, who had gone through very unfortunate divorces, told their stories. That made me think that the principles of the Bible go to the heart of our lives, and when we get away from them, problems of various kinds inevitably result.

We did Biblical Interpretation with about 18 participants. The Nairobi pastors tend to be a little better educated than those in more rural areas. However, cultural and denominational "frameworks" still tend to be quite strong. One interesting dynamic of the Nairobi meeting was that it occurred during the middle of Kenya's electoral primaries. There was lots of campaigning going on (including vehicles equipped with loudspeakers, which many candidates seem to love). The final election will be held in mid-August. Please pray that it be free and fair and that there will be no post-election violence as occurred in 2007.

I finished the trip in the central Kenya town of Kangari, doing another Biblical Interpretation course for about 14 participants. I began my time in Kangari by preaching three times on Sunday. Our host, ECLEA regional coordinator Thomas Mwai, not only has his regular church but also leads a congregation of mostly younger people which meets in a supermarket. Later on Sunday, his wife Esther (who is a gospel singer) was having a CD launch event at Thomas's church. It was a well-attended and fun event. The Biblical Interpretation training itself went well and, in particular, prompted a good conversation concerning the centrality of love, both for relationships and for Christianity as a whole.

I will now be home until mid-June, when I will leave again, this time for Tanzania. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. You are making a difference in an extremely strategic part of the world. God bless you, Jonathan



From 24 of April to 28, 2017, a mission was held in Nyanza-Lac. Took part in that mission the following people: Nitunga Francois trainer, Harerimana Frederic trainer and Baziyaka Jean-Pierre driver. As we had finished with Biblical Stewardship course, this time we took the trainees through 1 Timothy, a foundational course as they called it.

Before going deep into the course of the week, we took a full day to do a thoroughly evaluation of the Stewardship course we had done in order to see if they are practicing what they have learned so far. We were so much encouraged to hear from our trainees how the training is transforming them, and how this course has changed their word view. Stewardship is a course that deals with a person as whole, spiritually and physically.

They told us how many trees they had planted, how many fruit trees they planted, how many palm oil trees they planted, pit latrines they dug, and many more encouraging things they did as a result of the training. Moreover, they vowed to organize many teachings in their local churches, teaching their congregants the content of this course. This evaluation activity was so important, because it helped us to know if what we are offering is important and benefiting them. For us this was a good opportunity to learn more from them, to see where we can improve and to get more experience in teaching.

The trainees realized that not only the letter was addressed to the church leaders but also to all the Christians since it was meant to be read publically and addressed the issue of behavior and attitude. Rather, the participants called it a Christian letter and not a pastoral one. This letter addressed issues the participants had not thought of. Starting from the word go, the participants realized that each word contained in letter was heavily loaded. They wondered why in all the letters Paul wrote he started with the same formula but in the letter to Timothy he changed it a little bit by adding another important word: mercy. In the development of the letter, he talked on how God/Jesus had mercy on him though he was unworthy of such a mercy, and had been a blasphemer, yet got God’s mercy and was even called an apostle. If such a grace could be bestowed to him, God is able to save anybody, anywhere and in any circumstance. No one is beyond redemption.

3. Challenge
One of the most crucial issues the participants spent time on was the issue of excommunication. They realized that there were only two cases where Paul spoke of excommunication. The case of Alexander and Hymenaeus whom he handed over to Satan. The other case was over a sin which even pagans cannot afford doing. In the first case, these two people had lost their faith and were propagators of heresies, wrong doctrines, hence in order to protect the believers, he had to take an action since they had been warned and could not give up. Wrong teachings, doctrines are like a wildfire and poison. Participants exchanged so many views as to how they used to deal with such issues and were given assignments to take home. Meanwhile, they vowed to change their attitude and ways of doing church. This training came at the right time as there are so many wrong doctrines being taught around the coast of the Lake Tanganyika where they are based and they struggle to protect the believers from such indoctrinations.

"Wow! I had always thought that the reason why I teach is that my congregants should repent and much of my focus was on repentance while I realize that Paul said something different. The reason why I should strive to preach is that they should be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience and genuine faith."

I wish we had had these teachings earlier. There are so many women who qualify to be church leaders but unfortunately we had been ill taught and as a result, we prevented women from taking important roles in the churches, which to my view, after comparing what I was taught since my young age and the light you have just shed in relation to the context Paul was addressing, we should revert things and rethink twice when we ordain people.

"I never thought that we as Christians had any responsibilities in what is happening in the country. I realize that we have neglected an aspect of Christian responsibility as to praying for authorities. I discovered that if we were united in mind and spirit we would avert much of the chaos we are seeing in Burundi. My conclusion is that we as Christians and particularly church leaders should be flogged to come back to the right foundation of what we ought to do for the churches we have been entrusted with."

This letter to 1 Timothy should be our foundational course since it deals with the issues we daily struggle with. Many thanks to the designer of this Course, Jonathan Menn and Rema Ministries who made sure that we also take part in this course. Surely, when we will graduate, we will be able to present the Bible in a different style for the profit of our audiences. May the Lord continue sustaining you all so we can profit from your teachings and revelation.


April 30, 2017
Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator"

Here is a report of the conferences we had done from February through March in Arusha and Manyara regions for 15 stations.

Some testimonies given during these conferences but one most interesting is: One Bishop said ECLEA is the ministry called by God purposely to heal the Church, bringing to the line with God's Word. He said, “I am restored today and I am restored because when the leader is healed the people also will be healed. Because these teachers had promised to come and see what we have done with this teaching, I am sure I will be the first one to use this to my people and then they will help us again how to apply in a better way. I ask every person to do the same and not let the word of God be in vain.” I could generalize this to all the testimonies we heard.

Regards, Dickson


On 8th-10th May 2017, my wife (Winrose) and I took the Biblical Marriage and Parenting course to Maua. 18 Church Leaders and Pastors attended the conference; 9 denominations were represented. 
This course was very new to the couples who attended the conference. Many of them were asking so many questions concerning the initial plan of God towards marriage. when we were through with the introduction, the origin and nature of marriage, we all came to a common agreement that our job in marriage is to obey what God says regarding His institution and not to follow the African beliefs concerning marriage.
My wife Winrose gave them an example of how I used to be bitter and how I was not able to understand her for 14 years in marriage and how things changed after we went through this course together. She told them that it is very important for husband and wife to attend the Marriage and Parenting conference together rather than one partner. She confessed that our life as a couple has changed from worse to better and has yielded fruits and the impact is not only felt by our children but even the Churches we oversee.
Many couples in the conference confessed that they thought the beliefs they were taught by their mentors who knew nothing about the Word of God, hence oppressing their partners. And due to that bad conception even some Pastors who attended the conference were unable to take their children to the high school.
I cannot be able to write everything that took place in the conference and the impact made by this course to our people, not only non-saved but even them that are saved and appointed by the Church to lead different departments and are yet struggling with their marriages. The participants requested us to go back as soon as possible and continue with the same course because we covered only three quarters of our manual.

May God bless ECLEA. Regards, Bsp. Barnabas, Upper Eastern Coordinator


June 15, 2017
Bob Mwangi, ECLEA-Kenya Regional Coordinator

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our God is good and of his grace we have been able to do three conferences on Biblical Stewardship and one TOT on Biblical Stewardship. We had conferences at
     1. Lighthouse Worship Centre, 23-25 Feb, with 14 participants and 10 in the follow-up on 1 May 2017.
     2. First Baptist Pentecostal Church, 2nd-4th March, with 18 participants and 11 in the follow-up on 4th May 2017.
     3. Mwangaza Foursquare Church, 27th-1 March 2017, with 16 participants and 12 in the follow-up on 6th May 2017; we also had 1 TOT at Jesus Manifestation Centre.

We had good fellowship, and pastors and leaders participated very well in the conferences. These are some of the things they shared:

we should be committed stewards like Eliezer, Joseph, and Jesus because today God is counting on us to be good managers and to be accountable in all Gods affairs;

to be above reproach as God's steward;

we human beings are created in the image of God and we have a blessing from God to have stewardship over everything that exists because it is all God’s creation;

things created  by God reveals him and they should not be worshiped, so we should worship God alone;

we should teach people that God is greater than mountains, rivers, seas, and oceans so he is God and he is greater than anything and He is able to carry us through in all things and all ways all the time;

we should have stewardship of oneself and others so we need to love one another because we belong to one another and we are one family;

we need to be good stewards of time because failing to plan is planning to fail;

we should be good managers of time which God has given to us;

we should take good care of our bodies because it is a gift that God have given to us to help us to serve him--our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit and we need to practice holiness;

we should keep our houses clean we should always dispose waste products;

to wash regularly with a soap;

we should also plant good trees and flowers around our houses and also cut the grass and to make sure that the drainage are good to avoid mosquitoes;

to have good stewardship of our relationships by practicing practical ways to demonstrate love the five love languages towards one another
   1. words of affirmation
   2. quality time
   3. giving and receiving gifts
   4. arts of service
   5. the touch

we should take good care in money and possessions we should practice a good household budget; to be good givers by Gods grace we should have a church budget and practise it; the church have a responsibility to care for the poor and the needy, widows, widowers, orphans etc.

During the conferences and  follow-ups people were able to participate and educate one another and promised to be praying for ECLEA to keep on serving the church of Jesus Christ.


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I reside far away from my region due to ministry work. But by God's grace I am doing well despite the minor challenges I encounter at the field level.

I was able to do follow-up at Nchiru on 24th May 2017. Only two leaders were absent from the previous number. All the rest were present and punctual. After interrogating them I realized that they have gone through our manual on 1st Timothy two times.

They now know what every Chapter entails and have started to teach the villagers the true gospel and qualities of Elders and Deacons in the house of God since many were appointed to lead the Churches even before attending theological schools hence binging up unhealthy Churches in the region. Many prosperity preachers are fighting what we are doing, while a good number of them are running away because their false doctrine is not accepted in this small town.

On 25th I had good times with couples at Maua town. I was surprised to see two more couples that were not in our previous Biblical Marriage and Parenting course. When I asked them why did they attended the seminar, they told me that they have seen a very great change in the lives of their neighbours and when they noticed that there will be a follow-up, they decided to participate. They gave us a testimony of one Church that has started to grow numerically due to great love and harmony that the Pastor and his wife have developed after attending the M&P course.

Three couples have already come up with four sittings in their families.
     1.Sitting for prayers.
     2.Sitting for finances
     3.Sitting for children
     4.Sitting for quarrels and disputes in the family set up.

On 27th I spent the day at Muthara. What amazed me was the effort made by the participants in the area of forgiveness and reconciliation. A big number of them know me very well and the great enmity that took place between me and my father for Sixteen and half years before I met with you, Jonathan. I told them that they should take initiative first and not to stand their ground and think that things will solve themselves automatically. I reminded the participants of the 4Ds, i.e., Decide, Discuss, Detoxify, and Devote. About two-thirds of the participants have applied the same to their families and great is the change. They promised me that they will be good ambassadors of forgiveness and reconciliation in the society, family, and churches.

During the follow-up I introduced the following:
     a. Simple written tests for them to fill in the gaps.
     b. Group discussion for 30 minutes.
     c. I took at least five people to present and later be critiqued by the rest.

Finally I promised them that after they are through with ECLEA courses and be able to teach and apply the teachings in their churches, family and personal life, we will plan on how certificates can be awarded to them.

May God of heaven bless ECLEA.

Regards, Bishop Barnabas


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Murungaru Nyandarua: June 14-16, 2017

We had 13 participants for the course on Biblical Stewardship. James Kamau and Tom Mboya led the teaching. The delegates were lively and eager to learn. Here are some testimonies:

Rev. Gabriel Munhiri said the meeting had opened him up, especially on the areas of time and managing other resources that God had given him. He also said he understood the area of giving better, and that would help him very much in the church.

Rev. James Kihara said the teachings would go a long way inhelping his church grow in all facets of stewardship. He was particularly helped in the area of the church and finances which he understands better now and which will help him manage the church finances better.

Pastor Zacary Mwangi said the teachings will be a great tool for his church, and he intends to teach them for a long time to come so that the church can understand and implement the material. All were grateful to ECLEA and requested more courses.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau

Naivasha-Karagita Expository Preaching Follow-Up

The meeting was held on 6/10/2017 at Redeemed Gospel Church Karagita. Our attendance was 7 delegates.

1--Rev Tom said the training has helped him much in the church to improve his preaching.He has also used it to train others.
2--Rev  Robert.  After learning  has also trained his church leaders who are now teaching each other.It is also useful in the   community by doing good presentation  when one is called upon.
3--PST Faith. It has also helped her to present the word correctly. She is no longer afraid when called upon to share the word in groups because the training has given her confidence.
4--PST Rachel. Is now able to teach well in their Bible study-class. She has also taught leaders who are doing well.She feels she is properly equipped.
5--PST Christine. She had been doing Expository Preaching but she felt this training has helped her more especially on illustrations. She has been teaching their Bible study and the church has benefited much. 
Best regards, James Kamau

Naivasha: July 12-14, 1 Timothy

We did a teaching on 1 Timothy in Naivasha Town with 18 participants. They were excited about the program and were very attentive to get all that was being taught.

Margaret Hama said she was happy to learn about Godliness with contentment. She was happy to learn that even if one became rich, she should not become proud but should put God first instead of riches.

Janet Katunge also learned the importance of putting God first and the qualifications of a leader. She also learned the importance of thanking God for what one has.

Noel (from Tanzania) was happy to learn about the qualifications to be a leader in the church. he promised to serve God better and with greater passion.

Florence learned the importance of the house of God and to serve better.

On July 6 we also did a follow-up meeting in Wanjohi for the course on Biblical Stewardship we had taught there previously. There were 16 participants. Most of the discussion centered on the stewardship of money, including budgeting. We encouraged those who had not been using their manuals effectively to do so. They promised they would.


Jonathan Menn
ECLEA Director

Report of trip to Tanzania, June-July 2017

This is an interesting trip in that we have done our new course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose for the first time, and I will be teaching Biblical Eschatology for the first time next week as we complete our time in Tanzania. Here are some highlights:

Dar es Salaam (Kibamba)
I flew into Dar, which is the largest port on the coast. It is a largely Muslim area. In the new subdistrict of Kibamba we did Christianity and Islam: Theological Essentials over four days with 15-18 participants. The course deals with the most important aspects of both Christianity and Islam: Jesus & Muhammad; Sin & Salvation according to Christianity and Islam; Yahweh & Allah; the Bible & the Qur'an; and bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel, primarily by using the Qur'an itself. So it amounts to an in-depth comparison and contrast of both religions in one place.

One interesting point: a prime sticking point for Muslims is the idea of the Trinity (one God in three persons). It was evident that most of the church leaders had never thought much or studied the concept of Trinity. The concept clearly emerges from the Bible and is reflected in many aspects of creation itself, as the book discusses. I think this will help church leaders defend their faith when it is attacked. The book, along with our other books, is on the "ECLEA Courses & Resources" page of the ECLEA website (

Tegeta and Tanga
We then went to the city of Tegeta in the greater Dar es Salaam area for "The Church." Although 25 participants had been invited and said they would come, we had only eight. The attendance was disappointing, but the participants themselves were very active and there was much good discussion. I should add that, although it is a good-sized city, Tegeta has the worst roads of any place I have been throughout East Africa. The paved roads are fine, but most of the city has dirt roads that are up-and-down and full of ruts such that our driver could only drive in 1st or 2nd gear. Incredible.

We then took a lengthy bus ride up to Tanga where we again did "The Church," this time with 16 engaged and interested participants. In the book, we discuss, among other things, worship, discipleship, mission, and unity. At the end of the course, one participant told me that awhile ago a couple of pastors from Rick Warren's church were in Tanga leading a seminar that dealt with the same four issues. She added that our ECLEA book is far deeper and more detailed. Needless to say, I was gratified to hear that. This is a course which, if applied, can transform the churches and, through them, the communities.

We did the course on Expository Preaching in Babati. This was one of the more frustrating experiences I have had. We began with 12 participants, all of whom were supposed to be reasonably fluent in English since I would not be using a translator and they were supposed to preach in English on the last day. Unfortunately, while they all knew English to one degree or another, only one was quite fluent and was able to preach in English (and, I am happy to say, he did a creditable job). The others simply were not that comfortable, so they did not answer many questions, and the questions they asked were in Swahili. Dickson Laizer translated some of what I said. I was quite concerned that they were not "getting it," and it was evident that the vast majority had never really learned how to study a passage of Scripture to see what it was all about. We also lost some of the students after the first day: two were called away by their bishop for some event and two vanished without a word.

Be that as it may, on the last day I had one English preacher (and another who spoke well enough to listen and participate in the critique). Three of the other participants preached in Swahili for Dickson. He, like I, was encouraged. He said that, although they have quite a way to go, they picked up and tried to apply some of the things we talked about. Further, the whole group said they wanted more trainings. So, praise God! More was evidently getting through than I had thought at the time.

I concluded the trip with 5 full days going through Biblical Eschatology (the study of the "last things") with around 15 interested participants in Arusha. The book (which was published in Sept. 2013 by Wipf & Stock Publishers and is available in a Kindle edition) is a comprehensive look at eschatology: it deals with all the major issues, biblical passages, and positions. The participants themselves had basically only been taught the "dispensational premillennial" view, so being exposed to a more comprehensive look at eschatology was eye-opening. It was quite challenging for many of the participants to look at the symbols and images of the book of Revelation as symbols, rather than trying to "literalize" them, as one participant did by asking, "What about the women?" concerning Rev 14:4 where the church is depicted as male virgins. (That image of the church denotes spiritual purity and draws on the historical precedent of an army which required ritual purity to fight a holy war.)

We all saw how relevant Revelation is for the church, as it continually confronts us with the questions, "Who is my true Lord, and where do my true loyalties lie--with Christ or the world, my life in Christ or my physical life?" Dickson Laizer (ECLEA's Tanzania national coordinator) has suggested that we repeat the course in Tanga, TZ later in the year.

I will now be home until mid-August, when I leave for Uganda and Rwanda. There will be much to do while I am at home, and I am also looking forward to seeing many of you. Thank you for your prayers and support--you are making a difference. Attached are some photos to give you an idea of the people I worked with in Tanzania. Until later, Jonathan


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

(Thursday 20th – Saturday 21st July 2017)

Team Leaders: Pastor David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi (This was our very first meeting to prepare, organize, coordinate, mobilize & conduct though we have taught alongside other ECLEA teachers in other parts of Kenya).

Course: Biblical Stewardship

Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni); Number of Participants: 17;
Denominations represented:
1. Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministry
2. Transformation Ministries
3. Alpha Missions & Deliverance Ministry
4. Springs of Love Ministry
5. Victorious Life Centre Ministry
6. The Eyes of the Lord Evangelistic Ministry
7. Word Explosion Ministry
8. Faith Chapel
9. Precious Blood Ministry

Summary highlights & responses from the participants:
     a) Baraka said he used to waste a lot of time watching television until his ministry and prayer life was affected. He changed instantly after this lesson. He also committed to teach on the importance of taking care of the environment.
     b) John said his culture allows wife inheritance but from now he will be an advocate of biblical truth like never before..
     c) A concern that three days was not enough to cover the contents adequately and that we need more frequent teachings, say monthly.

Prepared by: David Njeru

Here is the report of the FOLLOW-UP held 2 months after the above conference:

Follow-up (22/09/17) report
Team Leaders: Pastor David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Attendance: 11 out of the 17 translating to 64.74 % turnout.

Personal Applications:
     1. Faith – All that I have belongs to God and I’m only a faithful steward.
     2. Ann – Everything I do, I’m answerable to God. Especially, I got much help in monetary proper planning and I also helped others.
     3. John K. – Got healed of severe recurrent headaches attributed to lack of focus in my planning.
     4. John M. – Since I got the teaching, I keep my immediate environment clean and I also collect trash from my neighborhood to the amazement of fellow neighbors who appreciate much. I also got delivered from time wasters.
     5. Raphael – Has taken an initiative to mentor the youth especially drunkards on the stewardship of the body & he has seen good progress.
     6. Jacinta – It has helped me to plan myself as I now plan with a “to do list.”
     7. Purity – Was addicted to her phone. She now uses her freed time to increase her sales.
     8. Samuel – My relationships have been healed. I used to be hurt quickly by people around me as I used to maintain a very negative attitude about them even if their insults were not directly aimed at me.
     9. John G. – He used to think that his body is not important to God but now he knows better. He even spoke to a smoker who stopped smoking! Secondly, he used to be very extravagant to the last coin but now he plans to the last coin.
    10. Peter – Despite being a senior pastor, he at times washes the toilets to keep the environment clean. It also helped him on impulse buying.
    11. David – Used to spend loose change on sweets and biscuits but not anymore.
...........The End……….


Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

July 29, 2017—Reports from Eastern Uganda

At this time am one day done with TOT with Rev. Francis on Forgiveness and Reconciliation here in Soroti. It is well attended and the vibrancy of that team always leaves a thankful mood to God. Please keep praying for Soroti ECLEA team. God is doing amazing things in the lives of pastors in Soroti.


Kaberamaido District is 78km north west of Soroti and dominantly occupied by the kumam speakers. Over 45% are Catholics; about 30% are Anglicans; and 20% Evangelicals; the rest are others. The Church that hosted the conference was Berean Fellowship church with Rev. Agatu Stephen who has many local assemblies throughout the district and beyond.

I travelled on muddy road and in most cases our omnibus would get stuck-on the way. God kept me in and out of Kaberamaido. The guest house I lodged in is called DIVINE MERCY. People were welcoming, but I had bad night experience when it rained the roof was leaking directly to my most part of the night I kept awake.

The pastors who were invited were 25. On the first day were 14 showed up and also late. We began the conference coming to 11am. We ended the conference with 16 pastors.

They were challenged with issues of Church discipline: Most of them said and admitted that they no longer administered the church discipline. In fact they said they feared to do church discipline.

On issues of strange doctrines: One of the examples given which is happening there in Kabaremaido is that of formally married couples before getting saved are free to separate and marry any person of their choice. Second to that there is a teaching that any woman who is barren could becoming pregnant especially if "a pastor" could wash her private parts with anointed the end has sex with her...there are a lot of people believing this teaching. Great awakening and challenge to pastors was on learning about their prayer life. Most of them have been only talking to God but had no time to listen to God. They talk a lot and listen less or not

We were not able to complete the book as most of time the teachings brought constructive arguments; but in the TOT next month I believe this would really have a more reaching and deep impact in the lives of these pastors.

They embraced the ECLEA conference as one noted that I wish they had got this teaching early in their lives. They showed their willingness to continue with the conferences. They contributed money for the manuals.

Greater thanks to ECLEA for providing funds for food and facilitators transport and lodging.

Bishop Stephen thank you for your great heart and opportunity you have given me to serve God through ECLEA to this my people in the greater Eastern Uganda, Soroti Centre.

Blessings, Pastor Alex Obaale

July 29, 2017 (Part 2): Report from Bukedea District 1 Timothy conference

Warmest Christian greetings. As you may know, I have just returned from Bukedea district where I have been with the pastors handling 1 Timothy. It all turned to be one of the amazing group of leaders I met. Praise God.

Bukedea is in the South eastern part of Soroti with distance of 80km from each other and only 27km away from Mbale where we shall be from 2nd to 3rd August 2017 still teaching on 1 Timothy.

Out of the 30 leaders invited, 23 of them were in attendance for those days. They were very participatory in the meetings and discussions. They kept time of arrival of which to me was so encouraging.

Amidst the challenge of famine in this area still pastors could leave their gardens and come to study Gods word. Bukedea like other Teso region districts are still struggling with the lack of rain to help in the production of food crops. Prayers are needed here brothers.

The areas I believe that pastors were challenged were as follows:

1. Issues of self-appointed apostles. In this region, there is a problem of people self-claiming to be the apostles who are having fresh revelations from God to help build His Church. As we delved into what the scripture teaches on this and the commentary given in the manual, We were able to realize the clear distinction between the foundational apostles and the church commissioned apostles. This helped a great deal and leaders present confessed that this material is timely to this problem eating up the body of Christ in this area.

2. The second challenging issues to the leaders was the “hand over to Satan” form of church discipline. I challenged the pastors by asking them how many of them still carry out church discipline? Out of 23 in attendance less than a half said to do. Most of them said they have shied away because of church committees that always make clicks and turn out the church disciplining process political. This was one of the reasons most leaders gave. Also their superiors in ministry dictate on the entire process of church discipline. More to the above, pastors thought that it was difficult for them to really hand over the brother to Satan. But after going through Matt 18:17-19.they were encouraged and willing to execute this vital command.

3. On the issues of women teaching and women authority over men, pastors said they were following their denominational beliefs and would critically study Scriptures and see which position would be appropriate.

4. On qualifications on leadership, when Paul begins with “One must be...” Leaders in attendance were surprised to know that there are 15requirements to have in order to become a leader in church. This was like new to them and this charged them to know that aspiring to leadership is not just a simple issue but should be taken seriously.

On the other issues we learnt, participants were encouraged and confessed to have opened their eyes; like our prayer life styles in talking and not waiting for God to talk back to us, the core scripture of 1Tim 1:5 turned to be a blessing to our study. Participants realized how that  scripture centers our life's in ministry and our personal life styles in everything we do.

At the end of the conferences, everybody thanked God for this opportunity to have come for this timely teachings and materials. We send great appreciation to ECLEAfor this enlightening document and ECLEA’s relentless work here in Eastern African. More to that was appreciation for the funds given to facilitate the conference.

They look forward to TOT in early September.

Pastor Alex, Greater Eastern Uganda coordinator


Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

Report on ECLEA conferences held in August 2017
I have just returned from Mbale district where I have been with the pastors handling 1 Timothy. Also last week I was in Amuria district meeting the church leaders. Amuria is 30km north of Soroti and west of Karamoja region. All these conferences had a good attendance and great participation.

Out of the 30 leaders invited Amuria, 22 of them were in attendance for those days. They were very participatory in the meetings and discussions. They kept time of arrival of which to me this was so encouraging.

Mbale had challenges of rain. First day of the meeting because of rain, we began the training at 11am. Out of 30 pastors invited, 21 turned out on first day and 17 came back on the second day also with rain disruptions during afternoons. Amidst the challenge of rain in Mbale, most of the pastors confessed having hard and tough resistance the Muslim clerics in Mbale are posing to them. Also the problem of pastors disunity and hatred are some of the things we tackled especially when we had to consider what 1 Tim 1:5. The goal of our instruction is Love from a pure heart and good conscience and sincere faith.

What has been the common factors on all these five training's that I have so far done with the pastors  has been on the following areas I believe that pastors were challenged:

1. Issues of self-appointed apostles. In this region, there is a problem of people self-claiming to be the apostles who are having fresh revelations from God to help build His Church. As we delved into what the scripture teaches on this and the commentary given in the manual, we were able to realize the clear distinction between the foundational apostles and the church commissioned apostles. This helped a great deal and leaders present confessed that this material is timely to this problem eating up the body of Christ in this area.

2. The second challenging issues to the leaders was the handing to Satan form of church discipline. I challenged the pastors by asking them how many of them still carry out church discipline? Out of 23 in attendance less than a half said to do. Most of them said they have shied away because of church committees that always make clicks and turn out the church disciplining process political. This was one of the reasons most leaders gave. Also their superiors in ministry dictate on the entire process of church discipline. More to the above, pastors thought that it was difficult for them to really hand over the brother to Satan. But after going through Matt 18:17-19 they were encouraged and willing to execute this vital command.

3. On the issues of women teaching and women authority over men, Pastors said they were following their denomination beliefs and would critically study scriptures and see which position would be appropriate.

4. On qualifications on leadership, when Paul begins with “One must be...” leaders in attendance were surprised to know that there are 15 requirements to have in order to become a leader in church. This was like new to them and this charged them to know that aspiring to leadership is not just a simple issue but should be taken seriously.

On the other issues we learnt, participants were encouraged and confessed to have opened their eyes; like our prayer life styles in talking and not waiting for God to talk back to us, the core scripture of 1 Tim 1:5 turned to be a blessing to our study. Participants realized how that  scripture centers our lives in ministry and our personal lifestyles in everything we do.

At the end of the conferences, everybody thanked God for this opportunity to have come for this timely teachings and material.

In His Name, Alex Obaale


Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

August 6, 2017—Report of Three Conferences

I hereby do wish to let you know that we yesterday wound up our three conferences on Biblical Interpretation that were scheduled for the third and fourth week of July, and the first week of August, at Kevote, Ngurubani, and Githimu, respectively.

The meetings were very successful, going by the much appreciation that came from the delegates of this three meetings. Much of the reason behind these, I think, is since I learned how to use the eight hermeneutical tools to aid me in my teaching, my work has become easier for me to teach, and easy for people to understand.

In my follow-up meeting I expect the delegates to do much of the work as far as the Biblical Interpretation course is concerned. I will also be able to gauge how much understanding they have gained from the course.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Mwago


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Report of Marriage & Parenting Conference held Aug 14-16, 2017

On 14th – 16th August, 2017 I and my wife Winrose, we took marriage and parenting course to Muriri. 9 couples attended the conference (18 people) 4 denominations were represented.

We were able to cover the origin of marriage, how God instituted marriage and his original purpose for marriage. Many of them had never read (Gen 2:18) and to amaze you, some thought that the main aim of marriage is to bring newborns under sun.

When we were discussing on the behavioral differences that men not only like competition more, but also do better when a situation is seen as competitive and ladies (female) are cooperative in whatever they do. Many of them agreed and they were amazed.

Many fathers were not in agreement with their male children who were under 19 years and one father in the midst of the AA Conference confessed that he will not rebuke his children again. He confessed that he had a lot of bitterness towards his two sons. This was after we exposed our own differences with our son who is in form four (High School) and how we handled him with love after you taught us Eph 6:4.

Also love language was very new to them. Some were feeling as if it’s not in order for mature people to apply the same. Some said that it is for white men only and not for Africans. However I informed them that God`s plan in marriage is not for wazungu but for all human beings in marriage circles.

We learnt a lot of things together and they begged me to go back to them with the same course before this year lapses. Finally, I personally appreciate the work that ECLEA is doing in Kenya and in particular the region of Upper Eastern that I oversee. God bless ECLEA in Jesus name.

Report of 1 Timothy conference, Sept 26-28, 2017
I was unable to do 1st Timothy at Karachie as earlier planned, this is due to the nullification of the presidential election. I got committed in a way, since you know I am somehow involved in the politics of our Country. By God's grace I started our course on 1st Timothy 26th Sept and we have finished today 28th of Sept 2017. Five denominations attended the conference. The number of participants was 15, both Church leaders and Pastors.

We covered the six chapters. When I asked them whether they know the goal of our instruction, they all said they have never heard of such things: I informed them that the goal of our instruction is love that comes from:
1. From a pure heart.
2. From a good conscience.
3. From a sincere Faith.

We took a lot of time when we started chapter 4 (Apostasy and false Godliness): much time was spent on the Solution to apostasy and false godliness, i.e.,
1. Know the word of God: we should test all doctrines using the word of God.
2. Teach the word of God: expose false godliness by means of the word.
And have nothing to do with false godliness.

Three of the Pastors present said that he has been to a Bible school but have never come across such teachings nor read a full detailed manual like ours.

I thank God because the foundation of biblical knowledge is getting deep to our people hence eliminating unhealthy Churches and false teachers of the word who mislead God's people.

Finally they all requested me to go back with another ECLEA course before the year lapses.

Regards, Bsp Barnabas, Upper Eastern coordinator



From 28/08 to 1st/09/2017, Rema Ministries conducted training on Forgiveness & Reconciliation in Cankuzo. Took part in this mission Francois Nitunga, Frederic Harerimana, and Peter Baziyaka as the driver.

For your information, Cankuzo is 240 km away from Bujumbura. Fortunately the road is tarmac.

This course was overdue if we consider what the participants said:

“In the united Methodist church we have been undergoing hard times since there was one group which ceased from our main church to the point that now we have two groups. The church was divided.  This left us vulnerable to the point that there were some unhealed wounds even among ourselves. Some belonging to Apollos and others to Paul! So this training is so important to us," said one pastor.

From the beginning, this topic raised a number of questions: could there be a link between being ill and unforgiveness? If not, why did Jesus heal the paralytic by telling him, your sins are forgiven and he immediately got healed?

Another pastor said: "We seem to ignore the fact that our country and the church for that matter went through hard times of division, killings and deep seated hatred. This issue has never been resolved openly. There has not been a strong national reconciliation effort as such, but so many cover ups. Hence it is high time we spearheaded such a genuine reconciliation starting from ourselves who have been exposed to this teaching.”

As we moved forward into the subject, participants wondered how they have been praying the Lord’s prayer, reciting it only, but never stopped even one minute to think about the consequence of what they prayed. They were deeply touched by the verse which says: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”. In other words, it is as if Jesus said: the level at which we forgive our debtors is the same level you should forgive us, or the measure we use to forgive our debtors should be the same you use to forgive us, and if we have not forgiven our debtors the same way you should not forgive us!! What a powerful revelation! One of the participants said: “I wonder really if the Lord understands what we pray or if it is just a show off. If really that is the case, nobody will get to heaven, for we realize that we really do not forgive”.

Another participant wondered:  “Did really Jesus ask us something that is impossible to accomplish? If it is not an impossible thing he asked of us, why practically don’t we see forgiveness at work in our daily lives and churches? The answer lies in the fact that the good news we have been preaching was shallow”.

The training went on well and at the end so many participants asked us to pray for them. Indeed, they knelt down and the presence of the Spirit was so powerful and repentance was so real. After prayers people went around to ask forgiveness and to forgive those who had wronged them.

Some went even far saying: “It is a shame to continue serving together one Lord as pastors telling other people to repent and to forgive their enemies, yet we have hatred and enmities among ourselves. Let us put to an end our unforgiving behavior and practice.  If not we will not be allowed to enter the gate of heaven. The time has come whereby we should preach and teach what we live and practice rather than heaping burdens on people’s shoulders. Forgiveness and Reconciliation must be from now on the heart of our preaching and teachings”.

Revd. Bugusu Matthieu, the Superintendant of United Methodist Church of Burundi Cankuzo District, is asking God to pour upon them the power of the Holy Spirit so that they may go and forgive others.

Revd. Musumari Edourd the Superintendant of United Methodist Church of Burundi Ruyigi District, is praying for the cleansing. “Lord help us to forgive others as you forgave us. And give us grace to reconcile to one another”.
People are quietly praying, others crying as they ask God to forgive their unforgiving hearts, and failing to be living examples of reconciliation. “Oh God forgive us we pray”.  

We praise God for having been with us and enabled us to accomplish this timely mission.

Frederic Harerimana


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director


I have finished a full week in Mukono, Uganda. I have been with a good group of about 28-30 church leaders, including most of ECLEA-Uganda's national and regional leaders. We did the following two courses:

Biblical Theology
We began by doing the course on Biblical Theology over 3 full days. Biblical Theology concerns the storyline of the Bible and how the New Testament fits together with the Old Testament. The latter aspect is most interesting, as Christ and the church fulfill everything that the OT was about. Seeing all the "types" and "shadows" in the OT and how they point to Jesus proved to be stimulating, and much good and fruitful conversation ensued. All of this also has practical application, as we strive to have churches that exhibit the living Christ in our communities.

At the end of the course, one participant said, "What we are teaching are deep things that pastors need to know. It kindles a new zeal to learn some more."

Biblical Interpretation
We then did Biblical Interpretation with the same participants. It was a great time as we looked at multiple passages from different genres. Some of these gave new insights to the church leaders. One commented, "Bad theology leads to bad preaching which leads to a bad harvest and problems with churches." So true--but that is one of the things ECLEA is working to remedy.

It was reassuring that these meetings were well organized by ECLEA-Uganda's national coordinator, Bishop Stephen Sempala, and the participants were good at keeping time. The depth and interest in the meetings meant that we went from about 9:15AM to close to 5:00PM except for the last day when we ended earlier.

Here are highlights of events in Rwanda, where I was after leaving Uganda:

Expository Preaching, round 2
We did a second round of Expository Preaching for 12-13 participants, including most of Rwanda's regional coordinators. Before we began, several of the participants reported that they have endeavored to preach more expositorily. Some have found analyzing biblical passages to be difficult; however, all have found it worthwhile and that this system has deepened their own understanding and the congregations tend to be more "alert and attentive and want to hear what you have to say."

I noticed some improvement when the participants preached on the third day of our training. Application still tends to be too general, so we spent considerable time talking about that. We are on the right track, and the participants wanted to do a third round of Expository Preaching when I return to Rwanda next year.

Biblical Interpretation
We did Biblical Interpretation for 12-13 participants at Samuel Tumushime's school complex in Kigali. Some of the participants had previously taken this course, but as one of them said, "This time it seemed so much sweeter, and I gained more insights." As is usually the case when I teach this course, people's "frameworks" (the received ways of seeing things) were challenged in certain areas as we actually looked at what several passages of Scripture have to say about certain topics. 

Pastor Tumushime himself said, "You are destroying all the verses we go to when we want to raise funds." I replied in substance, "No. As you have seen, you have been using those verses the wrong way. When you see what they are actually saying in context, they can be more powerful and meaningful." In fact, a day or so after we completed the course, I saw one of the participants who told me that seeing what the Bible says in context gave him the confidence to talk to a Muslim and other nonbelievers about the gospel from the Word of God! He could not have said anything that would make me more happy.

"The Engine"
Francis Ngoboka (ECLEA-Rwanda's national coordinator) and I completed my time in Rwanda by meeting and going through Biblical Stewardship with several influential people. This was arranged by Francis's sister. The group started calling itself "the engine," as they hope to be the engine that will get ECLEA more widely known in larger churches and among well-known and influential pastors and bishops. They will continue to meet from time to time in my absence. This has real potential. Please hold it up in your prayers.


Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

Report of meetings in Kaberamaido District, September 2017
I have just returned from Kaberamaido district where I have been with the pastors handling TOT on 1 Timothy. It has been raining in this region and most of the participants had challenge getting to the training center. Otherwise it all turned to be successful. Remember after we were in Namagunga with Jonathan, we had to be in Soroti with this vibrant team that you have always had a great hand of fellowship and love with.

One of the blessings ECLEA has done especially in the area of putting resources and training materials together is the compilation of Biblical Theology material. Said one of the pastors in Soroti, “It was amazing to find and learn how the Bible is ‘a one Message book.’” The most blessing part of the training was to be able to see Jesus Christ right from the creation account. And also him being spelt out in all the OT.

Remember when we were in Namagunga, I had come with two brothers, Pastor Abihail and Pastor Shadrach. The precious brothers got it right in the way Jonathan taught and help me a great deal when we were in Soroti. They say it is one of the best inspiring training’s ever handled by ECLEA SOROTI CENTER.

Back to Kaberamaido: You may remember that where I lodged the other time, they gave me a leaking room and when it rained I had trouble in my room. This time the room was not leaking but there was a problem with the bathroom....blockage of the sewage...Notwithstanding, I had a very engaging discussion with these pastors and leaders of course from different denominations.

Areas of interest from them was on ministry to the widows, the servant and master-related issues in line with the house-helps and their masters. Also in our discussion, pastors aired out the practical issues that affect their ministry and leadership as cited below:

- Lack of serious commitment from the parishioners to the church or ministry programs

- Invasion and influx of prosperity false teachers in their region

- Infidelity problem among the clergy

-Lack of authentic biblical training and studies...But great thanks to ECLEA!

- The poverty question here is difficult to answer in the lives of these committed pastors serving the almighty in dire need of even basic supplies of life.

We are left now with the follow up with this group early next month.

I covet prayers a lot for the pastors in Greater Teso region that God with birth and continue using these humble and dedicated pastor in our generation.

Blessings, Pastor Alex Obaale


Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

I salute you in the mighty name of Jesus. Below is the overall report of the TOTS for BUKEDEA, AMURIA and MBALE. You may remember that Bukedea training took place on 20th to 21st of September, Mbale on 27th to 28th September. I have just returned from Amuria where I had a wonderful time with the participants on 4th to 5th Oct. By tomorrow, Kaberamaido would be having their follow up discussions. I anticipate a great discussion.

By this time, Soroti study center is 3/4 done with its 12 training’s planned for this last quarter of the year 2017. At the moment, we have done 10 training’s remaining with 2 and 4 follow up discussions. I believe we are on course and schedule. Looking forward to accomplish the balance as the year ends. At this time, am at home resting but involved in the church ministry and planning to have a travel with Bishop Sempala to Karamoja region by 10th October.

I had the number of participants increase by 5. All the two days were a hundred percent attended. This is one of the areas where ECLEA TRAININGS AND MATERIALS ARE REGARDED AS BIBLICALLY BASED AND THEY HAVE AGREED TO USE IT IN THEIR DENOMINATIONS FOR INSTRUCTING THEIR LOCAL CHURCHES.

I had a very engaging discussion with these pastors and leaders of course from different denominations. Areas of interest from them was on ministry to the widows, the servant and master-related issues in line with the house-helps and their masters. Also in our discussion, pastors aired out the practical issues that affect their ministry and leadership as cited below:

     1. Lack of serious commitment from the parishioners to the church or ministry programs

     2. Invasion and influx of prosperity false teachers in their region

     3. Infidelity problem among the clergy

     4. Lack of authentic biblical training and studies...But great thanks to ECLEA

     5. The poverty question here is difficult to answer in the lives of these committed pastors serving the almighty in dire need of even basic supplies of life.

We are left now with the follow up with this group early next month.

I had a team of 15 pastors and Christian leaders attended as compared to the initial number of 18 we began with. The discussions were encouraging as a cross section of the pastors said with lament in their hearts that they wished they had first done or trained by ECLEA BEFORE THEY GOT INTO MINISTRY ESPECIALLY GOING THROUGH 1 TIMOTHY. This is because 1 Timothy is foundational in the life of a Christian leader.

I had 15 participants in attendance. This was because one of the leaders in the district had died and most of the pastors went for the burial. One of the outstanding issues in Amuria training was the deliberate neglect of the pastoral work by the pastors and instead have resorted to looking for riches. It is apparent that most of the leaders in this town straying away to love of money temptations. Also high rates of pastors abandon their families, divorce and children-related problems. They have asked me to do Marriage & Parenting course in next time schedule.

I covet prayers a lot for the pastors in Greater Teso region that God with birth and continue using these humble and dedicated pastor in our generation.

Blessings, Pastor Alex


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator
Report of Marriage & Parenting conference held at Wanjohi Nyandarua on Sept 27-29

Ernest Mwilitsa and I led the conference. We had 24 participants who were very interactive and asked a lot of questions. Here are some specificis:

Rev. Joel Mburu felt he benefited much on his understanding of divorce and remarriage which had been an issue for him since previously he had not understood it well.

Pastor Isaac Kahiu was a bit skeptical about family planning and the church. He was able to understand that it is not a sin when done from a church context, and it can be helpful in bringing order in the family.

Ann Njeri Ndirangu was greatly encouraged and felt the training has enlightened he much concerning issues of the family. She was particularly touched by the topic of biblical parenting.

Arch-Deacon Peter Kagni agreed that the husband and wife should assist one another in the house for a good home despite what people will say outside.

Best regards, James Kamau


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

I have finished my fifth trip to East Africa for 2017. We began with a week in Uganda. Here’s what happened:

Masindi, UG
Bishop Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda's national coordinator, and I traveled to Masindi, headquarters of the Masindi-Kitara Diocese of the Church of Uganda (COU--Anglican). There we led ECLEA's course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose with 13 participants in attendance. That book focuses primarily on discipleship and mission. It includes multiple resources and practical suggestions for developing a systematic and comprehensive discipleship program.

As I told the participants, "If you do not have a formal discipleship program in your church, you are failing at your primary responsibility." Each of the church leaders did have some form of discipleship program, but it was clear from the note-taking and the discussion that they all saw many areas in which their discipleship programs were lacking and could be improved. It will take some time, some earnest discussion and research, and some effort to implement more systematic and comprehensive discipleship programs, but it will be worth it. Real discipleship will be transformative--not just for the individuals involved but for the churches and, through the churches, their communities. This is ECLEA's goal: "Deep foundations, healthy churches, and transformed lives."

Meetings with Bishops
The day after our training session ended, Stephen and I met with the Masindi-Kitara Bishop, Rev. George Kasangaki. The next day we were able to meet with the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, his grace Stanley Ntagali. He was very favorable about what ECLEA is doing and has given his blessing for us to partner with the COU throughout the Province of Uganda. Through the good offices of the archbishop, ECLEA in the future will be able to develop good working relationships with the COU throughout the entire nation. The day after that, we met with Bishop Alfred Olwa of the Lango Diocese, headquartered at Lira, UG. He also was enthusiastic about our working with his diocese. These developments are very heartening, and the potential impact of these meetings is tremendous!

After leaving Uganda, I traveled to Tanzania. Here's a brief report of events in Tanzania:

I led our course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose for about 18 participants. There is so much important, practical, and potentially transformative information in this course! Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania's national coordinator, told me that the participants were discussing the course outside and during lunch. He told me that one said, "This course has so much more than we had in Bible School." Dickson felt that everyone was eager to learn and estimated that 75% would try to apply what we discussed.

Application is, of course, the key, particularly since the course has a real concentration on discipleship and mission. It includes lots of practical suggestions for both, including multiple discipleship resources and courses available online for free. However, applying a comprehensive and systematic discipleship program (and mission strategy) will take lots of research, conversation, thought, and effort, since both represent a sea-change in how most churches are currently operating. The potential impact in both areas, however, is tremendous!

Mirerani is a town about 20km from Kilimanjaro International Airport. It is pretty much dependent on the tanzanite mine located nearby. (Tanzanite is a gemstone found only in Tanzania.) Typically, the town looks to be flat, dry, and dusty; however, due to the rain, when we got there it was flat, wet, and muddy.

Dickson and I were joined by ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary Joram Ibrahim and led the course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose for approximately 18 mostly Pentecostal participants. Our host, Bishop Somy Severiua Kaaya, is a good, wise, and winsome man. He said that he had been both enlightened and challenged by the course. The four interlocking missions and purposes of the church we stress are worship, discipleship, mission, and unity (wholeness). Some of the participants felt so strongly attached to the biblical mode of baptism (immersion) that they seemed very reluctant to reach out to and work with churches of other denominations who baptize by sprinkling or pouring. I hope that as they reflect on matters they will adopt a less exclusivistic attitude. Please pray for them.

Unfortunately also, only about half of the participants were able to actually contribute the 10,000Tsh (about $4.50 USD) to get the books. As a result, I fear that for most of the participants there will be little application. I hope I'm wrong, as this course, if applied, can transform churches and lead to multiple church members growing in depth in many areas of life. Again, please pray for this.

The last week was spent in the coastal city of Tanga where we did Biblical Eschatology for 12-14 participants over the course of four full days.

Most of the participants were Pentecostals. Consequently, the only thing they had been taught was premillennial eschatology and the "pretribulational rapture." Neither of these views are, in my opinion, biblically defensible. Hence, most of what we discussed was both new and challenging (the Anglican participants had a more biblical view of eschatology).

We began by looking at the major issues and then considered what I think is key: the overall biblical eschatological structure of the "two ages" (this age and the age to come). The dividing line between the two is the second coming of Christ, which entails resurrection of all, judgment of all, and the renewal of the earth. With that foundation, most of eschatology actually falls into place and is coherent and understandable. We looked at the major millennial views, and spent a day looking at Christ's Olivet Discourse and a day  on the book of Revelation, as well as responding to multiple questions along the way.

When we had finished, our host (a good and godly man) said in substance, "This has been a very thought-provoking and worthwhile time. We need to revisit the subject of eschatology and the book of Revelation so that we can know why we believe what we believe and be able to teach with confidence to our people."

At the conclusion, Joram Ibrahim (ECLEA-Tanzania's national secretary) gave the participants a homework assignment: take any passage or issue and write a page or so on what he/she believes concerning that issue and why. Each participant is to sent a copy to Joram and to me for our feedback. I think that is a great idea, and I look forward to hearing from them.

Now I will be home until mid-January. I hope to see many of you during that time. Your support of ECLEA is making a real difference.

Thank you and God bless you, Jonathan


Oct 2, 2017-Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator
I have just come back from Kinango where we were doing Forgiveness & Reconciliation. I had to use the English translation only although some of the participants needed Kiswahili. Nevertheless, it was a great time and worth being there. We had 24 participants, pastors and leaders as we went through the material it was able to shed some light to the participants.

This particular church has been going through many challenges, and finally the pastors shared how the founder of the church was mistreated, flushed out from the church on tribal lines, forced to spend his last night in the cold at a nearby bush on a rock, and finally leaving the Church with bitterness, The pastors promised to work out on how they would possibly look for this pastor. The church is undergoing difficult moments which to them they would associate it with the bad acts done by them.

God bless you, Michael Taari

Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Michimikuru, Kenya-Oct 20-21

On 20th and 21st of Oct 2017 I conducted 1st Timothy course at Michimikuru, 14 Church leaders and participated. Four denominations were represented.

The Churches in this village are highly dominated by the preachers and teachers of the word who are full of Old Testament and whatever they teach is based on O.T and grace is abandoned or not known. I took a lot of time to show them how grace works—the difference between Muslims and Christians. I informed them that we as the body of Christ here on earth, our cardinal responsibility is to be the support and the pillar of the truth of the gospel.

I taught them the meaning of the term support and pillar as it is indicated and elaborated in our manual on 1st Timothy. They promised me that they will become good ambassadors of Christ Jesus and also teach the true gospel after understanding the dangers of apostasy.

After going through the whole manual the participants confessed that their frameworks were highly challenged. Among the participants only three who attended Bible school and had never come across such teachings.

Finally, I must give credit to whom it deserves. Before I came across ECLEA’s teachings, I was also blunt. ECLEA’s teachings have added great value upon my life. In the month of September I was invited by one of the house media here in Kenya to share the word of God. I shared the word of God from the book of 1st Timothy chapter 3 (Qualifications of Elders and deacons). Afterwards I received a lot of calls from all over Kenyan—some appreciating me and others inviting me to their local Churches to teach the same book to their congregations and for your information. Last Sunday I was teaching a Church at Nanyuki town Chap 3 only.

May God bless ECLEA in Jesus Name.

Regards, Bsp. Barnabas, Upper Eastern Coordinator

Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator
I did my Forgiveness & Reconciliation Conference last weekend in Ruruguti Othaya. This conference was a unique one in that participants were more than thirty (30) coming from different denominations around the area. Secondly, all the manuals I had carried were all bought, something I haven’t seen in other areas. It was very successful in terms of questions majority of them were very quick to ask questions and also contribute.

We did my last conference this year last weekend (Oct 26-28--Forgiveness & Reconciliation).

The people reacted so well even to the point of some giving their personal experiences as a solution to many unforgiving problems that arise. A few people shared with me their personal challenges of which I tried to help and promised to continue assisting as I could. The majority went home with manuals and this encouraged me so much.

I wish you a blessed end of the year 2017 as we meet again 2018 and continue serving the body of Christ.

Rev. Fredrick Njoroge, Regional Co-ordinator—Nyeri/Nyadarwa

December 6, 2017
Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

We did two classes in Zanzibar, 1 Timothy and Expository Preaching which was celebrated the most. At the main Lutheran Church, Mwanakwerekwe, we had a total number of 20 participants, four of them were from the host Lutheran, and the rest from different Pentecostal Churches of Zanzibar.

Most of them testified that although they themselves as well as their people counted them as prominent preachers, but from the teaching they realized that they were only sounding as inspired preachers, but giving biblical stories without showing its application to the actual life of people. Five of them got an opportunity of preaching in the class and be critiqued, with one lady, a teacher of Sunday school children class, preached for the first time, who did much better compared with the experienced who repeated their preaching mistakes as usual.

Biblical Stewardship at Duga and Horohoro. It was great deal for course participants to know that they are God’s stewards in every area of life. When you talk about stewardship, pastors could imagine about giving only. The concept of them being entrusted with pastoral ministry, and will give an account, made them realize the higher responsibility. This made a number of them assume more commitment in the ministry. 

1 Timothy at Pangani, Mkwaja, and Sakura. Inductive training questionnaire proved to be very important. After examining themselves and realize that they are not properly functioning church as it was required. Sakura formed a unity, while others strengthened their unity. We assigned them to work out the all requirements for leadership, also going through all inductive questions.

Biblical Theology at Dar es Salaam. It was an eye opening class, with "AHA!" moments. One of the participants said: "I have been teaching heresy for years, as I did not understand the biblical story line, but now my preaching will be different". His statement was supported by other pastors saying it was the same for them. The class was given an assignment of reading the first seven chapters of the book of Genesis, and Exodus chapter 12 up to chapter 17, and then to find and give an account of where Jesus is mentioned in Old Testament symbolic language.

This work is not in vain; the material is vital enough to empower church leaders. These teachings have and are still continuing to shape me, as whenever I study them I get something revealed which I did not see before. 

ECLEA is doing a great job for the Kingdom of God, by balancing leadership potentials to raise healthy church for strong communities in East Africa.

Stay blessed, Joram


December 6, 2017
I have already completed my follow-up exercise and this is my report.

Two of the three conferences conducted each a seminar of which the selected pastor was the facilitator (very interesting). They were using our manuals. This showed that they had actually gone through the book somehow. The intention and passion moved me so much. The only challenge they had was in translating English to vernacular. And to some extent unable to contextualize as per the teaching and manual although I did help them.

The other unique thing that could be seen, leaders of different denominations coming together just to learn, it was amazing. I do hope I will have two or more meeting there next year God willing.

The other centre I visited people did not properly attend as expected. Those pastors who were assigned to be facilitators seemed not to have prepared properly. Secondly, the presentation was below average in my view. This was clearly seen when most of them were faced with questions. My plan is to stay with them in another conference next year and try to address some of those challenges. Actually this is a new way of learning as per the so-called “main stream churches” in this region.

I wish you all the best in this Christmas season and a blessed new year of 2018.

Rev. Fredrick Njoroge


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Report of Kawangware meeting—Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017—1 Timothy

There were 20 participants and 8 churches/denominations represented. Peter Mwangi and I were the teachers. Here are reports from some of the participants:

     * Mr. Peter Marenga said he had learned about the importance of leadership and the family. Especially, he said he learned of a leader’s taking care of his family before he can even lead the church.
     * Pastor Paul Kamau narrated how he had gone through difficulties with his wife in the ministry he was beginning. But God later helped them and today they are doing well as a church.
     * Rev. Stephen Njoroge learned of the importance of the qualities of a leader. He was particularly impressed by the leader having one wife and the wife having one husband.
     * Pastor David Mukuria felt aht leaders should be accountable in their work. He was also happy with the teaching on dressing modestly.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 14th Dec 2017 I conducted the follow up at Karachie Shopping Centre. Among 15 participants, 13 attended the follow up. I was very much encouraged by their love and commitment. Our meeting was scheduled to start at 9:00am but these good brothers and sisters were at the venue of the conference at 8:00am.

All the Pastors present told me that they have started teaching their church members on 1st Timothy and are following our manuals keenly to avoid any framework that might occur. They also informed me that their churches are now growing, not numerically but in the knowledge of God and his true word.

This follow-up helped them to understand a number of issues that are somehow complicated in the book of 1st Timothy; for example: 
   -What is the goal of our instruction?
   -Are women allowed to participate in anything in the Church or they should keep quiet and ask their husbands questions at home? 
   -What is the meaning of men lifting up their hands in the Church while praying?
   -Who is supposed to be entered into the list of widows nowadays?
   -Should the Pastor be paid by the Church or he should carry all the offerings every Sunday just like the prosperity preachers?

I took good time to answer all those questions and some Pastors said that they will allow the Bible to be the final authority in whatever they teach God's people. Four pastors admitted that they have been teaching and preaching their frameworks and not the true word of God due to little knowledge of the word of God.

The following day (15th Dec 2017) I did follow-up with the Muchimikuru church leaders and Pastors. All the 14 participants attended the follow up.
A big number of Pastors and leaders in this locality have come up with a plan of meeting for 2 hours every second Saturday of the month (from3:00pm-5:00pm). The above gave me great hope because I have been with these brethren only two times now. In their meeting they study one chapter of 1st Timothy, then they allow one person at a time to teach, after which they critique each other. This has made them a bit sharper than the time I was teaching them for the first time.

One of the above Pastors told me that after understanding what the Bible teaches on the qualifications of Elders and Deacons in the Church, he decided to demote one church leader who had two wives. Although there was a great shakeup in his Church, a big number stood on the Pastor's side because he has taught Chapter 3 of 1st Timothy using our manual in every Bible study since the time he came across our teachings.

God is doing a good job. May God bless ECLEA in Jesus name.

Bsp. Barnabas, Upper Eastern regional coordinator


2017 has been an eventful year for ECLEA. Here are some of the highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
As has been my practice for several years, I made 5 trips to East Africa and did training sessions in each of the countries of the East Africa Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). As I have been trying to do for the last few years, I am working more and more with smaller groups of leaders rather than doing larger conferences. Also, I am trying to not do as many of ECLEA’s foundational courses (since we have good African teachers in each of the countries who teach these well) but concentrate on training our pastor-teachers in more theological courses. This focus is reflected in my work this year:

* Burundi: I spent a week doing Christianity & Islam with 10 members of Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s partner in Burundi) and selected others.
* Kenya: I did Biblical Interpretation 4 times with 65 total participants, Biblical Theology once with
20 participants, and Biblical Stewardship once with 11 participants.
* Rwanda: I did Biblical Theology 2 times with 28 total participants, Expository Preaching 2 times
with 22 total participants, and Biblical Interpretation once with 12 participants.
* Tanzania: I did The Church 4 times with 60 total participants, Biblical Eschatology 2 times
with 27 total participants, Christianity & Islam once with 30 participants, and Expository Preaching once with 12 participants.
* Uganda: I did Biblical Interpretation once with 30 participants, Biblical Theology once with 28 participants, and The Church once with 13 participants.

Frank Cummings’ work in East Africa
Frank made 3 trips to East Africa. He concentrates on Biblical Counseling and Hermeneutics (he uses somewhat different material than I use for Biblical Interpretation). He taught the following courses to over 100 total participants:

* Kenya: Biblical Counseling 3 times.
* Uganda: Hermeneutics once and Biblical Counseling 2 times.
* Rwanda: Biblical Counseling once.

All-African ECLEA training conferences
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! This is reflected in the all-African ECLEA training sessions conducted in 2017. My records indicate our ECLEA teams have taught the following courses (and the number of times each course has been taught):

* Burundi: Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi) did Biblical Theology—2; Biblical Stewardship—2; Christianity & Islam—12; Biblical Interpretation—4; and 1 Timothy—2. Rema
has established 4 teaching centers around the country and typically teaches for 5 days in a row, giving
assignments and conducting follow-up.
* Kenya: Kenya has 14 regions for ECLEA training, each with a regional coordinator. This year the
ECLEA-Kenya teams have done 1 Timothy—23; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—19; Biblical
Stewardship—35; Marriage & Parenting—8; Biblical Theology—6; Expository Preaching—4;
Biblical Interpretation—12; Biblical Counseling—1.
* Rwanda: Rwanda has established 6 training centers around the country, each with its own coordinator. This year the ECLEA-Rwanda teams have taught Marriage & Parenting in 3 centers, Biblical Interpretation in 4 centers, Biblical Theology in 4 centers, Biblical Counseling in 4 centers, Forgiveness & Reconciliation in 5 centers, The Church in 3 centers, and Expository Preaching in 6 centers.
* Tanzania: Tanzania is divided into 4 zones which are subdivided into regions and districts, with
ECLEA leaders over each. This year ECLEA-Tanzania teachers have done the following training
sessions: 1 Timothy—19; Biblical Stewardship—23; Expository Preaching—12; Biblical Theology—7; Biblical Interpretation—1; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—1; Marriage & Parenting—3.
* Uganda: Uganda is divided into 3 ECLEA teaching regions: West (primarily the Masindi-Kitara
Diocese of the Church of Uganda); Central (consisting of 12 centers); and the East (Soroti area).
ECLEA-Uganda teachers have taught the following: 1 Timothy—36; Biblical Stewardship—2; Biblical Interpretation—2; Marriage & Parenting—7; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—4; Biblical Theology—3; and The Church—3.

The impact ECLEA is having
Here are some reports I have received this year from East Africans concerning the effect ECLEA is having:

* Michael Mwalumba (Kenya): “ECLEA is making tangible and remarkable impact. Truly speaking ECLEA is completely different as compared to other organizations in terms of vision, structure, operation, and implementation; hence the fruits are vividly evident in many parts of Kenya and the rest of East Africa. For the years I have been involved, I am confident in training the courses since this has become part of me that I practice what I train and I have seen results in my personal life and in the ministry as well. We are proud to be part of what God is doing in East Africa through ECLEA.”
* Theodore Mbazumutima (Burundi): “We have been teaching the same course The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose in Cankuzo and I must say that the churches are being transformed beyond what can be described in an email like this. The course on Forgiveness is turning things upside down. I heard stories and stories on how people have been applying this course in their churches, families, and community. I cried because of joy and I could not believe my ears! Let me say it this way: you have no idea how God has used you in developing these courses. Yes you have no idea how important and practical the courses are. I am humbled by what God is doing.”
* Stephano Edward (Tanzania): “I thank you for the materials for translation which you promised to send to me. As I have said before, it has triple benefit to me. I take it as ministry opportunity for me, I am edified by the materials because in the process of doing I get deeper understanding of the subject and also this gives me general support as an individual and the family in my living.”
* Samuel Tumushime (Rwanda): “I am reporting to you that I have been blessed by translating the book and I have learnt much more about Christianity and Islam and salvation than ever before in all my theological training.”
* Alex Obaale (Uganda): “I had a team of 15 pastors and Christian leaders who attended our 1 Timothy conference in Mbale. The discussions were encouraging as a cross section of the pastors said with lament in their hearts that they wished they had first done or trained by ECLEA before they got into ministry, especially going through 1 Timothy. This is because 1 Timothy is foundational in the life of a Christian leader.”

Other ECLEA happenings
In addition to the all-African training conferences and the conferences led by Frank and me, more is going on to help equip the church leaders of East Africa, including the following:

* Each country now is led by excellent people and has organizations of pastor-teachers who all share the same vision and are committed to what ECLEA is doing. ECLEA’s vision and goal is summarized as “Deep Foundation - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives.”
* Our goal is to have indigenous, independent, self-sustaining ECLEA organizations in each of the East African countries. To this end, the ECLEA organizations in the countries of East Africa are in the process of developing constitutions and registering with their respective governments as independent organizations (in Burundi our partner, Rema Ministries, is already established). This will facilitate a more effective presence and continuity, especially after the Westerners have left the scene.
* The development of new teaching books and the translation of our books into the major East African languages is continuing. This year our new course book The Church: Its nature, Mission, and Purpose was premiered, our book Biblical Eschatology was substantially revised, Biblical Interpretation was translated into Kiswahili, and Biblical Theology was translated into Kinyarwanda. The Kiswahili translation of Forgiveness & Reconciliation and the Alur translation of Biblical Stewardship are in their final stages.
* We now have a major opportunity to work with the Church of Uganda (Anglican) throughout the nation of Uganda. Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda’s national coordinator and I met with Archbishop Stanley Ntagali who has given ECLEA his blessing to work with all of the dioceses of the COU in Uganda!

Looking ahead
I am very grateful for the East Africans who are doing an excellent job of equipping the church leaders in this vital and strategic part of the world. I am also thankful for those of you who pray for this ministry and support ECLEA financially. God has certainly answered our prayers, and your financial support is paying great dividends. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

Here’s what you can do to make a difference
* Giving opportunities: Automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914, or tax-deductible giving can be done through the website (
* To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and
bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is
* We value your input and suggestions. If you no longer wish to receive these updates, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from the mailing list.

Thank you, and God bless you, Jonathan Menn (ECLEA Director)


2018 News Archive


I. Introduction

From Monday 08th to Friday 12th January 2018, a church leaders training was held at Muzye. This is part of the ongoing training for pastors at Muzye. The team which was made by: Frederic Harerimana, Francois Nitunga as trainers and    Baziyaka Jean Pierre the driver, left Bujumbura on Sunday the 07th, so that they may be ready to begin the training early Monday the 08th. As there were no proper lodging facilities in the vicinity, we had to commute 27 km every day. In fact, due to poor accommodation, the last time we were there one of our trainers picked up malaria which took a whole month to heal hence we decided to go to a place with good accommodation facility. 

The trainees

We had 39 trainees who attended this training. 12 were from the first intake and 28 for the second class. The course this time was “Biblical Counselling”.


The activities of each day began by morning devotion whereby different trainees were chosen to prepare a short message to guide us in that meditation. The activities of the whole training began by a thorough evaluation of what they did during the interval of the two months. That was done on Monday. Every trainee shared what he experienced when he tried to put into practice what he had been taught.  The response was encouraging. For instance:
Rev. Nsabimana Eliezer testified that he gathered 30 people in his church and trained them about the mission of the church focussing on reaching out and making disciples. After his training people went out to do the soul winning.  As a result, more than 10 new believers joined the church and are now attending baptism courses. 
He said that he found important to begin to do the discipleship starting from his house. He says: “I have a big family and my children are adults and bright as well. I encouraged them to go and reach out in our village, and their friends. They are now at work. From there I am going to organize elders and other leaders in the church so that I may train them on how to evangelize and make disciples. 
Then from Monday afternoon to Friday was the training on Biblical Counselling.   The topic was so interesting in such a way that trainees were everyday on time as they wowed not to miss any part of it. They said that counselling is a very big part of their daily work as pastors.  However, they realized that what they used to do as counselling has nothing to do with the techniques and practice of proper counselling.  They themselves discovered that most of the ill behaviours and deviant behaviours of most people in the society are the results of either trauma, depression, stress, grief or such kinds of things and realized that Jesus came for such people and hence vowed to go ahead, look for such people and try the techniques and see what the Lord could do about it. They were convinced that they cannot fail before they try.                                                                                  


Rev. Nyandwi Ernest: “This course was so important to me, I have learned many things and I am going to change the way I was doing counselling. I was doing it without establishing good relationship with my client.  I didn’t realize that those people who are socially rejected by the communities are the once God is sending me to serve and help them to be released from those things troubling and distressing them. I am going to apply what I have been taught during this week starting in my family, in the church and in the community that surrounds me. Love will come first in what I will be doing.  I will focus on evangelism among those rejected ones in the community”

Ntihebuwayo Levis: “Truly this course on Biblical Counselling was so special to me. I understood what Biblical counselling is all about and the best way to do it. Before I had a problem of listening. So many times I was accusing my clients asking them some questions such as why have you done that? I was missing many counselling skills such as: communication rather I practiced poor listening, poor relationships and poor empathy.  This course has enlightened me on how to be a good counsellor, from now I will change the way I was doing it. My aim is to try to be a good counsellor using the Bible and try to restore people to what they ought to be in Christ”. 

Rev Ndayishimiye Esaïe: “I benefited many things from this course concerning Biblical Counselling; my eyes are now opened more than before. When a client comes to me, I was just giving him some pieces of advice and many times I was recommending them what they should do in order to get well.  I was not using the Bible, only using my knowledge.  More often I was telling them words like this: Your things are like that, you are not alone to go through such situations, I also went through such situation, and the remedy will take some time learn to cope with your problem. Therefore, you should pray to God, the controller of every situation.

Anybody could meet me anywhere, be it in the market place, along the road, in a restaurant, even outside the church after the service. I was not giving a proper attention to them.  But from now, I am going to change, to listen carefully, to show love, to give them enough time to express their problems, and help them to find solution to them. I will use the Bible and be close to my client as I try to bring him to believe in Jesus Christ”

Niyibizi Rose: “First of all, I praise the Lord for this teaching about biblical Counselling.  Thank you also our teachers who came to teach, and open our eyes to  this course. I was advantaged to be part of this training. God wanted me to be here.  Now I have understood very well how to do biblical counselling, different from what I have been doing. When my fellow women come to me with problems, mostly originating from their respective families, I was advising them how to obey their husband, how they should be welcoming them when they are back home, just to give them A,B,C,  D, E of things they should be doing.

There are times I joined some of them to accuse their husbands. Some other times I accused my clients.  And at the end I prayed for them.  What I realized is that the last prayer together was very important because after that prayer people gave the impression of being encouraged more than the words I had shared with them.  From now I will do it properly.  In my marriage I will also try to apply “the five languages of love”.


The trainees responded constructively to the teachings. They said that they understood what biblical counselling is all about, and said that they are to change their world view of what counselling is.

We gave them words of encouragement and motivated them to do Biblical Counselling as they apply what we have been going through the whole week. Answering questions was good because participants got chances to participate in contributing to the questions given by the trainers and those asked by the trainees; which encouraged them as students to know that they have something to contribute. The trainees learned from each other during discussion groups. Nobody knows everything. In life, they said, all are learners.


We thank God who protected us during the training. It was also a rainy season but students came.

Food is still a big challenge. Let us pray God so that the harvest will be good this year so that our students will have enough to bring with them when they come to the training.

In all we give thanks to our Almighty God for what he has helped us to achieve in that week.

God bless His work!


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director



I have finished leading our Expository Preaching course for the Rema Ministries staff here in Bujumbura. We had seven full-time participants and a few others who were able to attend some of the time. Three days were spent discussing how to put together and deliver a good sermon, then a day was spent preaching and critiquing.

I am happy to say that the participants seem to have learned something. I was concerned that things weren't coming together, so I decided to preach at the beginning of the third day so that they could see and hear how the model I was teaching works and how the elements I was emphasizing (introduction [raising an important issue of life], proposition [the one main point], organizational sentence [a brief roadmap to let the audience know how the proposition will be unfolded], and application [the practical implications of the proposition for our lives]) all fit together.

That seemed to help. Of the Burundian preachers, Obed Niyokwizera really hit the major elements quite well. That was particularly encouraging to me since he was not as fluent in English, so he preached in Kirundi with an English translator. The fact that he "got it" allayed my concerns that I was not getting through (since most of what I had talked about was new to the preachers). As I told them, expository preaching is "100% about the Scripture and 100% about life," since the Bible is intimately related to our "real lives," our problems, issues, questions, and concerns. The Bible is God's primary "change agent" for helping us to get our lives in proper alignment--and good preaching can facilitate that greatly.

Tomorrow I will preach at a church in the morning and then will be flying to Rwanda where I will be next week before heading on to Uganda. I will try to send you another report while I am here in East Africa. God bless you, Jonathan


I have completed an interesting and, I think, fruitful week in Rwanda and have just arrived in Uganda. Let me give you some highlights.

The Church
At the Church of God center in Kigali, I did "The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose." This is proving to be a very powerful course. There were 12 attendees--at least the first day. The second day (this is a 2-day course), half of them didn't show up. This is the first time in my experience in East Africa where something like this has happened.

I asked our host, Samuel Tumushime, to check. He later reported back that most were for financial reasons (no money for transport), although one refused to return because he thought the way he had always done things was being undermined (more on that in the next section). We completed the course with the remaining participants. As it happened, those who did return were those most involved with ECLEA, so in addition to completing the course we were able to discuss how to better run things so as to improve. So praise God for that opportunity.

We then did the book of Revelation for about 20 enthusiastic participants in Kanombe. Wow! Questions were plentiful and wide-ranging. Discussion was animated and intense. Pastor Tumushime was also present for this course and commented (apropos of the course on "The Church" as well) that "Jonathan is both destroying and building." In other words, the previous way of doing things, of understanding and teaching, was built on a false foundation, but instead of just knocking that down, a new firm foundation and understanding are being established.

Virtually everyone at the course echoed Tumushime's comments. Two participants said that they could hardly sleep during the night, they were thinking so much of everything we had talked about! Praise God for their receptivity. And please hold all of these dear people up in your prayers, since many of the things they are learning in many of the courses are significantly different from what they have always been told. But as I tell them, "Don't just believe this because I say it, but check it out in the Bible yourself" (as Paul commended the Bereans in the book of Acts). That is why our teaching books are loaded with Scripture throughout.

Expository Preaching
I concluded my trip to Rwanda by taking one day to give a "refresher" on Expository Preaching at the "Hilltop" center. Francis Ngoboka had previously taught the course there, but he wanted me to give a refresher (there were also some new people among the 11 participants). I think this was time well spent. Hopefully, when I return, the members of that center and I can all actually preach and be critiqued.


The trip ended with a summit meeting in Mukono, Uganda of ECLEA leaders from all five countries of the East Africa Community. Along with the 12 East African leaders, Frank Cummings and Paul and Rosemary Nelsen from the US also were present.

Let me give you the highlights of this important meeting. Our goal is to have independent, indigenous, self-sustaining ECLEA organizations in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda (Burundi is a slightly different model, where we are partnering with a well-established organization, Rema Ministries, who is our representative in that country). At our last summit meeting (Nairobi, Nov. 2016) we agreed that the ECLEA groups would formally organize and get registered with their respective governments as indigenous organizations. I am happy to say that ECLEA-Kenya has achieved registration status, and registration is in process in the other countries!

This is important for continuity and for effectiveness. East Africans are taking "ownership" of ECLEA and church leaders throughout East Africa will come to see ECLEA as "one of their own." In this regard, we discussed how the ECLEA-East Africa organizations should get good Christian men and women of business--who are good at organizational and fundraising skills and who have good contacts in their countries--on their boards.

Frank Cummings led a lengthy discussion on moving more and more toward self-sustainability. One thing that is important to us is to not foster the "culture of dependency." Registration and getting people of means and business acumen on the boards should facilitate the East African ECLEA organizations' ability to fund raise and become self-sustaining. All the East African representatives said that, should something untoward happen to me, "ECLEA will continue!"

Paul and Rosemary Nelsen have been involved with an orphanage in Kenya for many years and were instrumental in helping develop our ECLEA vision statement of "Deep Foundations--Healthy Churches--Transformed Lives." They have both committed to become more involved as part of ECLEA. Rosemary is an excellent Bible teacher who has put together a very good, interactive, overview of the Old Testament course. She previewed the course at the summit to rave reviews.

All in all, ECLEA has come a long way. This is an important time for us as the East African ECLEA organizations get "up and running." I am excited about how things may look by the time of our next summit meeting on Nov. 7, 2019 in Nairobi.
To those of you who have prayed for and financially support this ministry, let me say, "Thank you." Your efforts are making a big and lasting difference in a profoundly important and strategic part of the world. If you have not yet become a prayer and financial supporter of ECLEA, I urge you to do so. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made in various ways through the website ( God bless you, Jonathan


Report of Naivasha Karagita training session held on Feb 14-16, 2018

We taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. The meeting was a great blessing and we had a good attendance of 21 delegates even though our target was 18.The pastors and leaders greatly commended the course as one of the best that you have written. They said it will be a great tool especially for doing Discipleship in the Churches. I personally commend it also as a variable tool that I will use in our church for Discipleship.

Rev. Kireri learned that the church should be community oriented and that as he develops the church, he should also develop himself.

Pastor Ann learned that she should not only be church oriented but Kingdom oriented. She felt that this is the kind of leadership that God requires.

In short, I believe this course will bear great fruit.

Report of two ECLEA training sessions (1 Timothy)

On February 26th – 28th 2018 I conducted an AA conference at Kaibei Shopping Centre. 13 pastors and church leaders attended the conference; 5 denominations were represented.

I was forced to postpone the conference dates because there was a planned meeting of which I am a member that collided with the conference dates. We had a development forum together with our Deputy President (His Excellency William Samoei Ruto) of which I had an opportunity to pray for him and I also prayed for the country`s peace in the same meeting (you can check my Facebook profile.

At Kaibei many were the questions from the participants, e.g., When I was teaching on the topic of Discipline of true Godly living according to 1 Timothy 4:7b – 10? One pastor asked me what is the difference between bodily discipline and spiritual discipline? I informed him that bodily discipline has some value but spiritual discipline  holds promise for this life and for the life to come hence the life to come is of supreme importance and as a result of the above we strive and labour day in and day out as God`s servants.

I taught them that they should flee from the love of money as it is indicated in chapter 6:11-14 and they promised me that they would pursue righteousness, Godliness, faithfulness, love and many other qualities that pertains the kingdom of God. They also decided to out do the prosperity gospel using the teachings that are in our manual.

Two participants said that they were lucky to undergo this training the second time; however they said that in the first time they were unable to get some important concepts that are in the manual.    

On 22nd March 2018 I had good times with the pastors and church leaders at Chugu town. The conference had 16 participants and 6 denominations were represented. A big number of the participants from this region had theological understanding of the Bible although their frameworks were highly challenged by our teachings and the truth of the word of God in our manual. They believe a lot in the Old Testament than the way they believed in the New Testament.

I took a lot of time to elaborate how Christ took away our sins on the cross of Calvary when we believed in him and we are no longer under any curse from the world of the devil because many of them preach the gospel of breaking curses, planting seeds to eradicate poverty in their lives-enriching the prophets of doom hence remaining power due to lack of proper understanding of what Christ did on the cross. In fact, I led a big number of them to a prayer of repentance of which many were unable to withhold their tears after self-examination through the word of God in those 2½ days we were together.

The issue of church administration and how the church ought to pay the elders/pastors who run the church affairs well was also a big challenge to many because 2 of the denominations are run by the pastors who claim that the Holy Spirit is the one who tells them on what to do with the church money and no single church member should question them. I told them accountability and transparency must be observed to avoid one man show.

Finally among the six churches only one denomination had a church account with Equity Bank of Kenya. All the other pastors are carrying everything that is offered in the church but they told me that they`ll start to operate church accounts after the teachings.

God bless the ECLEA family in Jesus name.

Bishop Barnabas, Upper Eastern coordinator

Here in Nyeri and Nyandarwa region we are and will continue with this noble vision of ECLEA. On 27 Feb-1st March we conducted our first conference on Forgiveness & Reconciliation which was very successful. Our first day was so good for we had twenty participants but the following day only (15) of them turned up.

A number of questions came up and by using the manual and collective interactions we managed to satisfy them, to the extent of the majority asking the course to be repeated next time. All the manuals I had prepared were bought, which was very encouraging. This time I had produced a book kind of manual, though it has small letters.

(Thursday 8th  – Saturday 10th  March 2018)

Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Course: 1st Timothy
Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)
Number of Participants: 11
Denominations represented:
   1. Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministry
   2. Transformation Ministries
   3. Springs of Love Ministry

Summary & Highlights:
      This meeting was to be done in February in another location but the host pastor’s church was demolished as the plot where the church stands has ownership dispute though the church is not involved since they have leased the place from the same landlord.
      Generally, the participants were enthusiastic with many of them confessing that even though they have ever read Timothy, they never saw it in that manner.

One participant confessed how he was addicted to betting and even though he at once won some money – he never knew it was a trap. He realized the money he spent was more than what he won. It was a turnaround in his life.
During day two lunch break, Rev David Njeru asked the lady who served us lunch if she would consider living joyously in eternity. She answered in affirmative and she was led to Christ. She promised to join the host church. 
ECLEA is making a very positive impact in East Africa. We appreciate our director Jonathan Menn and the Kenyan leadership led by Apostle Ernest Mwlistsa. 

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru – March 10, 2018

Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

March 2018 ECLEA training sessions
We managed to train these centers: Amuria, Kabiramaido, Bukedea, Soroti, Bushenyi, Moyo.

In Bushenyi I had 17 leaders who turned up for the training. We went through The Church: It's Nature, Mission and Purpose. In all our near centers we have decided to start with this book as it is more foundational in nature compared to 1 Timothy. What stood out most for the leaders was the importance of Discipleship. Such questions were raised during the training: How can we have a proper discipleship class? How long does it take to disciple a church member? How do you know that someone is ready to be sent out for ministry? These and more related questions were asked.

But as we went through the training they got the answers; more emphasis was put on leadership training. They all agreed that there is a need to make sure that the church is properly led by men and women who are well qualified so that they are in position to develop and equip the saints for the work of ministry. Secondly, these trained leaders will be able to work together with other leaders from other churches/denominations to build the Church of God in their areas. This has been a challenge in this region. More was said to put emphasis on make Disciples rather than Converts.

In Moyo, I had 14 leaders, a mixture of the Pentecostals, two Anglicans, and the majority from the Baptist Church, which is Evangelical in nature. But the church there is united to a certain extent. What stood out most was the service bit. Serving within and out of the church among other aspects. Serving others above self was the major factor. It is more blessed to give than to receive. The leaders were encouraged to live their lives well in the communities were they live. As we have been told by the Holy Scriptures that "let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good work, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven." God is a Missionary God, so we are.

These trainings are so much valued when leaders come across them. Until that happens they will never get a chance to go through the trainings. It is for the above that we continue to pray for the work of ECLEA in Uganda to go to another level.
I have had a chance to do more extra bits in following up some centers, like Luwero where Pastor Waswa Emmanuel has involved himself with the community to do Stewardship on another level by teaching the leaders how to make cakes as a means of taking care of their livelihood. In Namagunga and Mukono, after the Stewardship follow-up we gave leaders certificates for completing their community involvement through taking care of their families and their surroundings.

Yours in His Service,


Report of Wanjohi Nyandarua 1 Timothy Conference on March 21-23, 2018

The meeting had 14 participants representing 9 denominations. Tom Mboya and I did the teaching.

Here are some of the testimonies of the participants:

Rev. Joseph Mbugua expressed his thanks for teaching on the qualifications of leaders. He felt that the course will go a long way to helping him to do his pastoral work better.

Rev. Joel Mburu learned of the importance of praying out of a holy life. He was happy to know that lifting of hands is not a necessary style of praying but indicates that prayer should be out of a holy life.

Rev. Beatrice Kanyi was also happy to learn of the importance of women serving in the ministry and also praying out of a holy life, which should flow from the inside to the outside.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here is some short report from the different places where we deed the training in different areas from SINGIDA REGION (Spring 2018):

1) IKUNGI: Here there were 46 participants on Biblical Stewardship. Many bishops and overseers said, “We lack the training like this, which is why our churches are not growing. ECLEA is a different ministry with the purpose of strengthening and growing the church today. As we received some instruction of how to apply this teaching we believe that we are going to the changes in our churches if we obey and apply it as we are changed and transformed here. We wish this ministry to open the college in our country.”

2) MANYONI: Here 27 participants attended the training where they had been taught on 1 TIMOTHY for fully three days because of the interaction in the middle of teachings through questions. Finally at the end of training 3/4 of the participants who look to be sharp people promised to apply the teaching to their congregations.

3) OLDONYOSAMBU: We had 43 participants where we taught on Biblical Stewardship and two bishops gave the testimonies and said, “This teaching is what was required to be taught before we start any ministry as the foundation for Christianity life because without knowing and living according the truth of the word of God there is no Christian lifestyle.”

4) IRAMBA: IRAMBA is a bit far from Singida town where we drove 6 to 7 hours and there is a big need of training to many different place and people seem down because of drought. The good thing with them is they respond on time and in numbers where we had 48 participants which we taught 1 TIMOTHY and it has been a surprise to them being taught one book of the Bible. A lot testimonies look like the same as for the other places where many people said, “This teaching is the healing of the church nowadays which the church needs.”

5) KIBAIGWA: Here 34 participants were taught Biblical stewardship as they requested because of the big number of church leaders did attend when we taught there so those who are in the first time gave the testimonies saying this became more clear and to those who are new they said as we heard this teaching is really giving Christianity meaning when we live and apply the word of God to our lives.

6) CHAMWINO: The course taught was Expository Preaching to 18 participants where they responded well and shown their interest with a lot of questions during the interaction saying it hard to leave behind the former way of preaching, which they use every time they preach. The big struggle was how to get how to bring out the sentence after reading the context, but after practicing they started to see how it leads to diligently reading the Bible in context and see the big thought. So they suggested that they more repetition and practice as soon as possible.

Best regards, Dickson Laizer


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Report from trip to Kenya, April 2018
Here are the reports I sent from my recently-completed three weeks in Kenya:

I have been on the coast with ECLEA regional coordinator Michael Taari, but now am in Nairobi and will be heading north and west for the two weeks I have remaining in Kenya. Here's a brief report of the trip so far.

We began in Michael's home area of Voi (west of Mombasa), doing "The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose" with about 23 attentive participants. The participants all seemed to both see the need to have formal discipleship programs in their churches and to become more engaged with their respective communities (i.e., be more engaged in mission). I really focus on those two areas quite a bit. We talked of practical ways for them to get started. I hope this happens. It will take a lot of thought, discussion, research, planning, time, and effort--but it will be worth it. Please pray for them.

The plan had been to do Expository Preaching also in the Voi area, but for some reason that fell through. However, Michael, resourceful coordinator that he is, arranged for the Expository Preaching course to take place 30 km outside of the coastal town of Malindi (about a 5 1/2 hour bus ride from Voi). We had about 17 participants but, unlike all the other times I have taught this course, the vast majority were not very fluent in English.

I expressed my doubts about how much we could do, given the fact that Michael would have to be translating and all the concepts would be new. However, they all wanted to proceed, saying, "We need this!" Michael had had both English and Swahili manuals prepared, and the participants paid for all of the Swahili ones and some of the English ones.

The training itself seemed to go pretty well. I always emphasize four aspects of the sermon: introduction, proposition (the one big point of the passage), organizational sentence, and application. Further, I try to show them that the whole sermon is a coherent whole: the introduction raises a fundamental issue of "real life" which finds its answer in the passage. I was talking with Michael and another pastor who had been to Bible School and had taken a course on homeletics (preaching); they said that in their schooling they never had been really taught about the intersection of real life and the Bible, passage analysis, or about specific application.

We had four Swahili preachers the last day; then Michael led critiques of each of the sermons. The participants, in varying degrees, picked up on the concepts we had been discussing and I think would like to try to keep at it. Michael said he would follow up with them on this. I also suggested that they be sure to read the manual, then get together in small groups, preach for each other and critique each other. It is only by evaluated/critiqued practice that we improve. Please pray for them.

I have now completed teaching our course on "The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose" in Eldoret and Busia. Here are some highlights:

We had approximately 16 participants, and they were a serious group of students. In connection with our discussion of church discipline, host Samuel Ochieng gave a good good example of grace demonstrated to a young woman in his church who had become pregnant out of wedlock. Some members of his church wanted her excommunicated, but he did not do that. Consequently, six people left the church, saying that he was supporting immorality. Now, however, the young woman and the father of the child are married and both are faithful and active members of the church. Yes, the church needs to maintain its integrity, but as Samuel recognized, we are all sinners saved by grace who need help in times of trouble (that's a big reason why the church is so important).

Busia (Alupe)
We had a mixed group of Anglicans and non-Anglicans in the village of Alupe, just outside the border town of Busia. This group is doing a number of things right: they have an active inter-denominational pastors' fellowship, and several different churches work together for various evangelistic campaigns. 

One pastor said he was challenged by my pointing out that "eternal life" is not just "living forever" but, per John 17:3, is a different kind or quality of life, namely, a personal, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

Both groups appeared to see the importance of developing a comprehensive discipleship program and greater engagement with their respective communities, even though both endeavors will take much time, study, effort, and money. It will be worth it.

My last week was spent in Misikhu and Kisumu doing our course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. Here's a brief summary:

Justus Wafula assembled a good crew of participants (18 the first day and 24 the second). This course is proving to be very thought-provoking and important--potentially transformative. There were several provocative comments made by participants:

"Some pastors start churches just to make money but are not servants of God and their people are in poverty."
"Some churches have no dealings with others because they differ in the mode of baptism."
"There is a lot of manipulation and partiality; in evangelism we tend to make things too easy (i.e., 'fire insurance') but do not mention the cost of discipleship."
"Most churches have big men in the church but a small god."

This was the most disappointing of all the training sessions I led. There were only 10 participants even though multiple others had been invited. Our host, George Okuta, said that those who did not come were from the particular stripe of Pentecostals who believe that the Holy Spirit is the master teacher (true) but who also believe that actually studying the Bible under a human teacher is therefore "going against the Holy Spirit" (untrue and, indeed, a non sequitur).

Despite the small attendance, there were some good attendees, and we ended up having good discussion. One participant said, "I learned much. I never knew of the difference between the invisible and the visible church." Another expressed his (new) acknowledgement of the profound importance and necessity of discipleship.

Please hold these church leaders up in your prayers. The way forward--especially with respect to implementing discipleship and mission strategies--will take time, effort, and money. But success in doing so will result in unimaginable spiritual growth and impact in the communities.

The upcoming month
I will be home until the end of May when I will be leaving for Tanzania. I have many projects to do, including proofing several translations of ECLEA books.

Finances have been rather "close to the vest" lately. Just a reminder that all donations are tax-free, and 100% of your donations go to the work of the ministry, not my personal gain. If you go to ECLEA's website ( you will see that there are multiple ways you can give, online or otherwise.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support. We could not do this without you. God bless you, Jonathan



Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi

Course: The Church: It’s Nature, Mission and Purpose

Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)

Number of Participants: 24

Denominations represented: 7

Summary & Highlights

One participant Raphael Kanyingi remarked that he never knew that a
church is not a building. This came as a surprise when he came to the
training and learned that Ekklessia is a gathering of people.

While doing a summary, the church government took the top most
position as the most influential lesson out of the 3 days. However, it
was emphasized that the combination of the three could be the best
with the leadership of God (theocracy) taking the central place as the

Child baptism and the Lord’s Supper also took some considerable time
in discussion as many brought in different experiences of the same.

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru – April 20, 2018


This is my third conference this year [Forgiveness & Reconciliation, May 2018]

This course was one of the best conferences and most encouraging because:
     a. We had 22 people in attendance who were strictly the key church leaders [pastors, elders, deacons deaconesses]
     b. They all went home each with a copy
     c. Some of them demanded my contact for any clarification if need be.
I overheard them saying that they are going to plan another conference that will include other denomination that were left out. I am blessed by the way ECLEA is being received in this area.
Rev. Fredrick [Nyeri/Nyandarwa region]


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

Comprehensive report of ECLEA training sessions through June 2018

ECLEA-Uganda appreciates the support we received from that has enabled us to train leaders across the country. These areas are in the northern, southern, eastern, central and western part of Uganda:
     South East (Jinja, Kamuli, Iganga, Kaliro, Namayingo, Busia, Bugiri, plus the Islands).
     South West (Lyantonde, Masaka and Kyotera, Bushenyi, Kanungu districts).
     North West (Arua, Koboko, Moyo and Yumbe, Nebbi – districts).
     North East (Kotido, Moroto, Abimu, Soroti, Bukedia, Amuyra and Kaberamaido –districts).

The number of church leaders was ranging from 10-29 in the centers that were trained. Though it was one center that had 10 leaders, but the majority was between 15 and 20 leaders.

One of the books that were taught in the centers was The Church. This book is foundational it gave the leaders a chance to come across Church history. Most of the leaders had not been to Bible colleges, so there was a mixture with the relationship between the Church at Jerusalem and the Gentile Church.

Some preferred the Jerusalem church because in that church members were united, they shared with those in need and met daily for prayers, while other leaders desired to have the Gentile church since everyone “owned” their wealth, lived in their “own” homes, and they seemed not to have pressure from the Apostles. The Gentile church characterizes the setting of most churches in Uganda.

Basing on the differences between the church in Jerusalem and the Gentile church that similar challenges were meant in different centers in Uganda and these were:

1. The Pastor and his wife/family possessing the church.
      i. He/she is the treasurer
      ii. He/she is the founder
      iii. He/she appoints anyone at any time and he/she is free to fire anyone at any moment.

According to the report from the center Coordinators lessons have been drawn from both settings of the Churches in Jerusalem and Gentile world. This is to mean that one can own things but use them to help others and this is for the glory of God.

2. Be holy for I am Holy.
Many found this to be challenging to be holy as God while others were quoting scriptures in the Old Testament that say that ‘our righteousness is filthy rugs’, so the question was how can we be holy as God?

We saw that when we keep on living for Him (God), He makes us. We will be holy as He is finally when we get to Glory. Our identification with God makes us to be his children and Him being our God and Father. Our relationship with Him makes us holy. It is through the blood of Jesus of the New Covenant that makes us holy.

3. Other areas of concern were issues to do with unity, where it was mentioned that unity comes from appreciating one another through the gifts God has given to each one of us. Serving one another, and belonging to one another, which lead us to have unity. We are called to be missionary people as God is a Missionary God; He went out to save that which lost…”Missio Dei”. Leaders were encouraged to reach as this is our mandate. Serving, giving part of our resources, giving our time and using our strength for others is our priority.

Pastor Josiah: He and Pastor Francis as they were doing the training in the areas of Kyazanga, Masaka district they found this place to have 95% to be Muslim. They managed to get 10 senior Pastors from different denominations. Biblical Stewardship was the course that they taught and it fit in well with the demand of the time. We believe that Dr. Jonathan takes through the Coordinators through the course of Christianity and Islam when he comes in August this year, we will be well equipped to train such areas with the growing numbers of Islam.

One of the challenges we faced this time around more so in the distant districts was the early morning rains that affected members’ turn up and others came late. The most affected districts were Masaka, Kyotera, Kyazanga this is towards south western Uganda. Greater eastern was affected too and in some areas people died because of the floods, though the centers there members well acquitted with ECLEA trainings that keeping time is not their challenge.

Bishop Godfrey: The same experience of Islam numbers was found in Iganga, Bugiri and Busia, says Bishop Godfrey. The reason why these areas have much Islam population comes way back in the late 18th century and early 19th, when the Arab traders settled along the Long Distance Trade route from Mombasa, Kenya to the interior of East Africa. They created trade centers, which later became towns and now these towns are turning into cities. It is on the same back ground that these areas need Bible teaching churches. This led Bishop Godfrey and the team to teach Biblical Interpretation. 24 leaders were registered in Iganga, and Busia 17 leaders. He says “it was a real challenge to them…they testified that they have been teaching and preaching using their own interpretations. But with these teachings, we know now how we are going to teach properly and reach out to the Muslims here.”

In brief, I may say that with your coming to train us in Christianity and Islam you will do us good, and we are looking forward to seeing you Sir. Thanks for your support and all who stand with you in this noble cause to equip us in order to reach out to others using this formula of 2 Timothy 2:2.

Pastor Alex: Dr. Alex is recovering from a difficult momenthe went through with his family where by they lost their twins at the time of delivery. I have attached his report because it contains someinformation, which has been put together carefully. This is his report below:

I had just returned from Moroto district where I have been with the pastors handling 1 Timothy. It all turned to be one of the amazing group of leaders I met. Praise God. As you may know, Moroto is in the North eastern part of Soroti with distance of 180km from each other and only 35km away from Kenya border. In Kaberamaido, Kotido, Bukedea and Abim, the pastors and leaders in attendance were very participatory in the meetings and discussions. They kept time of arrival of which to me, this was so encouraging. Some pastors in Moroto, Bukedea have incorporated ECLEA materials and resources into their discipleship classes.

A total of 117 pastors and leaders have in this half of the year have gone through training on various courses like 1 Timothy, Biblical Marriage & Parenting and Biblical Counseling.

Amidst the challenge of floods in these areas still pastors could leave their gardens and come to study God’s Word. Bukedea, Moroto, and Kotido are badly hit by floods and this is affecting Teso region districts that always is a catchment area for the water flowing down from the Karamoja regions. Prayers are needed here brothers.

The areas I believe that pastors were challenged were as follows:

1. Issues of self-appointed apostles. In this region, there is a problem of people self-claim to be the apostles who are having fresh revelations from God to help build His Church. As we delved into what the scripture teaches on this and the commentary given in the manual, we were able to realize the clear distinction between the foundational apostles and the church commissioned apostles. This helped a great deal and leaders present confessed that this material is timely to this problem eating up the body of Christ in this area.

2. The second challenging issues to the leaders was the handing over to Satan....form of church discipline. I challenged the pastors by asking them how many of them still carry out church discipline? Out of 23 in attendance, less than a half said to do. Most of them said they have shied away because of church committees that always make clicks and turn the church disciplining process political. This was one of the reasons most leaders gave. Also their superiors in ministry dictate on the entire process of church discipline.

More to the above, pastors thought that it was difficult for them to really hand over the brother to Satan....But after going through Matt 18:17-19.they were encouraged and willing to execute this vital command.

3. On the issues of women teaching and women’s authority over men....Pastors said they were following their denominations’ beliefs and would critically study scriptures and see which position would be appropriate.

4. On qualifications on leadership, when Paul begins with “One must be...” Leaders in attendance were surprised to know that there are 15 requirements to have in order to become a leader in church. This was new to them and this charged them to know that aspiring to leadership is not just a simple issue but should be taken seriously.

5. The majority of the participants were challenged in their area of marriage and parenting. Issues of adultery stood up and recognized that this is one of the problems eating up their marriages.

6. Members pledged to take care of their wives, husbands, families, and children.

On the other issues: we learnrf that participants were encouraged and confessed to have opened their eyes; like our prayer life styles in talking and not waiting for God to talk back to us, the core scripture of 1Tim 1:5 turned to be a blessing to our study. Participants realized how that  scripture centers our life's in ministry and our personal life styles in everything we do. The participants were willing to lay down what they have been indoctrinated by their various denominations and follow the teachings of the Bible.

As a matter and means of follow-up, the participants asked me to help form accountability and preaching clubs so that they will check another s lifestyles and doctrines. To me this is a great milestone to combat heresy, falsehood, etc. At the end of the follow-up conferences, everybody thanked God for this opportunity to have come for this timely teachings and materials.


May 30, 2018--Rutana, Burundi

Last week we were in Rutana teaching the course Expository Preaching! Some participants preached using the format we gave. Unfortunately, most of them did not get the clue. However, they wondered how they had been preaching and said: "Surely, had we been preaching in Bujumbura, we would have been thrown out a long time ago. Our problem is the way we have been raised to preach. Change of attitude and behaviour do not come on overnight. It takes courage, exercise, accepting the critique, etc. Dear teachers, surely nurturing in this is very necessary. Remember, some of us as participants, we have never been to any seminary school, even reading Kirundi is challenge for some of us, you realized how we read hesitatingly. When you talk of grammar to some of us it is Greek. So please do understand us. It would be sad to graduate when we have not mastered anything in all we will have invested our time and resources."
We were encouraged by one pastor who said: "Whatever the remaining time we have, I beg you please to let me preach so that I may get critiqued and I am sure I will not repeat the same mistakes." Hesitatingly, they all insisted that we give a chance that every participant to that course get a real opportunity to prepare to preach.

Following therefore your suggestion, you said: "I think it is important to repeat courses. These courses are so rich that no one can get everything only going through them once. People will learn more and get this material ‘into’ them if they go through the courses more than once. My experience is that this is absolutely true with respect to Expository Preaching (where the vast majority of preachers only ‘get’ a portion of what we are talking about on the first go-around; it's the second or third time they do it when it finally ‘clicks’)--but that same thing is also true with respect to the other courses. So, I would say, don't be so quick to go through all of our courses quickly, but make sure that the people are thoroughly grounded in them."

Therefore, would it be too demanding to repeat it otherwise, they are still hungry and we have not yet quenched their thirst with regard to that course. Of course we are mindful of the cost, however, there is no need rushing if we do not achieve anything.

Yours faithfully, Frederic Harerimana


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Thank God for what He is doing in the nations of East Africa. Highlights/praise report from Rwanda, May-June 2018:

28th-30 May: Kanombe center--Forgiveness & Reconciliation taught by Pr. Francis
The members were very blessed, amidst testimonies  and affirmations by many.

30 May – 1 June: Hilltop center—Biblical Stewardship taught by Pr. Francis
19 pastors were in attendance, actually some of them Bishops of their denominations.
Pr. Rose and Pr. Dativa said, “THIS IS REAL LEARNING, NOT AS BEFORE.”


2 June 2018: Kigali--Evaluation of ECLEA impact by denominational bishops and senior Reverands.

Jean-Paul (Rev.): “These books should be made core for all discipleship lessons possibly in all the churches.” Maybe soon it can happen especially as we intensify TOT.

Innocent (Pr.): “I want to teach these books.” We allowed him to teach one of the books he is fond of and capable of teaching-Biblical Stewardship in a new center of Rukira.

There were many other testimonies by Pr.Godfrey, Bishop Muzuri and others.


Dickson Laizer, ECEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Brief report of June 2018 conference in Kakea, TZ:

I am doing well after seeing the doctor where they examined my rib and told me that no bone was broken. After that we proceeded with our schedule in training ECLEA courses in a remote area called Kakea teaching on 1 Timothy from yesterday where we had 39 participants. The course seemed new to them as they are giving their testimonies today saying “never teaching like this taught one book of the Bible and being well understood the meaning to chapter and verses too.”


Report of Biblical Stewardship course taught at Memo Murungaru Nyandarua on June 27-29

Eighteen participants representing 8 churches/denominations attended. The delegates participated well and were eager to learn all that was being taught. Here are some testimonies:

Pastor Gabriel Munyiri (host) commented that he learned a lot from the course. He particularly commented on the environment and said that the people around were cutting trees haphazardly which might cause a big problem in the future.

Rev. James Kihara said he learned a lot, especially on worship as a way of life for all days and in everything we do. He said it was also important every time before prayer to begin with worship. He commented that it makes prayer powerful.

Mrs. Gabriel Munyiri commented on the blessings of the meeting. She said she had enjoyed every part and had learned a lot about how to organize and plan herself. She was particularly touched by the fact that she should be a good steward of everything.


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director
Report on trip to Tanzania, June 2018

Here's a brief summary of what I have been doing so far:

It is winter here, which means that it is relatively cool (cooler than at home). We did a very good and interactive course on the book of Revelation with over 20 interested participants, including a few bishops. What I presented was different from and/or contrary to what virtually everyone had previously heard (all of them have heard nothing but dispensational "literalism"). I think it was quite eye-opening to see that Revelation is designed for the church. It raises the issue: Who is my real Lord? I think that the participants started seeing the nature of the symbols and the relevance of the book for today. Lots of related issues flowing from Revelation were raised, including: What about Israel? How should I be preaching? and "I say that Jesus is most important to me, but is he really ?" Good stuff.

Babati is about 2 1/4 hours south of Arusha. The first day we arrived we discovered it seems to be the "grasshopper season"--there were hundreds of grasshoppers in and around the hotel, including a number that got into the room. Dickson thought we should boil them and make soup out of them! I said that, since it is better to give than to receive, I would give him my portion.

We are doing Revelation again, this time to a group of about 16 participants. Although it is new, they seem to be grasping the essentials. There have been some good questions. Revelation can be a powerful book when understood, since it encompasses the biblical story in largely symbolic form. There has been lots of good discussion, and I am encouraged.

Dickson Laizer and I traveled by bus from Arusha to Mwanza, just south of Lake Victoria. I had been led to believe it would be about an 8 hour bus trip. It actually took almost 13 hours. Oh well, we made it OK.

We have just finished our course on Christianity & Islam with a good, participative group of 20+ church leaders. It proved to be very worthwhile, since most of them know virtually nothing about Islam. Fortunately, Godfrey Ongiri, one of ECLEA's regional leaders had been trained regarding Islam by Walter Eric (whom I know) of Life Challenge Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. LCA is a prime ministry directed toward Islam and Muslims and was a "motherload" of resources for me when I was preparing our ECLEA book on the subject. Local organizer Hezron Nyaoro also is an excellent teach

We covered much ground: overview of Islam, sin and salvation accourding to Christianity and Islam, Yahweh vs. Allah, including giving examples of how the Trinity is an understandable idea and the concept of trinity appears to be embedded in nature, the Bible and the Qur'an, and bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel. 

Perhaps the highlight was looking at Jesus in the Qur'an. Jesus is not only named by name five times more than Muhammad is named, but the Qur'an actually elevates Jesus far above Muhammad and essentially gives Jesus divine status (although Muslims deny his divinity). According to the Qur'an, Jesus--but not Muhammad: was miraculously conceived by Allah in the virgin Mary, is the Word of God, is a Spirit from God, is the Messiah, is a sign for all the people of the world, is the only person who is pure and holy and never sinned (in the hadith, Muhammad admitted having to repent to Allah 100 times every day), is the only person never touched by Satan, is the only person who has the special blessing and honor of Allah in this world and the next, taught with divine authority, performed miracles including creating life, has supernatural knowledge of people's secrets and motives, was raised to heaven with Allah, and is coming again to judge and rule. Who else has these attributes?

Following the conference in Mwanza (in which ECLEA-Tanzania's national secretary, Joram Ibrahim, joined us), Dickson, Joram, and I headed to the coast for conferences on the book of Revelation in Dar es Salaam and Tanga.

Bus trip to Dar
We first spent the night in Arusha and then took the bus to Dar. The two cities are approximately 630 km (390 miles) apart, but the trip took 14 1/2 hours. Buses are restricted to going a maximum of 80kph (50mph). However, when one factors in the multiple police checks and other stops, the many towns one must go through, and getting stuck behind lorries going only 20kph or so on the relatively narrow two-lane highway, the real speed averages out to only 25-30mph. Oh well, we made it (unlike the two young men I saw lying dead in the road outside of Dar [they had been in a motorcycle crash shortly before we passed them]).

Book of Revelation in Dar and Tanga
The two training sessions themselves went quite well. Both generated lots of questions and discussion. Particularly in Tanga, three important hermeneutical issues repeatedly came front and center in our discussions of Revelation: the relationship between Israel and the church; whether the "1000 years" of Revelation 20 is before or after Christ's second coming; and whether the "rapture" is before or a part of the second coming. The participants genuinely appeared to want to study these issues more deeply.

One of the participants in Tanga also saw that Revelation raised the issue of the church's accommodating itself to the world. In both Dar and Tanga, various participants expressed the desire to continue meeting as a group from time to time to study and discuss these matters, since (as more than one expressed) the course was challenging and eye-opening. The idea of the participants staying in touch and meeting from time to time also was raised in Mwanza. I hope that happens. That would help solidify these teachings in the minds of the participants and thereby enable them to teach others better.

The future
I am scheduled to be at home until August 17 when I head to Uganda. During this next month and a half I will be proofing various translations of our ECLEA books that have come back from the translators, and I hope to resume work on my next ECLEA teaching book on the book of James.


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Report from Tanzania-July 2018

We have been proceeding with our training are very remote areas where we tend to reach unreached places in which church leaders are not trained at all or may be a short course only of six month they had attend. Here is a short report from some stations among of the 12 stations which we proceeding on:

1) GILAI--Here the place is look very dry and the churches around seems to go through hard time of lives. Here we met 33 church leaders where we taught 1 Timothy for three days and the people showed the interest and having a lot questions concerning false teachers which make them so confusing in differentiate among the true teacher while the Bible says touch not my anointed one, so there were a lot Bible misinterpretations which at end of the course shows that problem is solved.

2) KISIMIRI--Here we got 26 participants where we taught also 1 Timothy where people were look a bit slow in learning when they saw even changing the teachers according to their church traditions. They were asking why don't you let the one person to teach us instead of three or four teachers because we use to understand one more than in the way he teaches. Finally, we gave the emphases where they agreed and accept the teaching and they said, “We never heard the teaching like this and we a got a medicine to our people in our ministry.”

3) KATESH--CHANGED FOR NGURDOTO--Here we had 43 participants where we taught Biblical Stewardship and the Zonal Bishop gave said, “This is so changing life than just getting a lot of borne from Theological colleges. I am touched so much more than anybody here, let this teaching flow and we ready receive ECLEA training this year and we will do the earlier preparation to make sure that our all church leaders will attend without missing so if anybody will massing up won’t give any blame that he/she did not knew. So we thank you God for ECLEA team that came as God messengers to help us.”

Thanks, Dickson


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

July 2018:
Greetings in Jesus' Name. Here is the update from Kyazanga, which is beyond Masaka towards Mbarara in the western Uganda. This place has got more than 95% Muslims. There are 6 Pentecostal churches on the outskirts of this big town, and one Pentecostal church in that town. They have been getting threats from the Muslims to bring them down either by burning their structures with fire or physically fighting them out of the town. These people have been depending on prayers for their existence as the threats are too much to the extent that even the police can't do anything about those threats.

We taught 14 leaders, but we had a challenge with their time management. They promised to work on that next time we meet this was reached at after we took them through the importance of having training. We did the book of 1 Timothy as it suited well the time flame we had. Some of the Pentecostal Pastors didn't believe that in the Anglican community there are Born Again Christians. Their framework was that they are the only Christian believers and they could not have fellowship with the Anglicans. Through the teaching about the true and false doctrine, we explained what Paul meant when he mentioned myths, endless genealogies as a result of false teaching, and the true instruction that leads to having a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith. More emphasis was put on love, which leads to having a pure heart. Basically, 1 Tim 1:5 being the overall verse in this book, the leaders we encouraged to show love to God's people by living their myths and endless genealogies that are keeping them from interacting with God's people.

The news about the training reached the chairman of the Pastors' Fellowship of that town and his deputy who were not around, they met us and pledged to mobilize the church leaders come September to start major trainings in this region.

Thanks for the support, and your prayers. Next week l will be going to Zombe towards Arua in northern Uganda the leaders there what to meet them concerning the Eclea training in that sub region. May the Lord richly bless you.

Yours in His Service, Stephen


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Report of all-African ECLEA training sessions in July 2018:

Matimba was well done, and this morning I received a phone call to the effect that they are hungry for more. We thank God.

In Rukira, our new center which has done 1 Timothy (2nd book) for them, 19 leaders attended; six were not able to make it but will make it next time. Thanks to Pr. Innocent for the mobilization and he is also proving to be quite a good teacher.

Ruhango was well done.

In Kanombe (16th-18th), the exciting thing with the Forgiveness & Reconciliation course is that our book has the HOW TO FORGIVE details—different from the other writings and preachings which do  emphasis but are lacking in detailed explanation and insight.

Hilltop was miraculous in the sense of numbers and participation. I had to do both follow up sessions and 1 Timothy for the new members who were more than the old ones. The attendence  went to 31 leaders in all. Thank God for Auleria, Mergret, and Mukwaya for service well done.


Report on Marriage & Parenting meeting held at Kawangware (Nairobi), Kenya, 22-24 August, 2018.

The meeting went on well. The teachers were James Kamau and Monica Wambui. There were 16 participants representing  6 churches/denominations.

The participants actively contributed to the meeting:

Bishop Michael Mwangi commented that he had benefitted from the teachings in a great way. He said he had been strengthened and sees the need to teach the course to his whole church as a means of strengthening families.

Pastor Joshua Njagi saw the need for every spouse to see his or her own weaknesses and not to see themselves as superior to the other spouse.

Mrs. Catherine Mwangi said she had been particularly blessed by the communication topic. All should speak the truth at all times. She also saw the importance of listening to the other person and she should not dominate the conversation.

Pastor Joseph Mgandu learned the importance of forgiving his wife always and not to hold any grudge.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau


Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

Report from Teso and Karamoja regions, August 2018:

Teso And Karamoja regions at this time are hit with harsh weather conditions. This has affected crop production and so there is looming famine to show up soon. Pray with us.

At this time 6 trainings have been done in both Teso and Karamoja regions amidst some challenges that have showed up since the reduction and cut of funds to feed the participants.

Some of the challenges met:

1. Almost all the centers reached by now. There has been a set back on the attendance as most of the people found it difficult to contribute for their lunches. This caused them to shy away from the trainings.

2. For Karamoja region, I had to print the books with mind that participants will pay back, but always less than a half of people in attendance could afford to  pay for the materials.

3. Before we used to provide food for the participants and have it cooked and served at the venue of the training, Now that each person has to cater for his or her meals, this has greatly affected the time of beginning afternoon sessions as people have to travel to their homes for long distances and come back or not even return.

Prayerfully looking for the upcoming trainings for this month and end of the year.

Blessings, Alex


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Report of ECLEA training session at Hilltop Centre, Kigali, RW, August 2018:
The denominational mindset is one of the big barriers we are dealing with even in the scattered Pentecostal circles. However, we are experiencing reasonable success towards unity.

This week [7th-9th], 33 leaners gathered at Hilltop centre to study the book The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. About 17 denominational groups were represented and that made the discussion great and hard at the same time. We thank God the testimonies were many and time seemed shorter. God is at work; the GIANT is continuing to wake up!

Praise/follow up report of ECLEA impact in Rwanda (August 23, 2018):

Pascalline, a counselor and pastor has our two books on her table for reference during her work times:
Biblical Counseling and Marriage & Parenting. Glory to God.

Jotham, a youth worker and now member of Hilltop center, wonders and reads our books every day for personal development. He does not wait for official study times. Biblical Interpretation is unusual, he says.

Apostle Mergret and Auleria, our serious students have done two TOTs. They prefer to do Expository Preaching every other time and have insisted we repeat it for themselves and for the benefit of the new members at Hilltop center. The center has grown to 33 as per early this month’s attendance .We will do this in September week 1.

Pastor Theophile was preaching at a function where there were many professionals and the host commented his preaching was unusual. Later he testified to me that he had been practicing Expository Preaching. Thank God.

Pastor Innocent of Kanombe center who has done TOT three times likes Forgiveness & Reconciliation so much that he wants to teach it in as many places as possible and is beginning with Rukira then Kayonza. He is a good teacher and diligent scholar.

Biblical Stewardship has improved many lives and disciplines. Drinking water instead of cola, eating and planting vegetables, bought goats, hens, and cows are the order of happenings. Confessions of our Dominion mandate among other things.

Dr. Tarsis, our new student at the Hilltop center, marvels at issues of genre, framework, and context [broader and immediate] in our Biblical Interpretation book, which is an interesting happening in the many friends coming on board. This is encouraging.


Barnabas Mpekethi and Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinators

A Great Development for ECLEA!

I would like to let you know that after entering into a MoU [memorandum of understanding] with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College in the month of July this year, I decided to establish a lasting ECLEA Center in Karatina Town (Central Kenya).

Today the first class in our center commenced with a good number of Bishops, Reverends, Pastors, and church leaders. The class will continue for two good years. The students will graduate in your presence if our Heavenly Father wishes.

I invited Bishop Michael Taari and he taught them very well. We did the Forgiveness & Reconciliation course. All the students in class were amazed and were asking good questions. Some of them are from our universities but have never understood what forgiveness is and what forgiveness is not.

Finally I personally bless God, because there is continuity and sustainability of ECLEA in Kenya.

Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi

Michael Taari adds:

Today we were privileged to be part of writing history for ECLEA. In the history of ECLEA today we were able to have the first ECLEA Bible school class in partnership with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College taking place at Karatina, organized by Bishop Barnabas.

I become the first lecturer in the history of this school where I took 21 students through the course on Forgiveness & Reconciliation. It was a great moment. This is a great vision over 10 years now; we are seeing the fruits.

Michael Taari


Jonathan Menn--ECLEA Director

Report of three-week trip to Uganda: Aug-Sept 2018

Week One

Stephen Sempala and I did two Biblical Stewardship courses in Kiryandongo and Masindi, which are both north and west of Kampala. Here is a brief report:

We had 28-30 participants, mostly "lay readers" (not full priests, but the people who actually lead most of the local Church of Uganda [Anglican] churches). Kiryandongo is part of the CoU's Masindi-Kitara Diocese. This course, fits well with our course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. They can be revolutionary in church leaders' ministries, in the churches, and, through the churches, in the communities. The course deals with how the Bible and Christianity applies to all major areas of life.

Participants said that the section on time management, especially the distinction between the "important" and the "urgent," was very helpful. One leader was very touched by my statement that "the church is only as strong as its leadership."

Masindi is the headquarters of the Massindi-Kitara Diocese. We had 18 participants, mostly priests but also lay readers. We had expected 40, but an important last-minute meeting called by the bishop cut out numbers in half. In any event, the conference went very well.

One priest was particularly moved by our discussion of stewardship of the environment. He said that he had never particularly done anything regarding the environment but that his mind was now racing with ideas. Another leader was very animated about the "time management matrix" and not being enslaved by the "tyranny of the urgent." After follow-up is done with these groups, I believe that the Masindi-Kitara Diocese can be a beacon for the entire CoU (and beyond) of significant engagement of the church with the community.

Prayer please
Bishop Stephen was quite sick the entire week I was with him: cold/flu-like symptoms and then he got malaria on top of that. The last day in Masindi he was unable to present, so I had to take over the whole thing myself. Now I am feeling a little under the weather. I don't think I have malaria, but a little head and body ache, nose and throat, and feeling generally run down. I would appreciate your prayers both for Stephen's and my health and for stunning results to come from these conferences. Thanks!

Week Two

I just made it back to Kampala from Mukono (actually, the village of Namagunga) where we spent the week doing Christianity & Islam for about 12 ECLEA coordinators and others. Bishop Sempala and I were supposed to drive there last Sunday, but he was too sick to drive, and I also was quite sick. We made it Monday night, so we ended up condensing the course into 3 1/2 days. It worked out, as everyone kept pretty good time. The course itself is incredibly important, here are some highlights:

Jesus in the Qur'an: We saw how the Qur'an itself elevates Jesus far above Muhammad (and every other human being) and essentially gives Jesus divine status. We then saw how Christianity gives a realistic picture of the state of humanity and provides a coherent account of how mankind can be reconciled to God. By contrast, Islam gives mutually contradictory views of both humanity's natural state and how people can be reconciled to Allah.

Although the Qur'an says that "your God and our God are one God," a careful look at the biblical and Qur'anic data reveals that Yahweh and Allah are in many respects opposite in nature and character.

The Bible and the Qur'an: There are over 25,000 biblical manuscripts and at least 4 complete copies of the Bible (dating from the 3rd-4th centuries). Those documents demonstrate that the Bible now is just as it always has been. On the other hand, in the Hadith, Muhammad admitted that the Qur'an was given in 7 different ways! Further (and this is primarily from Islamic sources), the third caliph after the death of Muhammad, Uthman, was concerned because of significant differences between the extant copies of the Qur'an. So he ordered that all copies of the Qur'an be delivered to him. He then had the Qur'an rewritten and standardized and then burned all the originals (even copies that had been made by Muhammad's personal companions)! Nevertheless, we know (again from Islamic sources) that multiple verses and even whole chapters that had been in the original version are missing from the existing Qur'an. Further, because Muhammad's companions wrote down what their original versions contained, we know that there exist thousands of variant readings of multiple surahs (chapters) and verses. Thus, the typical Muslim claim that the Bible has been corrupted and altered but the Qur'an has been preserved word-for-word as it was received by Muhammad is virtually the exact opposite of the truth.

Bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel: Our book contains a number of ways that, using the Qur'an and Islamic practices and culture, Muslims clearly can see the truth and life-transforming nature of the gospel. I know this works because, when I was in Tanzania two months ago, a pastor told me he had used the methods we discuss and a number of Muslims, including a sheikh, came to faith in Christ! In short, if the church deeply learns and applies these things, very good and important results can occur.

I will be in Kampala this week again leading a class on Christianity & Islam for leaders of the Church of Uganda (Anglican). Our book, Christianity & Islam, is on the ECLEA Courses & Resources page of the ECLEA website ( Please hold up this ministry--and Uganda--in your prayers. Uganda is in the forefront of the great spiritual context between Christianity and Islam and is also going through some political issues right now.

Week Three

Late Saturday evening I made it back home from Uganda. The last week there I spent in Kampala working with approximately 22 evangelists and other leaders of the Namirembe Diocese of the Church of Uganda (Anglican). Namirembe Diocese is the oldest CoU diocese. We spent the week doing Christianity and Islam (2 partial days and 3 full days).

The course went well. The participants appeared to learn a lot, and there were multiple questions throughout. This course is so important. One participant related how a teenage boy had come to faith in Christ from Islam. The father talked about this with his shaikh and resolved to slit his own son's throat. Fortunately, the boy's sister warned him and he made it to the CoU's provincial office who helped him to be relocated to a safe location.

Many Muslims find Christ so attractive and are dissatisfied with the oppression they experience within Islam, but they are held captive by fear (as the boy's case illustrates). I believe that the training we did, coupled with the active involvement of the church in providing the material assistance new Christians coming from Islam will need, will lead to lots of Muslims finding new life in Christ.

I want to thank you who prayed for my health. I am back to feeling OK (as is bishop Sempala). I am scheduled to be home until October 20 when I leave for Tanzania (the last trip of 2018). Attached are some photos from this trip.

God bless you. Jonathan


September 24, 2018--Report from Cankuzo, BURUNDI

Greetings from Bujumbura where we are now from a seminar on Christianity and Islam mission in Cankuzo. In fact, this trip was so special in the way that we left Bujumbura on Friday in order to attend church services in various areas in Cankuzo to see if what they have learned in the various courses has been put in practice. We were in Mishiha for that matter, 4 kms away from the border with Tanzania. This area is mostly Muslim prone. In fact, the majority of the people that live there are Muslims and even the only guest house in the vicinity belongs to a Muslim. In the open air meeting we held, there were some Muslims and who knows? The message was “who is your Lord?” On our way back, we were delighted to give a ride to one lady and it turned out that this lady was a wife of a pastor we train in our various sessions:

This is her testimony: “From the time my husband started attending this course so many things changed for the better. Indeed, my family is well now: my husband took some initiatives which were not in his mind before he attended the course: now we pray together at home and takes time to read for us the word of God. He started some projects like rearing animals like goats, sheep, cows, things that were not in his mind before the training. He has planted trees and bananas which we now are proud of. Whenever it is time for him to go to that training, I encourage him to attend and if he says he is not ready to go I do push him to go for I have seen tangible result of the training”.

Another pastor called Musumari who is from Ruyigi but regularly attends the trainings, said: “From the time you started training us, I planted bananas. This is the first fruit that those bananas have yielded so I give it to Rema as firstfruits to show Rema Ministries [ECLEA's partner in Burundi] that we enjoyed their teachings and that we have put into practice what we learned there."

Back to our training, we were teaching Islam and Christianity. The eyes of the 27 participants were opened and they realized how Islam was a threat and an antichrist religion. They were amazed on how Muslims twist the Bible to read as they want. Participants were surprised to read into the Qur'an what they believe like the sirat [a razor-thin bridge Muslims believe they will have to cross to get from hell to paradise], and noticed that salvation in Islam is almost impossible. The assignment they were given to do at home was this: “Taking into consideration the materials we have been going through and going back into the whole material on Christianity and Islam, prove how Salvation in Islam is impossible.”

Islam is a big challenge in Burundi as in every corner. Mosques are being built and some Christians are defecting to that religion under the alibi that Muslims express more love than Christians. In fact, Muslims use alms to entice the Christians.
Yours faithfully, Frederic Harerimana


September 24, 2018: A Great Development for ECLEA!

One of the hopes I have had for ECLEA is that we would be able to enter into agreements with established seminaries and Bible Schools in East Africa so that our course materials could become part of the regular curricula of degree-granting institutions. Today that dream has been inaugurated in Kenya!

Earlier this year, ECLEA entered into a memorandum of understanding with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College. One of our regional coordinators, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi, has established an ECLEA-NPBC training center in Karatina (central Kenya). On September 15 I received emails and photos from Bishop Barnabas and Michael Taari (another ECLEA regional coordinator) concerning the first ECLEA course taught under the auspices of NPBC in Karatina.

This has the potential to significantly expand ECLEA's impact. My hope is that similar agreements can be reached with other seminaries and Bible Schools throughout East Africa.

For all of you who pray for and financially support ECLEA, this is further proof that your prayers are being graciously heard by our Heavenly Father, and your financial donations are making a difference. If you have not yet become a regular supporter of ECLEA, the Donations page our website details multiple ways in which you can support this valuable ministry. Also, check out the pages for the individual countries of East Africa where we regularly post accounts of of ECLEA's activities and the difference that is being made in the lives of many.


James Kamau, ECLEA regional coordinator

On Oct 10-12, 2018 we held a Forgiveness & Reconciliation conference with 20 participants at Naivasha Kabati. Everyone was very participatory.

Mercy said that previously it was very difficult for her to say she was sorry, but now after the teaching she is prepared to do so.

Mama Jossy said that she could not forgive others in the past, but now feels that she can. Likewise, Ann said that now she will be able to forgive and obtain the healing that comes from forgiveness.

Bishop Maina Wamaina felt that their entire church will benefit from this teaching.

On Oct 12 we also did a follow-up program on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, & Purpose with 8 pastors in Naivasha Karagita.

Pastor Rechel, the host, said that her church has learned that the church is not just a building, but that everyone in the church is responsible for spreading the gospel.

Pastor Tom said that he has also taught others that the church is all about Christ; he is the foundation by his word.

Pastor Silvester said that his church has benefitted greatly and has increased from 9 to 25 members. Rev. Naigi added that he has been teaching with the manual, and the response has been overwhelming.


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

October 17, 2018:

I am still on fire making sure that ECLEA vision in this region is realized. Last weekend I had my fifth conference this year which was very successful [Forgiveness and Reconciliation] and very encouraging. We had senior church leaders of this area in attendance. The attendance, interaction, and desire to know more was the order of the day.

It has been our prayer that the good Lord will touch as many donors as possible to come on our way for this noble work. I have attached two photos for the conference.                 

I have now finished my six conferences this year, and I feel honoured to be part and parcel of this noble work for the glory of God. I had my last conference last weekend and it was very encouraging. Ii was a very unique conference in that i had ONLY MEN in attendance. These were leaders from various department in the church. Actually we were expecting about thirty people but we managed to have more than twenty.
We had very fruitful engagement with these leaders as we studied what is the will of God in matters relating to the Nature, Purpose and Mission of the Church. These days we are not struggling so much in asking them to buy the manuals. Majority of them now knows the importance of studying and reading. This is a sign of our acceptance in this region.
It is my prayer that we will continue in the same spirit in the years to come.

Respectfully submitted, Fredrick Njoroge


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator
October 17, 2018:

Apart from teaching, I deliberately engage prospective teachers in view of sharpening so we can do the best possible for our people by the Grace of God. In Kigali alone, we have six members who have come up and are quite effective teachers, having done well over two TOTs. Though I still have to be alongside them monitoring how they are, increasingly they come up soon when they will be able to do it alone. Pr. Theophil, Pr. Inocent, and Aulelia are quite good. Pr. Protais, Pr. Gerald, and Pr. Mergret are much better than before. It looks like teacher development is a good way to go, with a main challenge of old historical paradigms and methodologies, a phenomenon common to man. We have a blessing of two new teachers, Dr. Tarasis and teacher Deborah who are also counselors and very excited with our books and especially Marriage and Parenting and Biblical Counseling. Several good things are happening. We thank God.

This week was for Kayonza. 1 Timothy was quite good and challenging for the 34 leaders present. We pray the friends in this center will continue to be hungry for God, learning, and service.

Aurelia and the Hilltop team urgently requested Biblical Counseling because of the many leaders (41 was the class size) who desire it as a working tool and skill in these days. So we did Counseling instead of Biblical Theology as earlier planned. We completed yesterday with counseling practices which were amazingly done well. The active listening, empathy, open-ended questions, genuineness, consideration of the multi-dimensional nature of the clients was surprisingly grasped. Quite interesting. Glory to God.

Reports from various centers:

God is good who blesses us to see good things happening in our day. God is at work in several places in Rwanda.

Oct 8th-10th  1 Timothy  Kayonza  --  Heated discussion on the qualifications of a leader, Godly love in these apparently selfish days, with exciting conclusion and determination to go for it (34 leaders came).

Oct 11th-13th  Counseling  Hilltop  --  Ibi nibishya tabikolaga ukundi, meaning "this is good." New staff though we have done it unfairly before. We have learnt, says Pr.Jane, a respected woman pastor in the town center (41 leaders)

Oct 22nd-24th  Expository Preaching  Byumba  --  Better understanding happening than before.

Oct 25th-27th  Counseling  Rukira  --  Imana  ishimwe kubyiga, "Thank God for learning this" (14 leaders came).

Oct1 7th-18th follow up Ruhango  --  Good testimonies of changes but Expository Preaching still a challenge; may have to repeat as suggested.

Oct 19th  follow up Kanombe --  Quite good reports; majorly for Biblical Counseling and Biblical Interpretation, Expository Preaching also.

Thank God for what is happening.we pray and trust for continued transformation. Today after noon had a follow-up meeting which reveals how many of our pastors appreciate our materials and are committed to go for more as they practice what is already learnt. Actually in Kanombe we have a new lot who seriously needed stewardship. Their class is on Wednesday while tomorrow i move to Rukira (eastern province) to do expository preaching. Glory to God for His work. Francis

This week was a miracle week here in Rwanda. Expository Preaching was great staff in Rukira as I taught the 19 leaders present. A few others had setbacks but they recieved info from their friends as to how great they missed. The people did great in the practice, and was humbling because one would imagine they had learnt it earlier. Pastor Innocent said,THEY ARE HUNGRY,COMMITTED AND THIS CAUSES THEM TO GRAB.

A group of 36 leaders, along with 5 old members total of 41 did Marriage and Parenting at Hilltop center. We had quite deep moments of learning, discussion, questions and answers.

Tomorrow will be in Kayonza for Biblical Counselling, God is gracious and things are moving on. Francis


Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

October 22, 2018--Malindi

I thank God that we were able to have our first class in Malindi, with 15 students in attendance. There is a real need for reaching these rural pastors with this since most of the pastors have never had any formal theological training and could never as well go to urban places where they can access to this due to cost implications. The group really thanks ECLEA for this noble commitment. One pastor had this to say, "This is a prayer answered."

Thanks, Michael


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

(Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th October 2018)

Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Course: Forgiveness & Reconciliation.
Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)
Number of Participants: 14
Denominations represented: 5

Summary & Highlights
It was one of the most touching courses conducted by ECLEA in this region. Every one was touched in one way or the other.
The part of forgiving is freeing yourself from a prison was a great eye opener to many participants. A number of them shared moving testimonies of how they have been in a prison of unforgiveness for a long time and that the course has given the practical steps to mend their ways which they started applying immediately

A few minutes session was devoted for soul searching, identifying wrong doers and deliberating letting it go. It was also a session to forgive self and others.

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On Oct 24-26 Tom Mboya and I taught Biblical Interpretation to 21 participants at Wanjohi Nyandarua.

Rev. Kiarie said he will be able to teach and interpret in a better way, which will help believers in their church to mature. Rev. Ndiarangu was particularly helped by the teaching to “stay on the line.” Pastor Kanyi was especially helped by the discussion of one’s “framework,” and how we should let the Word of God determine our framework, not the other way around. Pastor Ndirangu echoed the other participants regarding the importance of staying on the line and framework.

I am also pleased to let you know that I have been a student with Salt lake College / University of America. They have their center at the Full Gospel Church near our Church in Kawangware. I’ve been doing a Masters in Ministry Program. I've now finished the Program and I will be graduating on 30th November this year. Am also happy to let you know that in my thesis I cited three of your books  namely: Biblical Marriage and Parenting, Forgiveness and Reconciliation and Biblical Stewardship and they were very helpful. May the Lord bless you, your family and the entire ECLEA fraternity.

Yours Pastor and  Friend. 

James N. Kamau


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

Nov 14, 2018 report of ECLEA trainings that have taken place at the end of October:

Here we've had trainings going on well. I have heard from the Coordinators from these centers namely; Tororo, Kyazanga, Busia, Benni, and Kabale.

In Tororo, leaders appreciated the form in which the materials for The Church were put together. One of the main challenges in terms of running a church is finances, and also leaderships. After they went through the training they found it necessary to mobilize other leaders to come for the next training as those who came benefitted more than those who didn't attend. The number between 19-24 leaders attended the training during three days.

In Kyazanga, l did the training with one of the leaders in that region called Tumwine. We had a number of 17 leaders in attendance. We had a review on prosperity gospel as this was one of the major area false teachers from Kampala were using to extort money from the believers. Like any other centers were we had been during the follow-up, leaders were encouraged to equip their members and then reach out in their communities through good works. And the leaders to teach their churches to discern good from the bad so that they are not swept with every kind of doctrine.

In Busia, Bishop Godfrey did the training. He said that before they carried out the follow-up they had some major areas of concern like qualification of church leaders, honor for the widows, and elders in the church, then material wealth. Leaders say ever since they had this training their ministries have not remained the same. They are planning to invite other leaders to go through the same.

In the same way they moved to Benni were leaders were planning to do community work (general cleaning and working on the trash in that town council) as a sign of the church reaching out to the community by showing them love.

Yours in service,
Bishop Stephen


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director


One week ago I finished my trip to Tanzania (my final trip of the year to East Africa). It was a good and productive time. Here are some of the highlights:

I was joined this trip by Robert and Sondra Adams of Virginia. I taught in Uganda with Robert several years ago when I was with EPI. Each of them taught one or more units of Forgiveness & Reconciliation in Arusha, and Robert taught three units of The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose in Babati. They both did a good job and were well received (they had been missionaries in Lesotho many years ago). Sondra is a former school teacher and is thinking and praying about perhaps getting involved with ECLEA, particularly so as to minister to pastors wives and other women. That would be a tremendous help for ECLEA and expansion of our ministry and is a great need here in East Africa. Please pray for Sondra that God would make clear His direction for her in this regard.

The course on Forgiveness & Reconciliation went well. We had approximately a dozen participants. One of the senior pastors has a radio program in the evening. He took copious notes throughout and then presented on the radio what he had learned in our sessions! Several of the pastors had had some previous training concerning forgiveness in Bible School, but our course provided a number of techniques that were new to them and could be helpful to them when counseling people who need to forgive and reconcile with others.

Our course on The Church was attended by between 40-50 church leaders (depending on the day) from several denominations. The men and women were engaged and asked many questions. The Kiswahili translation of this book has not been finalized, but I hope it will be within the next month or two. The participants were all excited about that. They really appeared to grasp how important a good discipleship program is for the life and health of the church. Our host was pleased and called it "strong teaching." Sondra finished by spending some quality time with all of the women participants talking about their interests, concerns, issues, and problems as pastors' wives, pastors, wives, and mothers. It was time well spent. There is MUCH that needs to be done. However, if these leaders begin implementing some of the things we discussed, I am convinced that there will be great and positive changes in the churches and, through the churches, the communities. Please pray for them in this regard.

We did 5 days of teaching Biblical Theology in Mwanza. It was a wonderful training session. Bishop Henzron organized this and did a good job. We even had some participants from regions quite far from Mwanza (which is just south of Lake Victoria). Some came from near the Uganda and Kenya borders.

We had approximately 35 participants, many of whom had had Bible School training. Despite that, much of what they learned was new to them--especially the key to understanding the relationship of the NT and the OT being that the OT consists of multiple "types" and "shadows" that point forward to and find their fulfillment in Christ and the church. Seeing this opens up the story and meaning of the Bible in a tremendous way. 

There was lots of Q&A. In fact, we typically began most days with up to 1 1/2 HOURS of Q&A! Further, some of the questions led to in-depth discussions of wide-ranging topics such as apostles and prophets, the tithe and money management, speaking in tongues, and other important matters the church has to deal with. All in all, it was a good conference.

The Bus
We were supposed to leave Mwanza at 6:00AM on the bus for the 12 hour ride to Dodoma. Unfortunately, the bus company apparently only had 2 buses and one broke down a few days before. The company failed to notify the ticket agents, so the remaining bus was vastly oversold. As a result, there were all kinds of people with tickets but no bus. Dickson and I were sitting in the bus with other passengers, but the police would not let the bus leave until arrangements had been made to transport the other passengers (i.e., hire a bus from another company). As a result, we sat at the station in the bus until 9:00AM when they let us go.

Leaving 3 hours late was not the end of the story. After we had gone 15 minutes, the driver received a phone call from the manager telling him to return to Mwanza. Upon returning, we learned that the police had put the manager in jail and he made an unauthorized call telling us to return! The police let us go (again), and we finally got on the road for good at 9:40AM, arriving in Dodoma at 9:40PM.

We did Forgiveness & Reconciliation in Dodoma for 2 days. Attendance increased from 15 the first day to 27 the second day. I had not been in Dodoma in a few years. The people said they wanted us to return and said they would provide the food. One participant is writing a book on repentance and said that he was planning on incorporating some of what he learned at our conference in his book. A fair amount of the discussion centered on marriage, which is a huge issue here in many ways.

We concluded this trip at Tanga on the coast (following an 11 1/2 hour bus ride from Dodoma). We had a very good group of 18 participants for another class on Forgiveness & Reconciliation. There was a lot of discussion--some of it quite intense--involving real case studies involving forgiveness. We found that, in some cases, there are no easy answers. However, by using prayer, the Bible, the heart and mind of Christ, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and good counsel from mature Christian believers, we can honor God and do as good a good job a possible in resolving tough interpersonal problems.

The bus (reprise)
Dickson and I took a bus from Tanga back to Arusha from which he then drove me to the airport. Approximately half-way to Arusha, the bus broke down! Fortunately, they were able to fix it after working on it about a half an hour, and we we able to complete the trip without further incident.

I will now be home for 2 months or so (until mid-January). I hope to be able to see many of you while I am at home. Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support. Both are necessary and important, and both are paying great dividends!

God bless you, Jonathan


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

November 25—Karatina, Kenya

Yesterday I invited Bishop Ernest Mwilitsa to launch the second class at Karatina Central Kenya. He was the lecturer of the day and taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation very well.

We bless God because of you for making sure that ECLEA courses are taught in all regions of our Country-Kenya. I assure you that I and the other Regional Leaders who have heart for ECLEA will put more effort to make sure that your vision for East Africa Pastors is realized.

God bless you and do you good. Bsp Barnabas 


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

December 4, 2018
I once did three consecutive courses to the same group of people, who are emerging Church Leaders in New Life in Christ-Tanga. The total number of group participants were 27 although 12 are the ones who accomplished all three courses. The courses done are: Biblical Interpretation 14th to 16th May 2018, Expository Preaching 17th to 19th May, and Biblical Theology 21st to 23rd May 2018.

We then assigned them to preach in mid week's fellowship services, each one of them followed by main Sunday fellowship service preaching to exercise their teachings and reveal their talents. For two months they did the preaching under close supervision and private evaluation follow up of which results are as following.
    1) They themselves reported big achievements for their personal evaluation.
    2) People at the church testified seeing talented young ministers.
    3) I personal realize some to be emerging potential preachers and some teachers.

From 9th to 11th July & 12th to 14th July we did The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose and Expository Preaching II for the same group. 

As ministry we organized a two weeks’ evangelistic convention preaching outreach at the villages of the nearby town concluding to the beginning of September where ten of my students ministered in open air crusade and teaching seminars.

Follow-up reports testified about good investment done to young preachers, with a good number of converted fruits collected from their village ministry.

ECLEA teachings prove to be more bible college than a seminar when courses are well arranged and taken seriously.

I am very much encouraged by this group. My next step is to do the phase two of Biblical Theology and then the course on Christianity & Islam when Interpretation is done. 

I have two other groups, one at Muheza and another at Duga Maforoni where I have done 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship with each group. I am planning to take them also this far for sound results. I realize that students are getting more interest in ECLEA teachings as they get more understanding when we arrange the courses accordingly. I have seen life change and also ministry impact through ECLEA courses.

Lastly, apart from evangelistic convention outreach to my ongoing class students, I have attended almost all my Tanga class students preaching sessions and I can recommend some to be capable at a certain point of ministry.

Brother Jonathan and all ECLEA supporters, please be encouraged because your work is not in vain but it bares multiple fruits (1 Cor 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”).

Be blessed, Joram

December 5, 2018
I would like to report on Babati class in evaluation we did on Monday. About more than 3/4 had well understood the teaching in the area of the four purpose of the church. Twelve of them started to teach how to worship God in a large way, knowing that the real worship is the lifestyle we live in representing Christ on the earth. And 16 of them starting training their congregations on the important of being the disciple of Christ that make you grow and bare the fruits. So they are trying to make small groups which I think they will need more training and resources on that. 

Best regards, 


Jonathan Menn--ECLEA Director


2018 has been an eventful year for ECLEA. Here are some of the highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
As I have done for several years, I made 5 trips to East Africa and did training sessions in each of the countries of the East Africa Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). I am working more and more with smaller groups of leaders rather than doing larger conferences. Also, I am trying to concentrate on training our pastor-teachers in core theological courses:

     * Burundi: I spent a week doing Expository Preaching with 7 members of Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s partner in Burundi) and selected others.
     * Kenya: I did The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose 4 times with 85 total participants,
and Expository Preaching once with 17 participants.
     * Rwanda: I did The Book of Revelation once with 20 participants, and The Church once with 12 participants.
     * Tanzania: I did Revelation 4 times with 67 total participants, Forgiveness & Reconciliation 3 times
with 84 total participants, Christianity & Islam once with 22 participants, The Church once with 12 participants, and Biblical Theology once with 35 participants.
     * Uganda: I did Biblical Stewardship 2 times with 46 total participants, and Christianity & Islam 2 times with 34 total participants. Three of the four teaching sessions were with dioceses of the Church of Uganda (Anglican) with whom I am trying to develop closer contacts.

Frank Cummings’ work in East Africa
Frank made 2 trips to East Africa. He concentrates on Biblical Counseling and Hermeneutics (he uses somewhat different material than I use for Biblical Interpretation). He taught the following courses to over 100 total participants:

     * Kenya: Biblical Counseling 4 times, and Hermeneutics 3 times.

All-African ECLEA training conferences
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! This is
reflected in the all-African ECLEA training sessions conducted in 2018. My records indicate our ECLEA teams taught the following courses (and the number of times each course was taught):
     * Burundi: Rema Ministries is ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi. Rema has established 4 teaching centers around the country and typically teaches for 5 days in a row, giving assignments and conducting follow-up. They taught Biblical Counseling—1; Expository Preaching—6; Christianity & Islam—10; Biblical Interpretation—3; Biblical Theology—1; and Biblical Eschatology—1.
     * Kenya: Kenya has 14 regions for ECLEA training. This year the ECLEA-Kenya teams have taught 1 Timothy—15; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—10; Biblical Stewardship—19; Marriage & Parenting—4; Biblical Theology—1; Expository Preaching—3; Biblical Interpretation—4; Revelation—1.
     * Rwanda: Rwanda has established 7 training centers around the country. This year the ECLEA-Rwanda teams have taught Marriage & Parenting—4; Biblical Interpretation—6; Biblical Theology—2; Biblical Counseling—4; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—10; The Church—5; Expository Preaching—11; Christianity & Islam—5; 1 Timothy—5; Biblical Stewardship—3; and Revelation—1.
     * Tanzania: Tanzania is divided into 4 zones which are subdivided into regions and districts. This year ECLEA-Tanzania teams have taught 1 Timothy—30; Biblical Stewardship—30; Expository Preaching—30; Biblical Theology—1; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—7; Marriage & Parenting—6.
     * Uganda: Uganda is divided into 3 ECLEA teaching regions. This year the ECLEA-Uganda teams have taught 1 Timothy—315; Biblical Stewardship—2; Biblical Interpretation—1; Marriage & Parenting—8; Forgiveness & Reconciliation—14; The Church—43; and Christianity & Islam—2.

Reports from the all-African training conferences are available on the ECLEA website ( by clicking on the flags of the different countries, and reports of my conferences are on the “News & Blog” page of the website (

The impact of ECLEA
ECLEA’s vision and goal is summarized as “Deep Foundation - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives.” Here are some reports I have received this year concerning the impact ECLEA is having:
     * Jean de Dieu Nsengimana (Rwanda): I have been blessed by your teachings. Through reading your books I am more mature Christian because I am able to forgive! Before it was not easy to do it. And I would like to tell you that Biblical Theology has recreated me! Indeed, it is one course which makes a good Bible reader. God bless you.
     * Michael Taari (Kenya): Personally my life has really been transformed as a result of being involved directly with ECLEA, and the Lord has positioned me to affect others as well.
     * John Hutchinson (Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA): As usual, your update report blesses me. First it blesses me because it affirms that my prayers are effective in His hands. Two, it blesses me because along with my awareness of all that is happening throughout Africa with regard to Bible translation, I am made aware that God has and is putting people in place with a variety of gifts and ministries to establish His kingdom purposes in Africa. And thirdly I am blessed because of the ethos of ECLEA to make the work sustainable and train nationals to minister to their own ... take ownership.
     * Justus Wafula (Kenya): I humbly take this opportunity to thank you for this new wonderful, inspiring book of THE CHURCH IT’S NATURE, MISSION, AND PURPOSE. It was the first time to introduce it here in western Kenya, and it has proved to be among the best lesson which deals with the basic problems the leaders face. Yes surely we agree we have doing discipleship with partiality, driven with selfish ambition, proudness, selfish gain benefit, etc.

Other ECLEA happenings
In addition to the all-African training conferences and the conferences led by Frank and me, more is going on to help equip the church leaders of East Africa:
     * ECLEA leaders’ summit meeting. In February, twelve East African ECLEA leaders, along with Frank Cummings and Paul and Rosemary Nelsen from the US, met in Mukono, Uganda for a strategy and planning summit. At our last summit meeting (Nov. 2016) we had agreed that the ECLEA groups would formally organize and get registered with their respective governments as indigenous organizations. I am happy to say that ECLEA-Kenya has achieved registration status, and registration is in process in the other countries!
     * Potential new ECLEA teachers. Rosemary Nelsen has developed an Old Testament Overview course which she previewed for us at the ECLEA leaders’ summit. The Nelsens are considering getting more involved with ECLEA, and Rosemary’s course would be an excellent addition to our curricula. Additionally, Robert and Sondra Adams joined me for a week during my last trip to Tanzania. Sondra is considering becoming more involved with ECLEA, particularly in ministering to women in East Africa.
     * The translation project. This year, our book Forgiveness & Reconciliation was translated into Kirundi (the national language of Burundi) and posted on the ECLEA website. Currently, we have multiple books at translators to be translated into Kiswahili, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, and Luganda. Some are in their final stages and should be finalized in early 2019. All of our books are available on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:
     * School partnerships. Our ECLEA teaching books provide some of the most in-depth teaching available for church leaders and seminarians. Consequently, one of our goals is to establish partnerships or agreements with existing East African theological schools whereby our materials could become part of the schools’ curriculum. I am happy to say that this year we have taken the first step in that regard. Ernest Mwilisa, ECLEA-Kenya’s national coordinator, recently informed me that: “We were able to sign a three year contract with NPBC [Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College]. Some leaders are organizing centers for Bible colleges to start very soon. It is possible that our qualified teachers may be incorporated in NPBC to teach our centers and also NPBC centers all over the country. This is a great opportunity for us.”

Looking ahead
I am very grateful for the East Africans who are doing an excellent job of equipping the church leaders in this vital and strategic part of the world. I am also thankful for those of you who pray for this ministry and support ECLEA financially. God has certainly answered our prayers, and your financial support is paying great dividends. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

You can make a difference
     * Giving opportunities: Automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914, or tax-deductible giving can be done through the website (
     * To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and
bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is
     * We value your input and suggestions. If you no longer wish to receive our updates, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from the mailing list.

Thank you, and God bless you,
Jonathan Menn (ECLEA Director)


2019 News Archive


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here I would like to present a short report from Jan - Feb 2019, including the follow-ups:

1) BASUTU: Here we had about 37 participants where we taught on Biblical Stewardship for full three days where the participants showed very much interest in learning. They were shocked on how Biblical Stewardship is so large and we never thought or taught about it. One overseer said, The only place I knew in the Bible is LK 16:1-6, which we use to teach on faithfulness in giving.”

FOLLOW-UP: About 21 senior pastors applied the teaching and gave testimonies that their people said, “Our pastors now have changed in teaching deeply and our life is transformed in every area of our lives. Now am happy and free to give more than 10%. I keep my environment in honoring God than fearing the government leaders.”

2) GHALAPO: Here we had more than 55 participants where we taught on Marriage and Parenting for full three days where many questions was engaged especially from the women about the different between Christian marriage and non-Christian. This is because many Christians have been living in traditional and culture marriage.

FOLLOW-UP: More than 37 pastors said, “We were so ignorant of the truth of the Bible thinking that we are saved while we have been bound in our tradition and culture.” Many of them said, “Now my church members are very happy in their marriage than before after attending this teaching.” There is no many conflict to couples because of this training. I have been invited to different churches to teach couples.

3) HYDOM: Here we had more than 34 participants and we taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation for three days where people gave their testimonies saying, “This topic is so important for us as church leaders because it carries the heart of the gospel. We use to preach the wrong gospel in judging and behind the truth good news which Jesus brought to earth people. This teaching turns on my heart and focus that I need Forgiveness from God, the way I have treating the word of God wrongly, and I need him to grant me the forgiving heart like him. Thank you ECLEA TEAM for your reaching out for us and all supporters from USA.”

FOLLOW-UP: 19 Pastors had applied the teaching to their congregations and 4 of them went out to other different denominations where after the seminar got more invitation to many pastors who did attend our class there. This has brought a big impact to these areas where the local coordinator said people are asking him for us to go back for the other course because they had seen our courses are powerful and very effective in transforming people’s lives.

4) GIDAS: This is a very remote area where we drove for one and half hours from Babati town in which churches have a great need for Bible training and where many overseers had never attended any theological college. Here we had 46 participants and we taught on Biblical Stewardship. People were to interacting with questions about tithe and false teaching. It seemed to be that all these people were not able to differentiate right teaching from false because they said “we are afraid of touching the anointed people of God.” But they had confused the way of responding to the gospel with giving more money. Some said they are giving to their churches and “worse enough is people coming to and asking us that I gave this and that for solving the problems but still are there.” They said, “We lacked the answers but now through this teaching and training we got through ECLEA MINISTRY has delivered us for the lost way; now am confident to confront this false teaching in my church by teaching all the congregation in using this book.”

FOLLOW-UP: The day we met 32 pastors and 5 church elders every one explained how they had been applying. They said, “The book has been very helpful as we use it to teach our people on a environment, false teachings, how to give to God in right way, the responsibility of the church to the poor, etc.” The challenges they face is on giving is that it is hard for people to change their former way of according to the different of denominations. So we advised them to lead by example in obeying the truth of the of word and not force people to change but let word change them.

5) ENGIKARETI: Here we had 42 participants and we taught on Biblical Stewardship where people showed interest to the teaching with a lot of questions. The testimonies seem to be the same saying they never being heard Biblical stewardship in this way: “ECLEA teaching is an opening eyes, removing ignorance which we had been dwelling in for long time. This teaching is meeting the need of the church today. This is a school and not a conference like other we had been attending which come and pass by and leave nothing behind. These three days are like three months. Thanks to ECLEA Ministry for coming and help us.”

FOLLOW UP: About 29 pastors applied the teaching and said church members give testimonies that their pastors preaching changed since they had attended the training course. Two overseers said, “I have taught to my branches leaders and they said we never heard you teaching this and agree to do the same teaching to others. This is bringing a great impact to our people.”

These are some the places we did our training and the follow up you see the big impact ECLEA making to different people and culture.

Best regards, Dickson

Stephano Edward was a participant at another recent conference and sent this separate note: February 24, 2019, "Last week for 3 days here in Babati we had a great time with ECLEA team doing the course on 1 Timothy. Pastors and church leaders enjoyed the course. It was among successful meetings in Babati. Really I thank God for it." Thanks. Stephano Edward


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

January 2019: ECLEA/Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College course
Today we have covered Biblical Stewardship Course with the first ECLEA class in conjunction with NPBC. We had very healthy discussions that we tackled.

One of the Reverends said that man demanded a wife from God, but Michael Taari gave him the right explanation of the original plan that God had towards man and woman.

We have already covered 5 units and for two years we will cover 33 units. We bless God for His grace and ECLEA is to live even after we leave this world. Here are picture that I took today after the class.

Bishop Barnabas
Regional Coordinator/School Director Karatina Town Class

Michael Taari, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We thank God for the new year,as we move on with ECLEA work here in Kenya. I had an opportunity to teach this January at a class in Karatina on Biblical Stewardship and it was so good. Today I received a comment from one of the students appreciating that I was able to make them understand. Remember these are pastors and Bishops but they had never understood God's work on creation. To be precise, some were saying Eve was created after the seventh day. Thank God for ECLEA material; they are of great help to the church in East Africa.

Michael Taari

Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director 

David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

(Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th February 2019)

Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Course: Marriage & Parenting
Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)
Number of Participants: 33
Denominations represented: 10

Summary & Highlights
This was our most populous training since we took charge of Nairobi Region last year. After a short inquisitive and engagement with the participants, it emerged that most families are ailing and most came to learn how to go about the myriad issues that so often befall the families. When asked if the same were to be repeated, almost 90% said they would come again. This then clearly shows Marriage & Parenting is one of the key courses of ECLEA and it has gone a long way in healing families.   

One of the participants, an unmarried young man said that he is privileged to learn theoretically before he gets into marriage. He said he is now more than ready!

The five love languages generated a lot of discussion and one pastor’s wife surprised all of us by confessing that touch is a foreign language in her marriage! Though we did not ask her to share more on it, it was clear that they needed these teachings to enhance their marriage.

Another said that she had been having a burden to help a certain sister having marital problems since her husband is not born again and she did not know how to go about it. She informed us that she is now well equipped to not only assist that sister, but others as well.

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru – February 17, 2019


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

TIMAU: On 7th-9th Feb 2019 I conducted a Conference at Timau on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. 17 Church leaders and Pastors attended, and five denominations were represented.

I taught the participants the three Main forms of Church government (1.Episcopal 2.Presbyterian 3.Congregational) that have developed and they continue to characterize Church government. One thing I discovered was that no single participant had any clue concerning the above.

When we were learning about the two rites that Jesus instituted to be observed by His followers (Baptism and Holy communion) many of them admitted that they have severally messed up with the two due to lack of adequate knowledge.
I informed them that five additional sacraments were introduced by the medieval Church and they made a mistake of classifying them as sacraments. After understanding the above teachings they promised me that they will change their churches' beliefs and patterns because the word of God carries the final authority.

I also taught them that the  mission and and the purpose of the Church is found in demonstrating Unity and Wholeness.
I told them that the New Testament gives more attention to Unity than to either Heaven or Hell.

In fact all of us resolved that all the days of our lives we will give more attention to Unity and we came up with a slogan called... UNITED TO SERVE JESUS.


Feb 24, 2019: Cankuzo, Burundi
I have finished a productive week in Cankuzo, Burundi (eastern Burundi) teaching the book of Revelation to 36 good and interested United Methodist pastors. Cankuzo is one of the ECLEA/Rema Ministries teaching centers, where the Rema team goes about 4 times per year. I had never been there before and am glad to have witnessed the great job Rema is doing as ECLEA's "feet on the ground" in Burundi. 

Francois Nitunga of Rema began the week by following up with the participants concerning what they had done to teach/apply our courses since Rema had last been in Cankuzo (this took much of the first day). There were some excellent reports, indicating that our ECLEA materials are making a real difference in people's lives. Here are just a few samples:

* One pastor said that his people told him, "You must be going for training, because you are not as you were." He added that his people are becoming stronger because now he is able to actually teach and they can understand.

* Several pastors related how they had been teaching the course of Christianity & Islam in their churches. This had a profound impact: In one case, a Christian girl had been going our with a Muslim who wanted to marry her. However, when she learned about the true status of women in Islam, she ended the relationship. In other cases, families who had been contemplating leaving Christianity for Islam (thinking that the two were basically alike) changed their minds, and one family who had started going to the mosque came back. A few Muslims have come to faith in Christ, and in one area, Muslims have stopped coming around to try to convert Christians, because now the Christians can stand up to them.

* One pastor taught our course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, & Purpose to 50 people. They, in turn, went out and found 5 needy people and helped them cultivate their land. People were amazed to see the body of Christ "suffering with the suffering." Another pastor related that, as a result of our course on The Church, his church now provides food for 49 orphans in their community.

Each day in Cankuzo began with a short homily by one of the participants. Then, the other participants all critiqued him or her along the lines of what we teach in our course on Expository Preaching. I was very encouraged to see that the participants, even in a relatively remote area of one of the poorest countries of the world, are understanding what we are teaching, applying those teachings, and our courses are having positive and tangible impacts in people's lives. I also thank God for putting me together with Rema Ministries and for their good teaching and faithfulness.

The course on Revelation itself went well, I believe. It is a book that, to a large degree, is either ignored or misused in many churches. Also, it is a mystery to many people because of its symbolic nature and apocalyptic genre. But over the course of 4+ days of teaching, the questions and interaction from the participants indicated that they were at least "getting" a fair portion of it. And our ECLEA book on Revelation has been translated into Kirundi (the Burundi national language) and the participants had it. Consequently, they will be able to study the book and search the Scriptures, which should help over time to make clearer that which still may be a little foggy.

Feb 28, 2019: Kayonza, Rwanda
We have just finished four full days of Biblical Theology with about 24 interested participants in Kayonza, Eastern Province, Rwanda. Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda's national coordinator, was my translator throughout. He did a great job. During the course of the session, two women gave testimonies about their applying our Biblical Stewardship course:

* The first said that her husband and other pastors now work their land first, before going out on mission. They have also planted lots of vegetables, improved their diet, sold some for income, and given some away. She was very pleased!

* The second said that she has planted a vegetable garden and has become the number 1 grower in her district! It is so heartening to see the practical difference that ECLEA's teachings are having.

Our Biblical Theology course prompted lots of questions and discussion. We had extended discussions concerning Old Covenant versus New Covenant giving, the relationship between faith and works (we saw, again and again, how our works/our lives are the outward and visible sign of the faith we profess). The last day included a long discussion (which, after I answered the question that set off the discussion) was conducted in Kinyarwanda exclusively. That is always a good sign of deep engagement. Francis told me that many people here have tried to develop "techniques" to, in effect, manipulate God to get Him to give them what they want. Those techniques include: fasting for 21 days and bobbing the head when prophesying. They concluded they need to break these man-made "religious" practices and get back to true prayer based on a real, personal relationship with God through Christ.

All in all, Francis said that he was encouraged by the class (which looks at the overall biblical storyline and how the New Testament fits together with the Old Testament, primarily through the "types" and "shadows" of the OT pointing to and being fulfilled by Christ and the church). Francis said the participants were excited and appeared to be "getting" it.


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

Kiangi, Kenya: Feb 26-28, 2019
I finished my first conference a few days ago. The conference was on THE NATURE, PURPOSE AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH.
The majority of the participants were very happy in that they were able to have proper information concerning the original thought of the church. gain the biggest challenge to the majority was how to start a discipleship class, I promised them to together with them and see that we have a starting point. Probably I will have to return to this place later.

Samwel Ochieng, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

By Pst Samwel Ochieng

1. Kongoni Eclea Training conference
Dates – March – 7th to 9th 2019
Venue: Kongoni Baptist Church , hosted by Rev. Joseph Wanjala
Subject: The Church its Nature, Mission, and Purpose; we had attendance of 18 leaders (six ladies and twelve men).

The meeting was so interesting with a lot of questions surrounding the area of leadership. Like who is true apostle, what are the functions of church elders and how the church can raise funds. The good things in this manual in full of scriptures and we discussed these questions by using the scriptures.

We had another meeting with the other nine (9) leaders later three days in Matunda market the only challenges is finance, like I had two teachers Dr. Philip Okumbe and Dr. Nyangweso whom I was to pay plus snacks for the two meetings to the participants.

We experienced difficulties because some leaders could promise kshs 100 for a manual saying that they will finish before meeting is over, but at the end of the meeting, they are gone.

In His service, Samuel Ochieng


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 7th -9th March 2019 I conducted a conference at Maili Saba. We did 1st Timothy. 16 Pastors and Church Leaders attended; 6 denominations were represented.

All participants had no idea concerning the qualifications of Church leaders. After going through our material one Pastor Called Muthomi said that he will be using the qualifications that are in our material whenever he puts people into Church leadership.

All participants had no clue about the difference between a Church deacon and Elders. The other issues that the participants argued about was the age limit of widows by then and the nowadays widows. Paying the Elders who run the affairs of the Church was also new to big percentage of the participants.

I bless God because ECLEA is making a great impact not only to us but even to the coming generation.

God bless  the ECLEA fraternity.

Bishop Barnabas


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-TZ national secretary

Please receive the brief summary report of the Job done so far (Feb-Apr 2019):

Expository Preaching  -  Gofu, 14th – 16th February. Fifteen participants had two teaching days and half a day preaching and critics where five did, the follow up was done on the 1st March, full day practical preaching and critics. Students showed improvement in expository preaching, all fifteen participants preached.

Biblical Stewardship - Duga, 18th – 20th February. Twenty two participated in the class. They were amazed to know that God holds us accountable as stewards to everything He gave us including time, mind, body and environment. Before the class Stewardship to them only meant money and giving.

Biblical Stewardship - Horohoro, 21st – 23rd February. Twenty five participated in the class. Follow up I assigned them to prepare at least a teaching from each of them that will reveal changes acquired from the course. On 27th April follow up, number of them confessed over changed preaching messages from going to Heaven emphasis to bringing heaven down emphasis.

Biblical Theology - Gofu, 25th – 27th February. Nineteen participants, managed to find where Jesus is being mentioned in Old Testament.

Church  - Kibaha, 7th – 9th March. Fifty two attended the class, it was very much encouraging class. Follow up assignment: describe your Church, is it a healthy one or not, give reasons for your opinion. Is there anything needs to be changed? From the teachings how can you implement it?

Church –  Gofu, 11th – 13th March. Twenty nine attended. Follow up assignment they prepared preaching message to keep a local church focused on its purpose and mission.

Expository Preaching - NLC, 14th – 16th March. Ten people were in the class,  they all preached twice including a full day follow up reaching day on 6th April.

Biblical Interpretation - Gofu, 11th – 13th April. Twenty participated, mostly realized that preparing a sermon is not to be taken by granted, needs a lot of work. The good interpretation leads to a good and Godly sermon.

1 Timothy - Mkinga, 25th – 27th April. Thirty people in the class, knew the importance of respecting a Bible as a message book from God,  needs to be well understood first by the preacher, then by the entire congregation.

Biblical Theology - Agape, is scheduled for 20th – 23rd May.

Be blessed,


March 12, 2019: Kanombe, Rwanda, report by Francis Ngoboka (ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator)

We spent four full days in Kigali (Kanombe), Rwanda doing the course on Biblical Theology with just over 50 participants. This course goes over the storyline of the Bible and shows how the NT fits together with the OT. This is seen  particularly in the discussion of the major covenants and how the NT fulfills the OT's "types" and "shadows," e.g.,

* the Abrahamic Covenant pointed forward to and was fulfilled in Christ and the church;

* during the exodus, the rock in the wilderness which Moses struck and from which came water was a "type" of Christ [1 Cor 10:4];

* Christ and the church are the true temple.

There were lots of questions and discussion. One question about the effect of the New Covenant on giving and the tithe prompted a lively discussion that lasted all afternoon. A few people left because what I said was contrary to what they had always heard and to the way they had always done things. The next day, I was wondering if attendance would be way down, and it started out that way (largely, it turns out, because of heavy rains that morning).

Attendance came back after the rain stopped, and one participant said that the discussion had caused him to have a largely sleepless night. He then related that he had had a dream or vision in which he saw me with an angel. Some people were dressed in white and some in rags. The angel said that those who were dressed in rags were the people who did not receive the message I had taught. He also said that when people talk about money, people listen; but when people talk about the perishing (as I had), people don't listen. He added that God has the money people need if we are but faithful to Him.

The last day I was in Kigali, I met with Francis Ngoboka and Protais Nshogoza (two of ECLEA's Rwanda leaders). Protais said that it looks like ECLEA may be able to affiliate with Grace International Bible University so that our materials can become part of a diploma/degree program! I have been hoping to establish such affiliations with theological schools throughout East Africa (we already have one such affiliation with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College in Kenya). So it looks like we are on our way!

I hope you can see why I am excited. Again, it is you, ECLEA's prayer and financial supporters, who are making this happen. Here are some photos from the trip. I next leave in mid-April for Kenya.

God bless you, Jonathan

Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

March 19, 2019: Report from Uganda

Trainings are going on in the different districts and the news I am getting from there is encouraging. Personally I have also interacted with some of the leaders that had gone through the these trainings say in the eastern Uganda and west Uganda recently and I found out that the materials have put them on task to reexamine their "calling" as leaders of God's people.

These are some of the issues that were raised. Being a servant leader, steward of oneself and others. This included taking care of another person's business/ property, being mindful of time. This is a real serious challenge church leaders have. Almost everywhere we have been time management is still a challenge. But after going through Stewardship training there has been a realization to honor God with our time.

Another challenge that we have interfaced has been denominational barriers. There is still that divide where each denomination/fellowship wants the training to be in their local churches and if it is hosted in another church leaders don't want to attend. This has been so common in Namayingo. We take time to meet different leaders and have a separate training for them to know how it is important to do to others what they want to be done to then. So instead of the training starting on time, you find yourselves starting late. In some of the photos I have sent you, you may see the contrast between those two photos. One was well attended than the other. The last one members came late. Those are some of the challenges we have faced among the ones you have been getting from the different Coordinators I.e accommodation, transportation for those coming from afar and free materials.      

Thank God that at least we have overcome that one. And this is the reason why ECLEA came to put right and in order those who oversee God's House. It is for this purpose that we were sent to East Africa.

Yours in His Service,

Bishop Stephen Sempala


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

(Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th March 2019)

Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Course: Biblical Counseling
Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)
Number of Participants: 24
Denominations represented: 8

Summary & Highlights
This course was highly anticipated since we had intimated in our February training that Biblical Counseling is a great tool in any church leader’s hand.

The three types of counseling were well received with awe and one participant said everything was very new though we zeroed on Formal Counseling.

Almost all the partakers did not know the goal of counseling as defined in our course. Majority thought it is giving of an advice but after the training this mindset was corrected.

The skills of counseling especially SOLER was a classic take away. The group practical sessions proved so helpful though some missed the point severally but eventually stabilized as we guided them through each step carefully.

One woman was very confident in guiding another woman who sought her counsel on how to behave in sexual matters when she is fasting and her husband who is not born again requests for conjugal rights.

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru – March 30, 2019



I. Introduction
I would like to praise the Lord and thank him for what he enabled us to accomplish during the last 3 months in the church leaders training program. We were able to teach the book of Revelation, Christianity and Islam, Expository Preaching and the course on the Church.

We were able to do 8 trainings respectively at Muzye from 21 - 25 January and from March 11th to 15th; and Muramvya -Bukeye from 21 – 25 January and 18 – 22 March; Nyanza lac-Muyange from 11 – 15 February and from April 1st to 5th ; then Cankuzo from 18 – 22 February and from 29th/04 to 3rd/05/. The trainings went on well.

II. Trainers
All trainers were Rema staff. But in Cankuzo we were blessed to have Jonathan Menn who spent a whole week teaching the book of Revelation.

Frederic is training the course on the Church. Trainees are keen on listening to how they can change their ingrained habits to align themselves to what the mission of the church is.

III. Objective of the training 
The objective is to build capacities of church leaders and give them some basic biblical knowledge.

IV. Group discussions
During the training trainees were given an opportunity to to go into different groups so that they can learn from one another in a deeper way.

V. Participation of the trainees during the training
The trainees participate fully during the training. Before we begin the activities of the day, and before ending it, we commit ourselves into God’s hands.

Trainees contribute to the success of the training through asking question to understand the lesson. Mrs Jacqueline is asking an interesting question concerning relationship between Christians and Muslims. She says: “Some of them are our direct family members. Our daughters fall in love with Muslim boys and they have right to choose who they marry. So what”?

The trainees responded constructively to the teachings. They said that they understood what the church is all about, her nature, mission and purpose, that they are going to change their world view of what the church really is. We gave them words of encouragement and motivated them to involve themselves into missions as they apply what we have been going through the whole week. Answering questions was good because participants got chances to participate in contributing to the questions given by the trainers and those asked by the trainees; which encouraged them as students to know that they have something to contribute. The trainees learned from each other during discussion groups.

Rev. ZOYA Melchior: “This is a special training for us church leaders in rural areas. This is an opportunity for us which we should not take for granted. I am no longer the same person who came for this training 3 years ago. I have learned a lot. God bless Rema for thinking to bring this training here. On behalf of other students, we would like to ask you to go through again some topics we would like to go deeply such as Christianity and Islam, Biblical theology , Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Stewardship, Expository Preaching, and Revelation

This lady is enjoying the topic of Christianity and Islam. She says: “As you know me, I am NIYONKURU Josephine, I have been meeting with Muslims and discuss about our faith, but I could not know how to progress in my discussion, I was about to be won by them. But now I am learning something. It is better I came to do this training and thank so much my husband who allowed me to attend this training. I wish to go through this training to the end”.

Rev. NDAYISHIMIYE Isaie is sharing on how expository preaching topic has changed the way he was organizing the sermon and present it. He says: “I thank God who has opened the door for me to attend this class. I am so happy to be part of this training. My request is that you should repeat this topic and Biblical Interpretation and Biblical as well. They are very important to us as pastors who want to understand more and know how to present the word of God to different people in our different congregations”.

These ladies share their feelings as we finish a one week training at Muzye. They said: “For sure we have a room in God’s vineyard, because only men could have got this opportunity to come to the training, forgetting us because we are women. God is good. Things are changing. We also benefiting from this training. Surely, we are looking to become good trained leaders.

Pastors’ training is bringing transformation not only in their churches but also social transformation in their respective families and their local communities.

Special training at Bukeye. Theodore Rema Director is encouraging the congregants to work hard so that they may be able to support their pastors while going through the training. They need food and books.

After the challenging message, some Christians responded positively as they decided to put together beans (60kgs), rice (40 kgs), and 25 kgs of potatoes to support their students.

Mme NTIHABOSE Scholasitique. Testifies : “From the time my husband started attending this course so many things changed for the better. Indeed, my family is well now: my husband took some initiatives which were not in his mind before he attended the course: now we pray together at home and takes time to read for us the word of God. He started some projects like rearing animals like goats, sheep, cows, things that were not in his mind before the training. He has planted trees and bananas which we now are proud of. Whenever it is time for him to go to that training, I encourage him to attend and if he says he is not ready to go I do push him to go for I have seen concrete results of the training”

VII. Conclusion
We give thanks to the Lord for He has enabled us to do what we had planned so far. We thank all our supporters who financially provided money we needed so that we may do such activities. In particular, we would like to thank Jonathan for coming and spending the whole time teaching our Pastors in Cankuzo in the month of February. Cankuzo is a province located in eastern part of Burundi. It is bordering with Tanzania. In all we continue to give glory to the Almighty God. He is good all the time and all the time He is good!


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

First quarter, 2019, updates:

After, teaching of Biblical Counseling, Polly, one of the youth coming up in teaching and counseling said: “ibi nibishya kandi  byiza,” meaning, “These are new and good stuff.”

After Jonathan taught Biblical Theology, Mugisha, who is lead pastor Rhema  Ministries  in Rwanda, exclaimed, “Where does ECLEA  get this unusual staff? “

On Biblical Theology, Dr. Tarasis as we spoke, told me “We need to all of this stuff for teaching our people.”

During the lessons of Expository Preaching, Pr. Murenzi, told all of us: “Tugomba kwitoza ibi bintu,”  meaning “We must pay attention to this staff and practice it closely.” 

Follow up is quite  important  and yet challenging. As much  as I treasure  it, I can confess it's as hard as it takes intention, effort, and discipline. I get many good  points and encouragement  during follow up. Of recent, I have seen changes  with many pastors  who had financial struggles  because they thought  had to depend  on offering.

Because of Biblical Stewardship, paradigm  changed, practices changed and better finances came:
     Theophil  has done  research and found out that his land is favourable  do onions  and has planted, expects  reasonable monies on harvest. Now has a worker  for cleaning  and garden care

     Rubambura has now planted  his plot of land with potatoes  and expects  to get  reasonable  sales, to schools, yet invested only 50,000. This is exciting. 

     Someone, a great young evangelist, believed in going around preaching so that God miraculously supplies for him. Now has a job, earns monthly  salary, stopped suffering. Actually gotten so happy that he says we have helped him  so much and requested me to be his spiritual father, which am still examining before response.


Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regiona coordinator

Reports of first quarter conferences:

We were able to do our meetings at Githurai at God's Worshippers Church where we taught on the Church and mission and hosted 13 pastors mainly drawn from the Pentecostal church. The group was very inspired and many realized that they had no idea what the purpose of the church is. Some of them especially those were heard of their denominations vowed to change the programs in line with church mission.

Towards the end of March we were able to take our foundational course 1 Timothy to Membrey where we hosted 16 pastors and leaders. It was the first time some of these were hearing these teachings. It was accepted with great appreciation as the flow of thought in the book unfolds. This helped the church to become more united and loving.

Beginning May, we took Biblical Interpretation to Kambaa where we hosted 19 pastors. We learnt that many pastors have no idea how to interpret the Bible and they attribute this to lack of knowledge. The pastors learnt that to deliver a message that would change lives; it’s hard work. We did a practical using the 8 principles on the book of Psalms particularly psalms 1, 73, 90 and 150.

We have not finished follow up but we are committed to do that by the end of July.

Regards, Thomas (Kiambu ECLEA coordinator)



Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

April 2, 2019

Last week I had my second conference on the nature, purpose and the mission of the church which ended up to be very effective. The participants interacted so well and with various observations and different perspectives of the Nature, purpose and Mission of the church.

Discipleship area had bit of challenge especially in class formation but we promised to meet again and see how we can help one another for this is an important subject and the true Mission of the church.

Hope to see you, Rev Fredrick Njoroge


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director


April 18, 2019

Rosemary and Paul Nelsen and I have just finished 4 days of teaching in Mombasa. I had preached at Bishop Isaac Chenze's church on Sunday. Then, beginning Monday, Paul and I taught Christianity & Islam for 3 days at the church and Rosemary taught her Old Testament Literacy course for one day.

We had approximately 18 participants, and I thought things went well. Here's a brief summary:

Christianity & Islam
This is one of ECLEA's longer books, which I had just recently revised it. However, we were able to complete it in 3 full days. The course covers the essentials: an introductory overview of Islam, then detailed comparisons of: Jesus and Muhammad (including seeing Jesus in the Qur'an); sin and salvation according to Christianity & Islam; Yahweh and Allah (including a discussion of the Trinity and several trinitarian examples from nature which help to make the concept of the Trinity reasonably understandable); and the Bible and the Qur'an. The last chapter provides specific helps for bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel, primarily by using the Qur'an itself.

The participants were saying that they had learned so much. This course is especially important in the Mombasa area, since coastal Kenya has a high Muslim population. In fact, the Bishop and one of the women participants had been brought up as Muslims (and the woman had been disowned by her family when she came to faith in Christ). Several of the participants indicated their willingness to go out and speak with Muslims. Please hold them up in your prayers.

Old Testament overview
Rosemary Nelsen's OT literacy course makes understanding the OT easy! Several of the participants made that very point. Rosemary herself is a winsome teacher. One of her techniques for understanding is: 5-12-5-5-12 (i.e., 5 books of the law, 12 of history, 5 of poetry, 5 major prophets, and 12 minor prophets). She then speaks of the 8 period of OT history and gives 3 or 4 key things to remember in each period of history. She also gives brief summaries of each of the prophets and shows in which historical periods they fit. All in all, the participants were grateful, learned much, and asked us to return (this despite the high heat!).

Looking ahead
Tomorrow we take the train from Mombasa to Nairobi where, next week, we will repeat both courses. We appreciate your prayer support and your financial support. Particularly as our course books are translated into Kiswahili and the other major East African languages, I expect ECLEA's impact top be widespread and long lasting.

April 27, 2019

This last week in Kenya has been very busy and worthwhile. Here are some highlights:

After our rail trip from Mombasa to Nairobi (less than 6 hours, versus about twice that by bus), Ernest Mwilitsa, some others, and I went to Murang'a in central Kenya for the wedding of Joy Kariuki, Bishop George Kariuki's oldest daughter. George was ECLEA's first Kenya national coordinator and is still a regional coordinator. I had not seen him in some time. I am very glad I was able to attend. It was a beautiful wedding. 

Rosemary Nelsen taught at Ernest Mwilitsa's church on seven principles articulated by Henry Blackaby for discerning God's presence and joining Him in what he is doing. I then preached in the church. Both seemed to be well received. Ernest is ECLEA's current national coordinator.

Christianity & Islam
Paul Nelsen and I repeated the Christianity & Islam course for approximately 25 participants, including a number of ECLEA regional coordinators. One participant, Wilfred, said he had had a prophetic word whereby he is to reach out to Muslims. He said this course is the answer and the training he needs for that call.

Several participants who had been to Bible School commented that although they had been introduced to Islam in school, they never had learned the detail and depth our book includes and never had the comparisons and contrasts between Christianity and Islam so clearly laid out. I am hopeful that this book and course will bear great fruit. I know it will give the church leaders great confidence in speaking about Christianity and Islam both to Christians and Muslims.

OT Overview
Rosemary Nelsen repeated her OT overview course. She also said she has completed a NT overview course. She will be reformatting that, and we will be posting it on the ECLEA website. The participants were, needless to say, excited to hear about her new course! Paul and I talked about her leading off with her OT and NT courses and then immediately following with ECLEA's Biblical Theology course. They would dovetail very well and could be completed in 4-5 days.

The bus took 10 hours to get to Webuye (wish they had a train to get here!). I preach in Justus Wafula's church on Sunday, then we repeat Christianity & Islam and OT Overview before beginning the trek home late Thursday. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. I hope you can see that they are paying real dividends.

Ernest Mwilitsa, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

I did two meetings in Shinyalu in the second week of April.

The first meeting was Forgiveness and Reconciliation which was attended by around 32 participants. This meeting was highly
interactive. Most participants claimed to be holding people in their hearts for the wrongs done to them. Some were even sick to an extent that they had tried to get treatment from hospitals but nothing happened. I told them to forgive those who offended them from the heart. They promised to do so. When I go there for follow-up I will ask for feedback from those who will have forgiven their offenders. In fact, the general observation was that, most brethren in Church live in hypocrisy.

The second meeting was on Expository Preaching which was attended by about 35 participants. This is the meeting that kept everybody on his toes. Although I finished the course, it was very difficult to move forward. Everybody wanted to either ask questions or talk. The conclusion was that most preachers in the area preach their own things, not the word of God. Even some of the pastors who were there confessed that they have been preaching their own messages and not the
message of the Bible. I will also go follow-up to see the outcome.

God bless you, Ernest Mwilitsa


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

- NAIROBI REGION - Thursday, 3rd May 2019

Team Leaders: Reverend David Njeru & Reverend Peter Mwangi
Course: Church & Its Mission – Follow up Report
Venue: Jesus Mountain of Joy Ministries Church – Kawangware (Sokoni)
Number of Participants: 10

Summary & Highlights
Pst Peter said that the course helped me to understand that the church is not building but a group of people who are called out while Makokha added that church, characterized by oneness and holiness is beyond focusing on heaven but to change the world.

Mary had an interesting encounter where her neighbor goes to a certain ‘church’ where they enter the premises backwards into a dark hall. Having gone through this course, she was able to witness to her in regard to what a real church is.

Kinyanjui was able to gather men from his church and he inspired them to win other men to Christ. He has also taken a lead role in revamping the Sunday school ministry which was lagging behind.

Generally, the course was very helpful in various aspects in the participants churches.

Prepared by: Rev. David Njeru – May 4, 2019


May 4, 2019

I made it home from Kenya just after 4:00PM yesterday. Paul and Rosemary Nelsen, who were with me throughout, should make it back home tonight. This was a good trip. Here is a summary of happenings since my last report from the field:

Our final venue was in the western Kenya town of Misikhu (near Webuye), where we had approximately 22 participants. Our host was ECLEA regional coordinator Justus Wafula, whom I met on my very first trip to East Africa in 2005. Last Sunday I preached on Genesis 15, "The Greatest Prophecy in the Bible," in his church. The sermon went over well, and people talked about it for some days afterwards.

OT Overview
In Misikhu, Rosemary Nelsen led off with her OT Overview course (rather than concluding our time with that course). As before, her way of putting the OT together made it easy to understand. Questions asked of the participants two days after her presentation showed that they had, indeed, retained what they had learned.

Christianity & Islam
This course likewise appeared to powerfully speak to the participants. Some of them said that, in the past when they have done door-to-door evangelism, they had bypassed the homes of Muslims. Now, however, they feel equipped to speak to Muslims so in the future they will not bypass them. Praise God!

One of the things that came out during the course was problems with the local churches which make them less than the loving, accepting families they should be. We talked about rethinking how we do church and making the changes necessary so that our own people as well as Muslims who will come to Christ will find the churches to be welcoming and nourishing homes.

I will now be home until mid-June, when I will head to Tanzania. I look forward to seeing many of you while I am here.


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

May 6, 2019: Report from Uganda

I have just come back from Masaka where we carried out Biblical Interpretation.

We thank God that the trainings are going on more so the last month's training where centers did The Church, Biblical Stewardship, Biblical Interpretation and 1 Timothy. 

The report I am getting from these center Coordinators shows that we are getting way beyond what we were expecting this first half of the year.

I am still compiling the report from these centers to mark the first half of the year, I know I have sent you some but wanted to send through more reports at the end of this month.

But briefly what I have personally observed and received from these conducted trainings is that these trainings have accelerated the coming together of church leaders, hence strengthening the working relationship among churches.

As these leaders come together and meet often to go through these training, they have started coming up with ideas, which are gearing up to take care of their families well and involving themselves in the affairs of their communities. For instance I have witnessed some church leaders becoming the local leaders in their local villages because of what they have been doing in their communities. It is through their leadership that more transformation in these villages has started to take place. This is good news about what ECLEA is doing. 

When we conduct these training we emphasis more the application bit. Throughout the Bible and ECLEA materials we see this being pointed out. We don't read the Bible to get head knowledge alone but also to apply what we have learnt. Leaders are taking this on another level by starting to engage themselves in result oriented things.

In His name, Stephen Sempala


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We are glad to report that we did a very successful training on the Book of James from Wednesday 29 - Thur 30 May 2019  at Mountain of Joy Church in Kawangware in Nairobi.

We had a total of 23 attendees in both days from 5 different denominations and Bishop Ernest Mwilitsa the national coordinator joined us the last day.

The following were some of the most striking comments that came from the participants:

1. “I never knew that the Book was written by James the half brother of Jesus. I will now be able to challenge those who still call Mary (mother of Jesus) virgin.” - Anne.

2. “The teaching on the Book of James has taught me to be very careful with my tongue - what I say and how I say it because it can cause a very big fire.” - Lucy.

3. “I used to ask God why I’m going through trials but I have now learnt to cooperate with Him since it will eventually work for my good. I have also learnt that temptations comes from the devil which I must
resist.” - Makokha.

4. “I should treat all people without partiality since it is a sin.” - Naomi.

Prepared by Rev. David Njeru (training with Rev Peter Mwangi) on Monday: June 3 2019


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Report of conference held on May 30-31, 2019 in Kawangware (Nairobi) on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose.

We had 14 participants (7 churches/denominations were represented). The delegates were open and very cooperative.

     Dorothy Mzame said she learned that the church is not a building but is people who have a purpose. She was also struck by the need for oneness in the church.

     Rev. Christopher saw the importance of dealing with cultural bondages and helping the people be open to a more biblical worldview.

     Elder Peter Mutinda said he learned about how to be a good disciple.

     Pastor Douglas Indimuli learned that discipleship is paramount in the mission and purpose of the church and that discipline is key.

Blessings, James Kamau



Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Report from Rwanda, June 2019

We are fine and thank God for his work. 

Kayonza: the book of Revelation was well taught though it raised several questions pertaining to rapture, millennium, and beast. Innocent is proving a good teacher/trainer.

Hilltop and other members of Kanombe studied together Christianity and Islam. Protais was head teacher who did a great job, inspire of the short time. We were so challenged that we prayed together concerning friends who confessed conviction to start plans of praying more seriously and reaching out to Moslems than ever before. Even the figures alone of Islam growth was new and provoking to the leaders. 

Byumba: The book of James is still touching—the commitment to see good works accompany our faith, respect for humble people, help for the poor and needy, all very touching. 

The leaders meeting for evaluation of impact and possible changes for increasing impact was very fruitful:

ECLEA is becoming a model discipleship, connecting, and unity of ministry. 
One of the ladies, Jackie, who was staying hungry with her two children was helped, counseled and is now doing very good business, eating well and her children  in school. 
Chrode, an elder whose wife has a new baby was thrown out of the house for rent problems. Elves members of Kanombe and Hilltop, all of us put Franks together and he is now building a small house on his plot. He got faith to abandon renting. Thank God for Auleria who led this project. 
Two other big points in the Elves teachers meeting were to do with smartening follow-up and personal study and improvement as teachers.
Respectfully submitted, Francis Ngoboka


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator



This meeting continued well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Peter Mwangi. The meeting had 24 participants. The following major denominations were represented:
1. Redeemed Gospel Church (Host)
2. National Independent Church of Africa
3. First Born Church
4. Christian Outreach Church
5. Jesus Mountain of Joy Church
6. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church


REV. JAMES MWANGI – Felt that the meeting had greatly helped him. He said he had learnt on the importance of having a burden for the church in service. He had also learnt about the importance of helping marriages in their church to be stronger, so that the church can also be strong.

PASTOR GABRIEL – Learnt on the importance of making more disciples in order to enhance church growth. He also learnt the importance of standing firm as a leader, so that the church can also stand firm.

PRISCILLAH NYAMBURA – Learnt on the importance of praying for her family to be strong. This is because when families are strong the church which comprises of people not just the building is also strong.

TABITHA NJERI – Learnt that discipleship is a process. She noted that she has to be a faithful disciple herself so that she can also disciple others.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

The Nairobi Region of ECLEA - Kenyan chapter under the leadership of Rev David Njeru & Rev Peter Mwangi did a follow up on two courses on Wednesday, July 3 2019 at Mountain of Joy Church in Kawangware.

The following were highlights from the two courses:

• Samuel: The qualities of a leader especially temper helped me a lot. I used to be very aggressive in the negative but since I went through this material, I have now cooled down.The study has also helped me to teach in the Sunday School department in my church with a new zeal. In addition, it has given me much courage to stand before people

• Makokha & Purity shared similar sentiments of being obedient to the leadership where one serves as well as being patient with them.

•In summary, the teaching on 1 Timothy has enhanced the leadership qualities of those who attended the training.

•There was a general consensus that the book helped all the participants to relate with forgiveness in their lives. Some of the incidences narrated were too personal from very close relatives. The teaching helped such ones to let go & the healing was almost instant.

The realization that unforgiveness is like taking poison & expect the other party to die was a very sobering truth which helped the participants to release every poison in their hearts with ease.

•One of the participants narrated how he met some people quarrelling on the recently introduced Huduma Number in Kenya. He was able to hear both sides & with wisdom reconciled both groups.

•Someone else said that she initially thought unforgiveness is punishment to the other party but she realised it doesn't profit anything not to forgive. She added that forgiveness is not automatic but one has to go out & show it as she did.

•Mary on her part said the teachings had helped her to forgive herself of many ills which were in her heart. She said she is now happier & lighter.

In conclusion, the ECLEA material is making a very big difference in the lives of pastors & church leaders in this part of the world.

Thank you ECLEA team & all the supporters of this program. 

In the Lord's Vineyard.

Rev. David Njeru, ECLEA, Nairobi Region Coordinator


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Report from Kenya, July 8, 2019

Here we are fine in the Lord and still pressing on. Last Saturday I taught below class Biblical Theology. The students were able to know the types and symbols of Christ in the OT and NT. Patterns of Reversal were clearly understood by the students. What made students love this manual is when they understood that they are the true Israel. I personally thank you for your efforts in making sure that ECLEA courses are taught to all corners of East Africa.

God has given me favor and His grace in this Town called Karatina. I have a class of 49 students so far. The following are the different denominations that are represented:
1. Gospel outreach churches.
2. Full gospel Churches of Kenya.
3. Redeemed gospel Churches.
4. Restoration and Promise Churches.
5. God's grace and glory Churches.
6. Gospel revival Churches.
7. Kingdom of God Manifestation Churches.
8. Victors CHAPEL. 
9. Holy Ghost Akorino churches.
10. African Independent Churches 
11. Gospel outreach assemblies church.
12. Free Pentecostal churches of Kenya.
13. Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK). 
14. High Grace Ministries.
I am forgetting some more denominations that are represented, about four of them.

In a nutshell the impact is highly felt by the inhabitants of this Town. NPBC Principal when he heard of how our partnership is making a difference—he gave us a full library last Friday.

Finally I have just decided to let you know that I have a heart for ECLEA. I use a lot of my time and money to recruit students from the villages and Towns that are near to Karatina. God bless you and all the people who supports ECLEA and ECLEA is here to live in Jesus.

Regards, Bishop Barnabas, Class Director


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

ECLEA: Trip to Tanzania, June 16-July 8, 2019

Arusha-Book of James
We had about 24 enthusiastic and engaged attendees.

I began by asking for the participants to talk about what they had done to teach/apply what they had learned in prior ECLEA conferences. One related how he had taught the people about the environment (Biblical Stewardship course). The church now joins local people to help clean up the environment. Several talked about our course on Forgiveness & Reconciliation. One said it was "astounding." It resulted in healing his own marriage and he was amazed as he saw several people ask for forgiveness. More than one pastor talked about how he is teaching now and not just "preaching." So it appears that we are making a difference.

The course on James itself went well. The entire book keeps, in various ways, forcing people to go deeper in their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God through Christ. This is one of the most practical books.

One pastor raised the issue of how she had given some money to her pastor to hold, but he spent it. When she asked for the money back, he exploded. She is obviously still bitter about this. I mentioned how our course on Forgiveness & Reconciliation would help here. This, in turn, prompted a long discussion in Swahili in which, my translator told me, everyone said that he or she had been hurt in various ways. They are going to do Forgiveness & Reconciliation as a group themselves.

After the course ended, one participant said that "this goes to the heart of the gospel." Another said, "I wish we had heard this when we first received the gospel many years ago."

Babati-Biblical Interpretation
Dickson and I then drove 21/2 hours south to Babati where we did Biblical Interpretation with 34 attendees. The method I follow is use 8 core hermeneutical principles as the template (each of the 5 sessions focusing on 1 to 3 of the principles). The last principle is application (although applicational points are talked about as they come up throughout the course). After some explanation, we spend much of our time analyzing passages of Scripture, either in small groups or as a whole. Hence, this course is very interactive, and I think the participants learned a lot.

We began days 2 and 3 with extended questions and comments from the participants. In short, one participant said, "There are many things here that are not in the Bible Colleges I have been to." He added, "I was praying, 'God, forgive us for the narrowness of mind we have had.'"

We are now back in Arusha. We will now be taking the 14+ hour bus ride to Mwanza by Lake Victoria. After doing Biblical Interpretation there, we will plan on returning to Arusha for a night, then taking the 12 hour bus ride to Dar es Salaam for the book of James. Ugh (but TZ is as big as the rest of East Africa combined).

Mwanza-Biblical interpretation
We finished 3 1/2 days of Biblical Interpretation in Mwanza, TZ (which is at the southern tip of Lake Victoria). We had about 42 eager participants. Dickson said that many of them were not as trained as most of the participants in Arusha and Babati. Nevertheless, there were obviously many sharp people, many questions each day, and, I think, a very profitable 3 1/2 days.

Here are some of the testimonies of a few of the participants:
     * One woman said she had to repent because she had been saying things about the Bible that weren't true.
     * One man said that he had been to theological school, but there it had just filled his head but had not been practical (as here).
     * More than one participant said that they had never seen the deep truths of the Bible as they had in this course (two of those things we spent some time on were the [misnamed] "parable of the prodigal son" in Luke 15, particularly regarding the significance of the older son; another was a detailed look at the Abrahamic Covenant [we looked at Genesis 12 and 15] and how it is fulfilled in detail in Christ and the church).

We are now back in Arusha. Tomorrow we take the long bus ride to Dar es Salaam; after that to Tanga (both for the book of James); then home!

Kibaha-book of James
Kibaha is a suburb of Dar es Salaam. This class had an unusual start. When we arrived at the church, it was locked and no one was there. The pastor claimed he was sick, but he had not given the key to anyone else. After waiting around for two hours, we decamped to another nearby church and the conference was able to proceed.

We had approximately 23 participants; three of the men had been Muslims. One of them had been a radical Muslim and had been involved in killing a police officer. The families of each of the men disowned them after they became Christians, and the uncle of one of them had even intended to kill the recent convert to Christ with a machete. Despite hardships, Christ has preserved them, and they are now leaders in the church.

The class itself went well. Bishop Sheggah said that our manual on the book of James talks about the deep things of the faith. He is thinking of using it in a long term cell group in his church.

Tanga-book of James
In Tanga we had about 20 participants and completed our course on the book of James in two full days. One participant said that going through the book showed him how wrongly he has been in doing many things, but he said he is committed to repenting and changing.

Michael Nyangusi, who translated our manual on James, said that he had read the book of James several times in the past but never realized how deep it was until he translated our ECLEA commentary on it. He added that he wants to teach this to a class.

James 5:16 talks about confessing your sins to one another. I raised the issue of developing an "accountability partner" so that one could do this. No one in Tanga (and only one person in Kibaha) had anyone they trusted enough to be able to confess their sins to. This prompted a lengthy discussion in Swahili among the participants concerning the lack of trust and transparency in the church in East Africa. I hope that these church leaders will be able to turn this around.

I am now home until the latter part of August, when I will leave for Uganda. Thank you for your support. You are making a difference. Jonathan


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

15, 16, 17th July, Kanombe center had 42 students who attended OT Overview. The clarity, arrangement of the book was exciting to many, including me who was teaching it. Thanks to our sister Rosemary’s effort in putting all this resource together.

22, 23, 24th July, 24 leaders attended the Kayonza class studying the book of James, which is edifying the members by the deep emphasis on works and faith. 

25, 26, 27th July, the book of James in Ruhango was quite appreciated. There is understanding on being doers and not hearers only, generating commitment to being practical. 

In the follow-up, unusual findings came up. As were teaching Biblical Stewardship and the other essentials like creativity and environment, one brother went back, thought critically, and is now turning waste paper into flower pots, a thing that has turned  his life around  financially! He actually even went ahead  and got payment.
Rudasingwa rented a plot and planted sheer seeds, which medicinal value and now earns good income from this. So we thank God we are surrounded with such great testimonies as a result of our courses. Thank God.



On Wednesday, the 31st of July Pst Peter Mwangi & I conducted a very successful follow-up on two ECLEA courses.

The following are the main points as captured during the sharing:


     Makokha - I was enlightened & learnt that it is not giving advice but helping the client using the Bible to come up with his or her own solutions. It has helped me so much as a leader.

     Rev Njeru shared an incident where he encountered a crisis counseling where this lady (a pastor) never wanted to hear anything about God or the Bible! She was actually questioning God on everything & thought God was the cause of her predicaments even after serving Him faithfully for years, yet she could not show anything tangible to be pround of after serving God wholeheartedly. Using the skills learnt, he was able to assist her to see issues in a different way & she finally was able to smile again.

     Nancy shared how she helped someone who was about to poison - with an intention to kill - her husband. She had also abadoned church but she was restored back.


The following came out so strongly:

Marriage originated from God & so should be held in utmost honor by all.
Communication is key to keep my marriage ablaze. I'm practicing it well.
When I keep my role as a wife or husband, there is harmony in my marriage.
Someone else said, "I'm not married but the course gave me a good premarital counseling. I feel I'm well equipped to enter marriage."
My marriage is not measured by having children. Children found us in marriage.
"I never used to apply any love language in my marriage. After this course, my marriage is vibrant since I apply some of the love languages in my marriage. My husband is very appreciative. Thanks to ECLEA."
Compiled by
Rev David Njeru, ECLEA Nairobi Region Cordinator



Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordintor

Here we are doing well and we have proceeding with our training to different places according to our schedule for August.

This is the new region which has been divided from Mwanza region with several districts. Here we had more than 34 participants who were eager to learn shown all most on time and paid for their food and books well the appointed coordinator seem to work well as well as the earlier information for the preparation.

Here we had 34 participants and we taught the book of 1 Timothy where at many participants said, they never attended the course like this where one book of the Bible taught chapter to chapter and verse to verse. One added, “More than that I have been supporting false teaching because I didn’t know the truth about them but through ECLEA now and the area church leadership chapter it has touched me that I need to change and apply the word of God.”

Here had 27 participants and we taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Here are some testimonies: Paul Chaba, host pastor, CPCT sub-location, secretary and other said, “I thought I knew what is forgiveness but now through this teaching am changed in the way to forgive my offenders. I learned that not to forgive is drinking a poison and wait some to die while am killing myself. The church today is full of people doesn't know what the mining of forgiveness and how to forgive.” One bishop said, “I am going to put this to our college syllabus to be taught to every semester and we are requesting ECLEA director to help us during those semester.” I told we will glad to do so.

Here we had 16 participants and we trained on 1 Timothy where we had a lot of discussion and questions. Then we divided them into groups where they discussed the context and the meaning. Also we gave them some part to teach and see how they presented the meaning in context. At the end they gave their testimonies where everyone said where theyhave been helped and how are they going to change. One said “I am changed in the chapter 3 on the qualifications church leaders,” another on false teaching had no confidence to speak because of narrow understanding. Others had problems connecting the flow of thought of the writer. The last person said, “I had a lot of ignorance in many areas of preaching and leading people, e.g., excising power, not listening others, etc.”

Here we had 44 participants and we taught Marriage and Parenting. At the end people were saying we did not differentiate between Christian marriage to traditional marriage, except knowing that the only thing is for Christians to get married in the church by wedding ceremony, and others they can just agree move to live in one house. They said now we learn that husband and wife should know God's will to each other and treat one another in being obedient to God.

Here we had 33 participants and we taught 1 Timothy. One bishop said, “The church needs this teaching now and it is a deliverance to people who had been robbed with this prosperity preacher and false teachers. I had changed in the giving people titles in without dealing according biblical qualification.”


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


This meeting continued well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Ernest Mwiltsa. The meeting had 17 participants. The following major denominations were represented:
     1. Redeemed Gospel Church (Host)
     2. Stewardship Revival Church
     3. Catholic Church
     4. Jehova Nissi Church
     5. Christian Outreach Mission Worldwide
     6. Glorious Celebration Church
     7. Alpha Missions Church
     8. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church
     9. Gospel Revival Church
   10. Kingdom Light Congregation


REV. JOHN NGIGE – Said he had seen the practicality of the book of James in a new way. He was particularly touched by the teaching on trials and temptations. He was able to understand that God does not bring temptations, but allows trials in believer’s lives to help them learn patience and endurance.

PASTOR RACHEAL KIMANI – Noted and learnt on the importance of praying, not for selfish ambitions but to glorify God by praying in his will. He saw the danger of praying self centered prayers.

REV. ALEX KIRERI – Felt he had been empowered to teach the book of James with authority and confidence. He felt he had learnt a lot especially on the danger of the sin of partiality.

REV. TOM MBOYA – Also saw the book in a new way. He was particularly impressed by the teaching on the sin use of the tongue and the importance of acquiring heavenly wisdom.



This meeting went on well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Monica Wambui. The meeting had 15 participants. The following major denominations were represented:


REPORTS: The delegates were eager to learn as the meeting went on and were very inquisitive.

MRS JANE THIONGO felt that forgiveness is a process of healing, restructuring, embracing and building. She said it is not easy but it is possible with God by His sufficient grace and to a willing heart. She also felt that it is important and a key for every Christian life.

PST JOSEPH NDUNGU said he had been equipped to be a good mediator to bring people together. He particularly felt the importance of using the steps of the Worthington’s bridge model of reconciliation.

MR. THIONGO saw that forgiveness and reconciliation should be a way of life for every believer.
PST ZABLON now understood the responsibility he has of forgiving and reconciling people to God, and to each other. He saw it as a huge task which he said he is willing to undertake by the grace of God.

PST BUTROUS saw the importance of forgiveness and teaching people to repent and reconcile for their Christian well-being.

In His Service, James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Here in my region we are doing well and the Lords presence has been with us. My big business here is to bring different church leaders together under the banner of ECLEA, Secondly, with the help of the ECLEA materials to learn and understand as many areas of the Bible as possible.

This has been my fourth conference this year, and it was one of the Best and Big conference so far.   My desire is to have the coming one a more bigger than this. This course on the nature, purpose, and mission of the church seems to address  many challenges in our local church.

The attendance was over twenty five church leaders. The participants were very lively in their contribution and solutions pertaining church leadership and especially in the areas of Discipleship. This has encouraged me so much. 

God bless you, Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA regional coordinator


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

Trip to Uganda: Aug 24-Sept 12, 2019

The following are from the reports from the field of my recently-completed trip to Uganda:

Part 1: Bishop Stephen Sempala and I have been in Kiryandongo, Uganda for the past week teaching approximately 24 lay readers (as well as some priests) of the Masindi-Kitara Diocese of the Church of Uganda (Anglican). We began with the book of James and concluded with a refresher course on Biblical Stewardship.

Book of James
James went very well and was eye-opening. As elsewhere, the participants saw how the book goes to the heart of Christianity and what true, saving faith looks like. One participant, who had heard me discuss James 1:27 (which talks about true religious rituals/ceremonies as being taking care of the poor and needy and not having one's values and priorities shaped by the world) in an earlier course, commented that that verse had so impressed him that he and his small group began contributing small amounts of money each week and then delivering it to people in need. One recipient stated when they came to her house, "I had felt that I had been forgotten, but I feel that God has come to me today!"

Biblical Stewardship
This course is all about applying biblical principles to all areas of life. Lots of questions were generated, particularly about good food to eat and proper nutrition; the use of plants for medicinal purposes (unfortunately, past missionaries had said that the use of God-given plants for medicinal purposes was Satanic because witch doctors also used them); issues regarding the family; how to budget; and other matters. I hope this will prove to be a turning point for many lives.

A new Bishop!
I am happy to say that Julius Ceaser Nina, one of ECLEA-Uganda's national leaders, has just been elected the new Bishop of the West Lango diocese of the Church of Uganda. He had been an archdeacon in the Masindi-Kitara diocese. I am very happy for him. He is a good man, and this should give ECLEA entrance not only to a new diocese, but his influence will be felt throughout to province of Uganda. Congratulations, Bishop Julius!

Refugee camp
Near Kiryandongo is a large refugee camp of more that 60,000 people, mainly from South Sudan. One of the participants at our Kiryandongo training sessions, Chaplain [that is his first name] Mogga, is an Anglican leader in that refugee camp. He is planning on opening an ECLEA training center in the camp to train the church leaders there so that they will be well equipped when they return to South Sudan. We praise God for His providence in bringing Chaplain Chaplain to us.

Part 2: We recently completed our course on Christianity & Islam in Soroti, UG. ECLEA teacher and coordinator Alex Obaale hosted us and 15 eager participants at his church, Daystar Assembly Church. This is the first time I had used our recently-completed, 3-part abridged version of the book. It went well: we were able to complete part 1 on day one, part 2 on day two, and part 3 on day three. (Like all our books, "Christianity & Islam: The Essentials" is on the ËCLEA Courses & Resources" page of the ECLEA website [] and may be downloaded for free.)

The course book is subtitled "The Essentials" and that largely tells the story. This book not only discusses the essential aspects of Islam but also the essential aspects of Christianity, including: the biblical and historical evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection; the fact that Jesus is the divine "Son of God"; the necessity of the cross and what Jesus accomplished on the cross; the Trinity; and important implications of all those things and more.

There were multiple questions and good discussions. The last chapter of the book concerns bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel, primarily by using the Qurán and Islamic culture themselves. At the end of the course one participant said that our discussion of how to use Q. 3:42-55 (which focuses on Jesus - his holiness, power over life and death, and the fact that he is the way to heaven) was exciting, and he was looking forward to using it with his Muslim friends.

Another participant said that she has a Muslim co-worker whom she knows well and a Muslim family member. Until now she had not known what to say to them, but now she has some good ideas.

May God use this teaching in the lives of all the participants to deepen their own faith, to enable them to teach their own people, and to enable them to be God's instruments to lead many Muslims to the light and life that only Jesus can give us.

Part 3: We completed our final conference -- Christianity & Islam -- in Namagunga (near Mukono). 
Namagunga is where ECLEA's Uganda national coordinator, Bishop Stephen Sempala, has a primary and secondary school.

We had approximately 15 participants from various parts of the country. Chaplain Chaplain, who inisters in a large refugee camp near Kiryandongo and whom I met two weeks ago at our conference in Kiryandongo, was present, as was pastor-teacher Godfrey whom I met by chance at my hotel. He called it a "God connection."

I again used the abridged Christianity & Islam manual. It worked well for timing purposes and is less expensive for the 
participants than is the unabridged book. The conference itself went well.

One of the matters we deal with is the Trinity. The participants said that, while many pastors preach and teach 
on various attributes of God, then tend to avoid teaching on the Trinity itself. Now, the participants seem to 
have a good grasp of the concept of the Trinity. After the conference ended, two of the participants told me that they will be teaching on and explaining the Trinity to their people.

The participants also seemed eager to begin sharing the wealth of information they learned with Muslims. I believe (and certainly pray) 
that their efforts will bear much fruit. Please hold them up in your prayers.

I will now be home for just over a month before I leave for Burundi and a short return to Uganda 

for my final trip to East Africa this year. I hope to see some of you while I am home. 

God bless you, Jonathan


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

We are alright and pressing on with service. Missed you in Uganda, was quite busy the other side. 

12th-14th Sept book of James with Kanombe group 2 was quite great and stirring up to be servants  of God in action. Taught with Theophil who  is increasingly becoming a good teacher. The quiz members asked, remarks all pointed to lesson well learned and we expect good results at personal level and church. 

15th-17th Sept, OT Overview at Hilltop proved a great motivation for Bible study. Friends kept thrilled with the links of OT and New Testament. “A good addition onto biblical theology book,” Jean Chrode said. 

25th Sept, Follow up in Rukira for Stewardship and Expository Preaching. The leaders and the church are greatly conscious  of what the Lord has entrusted them with, and on a lookout for more He is doing. Observed believers good participation in the ongoing rice project in the community. Thank God, for more activeness now than before. 

Kayonza, 18th-20th Sept, Expository Preaching has proved quite helpful. The situation here is many new leaders who belong to denominations that are more evangelical, notably agape sanctuary so that this approach is an incredible input into them. Especially Nahimana (Pr) is very happy. 

Byumba, 10th-12th Sept, OT Overview. 

18th-20th Sept, Rukira. The Book of James was like-new yet they had read over and over. Our course content brought unusual better understanding. Confessions of commitment to being doers and not hearers  only as is normally the challenge.

We also had an urgent board meeting on the 6th Sept due to the current government strictness with training programs whereby several Bible colleges were actually closed. We discussed our 
=impact in the different locations. 
=inclusion of business and government people in ECLEA leadership. 

The discussions and findings of our impact were great. 

Sister Margret taught our book Forgiveness and Reconciliation in their church, United Christian Center, and even the Bishop was touched, convicted, and called all the leaders and people he had issues with and was unusual time of forgiveness and getting back. 

The same many testimonies in Kanombe, Ruhango, Kayonza and Rukira.

We thank God for the happenings and changed lives of ministers. Even though the diplomas are needed, but there is more focus now on the changed lives, ministers, families which the ideal situation.



Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

Oct 2019: We did number of ECLEA courses to different places with good results, but I realized that having the same people doing courses one after another makes big difference. I have a team of devoted young leaders who after doing five courses, are now organizing themselves for a mission to one of the nearby village. I have visited other pastors who are now teaching ECLEA material to the congregations. 


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Oct 8-10th: Kayonza - learnt Christianity and Islam by Protais which was new experience as usual as the leaders were challenged and commuted to helping our Moslem friends.

Oct 15-17th: Rukira - OT overview, interesting as we observe this great foundation for the New Testament organised in an understandable manner. Preaching from the Old Testament had previously been hard because of this challenge of lack of understanding of sound connection.

Oct 21-23rd: Kanombe - Revelation was fairly understood, clearing earlier issues of fear that it can’t be understood and as well other misconceptions on rapture, tribulation, 666, and the 1000 years reign.

Oct 25th: Matimba – follow-up on Stewardship, increased commitment to do the things within our means and learning new practical things: back yard vegetables, pumpkins and fruits.

Oct 27th: Ruhango – follow-up on Expository Preaching. I was able to be there up to Sunday and preached in the church as a model of expository, trying to include illustrations related to the real issues in community and with the peoples. The report of the brethren to pastor was excellent.
So we thank God it’s coming up.

Hilltop/Kanombe follow-up: The three aspects of the book, The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose are changing the brethren positively and particularly in care, love, and unity. In the month of November alone, two care cases have been handled:

-one sister whose husband’s whereabouts are not known, lacking and struggling, brethren contributed money to help her, which was a good testimony around the place.

-a sister who is our student lost a husband and all the other students are putting together money to support her through this hard period and we are up to 45,000 francs now, almost ready to go to her place. Great testimonies of care and unity. We thank God.


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We (Rev. Peter Mwangi & Rev. David Njeru) had Biblical Theology training with 24 participants drawn from diverse churches in Nairobi region from Wednesday 23 - Friday 25 October 2019.

The whole course was generally of great interest with participants frequently asking clarity questions.

A good example is: Why did God not reveal Jesus in the Old Testament by name? The answer was: He is Sovereign and he owes no one an explanation. From the beginning, He announced His existence and not an explanation.

As we proceeded, quite a number never knew that the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the story of redemption of man with Jesus as the main subject in each of the 66 books of the Bible.

The following are some of the highlights from the participants:

a) "I have clearly known that the church is the new Israel and God deals with her spiritually unlike the physical aspect of the Old Testament Israel. Again, the church is eternal & Israel is physical."

b) "The now and the not yet aspect of the kingdom of God was very profound in my understanding of the Bible. Thank you ECLEA for this wonderful training."

God bless you, David Njeru

Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This is my fifth conference this year. We did it on Oct 29-31, 2019.  Our course was on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose.

As I told you earlier, ECLEA has won many senior church leaders in many areas, and therefore minimal struggle in organizing the conferences. This includes even in buying of different manuals of ECLEA.
We had over twenty-five participants, and it was so good to the extent, they even demanded to have another course next year God willing.

Rev. Fredrick Njoroge


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

Report of trip to Burundi and Uganda, Oct-Nov 2019 (the 3 parts are as they were sent from the field):

For the past week we have been in Muzye—a rural village in mountainous eastern Burundi, near the border with Tanzania. We went through Biblical Eschatology (the study of the “last things”) with about 30 interested participants (the numbers increased after constant morning rains the first two days abated, which allowed the people to come on bicycle or foot from as much as 20 km away).

The course ran 5 full days, from about 9:00AM to 4:30 PM most days. Each day we began with Q&A, which generally lasted at least an hour (and Q&A further took place throughout the teaching time each day). The questions typically honed in on fundamental and important issues, which showed me that the participants were both interested and understood what we were talking about.

Our course is based on my book Biblical Eschatology, 2nd ed (Wipf & Stock, 2018), which is the most comprehensive book on the subject available. Itcovers all major eschatological passages, issues, and positions, and which reveals how eschatology fits into the overall biblical eschatological structure and storyline. I also tried to show the participants the ethical implications of eschatology. Virtually everything we talked about was new to the participants who for the most part had only heard of a still rather popular but biblically aberrant view.

Although they were challenged, they appeared to understand and appreciate the teaching. These rural Burundians are quite poor, but the vast majority purchased the books as well as contributed for their own food (as well, of course, as their own transport and lodging). One participant said that the teaching had so excited and exercised his mind that he was unable to sleep and spent most of two nights reading the book!

We also met with the Anglican bishop of Rutana (the town we stayed in because of lack of decent accommodations in Muzye). He was so impressed with ECLEA’s materials and approach that he wants to open a teaching center in Rutana for educated younger people—both of his church and other churches—who are or intend to become involved in church work. We will be following up with him to get this launched. With the bishop’s backing and vision, this could prove to have a huge impact.

We are now in Cankuzo and will again be doing Biblical Eschatology for the week. After that, I will be going to Uganda for the course on Christianity & Islam. I may not have internet access again until I get to Uganda (if then). I will try to send you another report from the field, but in any event I will report back to you after I reach home (scheduled for Nov 7). Thank you for your prayers and support. I hope you can see that you are making a big difference in a strategically important area of the world with people who otherwise would largely be left in shallowness, if not also in error and darkness. Believe me, I and those who we are reaching value and appreciate you.

We have finished 5 full days teaching Biblical Eschatology to approximately 35 participants in Cankuzo, northeastern Burundi. Things went similarly to the conference in Muzye: LOTS of Q&A. I think that most people really "got" what we were saying even though, again, the only thing they had ever previously heard was an incoherent and, in my view, thoroughly unbiblical view of eschatology. Our three women participants agreed among themselves to meet as a group every week to study our ECLEA books together.

I am also pleased to say that one of the benefits of teaching is that sometimes aspects of the course that had not been "front and center" in my mind became clarified for me as we went through the course. That happened in Cankuzo, for which I am very grateful.

Rema Ministries (ECLEA's indigenous partner in Burundi--I was with Francois Nitunga and Frederic Harerimana of Rema throughout) has an excellent teaching program: They have several centers around Burundi where they teach ECLEA's books. But not just that. They return to each center every 2 months and spend 5 days each time. They insist that the participants commit to attend all of the courses, and they give written assignments! (I wish something similar was done elsewhere.) Further, they always begin by asking the participants to describe what they have done to teach and apply what they have learned and what difference that has made. 

Here are some of those testimonies (from both Muzye and Cankuzo):
* I was a church leader but had no seminary training. I didn't know what I was preaching. Now I know where to find answers to the peoples' questions. I used to think the money (given in church) belonged to me and my wife. I didn't know what was happening with it. Now we plan together, and others can see how our lives have been transformed.
* Gapucho: I use the ECLEA books for sermon preparation. Now I understand the OT as a type and shadow of the NT. I never understood about the scapegoat as pointing to Jesus, but now I do.
* Clement (I): I misled the people because I never understood the Bible. Now I have repented of that. Also, the course on Biblical Stewardship was foundational for me. I started planting banana trees. At first my kids and neighbors laughed at me, but when I began harvesting bananas they started imitating me! Also, the course on Christianity & Islam has given me confidence in speaking to Muslims.
* Emmanuel: I went to four years of seminary in Tanzania but have found that the ECLEA books are more enlightening than what I learned in seminary. 
* Josephine: I never used to understand the book of Revelation. Now I see that the OT and NT are inseparable and the NT clarifies the OT. I always had thought that the "beast" of Revelation (Rev 13) was a real animal, not a symbol.
* Clement (II): I used to think that preaching meant elevating the voice. Now I see that the content of what you tell the people is most important. 
* The study of the book of James showed me that our faith should be shown by our works. I taught the people about hygiene. I told them they should be models and build toilets. This has had an impact on my neighborhood. 
* These teachings have opened our eyes. I have formed 9 groups and have prepared teachings for them through May of next year. I don't want what I've learned to remain with me. (Another participant similarly said, "Now in preaching, people are happy to understand the background; we explain the Word. Cell groups have gone from 30 to 61 participants. We are now teaching the cell group leaders.")
* I never knew that I had to prepare the message I preach, but now I do. As a result of the course on Biblical Marriage & Parenting, some people are now coming to me for counseling. (Another participant similarly said that "some people are coming to Christ through what we have done in the families through the Marriage & Parenting course.")
* Before, I based my teaching on one verse without context. No longer. Now I see that Jesus Christ is the central character from Genesis through Revelation.

I could have added several more such testimonies, but I think it is pretty clear. ECLEA is making a difference. Our motto is "Deep foundations--Healthy churches--Transformed lives." These testimonies and others like them show that this is happening now! And to you, my friends, goes the credit. Your prayer and financial support is what is making this happen. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (And, as we approach the end of the year, please keep this in mind in connection with your plans for year-end, tax-deductible giving!)

I am leaving this evening for Uganda and will plan on sending you another report (with photos) after I return home next week. 

Two days ago I returned from East Africa. Our final conference was on Christianity & Islam with a good group of over 50 priests and lay readers at the Masindi-Kitara diocese of the Church of Uganda (Anglican). Archdeacon Francis Kajura (one of ECLEA-Uganda's national leaders) did an excellent job of organizing the conference. I had wanted to do Christianity & Islam in Masindi, since this year I was able to do that course in eastern Uganda (Soroti), central Uganda (Namagunga), and now western Uganda (Masindi).

The evening before our last day, archdeacon Kajura met with the entire group to plan a follow-up program. They agreed to meet each month in small groups in the 4 archdeaconries of the diocese to study and discuss the material (not only Christianity & Islam but also ECLEA's other course material). I think this will be key. Follow-up discussions will help cement the material in the minds of these leaders to enable them to teach their people clearly and with confidence.

It also looks like our ECLEA course materials will be able to be included in the church's theological school as part of its curriculum. I hope this will happen, since our materials are truly first class and including them as part of a formal educational institution will greatly increase their impact.

This completes my fifth (and final) trip to East Africa this year. I will be home for just over two months now, before returning to Burundi in mid-January. ECLEA is clearly making a difference throughout East Africa. To you, ECLEA's prayer and financial supporters, I owe a great debt of thanks. Within the next month or so, I will be sending you ECLEA's year-end report. Until then, God bless you.


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional cordinator

This meeting continued well on the above mentioned dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Tom Mboya. The meeting had 10 delegates. The following major denominations were represented:-
   1. GGFAN Church
   2. Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya
   3. Redeemed Gospel Church
   4. African Inland Church
   5. Kingdom Light Congregation
   6. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church

The meeting continued and the delegates were eager to learn and were keen in listening.
PST. SAMUEL NDIRANGU – Said he had learnt a lot, but he had particularly learnt on the true meaning of the Sabbath. He said he now understood it better and it will also help their church as he teaches.
PASTOR EPHANTUS KANYI – Also said he had learnt a lot. One issue that baffled him was how that Jesus rejected the physical Israel and replaced it with the church which is the spiritual Israel.
PST. ANN NDIRANGU – Also learnt on how the sin of Adam caused suffering to the entire human race.
TABITHA WAMAITHA – Also felt that she had benefited a lot. She learnt the importance of reading the Bible in its totality, both the Old and the New Testament.

Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I held my last conference last week, 28-30/11/2019 on Biblical Stewardship and it was such a big success. In fact my three last conferences had a participation of over twenty five participants, mostly the senior pastors of different denomination. T me this was a miracle.

This last conference of the year had thirty participants, and the manuals I had carried were not enough. In fact, I am in the process of printing some more and take them to their places.

ECLEA materials are now well embraced by a majority of church leaders in this region. By this I hope  by next year I will move on and try to expose more truth of the word of God through ECLEA materials to as many church leaders as possible in this region.

May the Lord be with you in this festive season.
Rev Fredrick Njoroge


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinaor

My final report this year of the Lord.
We started this year with the course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose and ended the year with Biblical Stewardship.

Something very common came out all through in those six conferences that I held:
     1. The majority of the senior pastors have embraced the ECLEA teaching and materials.
     2. The participation rose from twenty in the beginning of the year to thirty last November.
     3. Organization of the conferences this year was very simple because the area pastors took control by becoming part      and parcel of the meeting.
     4. Although all courses had a positive impact The Church: Its nature, Mission, and Purpose took the lead.
     5. I have a few leaders who have shown interest in the ECLEA website and this is an indication that ECLEA materials have entered to the rural areas.

Challenges experienced:
     1. Many church leaders do not seem to like to recruit Disciples as per the direction of the course. Some claim they are busy, and this I have found is not true.
     2. Reading and studying the word of God still remains to be desired among the leaders especially those in rural settings.
     3. Discipleship doctrine has been like a new subject, and hence needs more time. Not only in theory but understand how to actualize. God willing next year I am willing to meet those willing and interested in how to constitute a discipleship class. Discipleship class setting is a real challenge.

I want to wish you God’s blessing this festive season and the new year of 2020.
Rev. Fredrick Njoroge


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

December 19, 2019
I have just returned from Rubanda and Kyotera where I carried out ECLEA training on Biblical Marriage and Parenting. The first time I visited Kyotera, I found that the church had a challenge with family setting. This is one of the places in Uganda where HIV/AIDS started from in 1980's and this region was much affected by the scourge.

So when it came to Marriage and Parenting this course fitted well, in terms of being faithful to one another, dealing with the youth in their communities, parents’ responsibilities towards their children, divorce, and family planning. These were the questions that the leaders raised. But in the nutshell I reminded the leaders that marriage is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church at the end of the day after all has been done.

Below is the just concluded training yesterday.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Sempala


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director


2019 has been an eventful year for ECLEA. The year began with a significant computer hacking and theft. We fixed that problem, and you—our faithful friends—generously covered that loss, enabling ECLEA to accomplish more this year than ever before. Here are some of the highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
As I have done for several years, I made 5 trips to East Africa and did training sessions in each of the countries of the East Africa Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda).

   * Burundi: I made two trips to Burundi, teaching Biblical Eschatology in two different venues and the book of Revelation in one, to a total of 99 participants.
   * Kenya: I taught Christianity & Islam in three different venues to a total of 65 participants.
   * Rwanda: I made one trip to Rwanda, teaching Biblical Theology in two different venues to 74 total participants.
   * Tanzania: I taught the book of James in three venues to 67 total participants and Biblical Interpretation in two venues to 76 total participants.
   * Uganda: I made two trips to Uganda, teaching Christianity & Islam three times to 80 total participants. The three venues included the eastern part of the country (Soroti), central Uganda (Namagunga), and western Uganda (Masindi).

Frank Cummings’ work in East Africa
Frank made one trip to Kenya in January, where he taught Biblical Counseling in Nairobi and Hermeneutics in Murang’a and Mombasa to approximately 60 total participants.

Robert and Sondra Adams’ work in East Africa
Robert and Sondra made one trip to Tanzania in Sept-Oct where they did two three-day Biblical Marriage and Parenting conferences. They had 55 registered in Arusha (Sept 26-28) and 58 in Babati (Sept 30-Oct 2). About half the attendees were women. They had very engaged audiences, good questions and feedback. They even had two Muslim gentlemen attend in Arusha who wanted to hear “what Christians teach about marriage.”  Afterwards they wanted us to present the material at the mosque. One lady commented, “I was really hurting, and what you said has brought healing.”

Paul and Rosemary Nelsen’s work in East Africa
Paul and Rosemary Nelsen accompanied me on my trip to Kenya. Paul taught Christianity & Islam with me and Rosemary premiered her Biblical Literacy (OT Overview) course in East Africa (she has taught it many times in the US). She taught this valuable course in three venues to a total of 65 participants.

All-African ECLEA training conferences
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! This is reflected in the all-African ECLEA training sessions conducted in 2019. My records indicate our East African ECLEA teams taught the following:

   * Burundi: Rema Ministries is ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi. Rema has established 4 teaching centers around the country and typically teaches for 5 days in a row, giving assignments and conducting follow-up, returning every two months. They taught 26 sessions among the four centers.
   * Kenya: Kenya has 12 regions for ECLEA training. This year the ECLEA-Kenya teams have conducted 75 all-African ECLEA conferences and follow-ups.
   * Rwanda: Rwanda has established 7 training centers around the country. This year the ECLEA-Rwanda teams have conducted 50 ECLEA training conferences and follow-up sessions.
   * Tanzania: Tanzania is divided into 4 zones which are subdivided into regions and districts. This year ECLEA-Tanzania teams have taught 103 all-African conferences and follow-up sessions.
   * Uganda: Uganda is divided into 3 ECLEA teaching regions. This year the ECLEA-Uganda teams have taught 187 conferences and follow-ups!

Reports from the all-African training conferences are available on the ECLEA website ( by clicking on the flags of the different countries, and reports of my conferences are on the “News & Blog” page of the website (

The impact of ECLEA
ECLEA’s vision and goal is: “Deep Foundations - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives.” Here are some reports I have received this year concerning the impact ECLEA is having:

   * Gerald Nyombayrie (Rwanda): I want to inform you that your books now became more important in the body of Christ in East Africa. Am now teaching the Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Bible study in our church and this course had transformed out members’ lives. Thank you indeed and may God bless you.
   * Stephano Edward (Tanzania): Last week for 3 days here in Babati we had a great time with ECLEA team doing the course on 1 Timothy. Pastors and church leaders enjoyed the course. It was among the most successful meetings in Babati. Really I thank God for it.
   * Bishop Patrick Marisia (Kenya): I am from Mombasa, a Muslim city. Because now I have materials I will now reach them. We invited Muslim brothers for a cup of tea after downloading the materials [ECLEA’s book on Christianity & Islam] and started teaching them. They responded by saying that God is one and they will continue coming for more teachings.
   * Clarisse Umutesi (Rwanda): I just read the first book [Biblical Literacy]. It is very interesting and easy to understand because of the maps. The book is making very easy to understand what I have been reading. God bless you. This material is worthy reading.
   * Claudius Munge (Kenya): I personally thank you for the teaching about Christianity and Islam. It is a very interesting subject. Even some of my Muslim friends are surprised and want to know more.

Other ECLEA happenings
In addition to our multiple church leader training conferences all over East Africa, ECLEA has a number of other projects to increase our lasting impact and effectiveness. These include:

   * ECLEA books. This year a number of new ECLEA books were finalized in English. They include our book on the epistle of James, the new Biblical Literacy course written by Rosemary Nelsen (3 parts: a two-part OT overview and a one-part NT overview), and a condensed version of our book on Christianity & Islam. All of our books are available on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:
   * ECLEA book translations. Translations of several of our books also were completed in 2019. These include the KISWAHILI translations of Biblical Literacy, Christianity & Islam (including the condensed version), and James, and the KIRUDI translations of Biblical Eschatology, Biblical Interpretation, James, and Revelation. Other translations are in process. All of our translations are available on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:
   * School partnerships. Our ECLEA teaching books provide some of the most in-depth teaching available. One of our goals is to establish partnerships or agreements with existing East African theological schools whereby our materials could become part of the schools’ curriculum. We already have an agreement in place with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College and are working to establish similar agreements with other recognized Bible and theological schools throughout East Africa.
   * Ethiopia. Ethiopia is immediately north of Kenya. This year a number of Ethiopians have contacted me about getting ECLEA’s teachings in Ethiopia and translating ECLEA’s books into Amharic (the Ethiopian national language). Although this outreach is still in its early stages, I am hopeful that something will come of this. Let us watch and pray to find God’s leading concerning Ethiopia.

Looking ahead
I am very grateful for the East Africans who are doing an excellent job of equipping the church leaders in this vital and strategic part of the world. I am also thankful for those of you who pray for this ministry and support ECLEA financially. God has certainly answered our prayers, and your financial support is paying great dividends. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

You can make a difference
   * Giving opportunities: 100% of donations goes to the work of the ministry. Tax-deductible giving can be done through the website (, automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, or checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914. Donations are part of an overall plan whereby the Africans are contributing more to their own trainings, thus becoming indigenously self-sustaining and increasing the impact.
   * To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is

We value your input and suggestions. Let us know what you think! 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!


2020 News Archive

Barnabas Mpekethi-ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

January 2020. Ernest Mwilitsa and I had good times teaching Biblical Eschatology to our class last week. I mean ECLEA in Conjunction with NPBC class. You are the one who came up with this idea and in fact it is working. ECLEA is making a great impact as you can see below.
Regards, Bishop Barnabas

Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We were able to do our three AA conferences and I can confirm that though we did it in times of floods and landslide in some parts the meetings were a success.

1.    We did The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose at Mangu AFC Church where we had a host of 14 pastors and leaders. Though most of our participants have gone to bible school, they confirmed that ECLEA Material is very rich and cannot be ignored.

2.    Our second conference was at Njau-ini where we hosted 35 church leaders mainly from ACC&S Church doing the Biblical Stewardship book. At first they thought that there is nothing spiritual about the book but after the three days, they said it is one of the most spiritual material ECLEA has. In church and finances I opened a discussion since most of the leaders were from mainstream and they understood well about accountability after which we had an opportunity to look at what the word of God says.

3.    We proceeded to Membley Ruiru at CWIM Church where we did Biblical Interpretation. The meeting had 10 participants drawn from pastors alone. We spent the first day in the overview of the book. Second day spent time working on the 8 hermeneutical principles and taking a few texts for practicing to interpret.  One pastor commented that the few passages we worked on have given him sermons to preach for one month.

Again thank you for your continuous support and may you have a prosperous 2020.

Regards, Thomas (Kiambu ECLEA Coordinator)


Jonathan Menn - ECLEA Director: Report of trip to BURUNDI and TANZANIA - Jan-Feb 2020

This has been a unique trip to East Africa so far. Here's why:

Bujumbura: Book of Revelation
The week began with my teaching the book of Revelation to approximately 30 interested church leaders for 3 1/2 days in Bujumbura (Burundi's capital). Most of Revelation--it's message, structure, purpose, theology, etc.--was completely new to the students. Nevertheless, they appeared to follow the discussion. This was confirmed in that days 2-4 all began with about 1+ hours of Q&A. And most of the questions were right on point, indicating that they were tracking and understanding what I was saying. This is most heartening, particularly for a book that is almost entirely symbolic.

Cankuzo: Graduation!
The "most unique" thing (if I can risk being ungrammatical) is that, after finishing Revelation in Bujumbura, we drove 4 hours to Cankuzo for a very important event: the graduation of the first group of students who had completed all 14 of ECLEA's courses! Forty students began the program 3 1/2 years ago and 28 students completed the entire course (homework and all). This was a wonderful moment. It was a fine, long ceremony, with gowns, mortarboards, and all the trappings. I was honoured to give the commencement sermon and participate in handing out the diplomas. One touching aspect of the ceremony was that the spouses of the students were asked to accompany the students as they received their diplomas. I am very grateful to have been a part of this. These are the very people who can deepen and strengthen the church in Burundi and throughout East Africa. ECLEA is making a big difference! Thank you, friends and supporters.

After leaving Burundi, I went to Tanzania. The first week we were in Arusha, where we went through Christianity And Islam: The Essentials with approximately 28 participants. In this course, we discuss an overview of Islam, compare the most essential things--Jesus and Muhammad, Sin and Salvation according to Christianity and Islam, Yahweh and Allah, and the Bible and the Qur'an--and consider ways to bridge the divide between Islam and the gospel, primarily by using the Qur'an and Islamic culture themselves. The book is primarily based on the primary sources: the Bible, the Qur'an, and the Hadith (the traditions and sayings of Muhammad, which is the second most important authority in Islam after the Qur'an itself).

A number of the participants said, "We now know Jesus Christ better--who he is and what he has done."

On the other hand, one participant who had been raised as a Muslim and had grown up in a 100% Muslim village, said that if she had known the things we had talked about (including what the Qur'an and the Hadith actually say about Jesus and certain aspects of Muhammad's life as revealed in the Qura'an and Hadith, she and many of her friends "would have run away from Islam."

Truth can be powerful. But this is not just a matter of one's eternal state. There are important sociological implications of this (of which, unfortunately, most Westerners are completely unaware). For example, according to the Hadith, Muhammad married his favorite wife, Aisha (one of about a dozen wives), when she was only 6 years old and began having sex with her when she was 9 years old (i.e., she was a pre-pubescent girl). He was about 52 years old at the time. The former Muslim remarked that, based on that example, young Muslim girls are often encouraged to do poorly in school. When they drop out, they are then married off to older men.

Please hold these church leaders up in prayer--that they would learn this material well, teach their own people, and speak truthfully and lovingly to their Muslim neighbors. I thank you for holding ECLEA up in your prayers and for your (tax deductible) financial support. You are making a difference in vital aspects of life in perhaps the most spiritually important region of the world. 

My last conference was Christianity & Islam in Babati, Tanzania. The conference lasted four full days and included about 30 participants. In my opinion, this course is incredibly important and necessary. The reason, of course, is the aggressive advance of Islam and the almost total ignorance of Islam--what it believes, teaches, and implies--by most Christians and Christian leaders. Unfortunately, many Christians are also unsure or unlearned about the most important aspects of Christianity itself.

Several times various participants commented at how deep our book Christianity and Islam: The Essentials is. I think this book is empowering because, not only do we discuss in detail the most important aspects of both Christianity and Islam, but most of the teaching concerning Islam is direct from the Qur'an and the Hadith (the sayings and actions of Muhammad) themselves. In other words, contrary to Islamic propagandists, people can know right from Islam's primary authorities what Islam actually is like.

Sometimes there are public debates between imams and Christian pastors. However, one participant said that Muslims may present one of their own as a phony Christian pastor who makes bad arguments in order to win people to Islam. This, by the way, is in keeping with official Islamic doctrine (called taqiyya) which permits and encourages lying and deception when dealing with non-Muslims. In any event, if the participants learn what we have presented well, they will have powerful weapons which Muslims cannot contradict, because they are from the very sources Muslims are required to believe.

A huge question is what the church leaders will do about this. More than once I said that they have to get together, work together, and strategize. This includes making a concerted effort to provide practical assistance to Muslims who come to faith in Christ (such as safe houses, jobs, other financial/material assistance, and a welcoming environment where they can be accepted, loved, and discipled). The reason is that many Muslims who leave Islam face persecution by other Muslims including by their own family members. I am personally aware of many accounts of this happening in East Africa. This all goes back to Muhammad himself who said that anyone who leaves Islam should be killed.

Please pray for these church leaders. I am convinced that if they deeply grasp what we taught and act upon it, it can transform their churches and can lead to many Muslims seeing how they have been held in spiritual (and other forms of) bondage. As Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:32).

I am now scheduled to be home until the latter part of March when I go to Kenya.


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

February 2020. I have just returned from Rubanda, but also did trainings in Lira, Tororo, Nebbi and Kyampisi.
Mainly I did Biblical Interpretation and Biblical Stewardship. This time around we emphasized more on Biblical Interpretation because many leaders didn't know how to do Hermeneutics and also Exegesis. It has been a challenge for them to understand and to use the Biblical passages. This was evident when some commented that the Bible somehow contradicts itself. But after we went through this training their eyes were opened and they have fallen in love with the Bible. Some commented that they are going to start to read the Old Testament in a new way because they have been given the tools to use to dig out the hidden meanings in the Bible. I showed them how important it is to systematically read the Bible and bring the original and intended meaning to their hearers.

And to the two centers were I taught Stewardship, leaders were encouraged to be brothers' keepers by being good Stewards of all that the Lord has entrusted them. Being conscious of what we have, what has been given to us and how we are to use it to be a blessing to others. As the saying goes, "I am because you are, you are because I am."
After all the sessions, Homework was given and leaders were told:
     1. To use the questions that they have been given to show how they understood concept.
     2. How are they going to use it practically while in their areas of jurisdiction? Meaning they should walk the talk.
     3. Write their findings in their local languages, so that they are not limited in their explanations.

When we go back for Follow-up we will be wanting to see these practically being done in their communities.
One of the challenges we are experiencing is that some centers need more days for training as opposed to 2 or 3 days, some need like 4 days depending on the book that is going to be taught. This is more so in  areas where we translate in two or three languages. Having said that the trainings are going on well in this part of the Global.

Apart from my trainings and where I have been so far I have not heard any serious challenge in our programs coming from the coordinators. So all seem to be going on well in the right direction.

Kind Regard,



David Njeru-ECLEA-Kenya regional coordiantor

February 2020. We thank God for the new year as Bsp Peter Mwangi & I were blessed to do a training last week.

We managed to get a new training site in Nairobi hosted by Rev. David Njeru after he moved to plant a new church in a more convenient location. A total of 14 from different churches attended the course on 1 Timothy, mostly senior pastors (among them Michael Taari who paid us a courtesy call) and a few church leaders.

#1. The issue of whether we have apostles today was raised but it was clarified that we don't have foundational apostles but we have church commissioned & sent apostles.

#2. This part of strange doctrines had a substantial debate with few false teachers in our day mentioned by name particularly in Kenya and we warned ourselves against such.

#3. Women in ministry and their dressing was another hot subject. Though some ministries don't recognize women in ministry, we established that Paul is not forbidding. in addition, they should dress modestly with a pure attitude being careful not to draw too much attention to themselves rather than to God.

#4. A question was asked if marriage between a (spiritual) brother & sister from the same church is forbidden as INCEST as the author SEEMS to suggest by using the words "In all purity." Paul includes this important phrase at the end of
this paragraph because sexual temptation is always present, and sexual sin can ruin one’s ministry, family, and church. Sexual sin can be a great problem in the church. It can destroy both the man’s and the woman’s ministry and reputation. Sexual sin is the betrayal of a trust that has been given by God. In fact, one might even argue that because the church is a family (indeed, it is God’s family), sexual sin within the church amounts to incest in the family of God.

Although we addressed it from the author's illustration of incest  that from the context it is NOT INCEST.

Compiled: Rev David Njeru


Francis Ngoboka-ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

February 2020. Today was my second day teaching in Kanombe. Well over 40 leaders attended. 

ECLEA is a good uniting factor and special type of unity among the our trainees quite amazing. Pastor Kalinda wedded last saturday and ECLEA members sacrificed and contributed some monies towards the wedding and had a special gift to the new family. Thank God for the unity existing which is a result of some of our lessons. We actually have an ECLEA WhatsApp group of well over 45 of our city-based students.

Today, pastor Theophil brought a report of one of our ministers who had a financial problem and being evicted out of the house and many brethren contributed whatever each had and we were able to raise one month rent. Thank God.

Francous had a great testimony of our teaching that challenged him. He started with only 3 hens, took good care of them, and now is building a bigger house because they have greatly multiplied. The community sees his changed work ethic and is learning a good lesson. We thank God.

We have many more testimonies of vegetable gardens,tomatoes and medicinal herbs. We trust that we shall continue recieving even more testimonies. Our labour is not in vain.

Blessings, Francis


Francis Ngoboka--Rwanda

Ten course books taught in six centers; two follow-ups done.
Christianity and Islam translated into Kiswahili has blessed many leaders who originally stayed in Tanzania so much that we have a second teacher of the book (Rev. Mbonigaba).

In the teaching and follow up of 1 Timothy, especially in Kayonza center, many of the leaders are doing self-checks to come up to the qualifications of a leader as a result of the challenge. We thank God for this.

Teaching and follow-up on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose in Hilltop, Ruhango, and Rukira have revealed that our people had not grasped the lessons quite well earlier. The learners’ slow ability to learn? teachers teaching skill? or both I think. There is now better understanding notably of universal discipleship as a great mission and unity. We have seen increased unity in helping one another, the needy, weddings, outreaches.

In the teaching and follow-up of Expository Preaching and Biblical Interpretation, better understanding of context, genre, and application. When we are learning, one shouts and says, “Tell us the context of that.” Such recommendations as "be mindful of a life issue as you begin to preach” are common.

We are considering workshops in which we encourage beginning pastors to make presentations on different classes. Also we are starting sub-centers as strategies of broadening the teaching and impact of ECLEA.

Respectfully submitted,

Francis Ngoboka


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


1. Introduction
I am so delighted to share with you an activity report that took place during this period of 3 months from January to March 2020. Despite the Corona Virus we are fine in the Lord and praise God. Even though we are not in the confinement, we do limited work as we await to see how tomorrow’s situation will be. This means that we didn’t do the trainings scheduled in April.

2. Activities/trainings
I would like to share with you about the church leaders training progress. So far, in this year we have held few trainings. The first one starts with the training you (Jonathan) held in Bujumbura on the book of Revelation on 20th January 2020 which was crowned with graduation of 28 people in Cankuzo. This graduation was also preceded by the training on the book on Marriage and Parenting at Cankuzo which was done the same time with the one you conducted.

From February 24th to 28th we held the last training in Muzye on the book of James. One pastor from the graduates Rev. NIYUKURI Emmanuel, the Assistant bishop of the World Gospel Church said: “I have been in a seminary for 4 years in Tanzania and have been preaching on the book of James. However, I had never discovered the depth of the message therein and now am questioning whether really, I am saved or not. And if I am saved, there are many things I need to repent of and tell my brethren to do. I think we need to rethink our theology and Christianity we have been teaching our followers. Woe to us leaders for we have been doing things that are unbiblical. In fact, we have taught just religion, mores, traditions and culture which do not have anything to do with Christianity and salvation. I wish we had ample time to go back wherever we have “poisoned” and bewitched people to believe our insanity”.

This training was crowned with the issuing of diploma to 38 people who had been attending the whole 14 courses we taught them.

3. New training center and new in-take
Back to Cankuzo, a vision casting was held the same time in Mishiha and Cankuzo from March 23 to 28th. Pastors from Mishiha had pleaded with us that we should start a training school there so that their capacity be built and they would be able to face their Muslim colleagues and strengthen their Christians in a Muslim stronghold. 65 church leaders have been registered and a centre is now established there. They vowed to be serious, buy books and contribute towards their upkeep while they are attending the courses. We only praise God for their commitment.

Meanwhile, as the Cankuzo first intake graduated, 30 more pastors registered and have started the course. We praise God for the impact and community transformation the course is having. However, in both centers, Cankuzo and Mishiha, the trainees pleaded with us that we should go slowly taking into consideration the fact that many of them have never been to school or any seminary hence it is what they are learning takes time to sink in. We promised them that we would follow their pace and we agreed that they will be given much homework to do and practice which they appreciated a lot. We believe the numbers will gradually increase as many people now are discovering the sweetness of the course, especially from those who had attended seminary schools from abroad yet discovered that compared to what they had learned earlier, they realized that there were many lacunae their need to address.

4. Looking ahead
Because the surrounding pastors appreciated the training we had been giving to those pastors and the impact the course did to those pastors as well as their followers, 30 more church leaders enrolled to start this course and are ready.
Meanwhile, the Rutana Anglican bishop mobilized his pastors and leaders to attend this course as well. We are still waiting for the starting day as we are waiting for the development of Corona virus otherwise, we are ready to start. This means that we would get 2 centres in the province of Rutana alone.

As to the remaining centres, nothing so far has changed, that is Bukeye and Nyanza Lac.

5. COVID-19
In addition, this mission took place when the whole world is under siege of Covid-19. As I write this report there are officially ten confirmed cases here in Burundi and of whom one is already dead.

During the training, we took the opportunity to teach our trainees on how they should behave to avoid contracting the virus and avoiding to contaminate others. In most times the countryside is underinformed. The only way to avoid contamination is through hand wash with soap. We also talked about the need for distanciation among them. We took enough time to teach them to wash their hands and this should be their lifestyle. We sensitize them to look for money to buy utensils and soap so that they should wash their hands properly. This should be well applied in their respective Churches and in their communities as well. In November we had been taught by nurses from Mission international (from Scotland). They conducted a one week workshop on health and hygiene and this did help us to spread the knowledge and skills.

The government has sensitized the population to adhere to hygiene so that the whole country can fight against the virus. As you know here in Africa, we do not have running water at our homes and that is why we have many diseases like cholera, dysentery, and diarrhoea which are killing people in Africa. They said, “Truly you would be helpful as we would go in turn to build the capacity of our surrounding community with regard to hygiene." We will go deeply into this issue in our book of Biblical Stewardship.

Let us all continue to pray for each other.

God bless you, Francois


Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Since the bible tells us to preach the gospel in and out of season we were able to do our first two AA ECLEA Conferences in Kiambu region before the serious restrictions of lockdown and the third one amidst the pandemic season. Below are the reports of the meetings.

3rd to 5th Feb: Church and Missions at Githurai 45
We were able to do Church and Missions at God Worshiper Church at Githurai 45 where we hosted 14 pastors and church leaders mainly for the Pentecostal wing. The segment on the nature of the church sets up a very good background for this course especially the metaphors used to describe the church and it seemed from the meeting that many Pentecostals have a very low opinion of the church. This emerged as we taught these metaphors one by one. 
It was also evident from the meeting that though many churches claim to do discipleship, they do not have a good discipleship process and this is where the ECLEA Church and Mission book is very helpful.

2nd to 4th March: Expository Preaching at Githunguri
This is a place we have done 1st Timothy and Stewardship before and Expository Preaching was agreed upon at one of the meetings. We hosted 20 pastors and leaders at Church of Restoration Kambaa Githunguri. We were able to do several examples of sermons in our discussion and this encouraged the pastors even to look carefully at the flow of thought of the writer. One of the pastors commented that he has been using topical form of preaching but now have realized that expository preaching is the richest way of preaching because we allow the word of God to speak to us.

15th April to 17th April: 1st Timothy at Witeithie
We were a bit hesitant to do this meeting until the government allowed 15 people to meet in church for online shooting and we used the chance. It was a bit costly because we had to make sure that the room is fumigated and sanitizers and adhere to the government’s directive.

MEANWHILE WE WERE ABLE TO HOST 11 PASTORS at IHEM Church Witeithie for 1st Timothy course. According to my observation, there was no better time to do ECLEA meetings than this time when there is great thirst of the word. A challenge was raised from the meeting about church and finances and how the church should touch the needs of the vulnerable in the society. It was evident the church has done very little especially this time that the real need is there. We also had a heated debate about the false teaching and one of the pastors showed us how God is using the pandemic to bring to an end this false doctrine.

We thank God for ECLEA and the good work it is doing to transform the church in East Africa. It is not in vain.

Regards, Thomas (Eclea Regional coordinator Kiambu Region)


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 30th January to 1st of February 2020 I conducted a training on 1 Timothy at Gankere-Meru.
13 participants attended the meeting with six denominations re-presented as follows:
We had a great discussion with the participants. Many disagreements arose when we were discussing the qualifications of Elders and Deacons. Two Pastors among the participants had two wives each. We used the Bible and what is written in our manual to counter their claims of self-justification. The following day they never attended the conference.

In the month of March when I went back to Gankere for follow-up. One of them requested me to visit his family so as to convince his two wives that their husband is not eligible for Church leadership, which I did. As I write this report the man is a committee member in the same Church. He stepped down for another Pastor who had the qualifications as outlined in Chapter 3 of 1 Timothy.

On 13th to 15th Feb 2020 I conducted a meeting at Karatina Town with 16 Church leaders and Pastor.
Our Course was Biblical Theology. After teaching the participants, many of them said that they have never heard of types and symbols of Christ in the OT. Afterwards they were able to identify them very easily.

When we arrived at the area of the NT linking Passover, the Day of Atonement, the entire sacrificial system, and how Jesus’ death on the cross fulfilled and replaced them all, their eyes were opened and they were able to understand the larger story of Redemption in the Bible.

We also interacted very well in the eight Hermeneutical principles. One of them is preaching on Facebook live nowadays and is applying many materials from our manual on Biblical Theology.

Due to coronavirus the meeting that was supposed to take place on May 7th to 9th 2020 at Lailuba, was rescheduled and it took place as follows:

Venue was RPC Kagochi. I took the advantage of doing this meeting for three Sundays with the local Pastors when the government allowed us to conduct Facebook live broadcast for our members with a maximum of 15 people.

The first Sunday that I taught this course was on May 17th and 15 Pastors attend the meeting up to Sunday the 31st of the same month. We were able to cover our Course. Many of the participants had no clue of what a metaphors is in the Course book. They needed a clear explanation about the lifting of the holy hands and the women asking questions to their husbands at home. The issues of who a true widow is and the paying the elders who run the affairs of the Church well was not left out, but by the grace of God I was able tackle all those questions again using the Bible and our Manual. Through the Bible and the teachings in our Manual we were able to articulate the correct way of handling Church money and resources.

All the participants promised me that they will keep Church records and they will put everything that pertains to Church leadership in order. Only one Pastor who said that he cannot be able to follow such teachings because he believes that the Pastor is everything.

I hope you can see the impact that ECLEA is making even in this season of Lockdowns and Curfews in Kenya. God bless you. God bless ECLEA.

Bishop Barnabas


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Last week on Monday 9 & Tuesday 10 March 2020 we had our second training this year in Nairobi Region of Kenya ECLEA trainings on THE CHURCH.

It was our first meeting to be attended by less than 10 people - they were 8 in number. Perhaps this was due to the fear of Covid-19 among other minor factors.

However, we had a very powerful meeting. Most of the participants were unable to define church but after the training, their perspectives were changed & they saw the church as it should be - the body of Christ & not a building! 

The other thought that stood out most was that we have a visible & invisible church.

The interesting part of it which led the participants to think deeply was the lying bare the fact that Jesus knows those who belong to the invisible church. 

As an illustration, it was said that it is possible to be a member of a local church & not so with invisible church.

On the Lord's Supper, the class appreciated the idea that what is used are elements & that they don't turn into real body & blood of Jesus.

Rev. David Njeru
Nairobi Region Coordinator


Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Here is to let you know we yesterday wound up our Expository Preaching conference in Karatina. The delegates could relate so well with the course as most of them were graduates of LRI (Leadership Resources International). Some time back we had a graduation for LRI class students which was graced by Jeff Gage, who also commissioned them (Jeff is the current LRI director for Africa after Doug Dunton passed the baton for Africa to him; he is such a great teacher of God's word!). So having understood the LRI's hermeneutics principles, Expository Preaching was easier to grasp for them. I have attached the photos of some of the attendees. Much blessings.



Samuel Ochieng, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


The first meeting was done at Pefa Church Airport on 27th February 2020 with Rev. David Okeyo as a host. We did two days and a half day which was a Saturday. Our attendance of participants was around 18 leaders throughout the conference. I taught from the book of Biblical Stewardship since their pastor had attended our Eldoret conference when Jonathan was teaching the same manual. He requested that the same be ministered to them. Because we could not finish after two days and a half we agreed that the following week which was another Saturday we meet again for a follow-up course which we did.

Areas of concern to the participants are stewardship of environment; many pastors / leaders have never taken time to learn about what God says about environment and how it affects their lives. Concern was also raised about stewardship of time. How can leaders use their time to help others and achieve their Godly calling? And so the manual has been one of the greatest resources to these leaders on many issues pertaining their ministry. We thank God for ECLEA training. Pst. Samuel

The second meeting was done on March 9-11, 2020 at Christian Revival Centre in Langas Eldoret. We studied The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. I and Rev. Philip Okumbe partnered together to teach this manual to participants of about 15 to 16 leaders. This was the time our country was beginning to experience the Covid 19 pandemic, but still, there was no lock down. We thank God because we were not expecting the numbers that attended but by God’s Grace they came.

We together with the participants find this manual very interesting and educational to leaders. We realize that the mission is not about the members but discipleship because that is what will make the Gospel stand. Many questions about worship especially in our churches. Also we learnt a lot about the titles and challenges that come with them, the Apostles what it means. The true Apostles and fake Apostles and other titles. As usual I always do my follow-up with leaders after a week, we did it in same place, and they can also teach this manual to their leaders.

Our last training was just one recently in the month of September we had a training from 2nd September 2020 to 19th hosted by Bishop Andala–Christian Gospel outreach church in Eldoret town. We did a training on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. We had attendance of 15 people because of the issue of social distance and time.
I and Dr. Philip Okumbe divided the group into two so that we may keep time and health guideline laid down by the government, but later on some other leaders joined us and we have no option but co-operate allow them to study.  We really dwell on the mission of the church, the discipleship both within and outside the church and many leaders now understand real mission of the church the meaning of being a disciple of Christ, and their ministry and lives are being changed.

God bless you. Pastor Samuel Ochieng

Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

April 2020 Report of ECLEA conferences:

Be informed that we are continuing with training here in Tanzania. We were previously scheduled to do five conferences before Easter, but we have done four.

We had 18 participants in Pangani Bweni 23rd to 25th March in Biblical Interpretation and 22 at Pangani doing Expository Preaching from 25th to 28th March. Participants were exited from the preparation stage which most of them were not doing in that way. We exegetically did the outline of different verses and its applicability to our community. Mostly they had not being taking it in that way, as a result it was a new idea and very meaningful to them. Most of them have already heard about Expository Preaching but could not tell what it is all about. The training was the eye opener for these preachers who were experienced on a verse and topical sermon only.

Attendance was more than we expected when we did Biblical Theology at NLC [New Life in Christ]. Almost 40 church leaders attended. Then we got 25 at Muheza for First Timothy. A Pastor said he was unable to preach from the Old Testament but now it make sense to him.

As far as coronavirus is concerned, I have decided to teach a portion of stewardship of body from Biblical Stewardship course during any ECLEA course I teach, and it brought them to awareness that, self cleanness, right way of coughing and sneezing emphasized by the government are all adopted from the church and now they are taking it as more meaningful.

The COVID-19 situation is not very bad in Tanzania. A total of 32 cases have been reported all over the country for about three weeks now. These are 24 in Dar es Salaam, 7 in Zanzibar and 1 in Arusha, which was the first case to happen in the country, now not existing any more because of healing. Three deaths are reported, 5 healing, remaining with 24 patients in Dar and Zanzibar, who are reported to be in a good condition.

We are not in a lock down and our president insists on the importance of prayers. Schools and colleges are closed, social gatherings are prohibited, business and production, church programs are allowed with no congestion, at least one meter distance from each other on a pew. As a result many churches have introduced extra Sunday service and divide members into different services. In our conferences we also do the same by making wider circles trying to abide in one meter rule social distance.

Let us pray for one another. May the blood of Jesus on the door posts of our hearts keep us safe from the spirit of death of corona virus.

Stay Blessed, Joram

Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national secretary

May 2020: Report from the coast of Tanzania
As the world is struggling in the war against Covid 19, we are also in the same fight but in a different way. We now have just over 300 confirmed cases in the country, mainly in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. We have different strategies over this war. Tanzania is the only country I know which did not close church programs for prayers and worship services. Even though some challenged our president to close all churches, he insisted by saying he will not order churches to be closed, but rather insisted people to go to church taking all necessary precautions to pray for our nation, because despite other precautions our supplications are needed so that we can have a divine intervention over it. 

We were a little bit worried for past two weeks after an increase of confirmed cases to 300 but now we realize that we are not in such a big danger. In church as well as in public we observe hands sanitation, face mask, and at least one meter social distance. We have now also resumed all African training while rescheduling them.

We have just finished Biblical Stewardship today at Mkinga, emphasizing different means of precautions as stewardship for the safety of our neighbors as well as ourselves against Covid 19 and other diseases. Attendance was only fifteen but well committed in the training.

We will have another class next week doing The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. We then have scheduled to have Biblical Theology at Mkinga on 18 to 20th May, Biblical Marriage at Gofu by 21st to 23rd May, Islam and Christianity 27th to 30th May at NLC, Expository Preaching at Madaba on 1st to 3rd June, Biblical Theology at Horohoro by 4th to 6th June, finishing with Islam and Christianity at Duga Maforoni by 10th to 13th June.

One of the follow up strategies I am applying is to visit and see my students when teaching and preaching at their churches when I can. I have already seen three of them and convinced with what we are doing. Also, church members testimony of their pastors’ improvement encourages for what ECLEA is doing.


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

June 2020: So far we had covered January to March by the time we closed, and also some centers concluded their trainings as early as the first week of April, and others just carried out their trainings at the time I wrote to you last week. These are Amulata, Tororo, Busia, Moyo, Rubanda, Kyampisi and Iganga. These seven were the only centers that had fully completed their trainings with less disturbances raising from local authorities, and other unforeseen expenses.

What we have done is that we have moved the majority of the trainings that were supposed to be done from April up to June, to be taught from July to September. However, we have started some of the trainings. The arrangement is going to be a number of 10-15 leaders observing the S.O.P, this has to do with leaders wearing masks, using soap and water or having sanitizers, sitting two metres from each other.

We have chosen to do so as we wait for the general opening of places of worship. When they open places of worship we will continue, but as for now it is more like having a meeting for members, which is very okay provided they observe the S.O.P

The challenges that we are facing at the moment are to do with high cost of transportation as it has doubled, lodging facilities, which are scarce, and other expensive for no good reason, additional expenditure like, face masks, sanitizers, etc. and other unseen expenditures. Having said that we will continue to make a move.

Stephen Sempala


Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


Introduction: We praise the Almighty God that we have once again started the trainings that had been on hold for quite some time due to Corona Virus, elections and Francois’ illness. Francois is convalescing and can now do missions.  

Feedback: The last training with the people from Muramvya was held in January and was on Revelation. As we share our experiences and how we have put in practice what we have learned within two months, to our surprise, when we asked them what remained after they have forgotten everything, we were delighted to hear how they recalled almost everything they had learned and how they have applied what they had learned in their various churches. Their followers saw the book of Revelation in a new way that is different from what they used to believe the book is all about.

Testimonies: Pastor NYANDWI Shadrach said: “I keenly followed when Jonathan was training. There are many things that became alive such as the 144,000 and the millennium as well as rapture. We had been taught various things but when I assessed them, I realize that we were wrong.”

Pastor IRAKOZE Justine said: "I was part of SDA, and we had been taught so many things related to Revelation. When I had not yet come across this book and that training, I used to believe what I had been taught. When I got home, I took ample time to go through all the pages of this book, compared the content with what we had been taught earlier, and with the explanation given by Jonathan, I discovered that we had been misled by our previous teachers. Now, I have understood the truth contained in that book. I am so grateful that I was part of this capacity building."

We praise God that many of our trainees understood the book of Revelation and can confidently preach from that book which used to be taboo for them as they could not make head or tail of that book.

The course on Biblical Marriage and Parenting:
This course took place at Bukeye from 8th to 12th June 2020. Were present 18 people. The training was on Marriage and Parenting. Frederic and Francois took part in that training. The debate and discussions were primarily based on the equality of men and women, what submission is and what it is not, and what love is. Due to cultures and mores, men have realized that the foundation of their marriages has been wrong and as a result, the pleasure and happy marriage they were expecting from their marriages has not happened. The tradition has it that if men do not beat their wives, they would not respect them. This tradition was confronted to what the Bible teaches and to the surprise of all the participants, they realized that they were wrong. They asked this question: “Does really the Bible mean what it says. If the Bible says that men should not beat their wives as nobody can beat himself, where did this practice of beating wives come from? Even among the Christian families including pastors, there are husbands who beat their wives”. They were pleased to expound Philippians 2:5-11 as an example of submission. They were also pleased to read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8.

Another hot issue was polygamy where men were allowed by the culture to have many wives. When the good news came, some of those wives were divorced with all the consequences. A heated debate ensued as it comes to who to remain with and who to divorce while the Bible says that what God has put together nobody is allowed to put asunder. After we expounded the verses which talk about happy marriage and the role and responsibility of each partner in the couple, what the Bible says about divorce each of the present members understood what needed to be straightened in their families. Luckily enough there were 3 women who took part in that training and we had a balanced discussion.

Due to many discussions and debates, we could not finish the book and we will continue with the remaining part of the book. The participants vowed to use the teachings to undo the wrong teachings they had heard and sensitize the members of the church, especially starting from the people who come for counselling before marriage.

We praise God for the courage, zeal and commitment these attendants showed during the training. The course was so interesting to my big surprise as compared to many other places we taught this course. The reason could be that Bukeye is a centre inhabited by many people who have concubines. As these participants want to make up the time they lost during the corona virus pandemic and elections, they decided that they would be attending this course monthly until they graduate.

Respectfully submitted, Frederic Harerimana


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


1. Introduction
From 22nd to 26th of June 2020, we praise God that Rema opened a new centre for training pastors in the province of Cankuzo, in the eastern part of Burundi close to Tanzania border an muslim prone area due to closeness with Tanzania, a country highly islamized. This influence is caused by business people who lure people into business and give them some incentives so that they may agree to become Muslims.

2. Trainees
We are grateful to the Lord that this school was asked by the Union of Christian Churches made of 13 denominations. Indeed, there are 63 people who enroll for this school and came from 5 denomnations. Among them are 4 ladies. Others from other denominations will join later. We are expecting about 8 new candidates. We are grateful to the Lord that most of the trainees are still young and we hope that as they mature they will be good leaders in their respective churches.

3. Training programme
This programme was officially opened by the Chairperson of the Union of Christian Churches. His exective members were also present. He encouraged the participants to be assidious and perseverent in the whole programme as the school will last for almost 4 years. It requires patience and perseverance. Before the the school started the students took time to design the rules that will be guiding them during the period they will be in the in the training. They also designed the programme that would be followed daily. As many of them have to walk very long distances in an area where there are no guest houses, they agreed to start from 8:30AM and finish at 3:00 PM. In between there are 45 minutes break where they go to have their lunch near the market in small restaurants.

4. Course: Stewardiship
Before we strated the course we took enough time to talk about the pandemic COVID-19 especially the way they should be on the forefront to fight against its spread, and practice good hygiene as directed by Health Ministry. We also agreed that we should respect social distancing between two people and we tried all our best respect it.

The stewardship course was highly appreciated by the participants as it is a course that would help them to prepare for their future. Participants asked the trainers not to be fast as most of them hardly write but know well how to read though they are in ministry. They requested the trainer to be slow as they wanted to master the content of the course and more over put into practice what they learn.

The trainees learned more through discussion groups. The trainer is clarifying questions for discussion groups. They are also help one another.

5. Testimonies
During the course students kept sharing beteen themeslves and in small grougps how biblical stewardship is helping them to learn more about the daily living and life in the society. Many of them said: “We are expecting transformation as we finish this course”

The following are some of the testimonies few of them shared:
Mirenzo Daniel: This course of money stewardship and helping others has touched my heart. I used to think that whenever I get money that is my own I forgot that this is what the Lord has entrusted me with. I was encouraged to learn how I can plan for the future, make my budget and save some for the future. In the past I did not know how to distinguish things. Although we have not been through with this course, I have got a glimse of light as to how I am going to change my attitude toward money, and change the way I used to do things.

Niyonkuru Therese: “I will give an account.” I am a women leader in my church. I have changed my attitude from this start since I did not act as a steward. I used to dodge as I had thought that I am a master to be served and not to serve. This course opened my eyes and I discovered that whatever we have, has been entrusted to us by God. I understood that I will be called by God to give an account of how what has been entrusted to me has been dealt with. I must trust other people and follow what the Bible commends us to do--not to be a boss but a servant.

Bizimana Barnabe: I did not know anything about a steward. I thought a steward is somebody who just gives orders to others to do things for them. When I went home I narrated to my wife what I had understood to be a steward and what being a steward involves. I told her that I am a steward in my home and that she is also a steward as well. She then encouraged me to take efforts to study hard. She told me to proceed and to be at the said school on time, as a testimony of a good stewarship. I have learned that as good steward.

Our comments
After we realized the zeal of the participants we believe they will continue with the programme although some come from far in neighbouring communes of Mishiha. Among the churches that are part of the Union, we believe many more are likely to come. We are grateful to the Lord that this school has become a solution to the concern of the Christian churches as they face and engage with Islam evangelism. We are still praying that the Lord would enable us to continue and strengthen the participant not to give up. Two pastors among the leaders of the Union of Churches are part of the alumni that graduated recently in Cankuzo. They agreed to be encouraging the new stuidents in that school until the end.

We are grateful to the Lord that after a long time of absence on the field the Lord has opened up the way. COVID-19 and the general elections had slowed us down for the past months, and now have resumed our pastoral training activities. We are also grateful to Jonathan who has made this mission and training possible. We appreciate the supports he sent us. We thank all people who unceasingly pray for us.

Francois Nitunga


Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator

Report of the mission held in Cankuzo from 21st June to 26, 2020
We praise God that things that seemed to have been on hold due to Corona Virus and general elections for quite some time kick started. Hence, from 21st June to 26, a mission was held in Cankuzo. Took part in that Mission Frederic Harerimana and Peter Baziyaka the driver.

Rema started a new school in Cankuzo. Fortunately, most of the people that enrolled for the school did come to witness the graduation of our former students. They were enthusiastic to take part in that training and vowed to continue till the end which will be in 4 years time.

Were present 41 students. What was unusual was that they started on time that is 8 AM on dot and continued until the end that is 4h 30. In between, there were 30 minutes break and an hour for lunch.
Challenge: there are 5 people among them who hardly read and write.

The course
We started with the course on Biblical Stewardship. To them this course was an eye opener. They regretted that they did not know that the Bible has something to say about stewardship. One of them said: “I am surprised that the Bible has a holistic approach on everything we do in life. Indeed, if we were aware of this before we were called to ministry, I believe we would have achieved a lot compared to what we are doing.”

After we went through the course, there were so many questions that were raised. The good thing was that all those questions related to traditions and what they had been taught in the past by their denominations and pastors. We went through the stewardship of Environment, time, money, land, and relationships.

Point of tension
One of the points of tension was the relationship between wives and husbands. Wives were told to be submissive to their husbands while husbands were told to love their wives as Christ loved his church and gave himself up for her. A hot debate issued and in conclusion the husbands realized that they were wrong in the way they treated their wives in light of the word of God. Fortunately enough, among the participants, there were two women. Although the number is so limited, it is better than nothing and this enriches the debate.

The issue of giving
Then came the issue of giving. We went through the giving according to the Old Testament where we discovered why the Israelites were to give. Some were surprised to realize that most of the Old Testament people gave out of willingness as a sign and proof of obeying God knowing that all they have, have been entrusted to them, knowing that they are only steward and that they will give an account to the one who has entrusted to them whatever they have got.

Parable of unjust steward and parable of talents
It was interesting to understand the three parables Jesus taught. The participants were interested in the wicked steward. They were amazed by the fact that Jesus recommended the wicked steward not because he approved of what he did but because he was intelligent enough to prepare for his future. We took a long time to go through the parable of the talents. Participants were surprised to realize that Jesus gave to each steward talents he was able to handle.

Continuous assessment tests
As a Contineous Assessment Test, CAT, participants were asked to identify all the talents that are in their congregations and how they could make use of them. It was interesting to note how they understood the course and the issue of talents that Jesus spoke about.

One of the most crucial issues that raised most of the questions was tithe. The participants were asked to define what they understand to be the tithe. Some gave some attempts, but most of them would not agree on the right definitions. We went through the course and read most of the verses that talked about tithe. They were surprised to realize that each year Israelites were requested to give 23% of what they have to the Lord and that was not optional. The Old Testament acted as a constitution for the Israelites.

Did Jesus and the disciples talk about tithing in the New Testament
A hot debate issued: Are New Testament people allowed to give a tithe of pig and bring it in the church or accept it as a tithe. Many people do not understand the principle of tithing. Asked if they could accept as a tithe the money from selling the same animal they said yes. So the question is why this discrepancy? They came to realize that the Old Testament was a paidagogos, a tutor which acted as a child care and that all was accomplished in Jesus Christ including the tithes and Sabbath.

When we went through the New Testament, they were surprised to realize that Jesus never talked about tithe apart from when he was confronting pharisees, sadducees and scribes in Matthew 23. They were surprised to understand the context under which he spoke about the tithe. Neither did the disciples talk about the tithe, they were then confronted with why they always quote Malachi 3:10 whenever they want to get money from the congreagants. When they undestood the context, they all repent that they had been cheating the people and using scriptures for their own interest. So they then devised how to teach people. The conclusion was that they should teach people to love God and all their hearts, minds, possessions and when it will come to give they would give out of their pockets without gramblings knowing that giving is compared to act of worship and knowing that you know where spiritually your congregation is when you compare it with their giving.

Did the Old Testament talk of tithing money?
Moreover, they realized that the Old Testament never asked the tithe of money except in few circumstances where it was difficult to drag animals on long distances to the place of sacrifice and that in that case the money would be used to buy things to eat and share with others, they were not allowed to go home with any remaining money from the sale.

Planning for the future
After going through the course, they vowed that when we wind up the three or four years they all would have cars as a result of planning and good stewardship.

As assignment, the participants were asked to go through the whole course and note the discrepancy that is between what they had been taught, their traditions, norms, mores and cultures and the new discoveries they had seen in the course they went through and suggest changes that would be helpful to the church. We agreed to meet again in the month of August.

Frederic Harerimana


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

July 2020: We just finished our program training at Kwimba district and Misungwi in Mwanza regions on the book of 1 Timothy where people astonished even others were crying for saying that we mess up thinking that we are doing well why we are wrong and giving the wrong biblical interpretation without knowing. "We are so grateful and thankful for ECLEA's trainings ministry team for coming to open our eyes where can see now the truth of word of God this the true mission for the church today," said the Anglican pastor as the chairman of our committee organizer.

We thank you for all supporters from USA,the director brother Jonathan although we haven't seen him with our eyes but love him and thank you so much your help may God bless you. See the attached photos

Dickson, Laizer


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


From 13 to 17th July 2020, were held two pastors training in Rutana with the Anglican church and Muzye. And from 20th to 24th July two other trainings were held respectively in Nyanza Lac and Bukeye. We are grateful to the Lord that these trainings went well and there were many participants: In Muzye and Rutana we had new intakes, while Bukeye and Nyanza lac were ongoing trainings. We praise God that doors were opened so that we may continue our training programme after a stop of 4 months due to Corona Virus and the elections.

We are trying to work hard to redeem the time we lost. Hence, in Bukeye and Nyanza Lac, we do the trainings every month instead of our routine of two months interval. We are delighted on how the participants responded positively. So far in Rutana with the Anglican Church we started with 53 people while in Muzye we started with 32 people. What was amazing is that in Rutana with the Anglican church we had 21 women candidates. There are many more who say they would attend the next sessions. We expect the numbers to increase in both centres as during our first trainings there were other activities going on.

Course taught:
In Muzye and Rutana, we kicked off with Biblical Stewardship while in Nyanza Lac and Bukeye we taught Marriage and Parenting. In all those centres, participants come from various church denominations. However, the majority in Rutana with the Anglican church are Anglicans while in Muzye most of them are United Methodist church.

The training in Rutana was officially opened by the Bishop of the Anglican Church who had mobilized the participants. In fact, he encouraged the participants to be perseverant and finish the whole courses that will be dispensed since it is a golden opportunity they are given. He insisted that the courses they were going to receive are first class and have been tested everywhere and proved to be incomparable. He insisted that this opportunity should not be taken for granted. He also reminded the participants that if they finish the whole courses, those under his leadership will be promoted to being pastors and having responsibilities in his diocese.

Opening ceremony at Rutana by the Bishop At the same time in Muzye, the training was officially opened by Reverend Laurent, The legal representative of AGC (African Gospel Church). He also encouraged the participants and told them that he also is a graduate from that same school.

In both centers Rutana and Muzye participants were delighted and pledged to be persistent until they finish the courses.
In all those centres, participants started by initiating the rules that would guide their school, they set up the committees that would be overseeing everything that will take place including the time to begin and the time to finish including on how they would contribute towards purchasing books and eating their lunch. They also elected their delegate.
The stewardship course was an eye opening to all the participants. In fact, they all discovered that when God created man, he gave him a responsibility and a mandate. In fact, he was made a steward of all what God had created. When participants were asked to identify the talents that are in their respective churches, they all opened wide their eyes as if this was new into their eyes and mind. They all regretted that they wished to have had this course before they entered into ministry. In fact, they realized that they would account to God for everything he has entrusted them with staring from the life they are living, the time, the environment, the money and what they possess, and everything else including relationships.

After very hot debates, they realized that they had been cheated and were not taught the truth since the start of the good news in their respective churches. In fact, they were never taught to work hard with their own hands and earn their daily bread under the alibi that they are a priesthood and are called to serve God and that they would be fed as Levites and priests were fed. Challenged with the context and the law of Moses, they discovered that quoting Malaki 3:10 was just a way of manipulating people and as a result they have had shallow Christianity. Laziness and mismanagement of time have been some of the evils that led to where they are today. Some have been haggard when they realized that they have not planted fruit trees, banana trees, palm oil trees and eucalyptus a long time ago which would have been a source of income.

All these courses were enriched by group discussions.

We strongly believe that this course is a good foundation for everything done in churches and we hope that by the end of this course, life in churches will never be the same. Some went to the extent of saying that by the end of these courses they will never be poor as they look since they have already started to devise and design how they would get out of poverty led by this course. They also vowed to take this course to their respective churches since they found in it some materials which would profit their churches.

This also goes to the course of Marriage and parenting. This is a foundational course in families. Participants vowed to change and to transform their homes, families and communities for they realized that strong families lead to strong churches and hence to strong communities and strong countries.

One of the graduates Revd. NYANDWI Louis came to give a testimony to the new intakes. In fact, he said: "This course is foundational. I have been part of this school and started hesitatingly but I am grateful to the Lord that I was able to finish. Some of you knew me before I attended this course come now and see a tangible change that has occurred either in my own life, in the life of my family and in the life of the church the Lord has entrusted me with. I assure you, you will, never regret."

We thank God for these two new classes, Rutana and Muzye. We are expecting to have other new students. We pray that these students will continue up to the end of the whole course. Before any activity concerning the training, we started to talk about the covid-19 pandemic, we ended up setting rules on how to behave as we spend much time meeting together in a big group or in small groups. This is hand wash and distancing. Hand washing was respected as covid-19 is concerned.

Respectfully submitted,

Francois Nitunga


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

July 21, 2020: Summary of First Quarter ECLEA Conferences

Greetings in Jesus Name, thanking God for your life, your family and the ministry of ECLEA.

As promised here is what happened in the first quarter of the year that is January to March 2020. Before we closed all the trainings due COVID 19 pandemic, at least 48 of trainings had been carried out in the regions of South Western Uganda, Central Uganda, Eastern Uganda, Teso region (Greater Eastern Uganda), and part of Northern Uganda out of 53 Trainings that were supposed to be taught between the same period. The good news is that the remaining 5 trainings have been taught of those that were not taught that is 2 in Northern Uganda and 3 in the Teso region according to Pastor Okoth and Pastor Alex respectively from these two regions. 

These are the books that were taught during the first quarter of the year: The Church, Biblical Stewardship, Biblical Interpretation, Christianity and Islam, Biblical Theology, James, and Biblical Marriage.

These regions are coordinated by Rev. Moses Mukisa, Pastor Tumwine, Bishop Wako, Pastor Alex and Pastor Okoth among other Coordinators in these regions, and others from Western (Bunyoro), Islands, and West Nile Sub region or Arua.

I have tried to attach some of the updates from the Coordinators please check them out!!

This is from Rev Mukisa who is in charge of South Western Uganda:

My lord Bishop Stephen praise the Jesus, following our last communication this is what I can say about the training. As I had told on phone about the success and challenges we got maybe I can save that because it is history.

My leaders here loved so much going through the genres in Bible, they have been wondering about the difference between prophecy and apocalyptic because they seemed to look the same, but the explanations given have made that clear. Our pastors have been confused with the endtime prophecy. They lacked understanding what the Bible talked about and how to interpret it very clearly. This training has put value on the ministry of pastors they see things differently now.

Our mission is now targeting these pastors to go and train others in the sub counties and villages where we have the most pastors handling God's people. The challenge brought by corona hindered us very much we should have finished many books by now. I let pastor Laban and pastor Kiiza to go to Rwampara to do follow up while I finished the last day with pastor Mukulu.

I don't know whether you will come and teach with us the module of Christian and Islam before the year ends, will plan to be in Lyatonde and Ishaka when the government will allow us to gather big numbers, you will meet our delegates from other parts of Ankole conference.

As of now we are looking to finish up to September trainings, I will make plan to come to you in Kampala and discuss more on helping the pastors with the projects you talked with us. As you know Covid has misplaced us a lot, but the Lord will enable us to get there. Thanks bishop members what to see you again, greet the family and ECLEA team, we appreciate the materials and as you saw the pastors this is their thing. Blessings to you. Shalom, Rev Mukisa.

This is from Pastor Alex, Teso and Karamoja regions:

Praise Him Forever Bishop Stephen,

As we have just started the last half of the year 2020, may I highlight some few issues on what has been going on in Teso and Karamoja Regions: It should also be noted here that this COVID 19 PANDEMIC has messed up many things in the entire globe and here in the whole of Teso and Karamoja regions. We are praying for an effective way to  continuously training our people and mobilizing them for ECLEA TRAININGS.


As you may be aware depending on our schedules that January to March 2020 Christianity and Islam is what the pastors and leaders preferred to go through. Jonathan came and taught in Soroti early this year. This sparked and ignited the fire in the hearts of other coordinators whom Jonathan met as they went on and organised the classes for other leaders in their communities.

TOTS AND TRAININGS for Soroti, Kotido, Abim, Bukedea, Moroto, Kaberamaido and Amuria Went on well with good attendance and participation. There were 15 participants in Amuria,17 in  Kaberamaido 16 in Kotido and 19 in Bukedea. What stands out in these trainings is on how ECLEA MATERIALS ALWAYS GIVE A GOOD ROAD MAP TO THE PASTORS TO GO BACK TO THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATION FOR EVERYTHING THAT THEY DO IN MINISTRY.

Basically, the Christianity and Islam as a course that we have been going through highlights some of the things that the pastors have problems on their day today running of their ministry. For example, the issues concerning what Islam is, the power and significance of prophet Muhammad in relation to the Bible. How to effectively minister to the Islamic faithful, etc. In fact, there is still a call for another training to be conducted so that the pastors get well acquaintance with is material on Islam and Christianity. 

Blessings from Teso and Karamoja sub region 

This is from Bishop Wako Eastern Uganda:

Hello Bishop Steven, Blessings to you. We have just concluded the TOTS WITH ALL THE CENTERS. What is remaining is doing the follow ups with the centers, leaders have been deployed to encourage their flocks, in doing so we are managing to train our ECLEA leaders now that we have less people are doing, so this has worked for us well.

As one of the core convictions with the ECLEA TRAINING TEAM, we pledge to continue doing the following:

1. To continue mobilizing leaders to attend ECLEA Trainings.

2. Some Churches have started teaching on the courses their leaders learn from the trainings.

3. Pastors have agreed to support the conferences by contributing money for feeding, training materials. Although this is still a challenge with many of them, the support that come in time help us to this to happen.

Please pray with us as we go through this devastating period of pandemic that has caused a lot of damage in the country.


We look forward to starting trainings next week. As we follow the standing operational procedures of Government. Transport has been allowed country wide although with social distancing in the vehicle; hence costly in-terms of the fares

That is the communication I received from the 3 Coordinators as mentioned before. I have been in talks with Bishop Julius and Rev Francis. They are waiting for the Government officially to open up the country so that we can have the trainings in their Dioceses. They are all willing to have you when the international flights start again.

God bless you and all those who are praying for and supporting the ministry of ECLEA!

Bishop Stephen Sempala



From August, 10th to 14th/2020, two trainings held simultaneously in the following places. Frederic led the training at Bukeye, while Francois led the training in Nyanza Lac. In both centres, we are grateful that the participants came and were zealous to learn.

The course
We went through the Marriage and Parenting course. In both centres, the trainees liked so much the course. This course is so much rich that it not only benefited the participants but also the teachers as we endeavour to see a change in the families. We find the book to be useful not only to the educated ones, but also to the uneducated.

This book is so rich that there were many discussions and debates, either during the course, in discussion groups and after the course, as it is key to families if we want to have healthy churches. There are many issues in that course as it has many implications to the Burundian culture. However, Christ is above all cultures and has come to redeem the oppressed and in our culture, women were very much oppressed. Jesus transforms the culture.
As we were going through this course, there were some challenges raised by the trainees. With regard to parenting children, as the trainees were sharing and discussing, we realized that a good number of children from this end, especially children from many families of fervent servants of the Lord, their behavior always raises questions in their proper families and communities. 

The question was: “Why this odd behaviour”? After a thoroughly discussions, many trainees said that this might be as a result of pastors not being present at home in the alibi that they are serving the Lord. They realized that, the primary church is the family. Unanimously, they decided to change the way they do things and plan well their time. As teachers we encouraged the pastors to check on the peers that influence their children and to continue to coach their children. Moreover, they should consult the schools to check on the progress of their children.
The love languages
Love languages was another challenge. This is cultural and sometimes it is difficult to imitate outside cultures. For us as Burundians, we have to adapt the love languages. When we went through the love languages, all the participants were able to discover what love language their partners speak. This led to much debate and many questions were asked and assessment as to how their partners speak.
Our comments:
In Kirundi we have a saying: “igiti kigororwa kikiri gito.” Literally it means, "A tree is straightened while it is still young." If you try to straighten it when it is grown up, you break it. The same saying applies to the people. We would like to start with young people leading churches.

* We wish to inculcate in young people the spirit of giving and if they grow up with that spirit it will be easy for them to be giving regularly in all spheres of life.

* We want to focus on discipleship and encourage the church leaders to nurture the church into knowing the truth which will set them free so that they may not give in into prosperity gospel which tends to draw much attention especially for young people who want to get wealth without working hard.

* Although the culture is strong, Jesus came to redeem us from the entanglement of the culture and traditions. Hence, the gospel aims at transforming people from inside out and they act as Zacheus did when he met Jesus Christ. He acted contrary to what the law of Moses say and went far beyond it which is a result of meeting Jesus Christ not only in words but also in deeds.

We are grateful to the Lord that these missions went on well. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!


George Kariuki, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

August 18, 2020: This is my last Biblical Interpretation conference in Ruiru Christian Foundation Fellowship with Rev Geoffrey Kinuthia and 15 pastors, I am thrilled to report that among other insight and explanations we did the 8 principles and practiced on 3 passages: John 3:10-21-Gods salvation; Genesis 5:1ff live your life faithfully and prepare for death: and Psalm 1:1ff the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. So stay blessed and we are encouraged to continue teaching.

God bless you, George Kariuki


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania regional coordinator

August 18, 2020: We finished our previous A.A. ECLEA course teaching schedule I proposed for the first half-year by mid-June. Since then I was doing a follow-up to see the results of our work. There is a significant change in teaching those who are already Church Leaders in ministry but investing in youth, the emerging leaders are for more profitable than the mature leaders. I have experienced applicable vivid results on the former than the latter. As that saying implies that "it is easier to teach new tactics to the new dog than the old dog". The youth & inexperienced ones embrace changes easier than the old and experienced ones. The old ones regularly and frequently return to their former practices according to how much experiences they are in their old norms.

I have at least ten youth emerging leaders in one of my classes, some of them they never preached before, but after doing three courses with them they prove to be very promising potential Gospel preachers and teachers. I have seen all of them preaching at least twice. They were inspired and managed to organized evangelistic gospel campaigns in village with good results. New Life in Christ has organized for an evangelistic gospel campaign to be done in Morogoro rural next week and all are going. I am planning to keep working on the experienced leaders, without neglecting these young ones, as well as others who would like to learn.

I have a problem with Christianity & Islam course, I taught it once and found it very difficult to do it in four days, yet the size of the book is a bit expensive to print. But it proves to be a very necessary course especially in coastal areas where Muslims are majority. I don't know whether should I make a summary of the course or eye mark some important areas to deal with.

ECLEA is doing great in equipping church leaders in East Africa. Bless upon you, and all who make it possible. Please pass my regards to all.



Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator

August 20, 2020: Greetings from Bujumbura. As for us, there is no rest as we are trying to redeem the time we lost from March to June actually due to Elections and Corona virus. Francois and I are always up country to build the capacity of pastors as we have created new centres. We praise God that things are working on well. People are very keen to take part on those trainings the only problem now we encounter is the big number of students in each centre. We have been thinking of a TOT for the brilliant people we have seen among those who graduated whom we can empower to be assisting us in those regular trainings.

From tomorrow, Francois and I are going to, one in Mishiha and the other one in Cankuzo centre. Friday, Saturday and Sunday we will be preaching myself in Mishiha while Francois will be far away near the border in Camazi. Monday, we start training pastors in Biblical Stewardship, a course they have so much liked since it was an eye opener to all of them. Pray for us.

We reiterate our gratitude for the ongoing support you give us in our endeavour to reach out to the underprivileged pastors in rural areas.   

Yours, Frederic Harerimana


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

August 24, 2020 – 1st HALF REPORT

Let me salute you sir, for it is long since I communicated to you. I hope you are doing well in the Lord and also in this wonderful ministry. This is my first conference this year, and as you know covid 19 has really pushed us in a tight corner, but thanks to God we are back in the field to help our fellow ministers of the gospel.

This conference was initially scheduled on April, but we managed to put it on  21-22/8/2020. It was on the book of              1 Timothy. Although church services have not normalized and especially my congregation, I did not expect many church leaders to appear. In fact, I was expecting not more than ten pastors, but to my surprise a good number of pastors appeared ready and eager to learn. 

The greatest challenge I am facing now is how to deal with the fear of infection among the people concerned. 

My second conference which was supposed to be held on May 28-30. We had this conference this week on August 26-27. The conference was on Biblical Stewardship. The attendance was beyond my expectation. We had over twenty participants who were largely senior pastors, pastors and church leaders.

This was indeed a great surprise taking in account the fear we are in of the pandemic. All healthy protocols here were observed fully. Everybody was in mask throughout the training session. Actually, I felt I had a debt to them to appreciate them for a well job done.
It’s like the demand of conferences now is bigger than before but we are ready for the task.

My third conference which took place this week was scheduled for 25th-27th June but as you know we had to postpone it to a later date which was 1st -2nd Sept. This conference didn't have as many participants as the first two, but leaders came and we learned as usual. We were slightly above ten. We were learning about The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. It is now a very popular course among leaders.

Our prayers and I know you are praying with us is to be back in our normal life as soon as possible.

Respectfully submitted, Fredrick Njoroge


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


1. Introduction
A church leaders’ training took place in Mishiha and Cankuzo from 25 to 29 August / 2020. The events were preceded by evangelistic ministries which were organized by our former students in Cankuzo. These evangelistic events took place in Mishiha and Camazi. Frederic led the evangelistic ministry in Masango in the commune of Mishiha while Francois led the Evangelistic ministry in Camazi in the commune Gisagara both in the province of Cankuzo. We are much grateful to the Lord who sustained us in those missions and all went well.
In both centres, we were continuing with Biblical Stewardship and we finalized it. There were new students in both those two centres. As usual, we started with welcoming new students and told them the rules that guide the school and measures to be taken to avoid and prevent Corona virus (hand wash and distancing). Two former students Revd. Zoya Melchior, in Cankuzo and Bugusu Alexandre in Mishiha, came and encouraged the students to be perseverant until they finish the course and have their diplomas. That visit was so good and it encouraged also us. As usual, students started by telling us the experiences and challenges they went through when they tried to put into practice what they had learned in the course of Biblical Stewardship.

In both centres, students asked us to be going slowly and not to teach them as university students knowing that they did not have much training background. In fact, some of them hardly read and write. They unanimously said, “We came to learn so that we may understand and be in a position to do better what we have been entrusted with. Note that you have come to our rescue, please help us as we endeavour to help others. You will be pleased to see us preach and put in action what we know.”

The students loved so much this course to the point that they vowed to do the following in their respective churches:

* They pledged to steward their time and do some income generating activities that would not only profit themselves but also the community as they become pilot projects themselves. We will try to encourage church members to do things so that their lives may be transformed for the better.

* They pledged to involve all church members to have an active role with regard to hygiene of the body, environment and their homes.

They were so much touched by the prosperity Gospel. They repented that they have preached prosperity Gospel and have opened doors to prosperity gospel preachers for they did not know the consequences of prosperity Gospel. Indeed, they did not understand what prosperity gospel was about.

3. Testimonies
Pastor Venant Harerimana: "I have come to understand that when people understand what they are doing they give more. In fact, I went to an event and shed light on how much David gave for the building of the house of the Lord. I explored the issue of talents and tried to explain to them the weight and the amount of money the talents David gave and this led the people to give wholeheartedly. I was so amazed to see how people gave generously money to build the house of the Lord. We are grateful to the Lord for the teaching we got and are thankful to Frederic and Francois who taught us what the parable of the talents is all about and how the Lord gave to each one of them what they were able to handle." 

Rev. Pastor Minani Logatien:  “I am grateful to the Lord who brought to us this school. Now I am ready to hold seminars in all the churches the Lord has entrusted me with so that all the members be doing something that would yield some profit for them in their lives. I am ready to start with myself and assess what kind of tents I could make for my survival and stop depending on the income from the church. The church needs to grow from one level to another. I find this school to be a tool that would enable the church to grow. My eyes have been opened I hope that the three years and half I will spend in this course, I will have changed and the church the Lord has entrusted me with will follow suit. To kick off, I will deal with the stewardship of time."

"I am a pastor for more than 15 years. The ways the Lord uses are mysterious! I had wanted to attend a Bible school and I had yearned to have such an opportunity. I believe this school came as a result of intensive prayers. We are grateful that the Lord brought us this school in this remote area where it is our first time to attend such a continuous school and having assessed the content, I believe by the time I graduate I will be an excellent preacher and leader." 
"I am so grateful to the Lord for this training that has started in here. I thought that as a leader I have come to be taught what I will teach others, but fortunately I found that I am prey and target of those teachings. I have been affected so much and transformed. I believe that I have not come to waste my time, this is where the Lord wanted me to be and what he wanted me to be doing and learning." 
4. Challenge
The trainees said, “Although we are committed to learning, we still have challenges of how to buy books, and collect money to use when we will be gathering. The climate has been so bad that the harvest has been poor and this has a negative impact on the contribution of our churches towards our upkeep while we are here in the training”. 

5. Conclusion
We are grateful to the Lord that there are so many applications to attend this school unlike in the past. Indeed, in Mishiha we have 60 students while in Cankuzo we have more than 40. All those students have promised that they would persevere until they get their diplomas.


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

August 2020: Jake Boldig and I have completed our first conference. We've been doing The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose in Arusha, TZ. The local organizers have done a very good job. Attendance increased from about 30 the first day to almost 50! We have been using Swahili translators, and that has gone well.

Jake has done a creditable job in his first experience teaching ECLEA material. He even brought a number of Bibles with him which have been distributed to many of the participants. Others will be distributed at our next venues in Babati and Mwanza and at an orphanage near Mwanza where Jake will be staying. Jake also creatively divided the participants into small groups the second day of the conference when he was teaching about discipleship and small discipleship groups. He had them mutually pray for one another and then do a brief teaching exercise on John 13:3-17 (Jesus washing his disciples' feet). I think this sparked interest in the discipleship process.

Most of the participants had stated that of the four basic missions and purposes of the church (worship, discipleship, mission, and oneness/wholeness) the ones they most wanted to learn and do better were discipleship and mission. Coincidentally, those are the two things the course spends most time on. A number of the pastors said they would be starting discipleship groups. The mission component and churches working together will prove challenging. But the participants expressed a hunger for change, so I am hopeful. Please pray for the churches of Arusha, as their applying what we discussed can lead to a deep revival both within the churches and in the communities.

Dickson Laizer and I are now in Babati, where we have begun the ECLEA course on the book of James. Jake is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. We had approximately 37 participants. There were lots of questions and discussion, because James goes to the heart of the most fundamental issues facing the church, individual Christians, and all people--things like suffering, showing partiality and favoritism, controlling the tongue, living autonomous, presumptuous lives, and the use of wealth.

At the beginning of the course, I asked how many people had ever done an in-depth study of a book of the Bible; less than half had. Only a few had ever tried preaching through an entire book of the Bible. One participant said that he had tried but had given up. As we went through the book, I think people's eyes were opened to the riches of both James and the value of studying books in general. More than one talked about how they appreciated this "new way of teaching." The man who said that he had given up preaching through biblical books said that he would now do it again.

I am hopeful that much good fruit will come from this. ECLEA's motto is: Deep Foundations - Healthy Churches - Transformed Lives. Now, the participants have the material that can help them deepen the foundations of their own churches. This can lead to health and transformation. Please pray that this happens. It is so important and necessary.

Jacob and I completed our trip to Tanzania by teaching Christianity and Islam to a large (60 participants) group in Mwanza (which is on the south shore of Lake Victoria). The course took four days. Dickson Laizer, of course, was with us.

Everyone recognized how important this course is, with Islam growing and aggressive. One participant said that pastors who preach about Islam are sometimes physically threatened by Muslims (so much for the "religion of peace"). There were a few participants who themselves came from a Muslim background. When I asked during the course of the conference if they previously had heard of the things that are in our book (either when they were still Muslims or after their conversions to Christ), they acknowledged that they had not. That's why we deal with "the essentials" (as the book is subtitled) in depth, with copious citations and corroboration from the Bible, the Qur'an, the Hadith, and scholarly literature.

It was exciting that at the beginning of the third day, one of the participants said that the previous evening he had taken the course book and used it to talk to two Muslim men and one Muslim woman. He showed them some of the things in the book. They all said that they would come to church to learn more because of the truths they had never been exposed to before!

On the final day, a number of the pastors gave testimonies that revealed they understood and already had applied this course in ways I would not otherwise have believed.

Here are some of the testimonies:
     * "This teaching is different from what we have learned in our colleges. Yesterday I approached a Muslim with the teaching we had learned and he got saved!"
     * "In the past four days I have seen God greatly. I have never seen anything like this before. From today I will develop great love. Let us love each other and let the Muslims find love in the church."
     * "God touched my heart to reach this place. Now I have new tools. Many times Muslims have threatened me for preaching the gospel. I will be faithful to use the words I have received."
     * "This was not a seminar; it was a course. I have increased my knowledge. Yesterday morning my Muslim neighbors brought a paralyzed man to my house. Before prayer I talked to them about Jesus and Muhammad, and four Muslims came to faith in Christ as a result of these teachings!"

I strongly exhorted all of those who had already reached out to Muslims, and those who do so in the future, to be sure to follow up with them. I said that follow-up is at least as important as being God's instruments to lead the Muslims to profess faith in Christ in the first place. I added that it is their responsibility, after leading someone to Christ, to personally disciple the person or to make sure that the new convert gets connected with a good church where he or she will be discipled.

All in all, this has been a profitable trip. May God grant great fruit from this.


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

August 2020:

As promised here is the mini Report that covers the centers in Eastern and Greater Eastern including Karamoja region. By now since we started at the end of June, the Coordinators have been able to teach Biblical Theology in all centers and have just started with TOTS in this August.

The book of James has been an inspiring and challenging to all the attendants especially in the area of application of our Faith, Character, Patience, and Endurance in hardships, etc. This was a refreshing course and challenge to all the participants to stay focused on what we have believed.


The attendance and participation of the pastors has been good in some centers and fair in other areas. A total of 68 Pastors have been reached in the Greater Eastern and Karamoja region, and 94 church leaders in Eastern Uganda in these few trainings.

One the other hand there has been some challenges as some of the participants had the fear about the COVID related issues as transport fare has doubled. Hopefully in the second round of the trainings the attendance will be great.

Some comments from some the Coordinators:



As one of the Core Convictions with the ECLEA training Team, We pledge to continue doing the following:

1.To continue mobilizing Pastors to attend ECLEA Trainings.

2. Some Churches have started teaching on the courses their pastors learn from the trainings

3. Pastors have agreed to support the conferences by contributing funds for feeding, training materials. Although this is still a challenge with many, but at least we have started moving in that direction.

Please pray with us as we go through this devastating period of COVID 19 THAT HAS HAMPERED A LOT OF MINISTRY ACTIVITIES IN OUR COUNTRY AND ALSO THE WHOLE WORLD.

New developments are coming up from Western Uganda as new Centers have been started. These new Centers are going to be facilitated by these leaders for the rest of this year, as they see things moving!

So far there are six in number, and one of the Centers is Katuna near the Boarder of Uganda and Rwanda. "The training was warmly welcomed by the leaders" said the Coordinator of this Region.

Another Center being Rubaya Sub County, Kabale District. Another Center that was created is located in Bubare Sub County in Rubanda District. These other newly created Centers were started by leaders who have been attending our trainings from Kabale and Rubanda respectively. Due to the Need and the Value they have for our materials, they chose to start these Centers near them. By the way, these are the leaders who have been travelling long distances to attend our trainings.

The fourth and fifth Centers have been created in Rwampara District, one is in the middle of the Town Council, and another one is located in Ndeija Sub County, Rwampara District.

Finally, the sixth Center has been started 6km from Kyazanga Trading Center. Since the Government issued a command that Churches, Schools and halls should not accommodate people during this COVID 19 season, these leaders who have been accommodated in these premises during their training fall victims. So to avoid the Government directive, they chose to have the trainings near them, thus creating this Center.

According to one of the Coordinators from this Region, Pr. Jackson, Rwampara had the most number of participates ranging from 40-50, compared to the lest Center that had participates between 9-14. Rwampara like Iganga in the Eastern has more Muslim than Christians.

I have been given Statistics that the leaders with initial training are about 60%. The Bible Colleges or Institutions could only be found in Mbarara City.

Interestingly, there is a Rev in Kanungu who belongs to Free Methodist Church who says that he should be included also in our training programs, this is because training is lacking in the entire District. Kanungu is a place where Kibwetere Inferno took place in Uganda.

Basically, this is what has transpired this time around in our trainings in Uganda. I will keep you up to date as more reports are coming in.

Kind Regards,



Alex Obaale, ECLEA-Uganda regional coordinator

This mini Report covers both the centers of Teso and Karamoja regions for the last two months of August and September which have ended successfully. In a positive regard we have been having lots of rain here and most of our pastors and leaders have been doing a agriculture and therefore will get food on the table soon and been able to contribute for the food during the trainings.

By now since we started early August, we have been able to teach Biblical Theology in all centers and done with TOTs and now ending with follow-ups.

The book of James has been inspiring and challenging to all the attendants, especially on areas of application of our faith, character and patience, endurance in hardships etc. This was a refreshing course and challenge to all the participants to stay focused on what we have believed.


For the last one week, especially after the president relaxed and allowed churches to open, there has been a significant increase in the attendance. The attendance and participation of the pastors has been good in some centers and fair in other areas. A total of 85 pastors have been reached in these few trainings.

Some of the participants had the fear about the COVID RELATED ISSUES. Hopefully in the last round of the trainings the attendance will be great.

Please pray with us as we go through this devastating period of COVID 19 THAT HAS HAMPERED A LOT OF MINISTRY ACTIVITIES IN OUR COUNTRY AND ALSO THE WHOLE WORLD. THE RATE AT WHICH COVID COMMUNITY INFECTIONS are uprising in Soroti is alarming....Please have us in your prayers.


We look forward to complete this last part of the year next week. As we follow the standing operational procedures of Government.


Blessings from Teso and Karamoja Regions.

Pastor Alex Obaale


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

September 2020

We have been proceeding with our coursed trainings from August through this September in different places as we're scheduled and here's the short reports and evaluation in general:

1) Forgiveness and Reconciliation
We taught this course at Monduli juu, Manyire, Kongwa, and Manyoni, where had approximately 30 to 45 participants who attended the trainings showing they were very interested with the teachings which some places people show up before and in time. At the end many bishops, overseers, and pastors gave their testimonies saying, this teaching brings us the enlightenment to our understanding on forgiving people and knowing how to live Christ’s life as the heart of the gospel. 90 percent said they would take this teaching to their congregations just after finishing up the class and also leading seminars to others who are attached with them. In evaluation we found that church members are more united, choirs and youth were having good relationship to biblical perspective and now church members are growing spiritually in understanding God's word.

2)  1 Timothy
We taught this course at Kwimba, Ngudu, Ungumalwa, Nyarusu, where we taught approximate 27 to 35 people who attended the course for three days. Some participants came in time and others came late but at least second day showed up in time and the third day were the teaching. Teaching on one book of the Bible were surprised to many people because they were not familiar with it; they were expecting sermon topic but at the end they were so grateful to learn the Bible in new ways.

They gave testimonies saying that ECLEA'S teaching is very different from other seminars they have been attending. Here we have redeemed from the wrong teaching which we have been teaching our people and even agreed false teaching without knowing. In evaluation we found some pastors said when they taught to their congregations and different groups people came forward to repent and change their minds and character even some asking to step down from their position of leadership. So we give the glory to God. They asked ECLEA to start a college where we might go and get this teaching.

3) The Church: It's Nature, Mission, and Purpose
This course we taught at Kibaigwa and Dodoma town in replacing Mpwapwa. Here we taught about 25 to 30 participants who attended the course and when we started many of them thought they knew what the nature, mission, and purpose of the church are, but we touch the nature and the purpose they turned on their attention and start interacting during the teaching. When the will of God for the church to mission, they were shocked; then they said this is the teaching we need for the awakening switch to the church today.

Many gave their testimonies saying we thought we knew what mission is but we did not. We thank God for ECLEA'S teaching and learning through this course has changed our minds set and ready to go back to work on and applying the teaching in to our congregation and make changes in obey God word. We thank you for those who have been supportive and this training possible in changing and transform our life in building the kingdom of God. May God bless you all.

That's for now we are going on with the trainings where we are at Iguguno district teaching on the Church. Please pray for us.

Best regards, Dickson


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

September 2020

Greetings and praise the Lord. Thanks for the support you continuously give towards the training of Church leaders in Uganda. We have managed to create 18 new centers due to the high demand for training in the these areas.

Apart from the first six centers from the South West of Uganda, that's Katuna, Rubaya, Bubare, Rwampara, Ndeija and Kyazanga center B, another center was added to these and it is called Kanungu in Kanungu district.

The remaining 12 centers have come mainly from Buvuma Island, which is made up of 53 smaller Islands. So far we have managed to create 8 training Centers in eight Sub Counties out of the 53 Islands.

At first we had stopped trainings on this main Island due to high cost of transport and long hours to reach the Island. But due to the high demand for training on these Islands when we got the advance we had to make arrangements with Bishop Godfrey and carried out sensitization and at the same time trained the leaders there. These are the Centers that were created; Bagaya, Lwajje, Bwema, Luubya, Kitamilo, Lyabanna, Buwoya and Kirongo, which is the main landing site of Buvuma main Island.

So far in all these new Centers we have used the book of 1 Timothy. It has been received with gratitude, the richness in the materials themselves left many wanting to have a school opened in their areas. The need to open up a school came strongly in Buvuma. The leaders here needed more time to go through the book.
When it came to leadership in line with the Great Commission "Making disciples of all nations", the leaders saw that they were not emphasizing that in their Churches, they were not reaching the politicians, the educators, the business people, the entertainers, the communicators, their families, and thus they were failing to answer the Great Commission due to lack of reading the Holy Scriptures in context.

We had still other Centers created in Eastern Uganda that is; Busembatya district, Luuka district, Kalagi in Mukono district. 

Apart from the new Centers created, the rest of the training are still ongoing. Personally I have been engaged so much in the creation of these new Centers at the moment with some Coordinators one at a time.

I have taken a break from the trainings, I am planning to go back at the end of this month. At the moment I am re - organizing myself. I will be updating you as I receive the feedback or the reports from the Coordinators.

I talked with Bishop Julius Nina, and he is working on ECLEA's partnership with the Church of Uganda Training Center in the North.

Also I am going to use this time to look for the Luganda translator for our ECLEA books.

Kind Regards,



David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

September 2020

We had our first post Covid-19 ECLEA meeting in Nairobi on Friday, 5th September 2020 hosted by Transformation Ministries – Kabiria (our 3rd this year) where Rev. David Njeru is the lead pastor. The meeting was unique in several aspects. First it was conducted in one day observing the Ministry of Health protocols because the country is not fully opened for public gatherings. We taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose.

Secondly, we had 10 participants drawn from 9 different churches which eventually will have a wider reach. Attached are some photos from the training ground.

We the trainers adopted a very new presentation approach, which is facilitated discussion methodology which went on quite well and it helped us to cover more content. How did it work? We would pose an open ended question from a particular section of the book and then allow the conversation to flow naturally with arising sub-questions tackled skillfully. The facilitator would then kind of summarize the section with careful reference to the text as he introduces the next part. It was a wonderful experience.

Among the emotive areas was the question of church leadership from page 9. Rev. John Njenga wanted a clarity as why a polygamous man who is later born again should not be a in a leadership position (which is in opposition to the 15 qualities (especially a “one man / wife person”) yet he is accepted by Jesus as a son.

Secondly, we had the question of how we should baptize by immersion. Is it by either the name of Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, all of them or one of them.

Thirdly, there was the aspect of the apostolicity of the church. Some felt that the prophets ‘take it too far’ in their pious manner of ministry. The question of if we do have apostles today also sufficed.

The fourth one which took a while is ‘how to discipline a church leader – in public or privately?’

We tried to tackle all questions and guide the conversation in a conducive environment for the benefit of all.
In conclusion, more emphasis was put in the mission aspect of the church rather than the confinement in the four walls.
Thank you for the opportunity to impact leaders in Nairobi with ECLEA material.

A big thank you to ECLEA director Jonathan Menn and the regular supporters of this program.

Shalom, Rev. David Njeru – Nairobi Region: Team Leader


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


From Monday 7th through Friday 11 September 2020, two trainings were held respectively in Rutana in the Anglican church and in Muzye Centres. We had good time and in both centres we were finalizing the course of Biblical Stewardship. This course was an eye opener to most of the participants and they regretted that they had not been exposed to these teachings in the beginning of their ministry and calling. We realized that most of the participants to the current course were sensitized and mobilized by those who recently graduated. The Bishop of the Anglican church played an important role. We were amazed to notice the big number of women in the Anglican Church of Rutana who attended these courses as compared to other places. In the United Methodist church in Muzye as well, there are four women who vowed to take part in these courses. The superintendents of the United Methodist Church also played a key role in mobilizing the participants. This is a proof that the courses are making a tangible impact to the glory of God.

The Biblical stewardship course
As already said, this course was so important as a foundation for the people already in ministry. Looking at the testimonies the participants give and questions they ask, as to the new discoveries they are realizing compared to what they used to do and teach, we are very much grateful to the Lord that this school or rather training came at the right time if not late. We see a tangible transformation not only in the participants but also among the congregations they are ministering to as well as the neighborhood. One of the measures the participants in the training have taken in order to stop the spread of prosperity gospel, is to limit to the maximum the new evangelists they invite to preach or teach in their churches.

In both centers, participants vowed to make useful of discipling their believers and teach them to obey all the Lord has taught them. The following are some of the testimonies they shared.

Kagoma Salomo: I saved time and money.

“Since we left, I did so much home. I planted 6 avocado trees but only 3 grew up. I planted 8 palm oil trees but unfortunately only 3 grew up. I planted rice using updated new methods and I will harvest it in December. I cultivated 12 m by 180 m of rice. Now instead of calling people I just write sms to save money. With regard to the stewardship of the body, I reduced the number of fantas I used to drink. I was able to achieve all this for I reduced the time I used to waste”.

Ndinzemenshi Ferdinand: I changed the way I do things. 

“Since I went through this Biblical stewardship course, I changed the way I do things. When I left here after the training, I went ahead and put into practice what I have learned. I cultivated 50m by 150m. I used to mix up seeds. But after I learned the course, I separated seeds and I see now is that the harvest will double or triple. People really die of ignorance. I decided to plant separately peanuts, maize, sweet potatoes, etc. I also planted trees. From this course, I understood how I can dig deep into the word of God”

Kwizerimana Joel: With one stone I am likely to kill many birds. 

“Due to teachings, I thought about development. I bought piglet and nurture it. Soon, it is going to give birth. Some of these piglets will be sold for me to get some money. I will remain with few I am able to cater for. I will get natural fertilizers to fertilize the soil which is being eroded now. So with one stone I am likely to kill many birds. Moreover, I plan to plant tomatoes though it is in a dry season. I will water them”.

Nsengiyumva Celestin:

“Since the time we left, I decided not to waste any more time. I want to use my mind and do something to be able to get more income, and to get what to give and what to save as well. Since that time, I got 3 plots and planted rice; now I am weeding it out. I cut down old bananas and want to plant new types of bananas. In the church I taught the stewardship of time, and I started myself being an example of how I changed the way I used to misuse the time. Even during Sunday service, the congregation has realized that the program is now timely programmed”.

Ndikuriyo Lazare: There is no time to waste. 

“Since the time I left here, with regard to time, I prepared my family. I gathered them, then led by the teachings we exchanged. I shared with them what I learned re not wasting time. My family is made of 9 people. We therefore started planning together. We decided to share responsibilities. Now every one of us know what he/she is meant to do on a daily basis. I thank God for this training”.

Ndihokubwayo Celestin: Love has increased in our home.

“I do not regret for having attended this course. I got so much from this course especially with regard to stewardship of time. Now, I use well my time. I am a mason, I build houses. I do everything myself. I do not waste my time anymore. With regard to stewardship of relationships, I found that we were not in good terms with my wife. As Christian and family we were living: “each for himself and God for all”. But things have now changed. I started to share all what I get as a builder and my wife share what she gets in agriculture. Now we put together our income, and discuss how to use them according to the priories, and we have started to do savings. Love has increased in our home for we do no more hide each other what we have been able to acquire. We have started to live a joyful life”.

We are grateful to the Lord for what he enabled us to achieve. We believe that students will put into practice what they have acquired in this training for the good of their family and the church. People loved so much the teachings and up to today there are many people who want to join the students due to the change in their lives they have noticed although they have not gone far so far with the teachings. Moreover, during the training we also continued to alert people about COVID-19 that they should keep hygienic laws such as hand wash and distancing not only during the training but to practice it in their home, communities, and churches.


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This meeting continued well on the above dates, despite the Covid19 challenge in Kenya. The Teachers were James. N. Kamau and Monica Wambui. The meeting had 20 delegates. The following major denominations were represented.

The meeting was greatly interactive and intense. The delegates were keen to learn.

         Bsp Michael Mwangi said he had benefited from learning that he has to involve God in all his plans. He saw the great need of letting the will of God be done.
     Pst Joshua Njagi was puzzled by the statement ‘We sin because we want to’ on page 7 of our manual, at first he did not agree with it, but later he saw the truth in it and appreciated.
     Mrs. Joshua narrated how she had had problems with believers who had been her employees. She advised the delegates on the need to become good employees and employers and each to serve as serving the Lord.
     Pst Mukuria felt he had greatly benefited from the teaching on trials and temptations. He was impressed by the fact that we should count it all joy when we encounter various trials.

This meeting continued well on the above dates, despite the Covid-19 challenge in Kenya. The Teachers were James. N. Kamau and Peter Mwangi. The meeting had 9 delegates. The following major denominations were represented.


The meeting was good despite the effects of covid-19 which have caused a lot of shifting for some of the pastors and leaders in the area beside economic hardships.

Rev John Ngigi: said he had learnt on the importance of being justified by faith through the finished work of the cross. Besides he is no longer under the law and that by faith he can do what the law could not do.

Pst Rachael: Saw the importance of grace which has helped her to be righteous and not the law.

Pst Daniel Njoroge: Learnt on the life of Paul, as one of the later Apostles who was commissioned by the Church. He also learnt on the importance of the Foundational Apostles who were with Jesus and were the foundation of the Church.

Rev Muturi: Saw the importance of the following which he had learnt from the Book:

     1. The law of Christ.
     2. Using Freedom well.
     3. Grace verses the law which was a pointer to sin.
     4. The importance of unity which can be destroyed by false Doctrines.

On a positive note, Rev Muturi said he wants to help us organize ECLEA programs in Nakuru which is now one of his new bases. We agreed to do our first meeting there early next year. Once again we are grateful for ECLEA sponsorship which is still enabling us to continue equipping the Church which is the body of Christ awaiting His soon return.

God bless you all, James Kamau


24th to 26th Sep 2020, we did Galatians at Holy Ghost and Prophetic Church, hosted by Rev Catherine. We had 11 pastors in attendance most drawn from pentecostal churches. The pastors present realised that they have lived in bondage of the law and the true meaning of the gospel of grace have not been understood by many born again Christian including pastors. The most interesting part was the implications of the true gospel in our lives in chap 6. The conclusion was that if we are really transformed by the true gospel then people will see that and desire to be like us.

Thomas Mwai

Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We are all fine here in the midst of heavy rain now going on. We did have our first conference this half of the year, it was very successful and very educational. The conference was on Biblical Stewardship, 28th-30th last month. If it were not heavy rain that poured on those days, this conference would have had over forty participants. One thing we can be proud of is that ECLEA conferences are now popular and accepted by the majority of church leaders in this region.

The two more conferences remaining this year is as per schedule, and I hope I will experience the same or more participation than before. I am still going through the many videos you have posted on the ECLEA website, and I am hoping and preparing to use them in my future conferences.
I have attached one photo of the conference.

Respectfully submitted,

Fredrick Njoroge


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Receive greetings from Kenya.
On 1st to 3rd Oct, 2020 I conducted AA Conference at Kahuru Town. Pastors and Church Leaders attended in a big way. Nine denominations were represented.

A big number of the participants had no clue in the area of stewardship. They confessed that before the training on stewardship, they never thought that the Bible has anything to do with Stewardship of environment, stewardship of our money and time. They promised me that they will be good Ambassadors in all matters that pertain to Stewardship.

Last week I was encouraged by one Pastor who attended the training. He called me via the phone and when I visited him, he showed me trees he has planted. He has also organised a group of young men and they have resolved that every third Saturday of the month they will be cleaning the bushes on the roadside and also cleaning their small shopping centre.

Barnabas Mpekethi


Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior.

15th Oct to 17th Oct, we did Expository Preaching at IFC church hosted by Pay Mubea. 9 pastors attended the conference. Most of the attendees were used to topical and other forms of preaching and I had a time of teaching the benefits of exposition. It helps us to understand the flow of thought of the writer. Though it's hard work to get the introduction, theme structure and the application, it's worth it. 
The second day we used it by taking several potions of scripture and preaching through them and discussing. Through this the pastors were able to see things in the Bible that they once preached amiss because of not reading the Bible in context. The hardest thing with the group was to apply or the intended response that brings change of life.

James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regioal coordinator


This meeting continued well on the above dates, The Teachers were James. N. Kamau and Tom Mboya The meeting had 14 delegates. The following major denominations were represented.

REPORTS. The meeting continued well and the delegates were eager and cooperated very well during the whole time.

REV SAMUEL NDIRANGU (OUR HOST) said he was grateful to have learnt that James the Apostle was not James the brother of Jesus who wrote the Book of James. He also appreciated on knowing how to deal with the inward sin.

REV KANGETHE was greatly helped by the teaching on the sin of the uncontrolled tongue. He said after the teaching he will from now on be slow to speak, and instead he will be listening more before speaking.

REV JOEL MBURU was surprised by the teaching on rejoicing during trials. He came to understand that trials come so that when we overcome them, we mature spiritually.

MRS NDIRANGU also learnt the importance of being careful with what one speaks. She noted that wrongly spoken words can cause big fires and much evil.

Respectfully submitted, 
James Kamau


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On Thursday 29 & Friday 30th October – Bsp. Mwangi and I had a very fruitful training on the book of Galatians with 24 attendees drawn from 8 different churches.

Here are the highlights:
      Three people got born again after "straying" into this training and they were well received by Bsp Mwangi in his church last Sunday.
      The section of faith versus law was particularly discussed at length with a summary that we are not under as Christians.

The following are sample responses after the training:

1. We become slaves of sin if we apply law as Christians

2. We are free from the inside out. we are not lawless. The Holy Spirit of God sets us free from slavery of flesh and law guiding us to live a Christ like life.

3. Do not add to grace.

4. "A bondservant of God doesn't do things to please men but God and it is not how much we do things but under which spirit we do. The only behaviour we can do in freedom is LOVE." Rev. James Wanyoike

Thank you.

Rev. David Njeru,
ECLEA - Nairobi Region Coordinator


Samwel Ochieng, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


1. We are happy to report that we have already finished our (2020) ECLEA Teaching Conferences. I want to thank God who has enabled Jonathan Menn to help us to teach so many leaders with these wonderful teachings. Our second and last quarter was in the month of October. I did Biblical Interpretation with18 leaders in Zion/Harvest church in a place called Kahoya. Despite the fear of Covid 19, all the 18 participants never missed a day. Because they wanted to learn about this material. Most of them are Bible Scholars from various institutions of learning.

2. Our Second meeting Was from 28th-30th of October at Gospel Outreach Church with Bishop Andala in Hill School, Eldoret town. Also we studied the same topic of Biblical Interpretation. The attendance was not as good as the first one, because of many meetings that was taking place in the city. We were only 13 in number. The leaders were so much excited to know many things in this manual like: How do we trace the Author of these scriptures, who were their recipients, where and when did they write the books under what culture, and historical background. Another group wanted to know how true the scripture are, especially when you teach that the scripture cannot contradict each another. So this is to do with the authority of the word. Lastly, another place of interest that raises a lot of questions is, how does the New Testament relate and brings the true meaning of the Old Testament. The prophetic language, visions, and symbols. We all agreed to be doing a lot of study in groups every 15th of the month to be a part of our follow-up to understand deeply the whole manual.

3.The last was 11th-13th Nov 2020 at the Living Rock Church with Bishop William Okola as our host. I did The Church: Its Nature, Mission and Purpose. We were 17 in attendance (leaders). We centered on the local church and universal church; many leaders don’t know how to differentiate between the two. Another sensitive area is discipleship: how to make disciples / How do we know who is a mature disciple / the mentor and mentored. We also dwell so much on worship forms of worship and their meaning.

The beautiful thing is the manual in that all scriptures are available for better understanding and more research on either topical issues. This has helped us create more discipleship classes in many centres and churches and now we can see the fruits the church growth that we yearn for. We did another meeting on 14th Dec 2020 in our church with few leaders who still want to learn more so that they can go and teach their leaders in different places. I will attach several photo’s that we always take together in our meetings.

Otherwise, we pray for ECLEA family, financial supporters and especially to Jonathan and his wife. I wish you a happy Christmas and a prosperous New year–God bless all of you.

From Pastor Samwel Ochieng
North Rift Coordinator ECLEA


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We did our last meeting this year with a group of 10 - 15 leaders of Chrisco Church in Kahawa West over several weeks every Sunday afternoon in November - December (a first of its kind) who are also taking Diploma Course in professional counseling.

The Biblical Counseling manual proved to be very effective as the team appreciated so much especially the simple well articulated steps in counseling.

Their lecturer who I worked with on this program was so fascinated to get such a useful tool.

I'm looking forward to loop her for future ECLEA trainings.

A picture was sent to me but my mem card got corrupted before I could download. I requested for a copy but still waiting at the time of compiling this report - which is our first Nairobi Region report without a photo.

We appreciate ECLEA for its unwavering support to propagate & place valuable sound doctrinal materials to many hitherto unreached pastors & church leaders - especially those who would have no access to formal theological training.

Shalom & blessed 2021.

Rev. David Njeru
ECLEA - Nairobi Region Cordinator


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator

Report of four leaders training held concomitantly in Nyanza Lac Muyange and Bukeye from October 19 to 23, 2020 and from November 2 to 6, 2020

From 21st to 25 th September 2020, two trainings took place simultaneously at Muyange Nyanza lac and Bukeye. Bukeye training was led by Frederic and they continued with Eschatology course, while Fancois led Nyanza Lac training. On the schedule in Nyanza Lac we had Biblical Counselling but due to misunderstanding that was in the church, we change the course and taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. This course was overdue and it yielded tangible results as at the end pastors agreed. The third training took place from 19th to 23rd October at Muyange and we went through the course on OT and NT overview while another pastor’s training led by Frederic took place in Bukeye. The fourth training took place at Bukeye, on 2nd to 6th, November where they finished the course on Eschatology the biggest course of all the courses since it takes three full sessions of 5 days each.

The courses:
As we do every day, we started by reminding ourselves the requirements to prevent Covid-19 like social distancing and hygiene. We also take time to hear different reports from the trainees, what they have been doing during this time of implementation of what they had acquired in the teachings. This is a crucial time for the evaluation where they ask various questions related to the challenges, they have encountered in putting into practice what they have acquired in class.
Students were very keen on this course on forgiveness and reconciliation, as it came as a way to solve the problems they had. As a result, nobody slept during the course and they were keen to follow every word that was said and techniques to solve problems.

We all realized that forgiveness and reconciliation is an easy course to teach if it applies to somebody else but when you are an actor in it, it becomes very difficult though it should be a day to day way of life. It is not easy to forgive somebody who has harmed you and taunted you, it requires the grace of God to be able to forgive. We have realized that there is a lot of hypocrisy, most of the time real forgiveness which emerges from the heart is rare.

The culture has made it difficult where men do not ask forgiveness easily especially when it comes to asking forgiveness to wives. Pastors hide themselves behind the word of God and do not forgive each other.

Outcome of the trainings:
After the Forgiveness and Reconciliation course, some pastors who had some disagreement resolved to forgive each other although it was a painful commitment. Many participants wished that this course was not only given to them but that it should include everybody, even in the administration and among politicians.

Ndayisenga Remy Paul: I feel relieved. This course has freed me from carrying somebody everywhere I used to go. In fact, that person had wronged me. But as I had not forgiven him, I used to drag him wherever I went and this has not only traumatized me but has had a toll on my life. I decided to forgive the culprit who killed my mother by giving her pig meat. He gave her poisoned meat and she died. I have vowed to help others who are still grudging hatred and have not taken a step to forgive those who wronged them. This is not possible in our own strength but only God can give us grace to be able to forgive.

Kwizera Jacqueline: Forgiveness and Reconciliation course has helped me much. I used to count one by one, the wrongs of other people without looking on my own faults. I did not know that before looking at the wrongs of other people, you should look at your own. From now on if one wrongs me, I will be fast to forgive him/her even before he asks for forgiveness. I am also bad within my heart. So, forgiveness opens a way for reconciliation and if you forgive somebody it is like putting on his head burning coals. In this way, I will enjoy peace in my heart. I have gained something I did not know before; forgiveness does not replace justice. This is new to me for we had been told to forgive and forget.

Pst. Baranyegeranije Emmanuel: The first thing is to combat and win over gossiping. I am going to forgive those misunderstandings between me and my wife before it is too late. It is good not to give room hatred caused by misgivings. From now on it won’t be any more difficult to ask for forgiveness to my wife, something that was unheard of before I underwent this course. From now on, whether she does well or not, I am not going to give room to such former behavior of no forgiving her. I am going to pray for her so that the Lord may visit her and transform her from inside out. I am grateful to the Lord for I feel relieved on my heart. May the Lord continue using you mightily.

Sinibagiye Gilbert: This course of forgiveness and reconciliation has helped me a lot. I no more need to have enemies. There is no innocent people; Jesus came to forgive sinners; I also need to forgive as Jesus has forgiven me. From now on, I have decided to live peacefully with everybody as long as it depends on me, and forgiveness is going to be my way of life. I know I would gain peace in my house, in my neighborhood. I do not need to carry heavy loads of other people because of unforgiveness. May the Lord enable me to accomplish that which I have pledged.

Pastor Athanase: Forgiveness frees us a lot. “To be honest, I know that I have gained a lot this course of forgiveness and reconciliation. I had this question: can one forgive himself/herself? To my question the answer is yes. Forgiveness frees us a lot. Even if forgiveness is something difficult to achieve, I think from now on I am going to do it. My burden is to beseech God to help me forgive others and myself.”

Eschatology course
We continued with the course on Eschatology. To the participants, this course was surprising. Many trainees regretted that they did not know that the Bible has been misinterpreted by many pastors especially when it comes to this great theme of eschatology as a coronation of everything. One of them said: “I am surprised that we have been teaching heresies in regard to eschatology. Indeed, if we were aware of this course on eschatology before we were called to ministry, I believe we would have a strong church today.”

After we went through the course, there were so many questions that were raised. The good thing was that all those questions related to traditions of many churches incorporated in the Bible and what they had been taught in the past by their denominations and pastors. We pondered on various views and tried to connect things such as issue of a secret trumpet, the issue of the two intertwined ages: this age and the age to come, questions as to the place of Israel in the whole issue of salvation, the most crucial issue was about the new heaven and new earth etc.

Those question raised a hot debate. But with God’s help, we were able to answer those questions as we went through the Bible and using our book of Eschatology. There have been various views on the millennium, so are various interpretations depending on the position of everybody. However, the truth we discovered is that the 1000 years talked about starts by the first coming of Christ, and will end by the second coming of Jesus Christ and hence cannot be 1000 years per se. It is just a symbolic figure not a literal figure that would be taken literally, otherwise we would use the same principle for the chaining of Satan, Abyss, key, the 144,000, the figure 666 and many other things which have divided churches and led to excommunication for those who believe something different from the leader's view.

We praise God that at the end, after going through the course, the trainees vowed that they are going to correct the wrong views they taught to the congregants.

We are grateful to the Lord who enabled us to teach these courses timely as we solved problems that had entangled the church, precisely the course on Forgiveness and Reconciliation. There are, however, few students who were not challenged by this course; we continue to pray for them so that they may be transformed from inside out. We pray that the Lord may use those pastors who took part in this course to be a channel of blessing to all others in spearheading these teachings in their respective churches. We are grateful for the materials we are using in the training. These books are a great help. We thank Him also to enable us to go to the field. Glory be to God supports pastors to attend these courses.

Receive warm greetings from Burundi; all Rema personnel have sent you their greetings. Please pray for us as we are leaving for Cankuzo and Mishiha trainings towards the end of this week. We are going there for two weeks and we will be taking the students through the book of 1 Timothy and OT and NT overview (Biblical Literacy). We are aiming at finishing the program as planned for this year.

God bless you!


Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

November 2020: I hereby wish to let you know that we yesterday wound up our Forgiveness & Reconciliation conference at Mutaaga. I have never seen a message that captivates the audience and brings healing to them, as they pour their hearts before God, in tears, as the forgiveness and reconciliation message; this was what happened at the conference and is always a reminder that people are wounded and hurting, and they really need this message. Attached are some photos of some of those who attended. Blessings.

Robert, In His vineyard

Protais Nshogoza, ECLEA-Rwanda leader


Greetings! Today Kanombe, Gicumbi, and Kayonza Centers finished their courses. I taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose at Gicumbi center. Innocent taught Biblical Theology at Kanombe. Tician Mugisha taught Galatians at Kayonza.

The first day students were few due to fear [of covid], but the two following days numbers increased at Gicumbi; the first day 7 of them came but the second and third day they were 16. They enjoyed the book and said that once we have to review it.

Am on my way from Ruhango we learned Eschatology from Monday. Five students participated due to COVID -19 prevention principles.

Best regards,

Protais Nshogoza


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

On 15th to 17th Nov, 2020 I conducted AA Conference at Gaikuyu and the Conference was overwhelmingly attended by many Pastor and Church Leaders. Twelve denominations were represented in our training.

Many questions were raised commonly in the area of Qualifications of Elders and Deacons. Two Pastors left the training before it was over because they had each two wives. Those who were left developed great desire on such trainings. They requested me to go back next year. They told me that they will be using our Manual on 1st Timothy in their Churches to train the up-coming Church Leaders. 

Regards, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi

Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

I do share with you the joy of your many courses now being recognized by some credible people and institutions. Book of Revelation now translated in Kiswahili, Biblical Eschatology now being reviewed. This is a major boost for ECLEA and a big breakthrough in our courses.
This is my last conference this year, and I can proudly say in general that year 2020 was a very successful year in terms of attendance, participatory mood in the conference and great expectation of more time as we continue to learn.

This last conference was on Bilabial Stewardship. This was scheduled  from 1st-3rd Dec. Actually we were not through with this course, reason being the participants had a lot of questions as concerning Stewardship of money. I did promise them we will revisit the course next year God willing.

Be blessed as we enter this Christmas season. Fredrick Njoroge


November 19, 2020: Paul and Rosemary Nelsen November, 2020 mission trip in Kenya

The Nelsens see the great need in East Africa. They were gratified to see Biblical growth and good results. They realize that much ground work has been laid for them through Jonathan and Dr. Frank Cummings.

> Nov. 8: Paul preached in Bishop Ernest’s Alpha Missions church in Kawangare on Romans 4:11-5:12. The couple greeted the church and ate lunch with its pastor and elders.

> Nov. 10: Rosemary Nelsen taught The Bible Literacy: Old Testament Overview Part  1 to Bishop Justus’ Christ Alive Ministries in Miseku, near Webuye. 47 people attended and were appreciative.

> Nov. 11: Paul gave a teaching on "Taking your Biblical Text to a Sermon". Then Rosemary continued to teach Biblical Literacy Old Testament Part 2 followed by New Testament, Part 3. Again 47 people attended and expressed gratitude for the teachings of both Nelsens.

> Nov. 15: Both of the Nelsens preached at the opening of the new church, Gospel Believers Celebration Church in Nyamiobo 2 near Riragi Institute, led by Pastor George Oyaro. It is near Kegogi, in Kisii territory. The church service was attended by close to 400 people during the day. Paul challenged the people to come to the ECLEA teachings on Monday and Tuesday.

> Monday, Nov. 16: Rosemary taught the two Old Testament Biblical Literacy courses to 61 people. Again there was a good spirit and appreciation.

> Tuesday, Nov. 17: Paul taught “Taking a Biblical Text to a sermon” in the morning. Rosemary followed with her third Biblical Literacy Course in New Testament. This time we had 79 people attend. Again there was appreciation and a good spirit.

One pastor came to us after the morning presentation asking if we could please bring more teaching to this area and even start a Bible College.

There continues to be a hunger for the Word and how to apply it. ECLEA needs more teachers!

God blesss you, Paul and Rosemary Nelsen


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

November 28, 2020: My second conference took place last week on 18-20th Nov. It was on the book of 1 Timothy. As I said before, ECLEA is now widely accepted by the majority of our senior church leaders, and therefore the issue of attendance no longer exists. Buying of materials is so good.

I am hoping the new year will be wonderful as we continue the good stewards of ECLEA  teachings.

God bless, Fredrick Njoroge


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here are our general reports from the field during Nov-Dec 2020 in different places as follows:
1) As the training done in Kigoma, Kibondo taught on the book of 1 Timothy about the same number which was 37 to 39 where the participants show up early, good questions, interactions on false teachers and preachers who destroy the church using the same Bible, what shall we do to protect the church? and other questions.

At the end many bishops gave the testimonies saying ECLEA'S training is the medicine that can heal the church and bring the life so we need this teaching to proceed every month. In evaluation 15 confirm that they have teaching other pastors in their organization and out of their organizations where the participants are to go and teach to their congratulations.

2) Magu, Mundarara, Ketumbeinei—We taught also the book of 1 Timothy. The people there seem to be slow in learning keeping quiet in the class; they're small group about 20-25 people who attended the course, but in the end they seemed to wake up. Two senior pastors said, "We never had this kind of teaching and we so grateful for this help from ECLEA's ministry and we want you again." Following up show that 30 percent applied the teaching and they're congratulations said why you didn't teach us this we could avoid to be robbed without knowing.

3) Dareda, Katesh and Gabado
These places had the maximum number about 32 to 36 participants where we taught Biblical Stewardship and Forgiveness and Reconciliation. The people said "we learned things which are so new. ECLEA's ministry delivered us from ignorance and gives us the insight on what the word of God is meant to change our lives. We ask you to come over and help us more through other courses."

4) Nangwa, Ngurdoto, Bunda
Here we taught the book of 1 Timothy to 25, 31, and 37 participants where the people showed much interest from the beginning. At the end they started saying “we thought those false teachers were God’s messengers; that is why we have been giving respect to them as the anointed people of God. We are so grateful for ECLEA's ministry for opening our eyes and see truth revealed to us.”

5) Biharamulo, Simiyu, Mbogwe and Endabash
The people from these places seems to be eager to learn; they tried to show up on time where we had train about 30 to 34 participants. Many bishops and senior pastors said we learned things which we did not expecting from the people we were looking at like mere people, but God humbled us through this powerful teaching. One said, “I realize that God is healing his church by healing us first from ignorance and blindness. We thank ECLEA's ministry for coming to our place and help us.” 

Thanks, Dickson


Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

18th to 20th Dec 2020, we did our conference at CWIM church Muguga, hosted by Pastor Njoroge where we did 1st Timothy. We hosted 12 pastors all of which were very new to the teachings of ECLEA and that's why we chose 1st Timothy as our foundational book. One of the pastors asked the issue of women in ministry in chapter two. He later on commented that in his whole life in ministry he has never had a better and satisfying view as we have thanks to ECLEA.   

One of the challenges we found is the church and the needy bearing in mind the had situation brought about by Covid-19. Did the church do enough? Where was the church when she was needed most?  This was an eye opener and a challenge

Again thanks to ECLEA for the work you are doing in East Africa. I wish you a blessed 2021.

Thomas Mwai (Kiambu regional coordinator)


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Below is one of our students named Charles Gaitho. Today he led a group of Community Based Organisation in planting trees after he understood that it is the cardinal responsibility of God's servants to take care of our environment. We are serious and we practising all the things you have taught us. And also passing the button to the upcoming generations.
Best regards, Bishop Barnabas

Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Our ELEA conference on Expository Preaching at Githimu successfully ended last week. Attached are photos of some of the attendees. I was not able to send the report as the phone that had taken the photos had developed some problems but finally I have retrieved them. Thank you for supporting this cause that has facilitated the edifying of the body of Christ.

In His vineyard.


Francis Ngoboka, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

December 2020:

Thanks for all the support, prayer, financial support, and guidance in teaching and training our people in Rwanda and East Africa at large.

The course books as planned for last quarter of 2020 went on well. The recent lockdown (temporary) interfered with two for Ruhango, to be taught by Protais, and Rukira to be taught by Innocent Mbonigaba. They already have the funds for doing the work and only waiting for opportune time to do the needful.
The book of Galatians is a great one and Tacian Mugisha found it quite interesting to teach. He acknowledges both content and arrangement. Anyhow, I am personally grateful to God for the way the teachers are coming up in skill and responsibility.

Also, I observe that pastor Protais is increasingly good in coordinating and relating with the other center leaders, which is a blessing for our work in this great nation. Because of this, and looking at the border issues by politics and now corona, I suggest I handle the work and finances for the upcoming season of Jan-April 2021 and thereafter allow him to be at the center though I will always be available for any possible involvement.

Follow up through the center leaders and key brethren indicate good impact by our books in preaching, leading and practical work in:
   vegetable growing
   brick making
   piggery in Kayonza
   hens and eggs.

Special courses testified about include:
   Biblical interpretation
   1 Timothy
   Expository Preaching
   Counseling. Thank God for the testimonies.

I recommend that a great deal of follow-up do with resultant practical aspects of ministry like income projects for self and domestic support and reach-outs with works of help ministry.

I personally have made my compound a tomatoes garden and am not only eating but also giving to the brethren and neighbours. My home is known by "where the tomatoes fill the compound," as one electricity staff exclaimed. Good problem I think. missing flowers to tomatoes. Today I have well over 2 kg in the house to keep boiling slowly.

Thanks, blessings, Pastor Francis


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Here are short reports from Dec 2020 where we did the trainings including the following up with our team.

1) Minjingu, Basuto
Here we had about 17 to 21 participants where we trained on Expository Preaching course where many said it is good way of preaching but it needs to be repeated several times to become familiar with it because we are not use to it. Finally, they all agreed to recognize themselves next on June to be trained again on the same course.

2) Kamwanga, Same, Ngarenairobi and Maji ya Moto
We taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. About 33 to 38 participants. Many bishops said, “We didn't know that forgiveness is the heart of the gospel but knew it is God's love, but now learned things which is new powerful teaching that changes our lives.” Another bishop said, “We normally teach this in a light way while we are holding unforgiveness inside, but this teaching is helping me to know the importance of releasing my offender.” ECLEA's ministry is doing a great impact to communities.

Here's where we trained about 34 participants on the book of The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. These people had a different view of the mission of the church, but at the end they said, “I knew when we plant a new Church that is a mission but now I have learned the first mission is to worship God in living worthy lives that represent him on the earth and equip the church to be like Christ. Thanks for ECLEA'S ministry for coming to help us. We are going to arrange another class for you to come and teach us again. Again we want to thank all people of God for your love and support in reaching out to us.”

May God bless you all. Dickson


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

December 2020-summary update

I want to thank God who has enabled us to go through this year, which has been a challenging one not only us but also the whole world as we all know it.

From the time we chose to resume the trainings the Lord has been gracious to us. I have not heard any of the Coordinators complaining of being disorganized by COVID 19 related cases, not even any challenge from the Government officials or any major setbacks, apart from the usual challenges like the floods, when it is rainy season, and sicknesses but sometimes these are not common, though this time we had some centers in Teso Sub Region had the floods, which delayed trainings, but somehow they managed to complete the trainings So we thank God for that.

Just recently we had the riots in the country, which forced some centers in Lira northern Uganda, and Masaka in central Uganda to postpone their Trainings. Apart from that, elsewhere the trainings have registered success.

The new Centers have done well. The last report I got from the field is encouraging, they have received the trainings with joy. One of the Coordinators there told me that they want to finish the twelve books within one year so that we get them Certificates. Some of these centers are in remote areas and there is no way they will ever get Bible College or teachers in their areas. So ECLEA's involvement with them has been received as an answered prayer.

The only challenge we are still having is the lack of good Translators from English to our local languages. We are trying here and there but soon we will find them as the search is going on.

Another challenge is the high cost of transport and the general maintenance of the Coordinators and the trainers due to the COVID 19 related factors. Transport cost has doubled greatly, the use of SOPs in the training Centers, which is mandatory etc. 

Finally, I am still having some funds for 3 main trainings and 2 follow-ups. I am waiting for the two Coordinators to confirm their rescheduled dates then I will pass it on to them before the end of this month. Apart from that we see ourselves finishing the year with Success. Praise the Lord.

On behalf of ECLEA Uganda Board, and the all Team of the Coordinators and Trainers, I wish you the best of Christmas and a Happy New Year more Glorious than this one in Jesus' Name.

Kind Regards,



2020 has been an eventful year for ECLEA. Various East African government shutdowns and restrictions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic affected our ability to travel as often as we would have liked. Nevertheless, our work—both from the American side and indigenously by the East Africans—continued almost unabated. We even pioneered new territory (Frank’s teaching trip to Alexandria, Egypt). Further, the travel restrictions gave me the opportunity to do video lectures for virtually all of our books and courses, which probably would not have been able to be done otherwise. Here are some of the year’s highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
Because of the Covid situation, I was only able to make two trips to East Africa this year. In January-February I taught the book of Revelation to approximately 30 interested church leaders for 3 1/2 days in Bujumbura (Burundi's capital). Most of Revelation—it’s message, structure, purpose, theology, etc.—was completely new to the students. Nevertheless, they appeared to follow the discussion. This was confirmed in that days 2-4 all began with about 1+ hours of Q&A. Most of the questions were right on point, indicating that they were tracking and understanding what I was saying. I then went up-country to Cankuzo and attended the graduation of the first group of students who had completed all 14 of ECLEA's courses! Forty students began the program 3 1/2 years ago and 28 students completed the entire course (homework and all). I then travelled to Tanzania where I taught Christianity & Islam to approximately 30 students in Arusha and again in Babati.

In July and August, I returned to Tanzania and was accompanied by Jacob Boldig. We taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose in Arusha. Attendance increased from about 30 the first day to almost 50! We then taught the book of James in Babati to 37 participants, and concluded the trip in Mwanza, where we taught Christianity & Islam to 60 participants.

Frank Cummings’ work in East Africa
Frank reports: I made one trip to Kenya in January 2020, but FOUR different locations: hermeneutics in Webuye; counseling in Murang’a, Mombasa, and Mtwapa. For the most part, 25-30 students, in each locale.  

Also, in October, taught a DMin class in Alexandria, Egypt. This is the first time any of ECLEA materials were translated into Arabic. 18 students. Had a wonderful time.

Paul and Rosemary Nelsen’s work in East Africa
Paul came alongside Jonathan this year in an increased capacity since his retirement as a medical doctor. Paul has the gift of organization and has created a monthly newsletter on mail chimp. If anyone knows of others that would like to receive this please let Jonathan or Paul know. He has also initiated and organized the production of two recent videos. They are 90 seconds and 12 minutes long and give a glimpse of the purposes and some of the people who participate in the ministry of Equipping Church Leaders East Africa. Paul will continue to come alongside ECLEA to aid with his administrative skills in the future.

Further, Paul and Rosemary were able to travel to Kenya in November. Both Paul and Rosemary preached in different churches, and Paul gave a teaching on “Taking your Biblical Text to a sermon.” Rosemary taught Bible Literacy: Old and New Testament Overview to Bishop Justus’ Christ Alive Ministries in Misiku, near Webuye; 47 people attended and were appreciative. She taught the same course in Kegogi, Kisii territory; 61 attended the first session, but the number increased to 79 by the time she reached the third session! One pastor even asked if we could start a Bible College.

All-African ECLEA training conferences
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! The importance of this was made clear this year, since we Americans faced travel restrictions. In 2020, despite government restrictions, our East African ECLEA teams kept moving forward as much as possible:
     Burundi: Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi) has now established 6 teaching centers around the country; they teach for 5 days in a row, giving assignments and conducting follow-up. Due to unrest related to elections and coronavirus, they put a hold on teachings from March-May. Beginning in June they caught up and taught approximately 27 sessions among the six centers.
     Kenya: Kenya has 12 regions for ECLEA training; 72 all-African ECLEA conferences and follow-ups were scheduled. In March I received an email from one of our Kenyan leaders that “I hope you are aware of our bad situation our nation is going through. All gatherings have been banned including churches. It’s serious. Remember us. ECLEA meetings will continue but not as scheduled.” The Kenyans were able to readjust and conduct most of the scheduled trainings.
     Rwanda: The situation in Rwanda was similar to that in Kenya. In Jan-March 10 training sessions and 2 follow-ups took place. Then the country, including churches, was locked down. In the last quarter of the year, however, another 10 trainings were scheduled.
     Tanzania: Tanzania is the one East African country that did not lock itself down. Consequently, ECLEA-Tanzania teams taught 121 all-African conferences and follow-up sessions.
     Uganda: Uganda likewise endured a severe lock-down beginning in the second quarter of the year. Before that, all 53 scheduled training sessions were completed. After the restrictions were eased, Steven Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda’s national coordinator, emailed that “we have managed to create 18 new centers due to the high demand for training in these areas.” Approximately 75 additional trainings were completed after the lock-down.

Reports from the all-African training conferences are available on the ECLEA website ( by clicking on the flags of the different countries, and reports of my conferences are on the “News & Blog” page of the website (

The impact of ECLEA
ECLEA’s vision and goal is: “Deep Foundations=>Healthy Churches=>Transformed Lives.” Here are some reports I have received this year concerning the impact ECLEA is having:
     Fred Nyende (Uganda): I have been reading and listening to your audios on Biblical Theology as well as the book on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. I have found answers to issues that had dogged me for a long time! Indeed thank you so much. I am much more grounded and rooted in the faith than ever before!
     Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi (Kenya): We are not the way you found us when you first visited our Country Kenya. I am proud that I am a product of your teachings. Have been able to reach the learned and the unlearned. God gave me grace to share the word of God and lead prayers in meeting where the Deputy President of our Country was the guest of honour. Afterwards he invited me to his official residence at Karen (Nairobi City) and we exchanged ideas on how we will advance the Kingdom of God in the days to come. God bless ECLEA.
     Nicodemus Shanga (Kenya): Am so thankful for this Biblical Literacy course, I found it so helpful to me and the congregation. Thanks so much.
     Jeremiah Motomoto (Tanzania): I went through the OT course. It is amazing to have these materials. In a short time of my reading I have discovered many things. Thank you a lot my friend. I will use this to teach my people.

Other ECLEA happenings
In addition to our multiple church leader training conferences all over East Africa, ECLEA has a number of other projects to increase our lasting impact and effectiveness. These include:

     Video lectures. As a result of the Covid shutdowns, Bishop Barnabas in Kenya requested that I do video lectures of Christianity & Islam and Biblical Stewardship for remote classes at Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College he was leading. This inspired me to do video lectures for all of our books except Biblical Counseling. Rosemary Nelsen taught the Biblical Literacy course she developed at her church and had those lectures videoed. Each lecture is only about 30 minutes in length, so they are very “user friendly.” All of our video lectures are on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website: and are also on the ECLEA YouTube channel:

     ECLEA books: In 2020 our ECLEA book on Galatians was finalized. One of our Kenyan regional coordinators found the “discussion questions” in that book very helpful, so I added discussion questions to our book on James. Additionally, a revised version of our book on Christianity & Islam was completed. All of our books are on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:

     ECLEA book translations. Translations of several of our books also were completed in 2020. These include the KISWAHILI translations of the revised Christianity & Islam (including the condensed version), Galatians, Biblical Eschatology, Biblical Counseling, and Revelation; the KIRUDI translation of Galatians; the KINYARWANDA translation of Biblical Interpretation; and, for the first time, the ARABIC translation of Biblical Counseling. Other translations are in process. All of our translations are on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:

     School partnerships. Our ECLEA teaching books provide some of the most in-depth teaching available. One of our goals is to establish partnerships or agreements with existing East African theological schools whereby our materials become part of the schools’ curriculum. We already have an agreement in place with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College. Our materials are also being used in RCPI Bible College and Seminary and Sifa Bible Institute in Kenya; Baptist Bible College, Bunda Bible College, and the Bible College affiliated with Universal Ministry of Africa in Tanzania; and New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy in Kenya and Rwanda. We are working to establish similar agreements with other recognized Bible and theological schools throughout East Africa.

     Egypt. A former colleague of mine in Equipping Pastors International spends most of his time working in northern Africa and the Middle East. This includes leading a seminary in Alexandria, Egypt. He is aware of the first-class nature of our ECLEA books and requested that both Frank Cummings and I come and teach at the seminary. I was not able to go, but in October Frank was able to teach Biblical Counseling at the Egyptian seminary!

Looking ahead
By God’s grace we will continue moving forward in all areas in 2021! Frank already has a trip with three conferences planned for January, with 85 people already signed-up. The rest of the ECLEA team likewise plans on returning to East Africa. Jonathan is working on the next ECLEA book (on Habakkuk), and additional translations are in the works. God has certainly answered our prayers. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.
You can make a difference
     Giving opportunities: 100% of donations goes to the work of the ministry. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Your financial support is paying great dividends. Tax-deductible giving can be done through the website (, automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, or checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914.
     To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is
     We value your input and suggestions: Let us know what you think! If you no longer wish to receive these updates, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from the mailing list.

Thank you and God bless you,

Jonathan Menn (ECLEA Director)


2021 News Archive

Ernest Mwilitsa, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

Hope you started the year 2021 well. We also thank God for seeing us through. We had a wonderful meeting in Shinyalu on the book of James, where the attendance was 43 leaders. The sin of partiality, trials and the tongue carried the day. According to testimonies the sin of partiality has adversely affected all the churches in the area. One leader testified that he didn't know that it was sin. 

A pastor's wife suggested that we all repent because in one way or another we are culprits. They have highly recommended ECLEA teachings which have transformed many churches in the area. The materials are now used in churches on Sunday during teaching sessions.

God bless you, Ernest Mwilitsa


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

JANUARY 2021: First trip to East Africa this year!

I have finished my first trip of the year to East Africa, spending two weeks along the coast of Tanzania. We began with the book of Revelation in Kibamba, near Dar es Salaam, with 18 participants. This was completely new for all of them. Those who had previously studied the book had been taught a very different view. By the end of the course, however, I think they saw how relevant (and challenging) the book is for the church today.

We then went through the book of James with 25 participants in Goba, again near Dar. James is very practical and goes to the heart of what real saving faith looks like.

The participants obviously "got it." On the second day, one woman said that a person had come to her house the night before, having to go to the hospital. The woman thought of what true religion is in God's eyes (Jas 1:27) and that "faith without works is dead" (James 2) and ended up spending the entire night with the person at the hospital!

A man said that he was a Masaai and had always been taught that the Masaai were the best, and nothing should be done for people of other tribes. Now he sees how wrong that is and how it is contrary to the gospel itself.

The gospel is, indeed, life-changing. I'm glad to be able to bring this life-transforming message to these dear people in this vital part of the world.

We finished with two conferences: Christianity and Islam in Tanga with 24 participants and Galatians in Kibaha with 15 participants. Both went well. We had previously taught Christianity and Islam in Tanga. The participants this time were different, except for one participant (Lazaro) who wanted to learn the material again. I'm glad Lazaro came, because he has led a number of Muslims to faith in Christ, and he taught much of the session on bridging the divide between Islam and the gospel.

Several of the participants said that, before this course, they had thought that even touching a copy of the Qur'an was a sin; but now they want to get a copy themselves in order to read it and use it in talking with Muslims about Jesus. One of the participants was a former Muslim and another has access to New Testaments printed in both Arabic and Swahili, which can help in presenting the gospel when they are given to Muslims. I hope the group will stay in touch with each other. Much good fruit can come from this group.

The group presented me with a beautiful wooden plaque that says, "You ECLEA are the light of the world East Africa (Matthew 5:14)." I am very touched and am keeping it displayed in my office here at home.

Galatians helped, I think, to dispel at least some of the legalism that characterizes much of the church in East Africa. Further, seeing the implications of the gospel can make a big difference in the way people "do church."

Most countries now require that one have a negative PCR covid test within 72 hours of travel (and you need it to even be allowed on the airplane). The Netherlands (KLM's hub) now also requires an antigen test done within 4 hours of travel. As a result, KLM threatened to cancel all of its international flights (the government now says that flight crews do not need the antigen test [but passengers still do]). I got my PCR test done on Thursday for the Saturday night flight out of Dar es Salaam. The lab said that I should receive the results on Friday. I spoke with KLM twice to confirm that the flight was not cancelled. They also said that, since antigen tests are not done in Tanzania, I didn't need one.

The situation then got complicated. I didn't receive the PCR test results on Friday, or Saturday morning or even as of the time we ended the Kibaha conference Saturday afternoon. Then at 4:00PM on Saturday I was notified by KLM that my flight had been cancelled and I had been rebooked on Turkish Airways to leave at 4:00AM Sunday and fly home via Istanbul. By 6:00PM I still didn't have the PCR test results. We decided to go to the national lab in Dar es Salaam personally. Joram and I were in the lab for over an hour talking with someone about getting the results. It turns out that the lab in Dar had not even received my test sample until that morning. Eventually that night they gave me the result and I was able to make it home all right. (Interestingly, the airlines now require that all passengers wear masks throughout the flight; I pointed out that every single person in the plane had just been tested and had been certified to NOT have covid--so requiring anyone to wear a mask was absurd. They agreed with me, but "those are the rules.")

I am next planning on going to Kenya in early April. Thank you for your prayers and support. You are making an important difference in East Africa. God bless you, Jonathan


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


I. Introduction
We would like to take this opportunity to praise the Lord and thank him for enabling us to continue with the training program in this new year of 2021. This was the first training we held during this year. We are starting a fresh our activities with lots of energy and enthusiasm, though last year as you are aware, thieves came in and broke our office and store many materials including 5 laptops, cameras we were using to take photos, and some other important documents. They didn’t take our printers. The bad thing is that the documents in those computers were not yet backed up. There were new documents including reports we had prepared, and were ready to be sent to you and to other partners.

We had reports meant for 12 trainings, successively held at Mishiha and Cankuzo on 5 to 9/10/2020, and on 30 th 11 to 04 December 2020; then Rutana & Muzye 02 - 06/ November 2020; Bukeye and Nyanza lac: 19 – 23/10/2020, from 16 - 20/11/2020 and from 07-11/12/2020. Bukeye and Nyanza lac want to work very hard so that they may graduate in June this year. So, they had asked us if they can come to the training each month instead of coming once in two months. For these two centres, there only remained 3 courses they need to go through in order to graduate.

II. The course:
The beginning of the year 2021 has started with strict measures to fight against Corona Virus. Many people were reported being tested and being Corona virus positive. However, this did not prevent us from organizing a training at Rutana and Muzye. Therefore, we took the trainees in both centers, through Christianity and Islam course. This is an interesting course as the church leaders see it as a solution for their followers not to be taken by the waves of Islam. “We hope that this course is going to open our eyes in order to understand what Islam is all about, its strategies to convert our Christians to their religion, and what we can do together to stand against its growth. This is very important because you cannot deal with somebody you don’t know exactly who he is and what are his beliefs. Thank you for thinking to include this course among this training program. God bless you”. Said by Rev. BAGORIKUNDA Ezekiel & Rev. SINDAYIGAYA Deo, all are the student delegates.

III. Participation:
Many students of Muzye come from very far. They spend the five days for the training sleeping in the church. To mean that they have committed themselves to this training program. The Rutana class is so special as some of the trainees are civil servants and require some time permissions from the authorities to attend the course, they have shown their willingness to follow the training.

IV. Trainers areas
The trainers at Rutana were led by Fredric and Francois led Muzye team. Mbazumutima Theodore the Rema Director, visited both centers and took enough time to explain to the students about the whole course, what their churches and their local communities are expecting them to be and to do, what changes and transformations they are going to bring in their families, churches and communities in general, during the training, and after the training. He encouraged them to be courageous, to be enduring, to buy books and read them. He also urged them to be faithful as born again Christians and servants of the highest God and to be the light and salt in their communities. Moreover, he shared with them his experience about Islam when he was doing a missionary work in Tanzania. He said: “I learned many things about Islamic religion, their vision and the strategies they have put in place to Islamise Easter African countries. He shared with them how they encouraged churches to stand firm and teach their followers to become mature Christians as they grow in their Christian faith. He ended his challenging message, inviting all churches to be united, working together, not to look on their differences in order to stand against the spread of Islam not only in their areas /location, but in the whole country of Burundi. Together we shall win”.

At Muzye we also had another important visit of the United Methodist Church Superintendent of Giharo Commune where Muzye zone is located. He came to see how the course is being taught, and wanted to understand more about the course and all the requirements to be enrolled into the training, because he wants to mobilize many pastors in the region to do the training. He really encouraged the trainees to study hard and not to take the training for granted. He told them this:
“This is your chance to have a school opened its door here in our location. It is a God gift given. Take it seriously, this is your time. Many of us wished to go for trainings but their dreams ended in vain. But for you this is the fulfilment of your daydreams. We want to see the fruits of what you are learning in your churches. We thank Rema Burundi for thinking to bring this training school here. We will continue to pray for this ministry. Be all blessed”.

V. The Trainees.
44 trainees from Rutana center and 49 from Muzye center followed fully the training.
6 trainees, precisely at Rutana, were coming for a half day from 8 am to 12h30 pm because they are civil servants, working in the ministry of education as teachers. But they are learning very well. As usual, we kicked off by prayer and asked the participants to let us know what they have put into practice in the last two months re the previous course we had finished which was 1 Timothy.

We were so much and encouraged to hear various testimonies from the students of what they experienced during the two months of reading and writing their homework and exercising what they are learning.

The following are some testimonies.
One of the students said: “Upon learning the book of 1 Timothy, I went back home and started to map up the teachings we have been giving our congregants. I realized that with regard to 1 Timothy, I needed to change few practices. Hence, as Timothy was left in Ephesus to stop those who were teaching what is contrary to the word of God, I asked the congregants to tell me what they thought had been a challenge to them. They said: Seventh Day Adventists and Islam are some of the wrong teachings they have been hearing. They even say that prophecies coming from rooms of prayer have created some misunderstandings in the church. Measures were taken to counter such practices”.

Another student said: “I never knew that wrong teachings could have a negative impact to the church but upon going through 1 Timothy, we should give more time to the word of God, even if it meant only reading it”.

VI. Objective of the training.
The objective is to build capacities of church leaders and give them some basic biblical knowledge.

VII. Our Comments/feedback
The course we dealt with his time from 18-22 January 2021 was about Christianity and Islam. As we went through the course, students’ eyes were opened and some of them were scared. They discovered that starting from Genesis 3: 15, God promised a Saviour who is none than Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman. They also realized that Jesus the saviour originated from heaven. They had however been bewildered by the fact that Muhammad states that he is the last prophet of Allah. However, when we went through the course and showed them where Islam gets authority of what is says and the sacred books it uses, they asked themselves this question: If really Islam refers to the Torat, Zabur, Injil and the Quran, how come there are so many contradictions. They wonder why Islam twists the truth. Students went further to question the authenticity of the author of the revelation Muhammad brandished he had. Is it really Gibril who revealed the Quran to Muhammad? If so, how could he contradict himself by confusing Mary, Miriam, Isa and Jesus?

Worse, they wondered how Muhammad a mere human being could equal himself to Jesus who never sinned while Muhammad admits himself in the Quran that he is a sinner and has to repent one hundred times a day and yet did not know that he has been forgiven and even implores the angels and followers to pray for him.
In addition to that he equals himself to Allah himself. One then wonders who Allah is if he is equalled to Muhammed with all his whims.

The good news was that the students through going into the Quran, they realized that the Quran itself could be a tool in their hands they can use to preach to Muslims.

As an assignment, they were told to go and read all the ayat that speak of Isa bin Mariam as being a Savior, having come from heaven and standing as a judge on the last day. Going through the course, comparing Muhammad and Jesus on many issues, especially with the issue of women, they concluded that Muhammad could be none than the Antichrist the Bible talks about.

God blesss you, Francois


Dickson Laizer, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

January-February 2021:

We have been proceeding with our training in different places as we had scheduled for and our training team are doing well which we divided in two groups: (1) Sanare, Paul and Lukumay; (2) Julius, I, and Kaaya. Both teams doing great impact within the communities through ECLEA's teaching and here are some of the reports:

These places have been taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. About 32 participants. They gave the testimonies saying, “ECLEA's ministry is different from other ministries—it is like a school. We learned things differently from our own Bible we have been using but the main theme like the we taught in these three days. I never thought of unforgiving heart is like just taking and drinking the poison waiting someone else to die.” Some said, “I am sure we have been keeping the problem in our congregation and people are dying with bitterness in their hearts because we lacked the solution, but through this course am going to teach using material because it's carried enough revelation of the truth from the word of God.”

The people of these areas are cattle keepers and crops growing but there's big congregation gathering together as the church. You can't imagine someone is leading without even attending any Bible training. Here's where ECLEA's teaching is required the most. Here we had more than 45 to 63 participants where the book of 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship for full three days.

Many overseers gave their testimonies saying “we didn't differentiate false teachers who are within the church and those without, such as Jehovah Witnesses, Catholic Church, and other religions. Also, we always appointed church leaders who are close to us (e.g., family members) without looking at those qualifications from the Bible which is the real basis for our ministry. I have been transformed by this teaching and am going to apply it soon to our congregations to our all zones.”

These places were different in learning or catching up with teaching. We had about 25 to 30 people who attended the course where we taught on Biblical Stewardship and Forgiveness and Reconciliation. We were engaging with questions and answers, especially about false teachers saying, “Why are they proceeding and look like they are getting rich than who are suffering in teaching the truth, why people are flying to them, and what we must to stop them?” In answering those questions, later they said, “ECLEA's ministry is the best messenger of God in healing the church.” As to Forgiveness and Reconciliation, people said, “We weren't teaching the whole counsel of God. We did not expect this course to be so new to us as it's now. It's the truth that set us free from teaching false teaching.”

(4) KARATU in exchange to KIOMBOI, MANYARA in exchange to GABADO, MTO WA UMBU in exchange to OLDONYOSAMBU.
In these places we taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. About 33 to 38 participants were at the end. Some overseers said "this course should be repeated because it's very important according to the gospel of Christ and here we're few and days are short." One bishop said, “We have been blind and ignoring our people to staying long days with the bitterness hearts and not being able to forgive others. We discovered through this course that it's our responsibility to help our people to live Christlike on the earth. Thank God for ECLEA's ministry for coming to help us.”

(5) Minjingu, Basuto
Here we had about 17 to 21 participants where we trained on Expository Preaching course where many said it is good way of preaching but it needs to be repeated several times to become familiar with it because we are not used to it. Finally, they all agreed to recognize themselves next on June to be trained again on the same course.

(6) Kamwanga, Same, Ngarenairobi and Maji ya Moto
These places we taught Forgiveness and Reconciliation. About 33 to 38 participants which many bishops said we didn't know that forgiveness is the heart of the gospel but knew it is God's love, but now learned things which is new powerful teaching that changes our lives. Another bishop said, “We normally teach this in light way while we are holding unforgiving inside but this teaching helping me to know the importance of releasing my offender.” ECLEA'S ministry is doing a great impact to communities.

Here's where we training about 34 participants on the book of The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. This people had a different view of the mission of the church but at the end they said, “I knew when we plant a new Church that is a mission, but now I have learned the first mission is to worship God in living worthy lives that represent him on the earth and equip the church to be Christlike. Thanks for ECLEA'S ministry for coming to help us. We are going to arrange another class for you to come and teach us again.”

Again we want to thank all people of God for your love and support in reaching out to us. May God bless you all.



Robert Mwago, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

February 2021--Karurina

It's my hope that all is well with you. Here is to let you know that we yesterday wound up our conference on Biblical Stewardship. This was not the first time we did the course here. Half of the audience in attendance had been trained on this course before. What was amazing is how they were able to articulate what they had been taught before. For those attending for the first time were so grateful for what they learned.

When it came to the stewardship of the body, many could relate well as covid-19 has occasioned a rare sensitivity to cleanliness, especially the washing of hands, and coughing "responsibly", and avoiding unnecessary shaking of hands as we must be good keepers of one another, and we must be good stewards of our relationships. Much blessings to you.


Protais Nshogoza, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

This report is for the first quarter of 2021. Greetings to you. We appreciate your commitment of equipping pastors and the Church in East Africa.  

Even though it wasn't easy due the pandemic and is consequences, Our Lord has been faithful to us in different ways.We started a New center named Rwinkwavu in Eastern Province. We taught there the Book of 1 Timothy and Biblical Stewardship. 26 Pastors over there are very thirsty for the Word of God.
In Our Centers 1) Kayonza, 2).Rukira, 3) Kanombe, 4) Ruhango, and 5) Gicumbi, our Lord enabled us to teach the Books of Eschatology, Expository Preaching, Galatians and do a review of Stewardship.
Pastors are eager to learn the Word of God and teach the truth of God to their congregations.

Protais Nshogoza


Frederic Harerimana, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


We praise the Lord and thank him for being with us during our successful trainings. Those took place simultaneously at Cankuzo and Mishiha from 8th- to 12 /February/2021; Rutana & Muzye 08-12/March/2021. From 15th to 20th /March/2021 we went back to Cankuzo and Mishiha and then from 22nd to 27th/March/2021 was Rutana and Muzye. Back again to Cankuzo and Mishiha from 19th to 23rd April/2021. And back to Rutana and Muzye from 17th to 21st/May/2021; We had too much rain in those places, because it has been a rainy season, which from time to time stopped us from continuing with the trainings in the class, but this gave us an opportunity to reinforce group discussions. And these debates helped the trainees to understand in a deeper way the course.

Precautions before the course
In Cankuzo, there were some people reported being tested and being Corona virus positive. At Mishiha, there is a guest house reserved for confinement of people who cross the border and enter Burundi from Tanzania. This is a big compound, and there are also few people who were reported Covid-19 positive. So, we continued the training practising social distancing emphasizing the wearing of masks as well as washing hands and avoiding hand shaking. Though hand shaking is not very easy for people to avoid in this end because this is cultural and social as well, it was a must for survival sake. We have agreed that Church Leaders should be in the forefront to alert people about this pandemic.

The course
The course we dealt with is Christianity and Islam. As we went through the course, students’ eyes were opened and some of them were scared. They discovered that starting from Genesis 3:15, as a result of the fall, God promised a Saviour who is none than Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman. They also realized that Jesus the saviour originated from heaven. They had however been bewildered by the fact that Muhammad states that he is the last prophet of Allah. However, when we went through the course and showed them where Islam gets authority of what is says and the sacred books it uses, they asked themselves this question: “Does really Islam refer to the Torat, Zabur, Injil and the Qur’an which it says believes in”? All the trainees had many similar questions:

Injil is one of the books Muslims believe in. How then come for them to deny Jesus Christ who is the gist or central point of Injil? Jesus Christ Himself is the Injil? How come there are so many contradictions in the Quran? They wonder why Islam twists the truth. Students went further to question the authenticity of the author of the revelation Muhammad brandished he had. Is it really Gibril who revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad? If so, how could he contradict himself by confusing Mary, Miriam, Isa and Jesus?

Worse, they wondered how Muhammad a mere human being could equal himself to Jesus who never sinned while Muhammad admits himself in the Qur’an that he is a sinner and has to repent one hundred times a day and yet did not know that he has been forgiven and even implores the angels and followers to pray for him. In addition to that, he equals himself to Allah himself. One then wonders who Allah is if he is equalled to Muhammed with all his whims.

The good news was that the students through going into the Qur'an realized that the Qur’an itself could be a tool in their hands they can use to preach to Muslims.

Mbazumutima Theodore the director of Rema Burundi is teaching. He is also encouraging participants to engage in Muslim evangelism. He encouraged them and asked them to be daring and audacious to affront Muslims. He also encouraged the pastors to be teaching their followers so that they may know clearly what they believe and not fall prey to the deception of Islam. He emphasized who Jesus is and how he is unique when it comes to salvation. In fact, he asked the participants to dig deep in the Qur’an and see if there could be any bridge that would appeal the Muslims to Christianity.

Mishiha is a very crucial centre since it is the bastion of Islam. Being at the border with Tanzania, there are so many Muslims in the area to the point that Christians are becoming a minority. In Rutana Muslims have set up a Radio station as a strategy to propagate their religion. As usual, they are fetching and recruiting from Christians and enslave them. Their strategies are to give to Christians some incentives and almsgiving and yet their almsgivings are string attached, yet Christians are not aware of the strings that are attached to these alms.

Some participants learned of the CAMEL method of reaching out to the Muslims by using the Qur’an itself, hence, Surah Al Imran Q.3:42-58. Those are the verses from the Qur’an itself that prove without any shadow of doubt who Jesus Christ. Jesus being the only hope for salvation, Muslims that have been reached out to by those who took part in this capacity building are now starting to question the credibility of the Qur’an, especially when it comes to abrogation of some verses that had been revealed before, and are even questioning the purported Angel that revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad.

We are also pleased to acknowledge that all our training centers: Rutana, Muzye, Cankuzo and Mishiha have gone systematically through the whole course.

The questions they kept asking are: How on earth something that has been revealed to an individual in a period of 23 years, yet was not written anywhere but passed onto others orally, and having lost most of credible people who had been in contact with Muhammad, how then could the written version be trustworthy? Moreover, from the syllabus as advanced by Muslim themselves, how could seven different versions could be gathered in one version and say that these are the words from Allah himself? Going through the syllabus and supported by documentation, it has been clear that Allah was the most powerful idol that was worshiped in the area Islam was born.

We are grateful to the Lord that wherever we have taught this course, people’s eyes were open to the threat of Islam. Some of the participants vowed to do something about it. They have gone a step further to sensitize their followers by holding workshops aimed at the youth particularly who are drawn to Islam due to the incentives they are given. Some have gone another step further to evangelize Muslims.

We praise the Lord that after expounding how Islam made inroad to places that were almost exclusively Christian starting from North Africa, Turkey, why not Europe, etc. participants to the course were alerted. They devised strategies to reach out to Muslims. One of the strategies Muslims use is Mijhadla, I may have ill spelt it. Participants vowed to read the Qur’an and see if there could be any way to bridge the gap between Christianity and Islam. As always, after the completion of a course, participants are given assignments: One of the assignments participants were given is to reach out to Muslims using the Qur’an itself to evangelize to Muslims. There are repatriates who had been refugees in Tanzania in the past and who are living with Muslims, they know well all the customs, mores, and culture of Muslims. From time to time they are even invited to the feasts the Muslims hold. These returnees have learned so much in this course as they compare and enlighten those participants who never lived with Muslims. In order to go deep into the course, we held group discussions where everybody brought to the edifice what he knew


I had never thought that the Qur’an itself speaks more of Jesus than it does on Muhammad. I have discovered that if really the Muslims are led to read and understand the Qur’an and not the intoxications, they in a way could reach a point of knowing who Jesus is. The key passage that could be used is Q. 3:42-55. This passage encompasses all what is needed to come to Christ as a Saviour for salvation despite the deceptions the Qur’an teaches.

I was born in a Muslim family and practiced all the customs and followed all the feasts and fasting held in Islam. However, I remained with a deep void hole in my heart. The day I discovered that AL Massih was spoken in the Injil which Muslims say was given to Isa Bin Mariam, and compared it to the Qur’an that was “brought to Muhammad by Gibril”, I discovered that we as Muslims had been cheated. If the Qur’an does acknowledge that it believes in sacred books like Torah, prophets, Zaburi Injil and the Qur’an how could the Qur’an contract or deny what is said in all those books they believe in? The scales fell from my eyes and I discovered Jesus Christ as the real lamb of God who came in this world to save that which was lost and redeem the world.
These people were discussing about how the Arab culture was brought in Burundi

In fact, the way women were their clothes leaves us to question the Muslim culture. They even discussed how the Qur’an came about and was written by people who never heard directly from Gibril. They also discussed about abrogation, how on earth Allah could contradict himself to satisfy the foolishness and desires of Muhammad. Many participants concluded that it could only be the devil to have inspired such a Qur’an.

More Testimonies
Testimonies: One of the students said: “After noticing that the Qur’an talks of Messiah, Jesus Christ more than it talks of Muhammad, it led me to question who Muhammad is and to investigate his character. My conclusion is that if really Gibril revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, he could not have contradicted himself or Allah himself was confused to fall prey to the vices of Muhammad. Is Muhammad sovereign over Allah or is it the opposite? To an informed mind, this is none sense hence as the Qur’an is anti-Bible, and Anti- Christ, it is clear people are not told of the truth there is in the Qur’an.

Another student said: “From the time I attended this course, I have been able to befriend 3 Muslims and talked to them. To my surprise, they were open to the gospel and two of them gave their lives to Christ. Encouraged by what happened, I am going to befriend more Muslims so that I may get an opportunity to chip in the gospel and who knows about what God can do?

We are grateful to the Lord that we were able to go through all this course and finish it. Students were led to understand in depth the Islam Religion. They have discovered strategies of Muslims and how they plan to invade and take up all Africa if not all the world. They vowed to enlighten and build the capacity of Christians so that they may clearly understand what they believe in and stand up for their faith. One of the hooks Islam uses is almsgiving. Participants were alerted and cautioned that whatever they receive from Muslims as almsgiving is string attached. They vowed to unite and work together as having the same “enemy” which want to devour the lambs the Lord has entrusted them with. They asked us why we had taken so much time before we enlightened them. In fact, they said, this course should have been the first to be taught to them.

There are some of our students, returnees from refugee camps in Tanzania, who have been living with Muslims. Those ones know well about Muslims cultures and traditions and so on. Those helped us during the training as they shared what they know about Islam and about what they experienced in living with them. Their experiences made the course more understandable.


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

March 2021

I have received positive reports about our courses from the trained Church leaders. The impact on their lives and communities where they are based can be noticed. 

Personally I have a testimony: After going through ECLEA books, more especially Biblical Stewardship, by revelation I connected with some leaders in our Town Council. 

Right now we are having different programs for the children, youth, girl - child and women. The local council is involved and there is a change both in the economical standing and social responsibility in our communities.

This is one way the Church has influenced the community positively. 

The topics that are being taught include among others:

Taking good care of oneself, changing the mindset, empowering others, looking after the environment etc. But most importantly the Church leaders now can easily break down the Word of God well. 

We are in talks with one of the Church of Uganda Colleges in northern Uganda being coordinated by Bishop Nana Julius and soon we will be reporting back to you our findings. We want to have all those who have gone through our training to get their Certificates.

We thank God that soon the Luganda, Lunyolo, Lukiga, Lunyakole and Lutooro translations will be completed as we are in the final stages.

I will keep on updating you on how the trainings are going Sir.

Kind Regards



James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


This Meeting continued well at the mentioned dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Monica Wambui. It had 12 delegates. The following Major Denominations were represented.

PASTOR ZABLON TIEMA was greatly helped by the Cultural Context. He also learnt on the importance of looking at the word on its application to the original recipients and its application to us today.

DEACON JOHN learnt a lot, but the issue of Framework came out clearly for him. He realized that this is the reason many people are unable to receive the Gospel because of a faulty framework.

PASTOR JOSHUA benefited much from the manual which he said it was well written, helping him to easily understand how to interpretate the Bible. He also benefited from learning the importance of Bible Contexts and staying on the line.

DOROTHY, an Ecd teacher, learnt on the importance of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. She also learnt on the importance of reading Scripture in its Context.

Indeed the Church of Jesus Christ was equipped and edified. Thanks to the ECLEA Sponsorship for making the meeting possible.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

My second conference was at the beginning of April and it was so good. We were learning about Forgiveness and Reconciliation. We had a very good number in this conference—more than 25 participants. More desire to continue to grow to learn.

Fredrick Njoroge


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Report on trip to Uganda, April 2021:

Traveling in the era of covid has its challenges. The test requirements for all the countries are different. For Uganda, you just need a covid test 5 days before departure. However, I was transiting through Amsterdam. Even to transit there, you need a pcr test within 72 hours of ARRIVAL. I thought the requirement was 72 hours before DEPARTURE, so my test was done slightly too early. Which meant I had to get a new test and take a later flight. Ugh!

Nevertheless, I made it to Uganda without other incident. Bishop Sempala picked me up in Kampala and we traveled to Buvuma Island in Lake Victoria, where I had never been before. We did the book of Galatians, an incredibly important book that goes to the heart of the gospel of God's grace. Much of this was new to the participants, but they saw the implications of the gospel and we had many good questions and comments. BTW, we started out with only 13 participants on day one, but that increased to 25 or more on days 2 and three, despite rain (which says something over here).

Some of the participants were impressed with how "everything we do is spiritual." One commented on the fact that how we take care of the land shows how we dishonor or honor God. Another talked about the fact that we should cook good and nutritious food, because our bodies are the "temple of the Holy Spirit."

Three of the participants had been raised as Muslims. One came to faith in Christ after his shaihk told him that they were all supposed to "pray for Muhammad." He realized, in essence, that "ïf I have to pray for Muhammad, then who is going to pray for me?" I pray that all of these church leaders will take back the things they learned to their respective churches and teach and apply the lessons from this wonderful book.

We concluded our trip at the West Lango Diocese of the Church of Uganda (Anglican), headed by Bishop Julius Ceaser Nina, my longtime friend and ECLEA's treasurer. I had not been to West Lango before. Recently-installed Bishop Nina is an active and visionary leader. I hope that ECLEA will continue to be involved in this dynamic diocese. We taught The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose to 30 interested and attentive archdeacons and priests. The bishop himself was present throughout.

One gratifying thing was that this group established a timetable and stuck to it. This was largely the work of Joseph Odongkara, who had been a barrister in England for 25 years, but then received a Master of Divinity and has now returned to his native Uganda. He has a remarkable story, and his great desire is to form a Christian Legal Aid firm to help the thousands of poor and marginalized people whose land is being stolen but who do not have the means to fight injustice in the courts. Please pray that this will come to fruition, God willing, this year.

Our plans that I get my covid test in Aduku (the town we were in) or in the city of Lira fell through because of no guarantee that I would get the results in time to fly home. So Joseph readjusted the schedule, moved the starting time up, cut lunch and break times, and pushed the closing time back, and we were able to finish the course in 2 days instead of 3. That kind of commitment suggests that more good things will be coming from West Lango!

I got my test in Kampala, and the results were available the next morning. I am glad to be home, as I have several ECLEA translation and writing projects to get back to. I hope to return to West Lango later this year, perhaps to do Christianity & Islam.

Thank you again SO MUCH for your ongoing prayer and financial support. I appreciate both and assure you that you are making a tremendous difference in the lives of countless individuals, churches, and communities in what I consider to be the most spiritually significant region in the world.


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

May 29, 2021:

This is my last conference of the first half of the year. For about two and half days we engaged ourselves on Biblical Counseling. Due to practical activities we participated in we were unable to go through the whole book. The participation was very encouraging. We were about twenty-five church leaders.

The truth of the matter is, all the three conferences that have passed, due to public demand need to be repeated. This shows how ECLEA courses are becoming like hot cakes.

respectfully submitted, Fredrick Njoroge


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

May 2021
Last week I conducted AA CONFERENCE at Karatina Town; We did The Church: Its Nature, Mission,and Purpose.

The forms of Church government—Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Congregational were of great concern to all the students. We also had many questions from the students when we were dealing with the seven sacraments and the two rites that Jesus Christ instituted (Holy Communion and Baptism). One student said that he must baptize everyone who joins his Church irrespective of whether they were baptized in their previous Church or Churches. Some thought that Baptism was the way to Heaven while others believed it was just an event like any other events in the Church.

Our manual was able to correct every student's understanding and belief. Many of them said that their frameworks were highly challenged and shaped by our teachings. God bless ECLEA.

Bishop Barnabas

Thomas Mwai, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator
The following are the reports of our 1st half of AA ECLEA conference 2021. 

February 1st-3rd 2021
We did the Book of James at House of Favor International Tassia where we hosted 10 Pastors drawn mainly from Pentecostals. We mainly dealt with the practical ministry dealt with deeply in James like faith with works, tongue and the source of Church divisions and their source. This book was very encouraging to pastors especially this time of great trial and how the church should help those in need as that is the true religion.

March 18th-20th 2021
We did Biblical Stewardship at Githurai Gerizim Ministries where we hosted 12 pastors. We noted that whatever pastors have been teaching all through could not face real attack because many Christians have left the faith due to hardships of Covid 19. We saw the need of ECLEA teachings at this time more than before because the teachings are real true to the word of God.

April 8th-10th 2021
We did Forgiveness and Reconciliation at Grace & Power Church Kiganjo where we had an average of 11 pastors. We learnt of cases whereby pastors have parted company in ministry and lived in unforgiveness. Somebody commented that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die.

The teaching of ECLEA could not have come at a better time like now because we realized that many Christians in the face of real attack could not make it. These are the times people have lost businesses, lost their loved ones and face so many real challenges. We have a very easy time teaching because these teachings are the true reflection of the word of God.

Regards, Thomas (Kiambu ECLEA Coordinator)


Protais Nshogoza, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

Greetings from Rwanda - May 21, 2021

Kanombe center and Kayonza studied the book of Habakkuk. Pastor Théophile reported a very positive report. 

That Students got a renewed character from the being example of Habakkuk. His commitment to God is an encouragement to Pastors while they are passing through différent troubles in the Ministry which comes as COVID 19 conséquences. They came to a conclusion that in the middle of every situation humbleness and commitment to God matters.

Protais Nshogoza


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Kenya, May-June 2021

May 24, 2021
The beginning of this, my first trip to Kenya since 2019, has been most rewarding. Of course, travel now always seems to present interesting wrinkles. Although I had my PCR test in compliance with Kenya's rules, they still made me take a rapid test at the airport in Nairobi. The swab seemed to travel all the way to the back of my skull. I was going to say that they found nothing, but let me just say that the test, unsurprisingly, was negative.

I came to Karatina for the first graduating class of 49 students (most of them existing pastors, including bishops) from Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College which had incorporated ECLEA's materials into the curriculum. Prior to the graduation ceremony on Saturday, I had the opportunity to go through the book of James for two days with the graduating class. What a great, intelligent, and engaged group of women and men!

The graduation ceremony itself was wonderful. It lasted about 4 hours. Hundreds of people were in the audience. The Member of Parliament for this constituency was present and addressed us. I was asked to preach the graduation sermon. The entire proceeding was live streamed on the newly-created ECLEA-Kenya Facebook page. If you would like to view it, the link is: (I believe it will also be put on YouTube). All thanks to ECLEA-Kenya's new national coordinator, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi, for forming the ECCLEA-NPBC Karatina study center, being the main lecturer there, and organizing the graduation ceremony!

Afterwards, I attended two graduation parties, for Pastor Camelina and Reverend Ephraim, both working pastors who are past the the "normal" school age. What a testimony to their commitment and the impact ECLEA is now having in Kenya (and elsewhere in EAST Africa).

I also met with some of ECLEA-Kenya's top leaders, which was very helpful. New ECLEA-NPBC study centers are being planned. I can't tell you how excited I am to see these things happening and hear the testimonies of how ECLEA's courses are playing deep foundations which are resulting in healthy churches and transformed lives.

In large part this is all due to YOU: your prayer and financial support. I thank you and the East Africans thank you. I now head to several other places in Kenya.

June 2, 2021
I will be sending you a report of the very fruitful conferences we held in different parts of Kenya following the graduation. Now, however, I must relate two unfortunate turns of events that happened toward the end of this trip.

First, last weekend I contracted food poisoning (as did Bishop Barnabas). I believe it was from the chicken we ate at the retreat center we stayed at in Nairobi. The result has been feeling tired and run down, low grade head and body ache, nausea, and the inability to eat very much and hold it down. This also has meant I need to know where the bathrooms are, as not infrequently I have go there upon very short notice. (I know it's not pleasant to talk about these things, but that's the way it is.)

Last Sunday I was scheduled to preach in Ernest Mwilitsa's church. When I got there, I felt so cold, I had to switch to my long-sleeved shirt. I felt so tired and drained that I asked him if there was someplace to lie down. He has a bed in a back room, so I lay down there for about a half hour before he got me to preach. I started preaching, but about 2 minutes into the sermon I fainted or passed out and fell to the floor (probably because of dehydration). Evidently, as I was falling my hand stuck the corner of the glass-topped lectern and broke it. He took me back to the bed, where I slept for two hours. He and his wife then brought me some excellent juice and an orange. Interestingly, I've lost my taste for almost all food and drink, except for juice and fruit. I'm much better now, but not back to 100%, and still cannot choke down much food.

I also had my covid PCR test on Sunday. The result came back NOT diagnostic of covid, but two markers were positive of something consistent (but not diagnostic) of covid or of something else. Even though the test was not diagnostic of covid, because the lab report used the word "positive," they wouldn't let me into the airport terminal. Consequently, I went to Nairobi West Hospital and got a new covid test and spent the night in a hotel in Nairobi. I am awaiting the results as I write this. If the result is anything other than a straight negative, I will have to stay here a few more days and repeat the process.

This is very frustrating, but that is the situation. Occupational hazard, I guess. God willing, I'll be able to get home soon, but it may not be for awhile. Thank you for your prayers.

June 12, 2021
Made it home. When I sent my last report a week-and-a-half ago about my illness, I had no idea that was just the beginning. I told my daughter at the time, "If there is a Limbo, I'm in it." In fact, I left Limbo far behind; I didn't enter hell (which is being forsaken by God and is outer darkness) but approached its outskirts. I do not think I have ever been as sick in my entire life as I was the last 4 days in Nairobi. I lost 12 pounds in a week. The airplane people thought I looked so bad that they wanted to give me a wheelchair (which I declined). Now I am able to start eating a little something and have started getting better. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. And thank you, Nancy, without whom I cannot imagine how life would even exist for me.

Enough self-indulgence! Following the graduation ceremony in Karatina (which seems ages ago), the rest of the trip seemed to go at breakneck speed. We did the book of James in Webuye with about 20 participants, 1 Timothy in Eldoret and Nairobi (27 and 16 participants, respectively), a special session on Leadership in Nairobi with about 30 participants, and concluded with the book of James in Murang'a with about 55 participants.

Each class seemed, challenged, engaged, and energized. The people all appeared to recognize how important these courses are and how they have a lot to do to teach their own people and other church leaders. My personal illness served to remind me that, ultimately, it is not about me at all. Rather, these leaders are the ones who will take ECLEA to the next level and will insure that deep foundations will be laid in Kenya, which will result in healthy churches and transformed lives.

I will now be home for awhile, both to heal and so that, God willing, the governmental power grabs and lockdowns will cease, thus enabling me to return to East Africa. For example, as I was leaving Kenya, the Ugandan government shut down its country, even though they have had only about 57,000 total cases, and only 400 deaths, in a nation of over 45 million people. The governmental responses are causing far more harm than covid ever has. Please hold East Africa up in your prayers.

God bless you all. Thank you again for thinking of me during a very difficult time. Jonathan


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


This meeting continued well on the above dates; the teachers were James N. Kamau and Tom Mboya; the meeting had 13 participants; the following major denominations were represented.
     1. Happy Hour Christian Church
     2. Kingdom Light Church
     3. Redeemed Gospel Church
     4. Victorious Gospel Int. Church
     5. Gospel Believers Fellowship
     6. Stewardship Revival Church
     7. Pentecostal Assemblies of God
     8. Jesus Revival Gospel Church
     9. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church

The meeting continued and the delegates participated well making it lively.

Bishop James Kamau said he had learnt on the importance of judging ourselves first so that we should not be judged. Judah was judged because it did not judge itself first. He also learnt that, like Habakkuk, we need to change our perspective about God, when we understand Him.

Rev Robert Maina learnt on the importance of renewing our minds so that we can accommodate new enlightenment of the word of God.

Joyce Watiri learnt that it is easier to blame God for the distress of the world than to become an instrument of his goodness. She chose to become an instrument instead of blaming God.

Peter Otieno learnt that everything we do should glorify God. He also learnt that we should change our perspective as we understand God.


Justus Wafula, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

June 16, 2021
The first conference was on February 4th to 6th about the book of James. Sincerely speaking it was my first time to introduce this book in western Kenya. Many pastors were so challenged with this book. Nobody knew that the book of James was the first book to be written in the New Testament. We also learned James was the brother to Jesus Christ, and also discovered that Jesus Christ had two sisters, although they have not mentioned theirs names. James also gives us some respect that Jesus Christ taught. Also taught us about faith without action and faith with actions, how to control the tongue. We had 30 pastors and leaders who attended the conference.

I am also happy that our East Africa director Jonathan and our new coordinator Bsp Baranabas highlighted the book of James on our last conference we have just completed on 24th and 25th May this year, which was attended by 25 pastors and leaders. We are now using ECLEA materials to teach our Bible colleges, because ECLEA materials are very deep comparing to others. The important information also is that ECLEA has made its materials easier to teach; its more simplified in Kiswahili and English with good summaries.

Thanks for those who are donating for ECLEA so that we get these light we are seeing .God bless you all in Jesus Christ.

Sincerely, Justus Wafula


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


Held on Thursday 3 & Friday 4 June 2021 at Mountain of Joy Church in Kawangware

We had a total attendance of 19 pastors and church leaders drawn from various denominations.

The training started with a rather heated debate on whether the Bible is the Word of God or it contains the Word of God. We concluded that as much as the Bible is a continuous revelation of God, it has words of men, Satan, and even a donkey – it should remain the Word of God to avoid confusion especially to those who are not born again or newly saved since the ‘Bible is not a magical book.’

The following are some feedbacks from the attendees:
a) I have learnt to prepare a sermon well in advance before preaching it and staying in line with the author’s original thoughts.
b) My mind-set or worldview should be informed by scriptures and not the other way round.
c) The Bible message is applicable now for us even though it was written then for them.
d) I have learnt to approach the Bible with an open mind for it to speak to me rather than me speaking to it.
e) The part of not flying with one verse of the Bible has revolutionized my approach to scriptures as much as context is concerned.
f) My previous approach to the Bible was just reading but the emphasis of genres has given me a new approach.
g) As I leave this meeting, I have realized that the Bible does not deal with each situation specifically but has principles to deal with any situation analogically.

Most of those who attended had ever been to ECLEA meetings. One lady had to ask for leave from her work station to be with us for the two days.

I can attest the great transformation ECLEA is achieving in the lives of many who has had an encounter with the course books.

Thank you.

Compiled by Rev. David Njeru (Nairobi Region Coordinator)


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

28 June 2021, ECLEA - NAIROBI REGION – June 2021 Training Report

Last week on Thursday 24th – Saturday 26th June we had our last meeting of the first half of 2021 teaching on Eschatology with 21 participants excluding two teachers.

The following were some of the responses from the excited partakers.

     a) Initially, I did not understand well what Eschatology is but now I have a clear picture.

     b) Before this course, I thought end times is something very scaring and terrorising but I see to us believers, it is a blessed hope that I should look forward to with a lot of joy and excitement.

     c) I never knew antichrist is a spirit against Christ and we can have one from “within.”

     d) I have been fully equipped to deal with this matter. Long live ECLEA.

     e) It is now very clear to be that as much as Jesus is coming soon – the last days started when he ascended and we are still in the last days. Last days is now and not yet was very clear to me.

     f) A very sober insight on the future.

As much as we were discussing Eschatology, the issue of sin, transgression & iniquity as hindrances to the blessed hope were discussed at length.

"Is it only 144,000 that will be ruptured?" A participant asked. The answer was, it is a multiple of 12 that shows a complete number and not a literal number. Then an invitation was made to join us as we do the Book of Revelation as our next course.
After the meeting, we found a participant reading the book in her food market stall near a road where she sells ripe banana.

Thank you. Compiled by Rev. David Njeru, Regional Coordinator – Nairobi Region


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


This meeting continues well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Tom Mboya. The meeting had 18 participants and the following major denominations were represented.
     1. Kenya Assemblies of God
     2. GGFAN Church (Host)
     3. Free Pentecostal Fellowship Kenya
     4. Kingdom Light Church
     5. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church
     6. African Independent Church Kenya

The delegates of this meeting participated well and were very keen in order to understand all what was been taught.

REV. KANGETHE – Felt he had benefited much on learning the importance of freedom in Christ. He saw the importance of teaching the members so that they can learn to put baggage’s down and live in freedom.

REV. SAMUEL NDIRANGU – Saw the big need of teaching members on the importance of walking in the spirit. This will help them to manifest the fruit of the spirit instead of the flesh.

MRS. LUCY NJERI – Learnt on the importance of crucifying the flesh so that she can walk in the spirit. She understood what crucifying means.

PASTOR BENSON GICHIMU – Commented that he had benefited much from the teachings. He said He would embark on teaching the church so that they can understand, especially on the importance of walking in the spirit.


Bob Mwangi-ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Greetings to you and hope you are doing fine. I am also good and still serving Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

I was teaching the 1st book of Timothy in my three conferences and have found it to be a very healthy book for pastors end church leaders and we had very healthy discussions. We discussed in length that we should not permit people to teach false doctrines and we should avoid myths and endless genealogies in the church. We need to teach people the goal of true instruction which is love from the pure heart good conscience and sincere faith. We also discussed that the law itself is good, if used lawfully but it is not made for the righteous but for lawbreakers. The issue of church leadership was discussed in length because some people in the leadership are not qualified because were elected and they are just pleasing the people but not God.

We talked in length that true leaders should meet qualifications and that we can have effective church leadership, people in the church should have a spirit of treating others people like members of your family older men as fathers, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers and younger women as sisters. We also discussed much about the widows that God may give us grace to support them but younger widows should remarry. We also discussed that we teach people true relationship between godliness and material riches. We also prayed that God may help us to guard what has been entrusted to us and that we keep preaching the true gospel of faithfulness.

We thank God for helping E.C.L.E.A to equip church leaders who are establishing the kingdom of God.
God is faithful and I feed within in my spirit that I will also keep teaching the 1st Book of Timothy in the next three conference.

Respectfully submitted, Bob Mwangi (ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator)


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

In Nairobi region, we did our first meeting of the second part of 2021 on Thursday 29 through Saturday 31 of July 2021 and we covered the Book of Revelation. It was one of the most eye opening yet very interesting courses we have ever covered in ECLEA with 14 participants. Taking into consideration that that was the week primary schools were re-opening and Form ones reporting the following week – the attendance was very good.                       

During the entire course, there were considerable deliberations and at times quite fierce because of previous worldviews the participants had held about the Book of Revelation. The following are select responses from the audience:

a) I had not really figured out that the book is about the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is now very clear.

b) From many different ‘sermons’ that I have ever listened to, I used to take Revelation as a book of prophecy – something for the future but I know see it as a three part book past, present, and future as well as a letter and apocalyptic.

c) For me when I heard about this course, I was very eager to learn because I took the Book of Revelation as very scaring book with complex symbolism. In fact, this is the first time I’m reading the Book. After attending this course, I can now rest assured it is a book that gives hope to the Church of Jesus Christ. Since we started, I have read and studied several passages. Thank you for bringing to us this course.

d) Severally I have heard that heaven is already full with 144,000! After going through this course, it is now understandable that it is symbolic and not literal. In addition God has been, is, and will continue to prepare His church. (This bit of 144,000 elicited considerable debate from the participants).

e) Perhaps the most interesting was how “most preachers cast out demons (plus the devil) and send them to the lake of fire!” The authority to send the ancient dragon to the everlasting lake of fire is reserved to Jesus Christ as the faithful judge. Our authority as believers is limited to ‘casting out demons.’ This was a very liberating truth for me.

As you can see, ECLEA is making tremendous influence in East Africa. Thank you for your continued availing of these rich resources.

Rev. David Njeru, Regional Co-ordinator – Nairobi, Kenya


Abednego Mwika, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordiantor


Bishop Barnabas our National Coordinatorand I conducted AA CONFERENCE on the book of 1 Timothy in my Region on 26-28 July 2021. 12 Pastors and church leaders attended our workshop. In our training many of the attendees were fresh or very new to such teachings where by all the 6 chapters became new to them, but they fully participated and engaged the trainers in many areas.

When we were discussing the Goal of our Instruction, which is love from a Pure Heart, Good Conscience and Sincere Faith, many questions were raised by the participants. But we informed them that love is central to Christianity.

Qualifications of church leaders was also a big and great Challenge commonly when we were discussing more about today's Apostles and the Apostles in the time of Jesus. Many of the Participants admitted that there is a big heresy and misunderstanding to the self-proclaimed Apostles. False Doctrine vs True doctrine also challenged the Frameworks of many in our class. The issue of the list of widows in Church and who are supposed to be supported by the Church was an eye-opener to all the participants because they confessed that they thought that every widow ought to be supported by the Church.

Keeping of Church records was totally expounded. The Participants assured us that from that material day henceforth they will advocate the keeping of proper records in their respective Churches. I give God all the glory for this manual. We need more of these teachings in our region because when we apply these teachings in our Churches growth is a must.

Bishop Abednego Mwika, Meru Central Region


Lydiah Gathori, ECLEA-Kenya regional cooredinator

Praise Jesus I am good and well protected by the blood of Jesus. Bishop Barnabas our national coordinator ND I conducted the first AA conference in my region on 15th to 17th July 2021. We had about fourteen participants from different denominations: Anglican church of Kenya, Glory Manifestation chapel, PEFA church of Kenya, Restoration and Promise church, Shekinah Glory church etc. We went through the book of 1st Timothy and we found that this book teaches so many things that are of great importance commonly in the African church.

When we discuss the qualifications of the church leaders in different levels. we addressed so many things among the question of true versus false doctrines where we found that leaders should be very careful in the question of false doctrines. We discussed the question of new spiritual Israelites and we found that the true Israelites rejected messiah and therefore their judgement will be equal to others because of their ignorance. The question of Jesus giving Himself as a ransom for us brings us to discuss the issue of many sacrifices that God's people are forced to give by false teachers of the word claiming that they were to demolish the alters that were laid by their forefathers. We found that this is just a matter of faith and that Jesus paid it all on the cross and there is no need of other sacrifices, i.e., killing of rams, bulls, and doves. We also found how important the widows ministry is in any given church and this should be conducted even in our churches today.

Many of the participants admitted that they have never heard anything like the list of widows and the age that is supposed to be entered in to the list of widows. Bishop Barnabas told us that young widows should be allowed to remarry but the widows who are widows indeed should be taken care of. The question of the authority of men in the church and the service of women in the church brings us to discuss why Paul was addressing the issue of braided hair in women and we found that by then braided hair were for the prostitutes and that's why Paul wanted to put a difference between the holy and the prostitutes but this should not affect the church today. Raising of hands of men, we found that Paul was not addressing the physical hands but the spiritual hands.

It was a fantastic discussion and since many were new to this, they were amazed to know how deep this book is than they knew it before and realize that they need to go deeper in the word of God through this training in order for them to be well equipped church leaders. Thanks for ECLEA for helping to reach them through this training hoping by God's grace we are going far.
Regards, Lydiah Gathoni, Tharaka-Nithi Regional Coordinator


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

July 2021
My updates come to you as a follow up on the way forward concerning the training here in Uganda during this lock down.

Some of the reports that I got via phone calls like the Coordinator from western Uganda said that they have difficulty in conducting the training most especially this month as he was located in Rubanda so he couldn't travel to Kabale and Bushenyi to do the training. his region was much affected by the lockdown.

Apart from him the rest of the region sounded okay, though some changed the actual training days and rescheduled days within their convenience part of northern Uganda and Buvuma Islands. Other centers as I had mentioned in my previous emails are moving within their districts and meetings of 20 and members have not been disturbed in their operations. This is not only to do with meetings but generally there is business as usual. For example, one of the trainers here rides his motorcycle from Mukono to Mityana, he goes through four districts. Basically, one can move with the motorcycle to almost all the parts of the country as this means of transport is allowed to operate.

From Pastor Alex Obaale: MAY JUNE AND JULY COVERAGE 

As you may be aware, all through the above months we have been on Biblical Theology and the book of Revelation. We just concluded with the follow-ups last week. A total of 68 pastors attended the training. Going through the book of Revelation has been an eye-opener as it relates on the last things or the end times a picture of what is being played out in the current occurrence's globally.


In Kaberamaido, Kotido, Bukedea, and Abim, The pastors and leaders in attendance were very participatory in the meetings and discussions. They kept time of arrival of which to me, this was so encouraging. Some pastors in Moroto, Bukedea have incorporated ECLEA materials and resources into their discipleship materials.

Amidst the challenge of Covid in these areas pastors could leave their gardens and come to study God’s Word.

     1. The trainings are going on but on difficult procedures as you are aware of the covid problem.

     2. We have centralised our teachers, i.e. divided ourselves accordingly. Three of us have been training on these subjects. So the nearer you are to the centers the better you remain there. This avoids the transport inconveniences and clearance with the government on inter district travels.

     3.We are thinking and planning to continue with the August trainings as we assess the situation of the lockdown and what the government shall issue out.

Pastor Alex, Greater Eastern Uganda coordinator

This report below is from Rev Mukisa John our Coordinator in the Masaka Region:





So far these are some of the reports and feedback from the Coordinators here. By the time of this report, we are expecting the President's State of Nation Address this Saturday. We are hoping that somehow he is going to ease the lockdown. The situation is not as bad as the last month, at least now even in Kampala people have started to move around, though in smaller numbers.

Sincerely, Stephen Sempala, national coordinator


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator
This meeting went on well on the above mentioned dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Monica Wambui. The meeting had 13 participants and the following major denominations were represented:

The delegates cooperated will in the meeting and were very eager to learn all what was being taught.
MR. JOHN MUTHIORA-Learnt on the uniqueness of Christianity in comparison to other religions. Most of them emphasize on salvation by works unlike Christianity where it is by grace and faith in the lord Jesus Christ.

PST. ZABLON TIEMA–Was surprised on how Paul confronted Peter due to his hypocritical behavior of withdrawing to eat with Gentiles when certain Jewish believers came.

PST. JOSEPH NGANDU–Learnt the importance of how all men and women have equal status before God. He also learnt that all of them are sons of God.

DOROTHY ZABLON–Saw the importance of love and how Jesus summarized the Ten Commandments into two. They involve loving God and our neighbours.

BENEDETOR MBINYA-Learnt that we are all the seed of Abraham and this is fuifilled in Jesus Christ.

Respectfully submitted, James Kamau, Lower Rift Valley regional coordinator


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA director

It is my sad duty to report that my friend and ECLEA-Tanzania's national coordinator, Dickson Laizer, died at the end of July. He was sick for long time since 2020, suffering from chest ailments, and in May this year he was admitted to hospital due to serious changes of his health. From that time he remained at hospital where he was taking treatment until his death on July 31.

Dickson leaves a widow and children. ECLEA-Tanzania leaders will be meeting to fill this great loss. If anyone would like to contribute to help his family, please contact ECLEA ( Dickson was a good man, a good teacher, and an uplifting friend. He will be missed.

Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania’s national secretary, adds the following:

On my arrival at Arusha I met Julius Shevorogwe, Emmanuel Sanare, and Paul Mdimi; all of us as ECLEA team sat down with the widow for short discussion about the matter. The four ECLEA representstives discussed with family members and together with the TAG host Pastor we arranged the burial service plan for the next day. On Thursday the burial service involved a number of pastors and Bishops from different Church Denominations, hosted by Pastor Ngereza of TAG local church of the area where Dickson used to attend together with his family members. Pastor Sanare, of ECLEA leadership team from Arusha led the service liturgy and Pastor Mdimi also ECLEA leader from Magugu officiated the burial. More then twenty five Pastors were among the multitude who attended the burial service. I was given a chance to speak on behalf of ECLEA.

One day after the burial of our brother, We had a meeting of four of us and came to the following conclusions.

1. We will have a transition period of one and a half year leading to election, During this transition I will lead the ECLEA leadership team and we will work on:
   A. Setting a proper leadership structure that will not give the coordinator a chance to behave like a king in his own domain.
   B. Formulating a secured method for funds management including working on opening ECLEA account, so that ECLEA money will only go to ECLEA account.
   C. Setting ECLEA coursed to a credential awarding, through affiliation with an accredited education institution
       - For this will prepare our teachers for the same through TOTs
       - Do vision and mission casting to all regional centers, giving a brief explanation about each course, what should a          student expect to become through transformation, and also by credential.

We will now on be talking with biblical institutions to include ECLEA courses into their curriculum module and our teachers go and teach, Also running mobile biblical schools at the local areas instead of conferences, whereby in all cases students will have to write exams.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi cooordinator



From June to August we had successful trainings in our different centers. You will realize that the schedule we sent you in the beginning of the year has slightly changed due to the fact that during the dry season i.e from June to August, churches have various activities including building premises and conferences, crusades, retreats of pastors etc so we followed the programme they proposed to us. In our programme, we had proposed to add Eusebu church but due to the fact that they were busy building their premises, we decided to continue with those we had been working with and we were busy enough.

The trainees follow attentively the training.

The following table shows the various places we have been training from June up to August. We had thought that we should give you the report after we have finished the course we were dealing with in each centre. You know that some courses do take two to three sessions of full weeks depending on their volume, their relevancy in our context, and the understanding of participants. This is the reason why you will find that this report is full of testimonies from various places we have been training:

Dates Centre Course Trainer
07 – 11/06/2021, Nyanza lac Muyange, Biblical Eschatology, Frederic Harerimana
12 -18 June 2021, Mishiha, Biblical Theology, Francois and Alexandre
12-18 June 2021, Cankuzo, Biblical Theology, Frederic
28 June-2 July 2021, Nyanza Lac, Biblical Eschatology, Frederic
12-16 July, Mishiha, Biblical Theology, Francois & Alexandre
12-16 July, Cankuzo, Biblical Theology, Frederic
19-23 July 2021, Bukeye, O.T and N.T Overview, Francois and Theo
19-23 July 2021, Rutana, Biblical Theology, Frederic
26-30 July 2021, Muzye, Biblical Theology, Francois & Yesaya
26-30 July 2021, Nyanza lac, Eschatology, Frederic
26-30 July 2021, Muzye, Biblical Theology, Francois & Yesaya
2-6 August 2021, EAB Makamba, Biblical Stewardship, Frederic, Francois & Theodore
16-20 Aug 2021, Nyanza Lac, The Church, Frederic, Francois
23-27 Aug 2021, Mishiha, Biblical Theology, Frederic & Alexandre
23-27 Aug 2021, Cankuzo, Biblical Theology, Francois

II. Covid -19
Covid-19 has intensified here in Burundi where so many people have been diagnosed covid positive. We are however grateful to the Lord that we did not stop training although we had to take precautions. We had to put in place measures to protect ourselves and the participants. we are sorry that in some places there are no centres for Covid testing. People have to take long distances to reach where they would be tested. We followed the instructions of the Health Ministry and we help in sensitizing the people.

III. Objectives
We still have one major objective of impacting and imparting knowledge to our participants in all our trainings: create awareness to church leaders so that in turn they can be able to transform and bring changes in their local churches and the surrounding communities.  

To our surprise and amazement, in all the centres we have realized that there is a great impact these courses are bringing not only in the lives of the pastors themselves but also in the lives of the congregants and the communities at large. For instance, in Mishiha, some of our trainees are building a shelter for a poor widow and are working hard in order to finish it, before the rain season comes.

                 Poor widow before her hut                                                        Construction underway

In the churches, members have noticed that the way their pastors used to preach, teach and impart life to the congregants has changed completely. Church members are satisfied and pleased to support them to attend trainings.  They said that they want to put into practice, what they have learned in Biblical Stewardship and 1 Timothy courses. We were so happy to see the fruits of the training we are giving.

Whether the trainees or trainers, when we look into all these courses, we are encouraged and this gives us hope for the church of Burundi in the future. We are proud of what we are doing and we praise God that ECLEA has supported us to achieve our objective to the glory of God. This is seen through the testimonies people give:

                                   Discussion groups                                                           Traineees with their books

Eschatology course
When we take the example of Eschatology, people have been taught heresies including pastors themselves. Many people have been taught that Jesus Christ would come back twice. It is not easy to change the trends. With regard to the millennium, trainees have realized that the millennium was not such crucial because if it were so, Jesus and the disciples including Paul would have taken enough time to talk about it. Hence, trainees vowed to go back to their congregants and try to undo the wrong teachings they have been teaching and hearing. Some went to a length of saying we will not spend time teaching things we are not sure of.

Biblical theology
This course to many church leaders was new. Although they had been teaching for a long time, they could not make head or tail of how Jesus was seen in the OT. They would not understand how Genesis 3:15 was a promise God gave to mankind just after the fall and how the whole Bible was to hinge on that verse. Now we are pleased that participants can see clearly how the practices and feasts in the OT were just a shadow of what would happen to Jesus Christ and how he fulfils and accomplishes all that was said in the O.T

The Church
Many people have found themselves being church leaders yet they did not understand the mission, vision and nature of the church. We are grateful to the Lord that participants to the course did understand clearly that they have been called to evangelize and fish people from where they are lost, reach out to them and not expect them to come on their own to the church premises where they are pumped with the word of God. As participants, we came to realize that we are not seeking for the lost rather followers are recycled from church to church. Some of the trainees asked for God’s grace to be able to go out and fetch for the lost instead of fishing from other churches.


Pastor Minani Logatien

I am proud to understand this truth. I have been teaching and preaching from the Bible for 15 years. When you took us through Biblical theology, the veil and scale fell from my eyes. I discovered that all what happened and took place in the Old Testament was just a shadow of what would take place in Jesus Christ as he is the fulfilment of the Old Testament and initiator of the New Testament. For the first time, I understood that what made the New Testament to be different from the Old Testament was that Jesus came from the tribe of Judah while Moses, Aaron, and the priests and high priests came from the tribe of Levi. I could not link how the animal sacrifices were a shadow of the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world as those sacrifices in the O.T. were to atone for the sins of the people. I praise God for this opportunity I got, to learn this

Pastor Kwizera Jacqueline

I am grateful to the trainers who taught us this course related to the church. I was a leader of a church yet I did not know the mission, vision, and nature of the church, and why its existence in the community. I am grateful to the Lord that has made it possible for this school to come to this place. I have now understood why I have been called, I have understood my calling and what I ought to do as a pastor I have understood that the church exists to bring transformation and change spiritually and physically in the community where it is implanted. I vow to work accordingly. Thank you!

Reverend Pastor Nduwayo Jean Marie

I have been a teacher of the Bible especially with regard to the return of Jesus Christ. I used to believe that there would be a secret trumpet which will be heard only by Christians and that there would be two resurrections.  I had misconceived the first resurrection and being born again. I thought the second death means dying physically. It had been difficult for me to understand what death means, when I tied it to Genesis 3:15. I discovered that all the salvation programme started right away from the fall and that from there God himself initiated a salvation programme by promising that the seed of the woman would crash the head of the seed of serpent, Satan. I discovered that each book of the Bible in the OT had something to say about this redemption programme. It had been difficult to me to connect episodes in the redemption programme. I praise God that now I can situate myself in this salvation programme in each book of the Bible and be able to teach it to other people.

Reverend Ndagijimana Gilbert

I originated from a Pentecostal background. I was the resource person when it comes to teaching the book of Revelation and Eschatology. I would be invited in the whole region of Makamba. After going through the book of Revelation and the course on Eschatology, I apologize to God for I have poisoned God’s people as I had been poisoned myself. I confess that I did it in ignorance and hope that the Lord has forgiven me. I cry to the Lord that in one way or the other pastors may be enlightened and scales fall from their eyes and shun away from what they have been taught in the past. I had never understood what 42 months mean, 1260 days, a time, 2 times and half time, which means a period of trial, persecution, besiege, in fact I have always been teaching that it is a literal figure. With such a point of view, I interpreted the Bible to be literal when it comes to figures and symbols. I praise God that after going through this course on eschatology, I understood that this was drawn from what happened in 167 BC which Daniel had prophesied. 

Reverend pastor Theophile Nahigombeye
I am so much challenged. I am the superintendent of 3 provinces: Makamba, Bururi and Rutana. I originated from the Swedish Pentecostal church. I had never been to a Bible school or seminary yet was selected as a catechist and then now am the superintendent in Minevam Church. Having been to this course all the pastors look at me. God have mercy on me. I wonder if really; I will have enough courage, gutter and boldness to challenge what we have been teaching as heresy.
If I do, the news will spread in the whole region and I wonder if the other denominations will not gang against me and count me as a heretic. May I humbly call upon you for support in case such a thing happens. Having been convinced through going into this course that we have poisoned God’s people, I wish all the main church leaders would attend this conference one day on this topic of Eschatology. We all believed in the past that we will be in the air 3 and half years, that is rapture, and we have never taught that Jesus will come back just once. We never talked of directly 2 second comings but believe you me deep down in our hearts we thought that Jesus Christ would come first for the church, reign for one thousand years, and then come once again to judge the whole earth. We had never understood that when Jesus Christ comes back, that would be the dividing point of the two interwoven periods, now and the time to come.

Trainees share their testimonies among themselves

There are many courses that are too big and loaded. It takes us a long time to finish them. For instance, Eschatology takes us four full sessions of 5 days each. Islam and Christianity takes the same. Biblical Theology takes 4 full sessions and the students ask so many relevant questions which show that they understand the course.

The other challenge we have is that we teach rural people who live in remote places where it is not easy to raise money for the materials they use. For instance, it would cost 25,000 Bif for the book on Eschatology, yet some pastors are not even able to contribute 5,000 bif for food for the whole time they come to school so they opt to fast. Economically the country is not doing well. On the market places prices of all things have noticeably gone high. Many of our trainees are struggling to buy books but we praise God for the efforts they are making. Hopefully the situation will change. Most people do not have computers or smart phone to down load the materials. So, they rely on what they buy.

There are two places we wish to issue certificates/diploma. That is Nyanza lac, Saturday the 9th and Bukeye on Sunday the 17th, this coming month of October 2021 as the participants have gone through all the courses, we were supposed to teach them. 

Rema Burundi would like to thank you so much for enabling us to do the training, through your spiritual and financial support. Please continue to pray for us for God’s protection as we go to different places to do the trainings, precisely this time of Covid-19. We do also remember to pray for you.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi cooordinator


From 2nd to 6th August 2021, a church leaders’ training mission was held in the Anglican church of Makamba Diocese. We are grateful to the Lord that, at long last, this activity took place. We had planned this mission for many times but we always encountered problems of availability of participants to this training. The other challenge that delayed our program was Covid-19. To our surprise, when we went to hold this training, we realized that the diocese had invited almost 300 people. Among the invitees were senior pastors, archdeacons, Reverends, deacons, evangelists, catechists, indeed almost everybody who had a role in preaching and evangelisation in the diocese were invited to this training. We therefore decided to teach in the form of casting vision. The course that had been selected was the Biblical Stewardship. We decided to use the approach of preaching and teaching. This was a new experience since we started this programme in different centres to have such a big number of participants.

Were present to to do this activity Rema Staff. As it was done in the form of casting vision, it was crucial that both of us be present as we are most in charge of this programme. The General Secretary of the diocese and the Mission Coordinator within the whole diocese, were also present and heped us to bring order as there were many participants, and to guide us to what to do.


As already aforesaid, all the participants came from all the diocese of Makamba including people in administration of the diocese apart from some pastors who had lost their dear ones. The bishop and archbishop Martin Nyaboho was not present as he was outside the country but had given all the powers to his deputy and the secreatry of the diocese.

We took the participants into the course of Biblical Stewardship. We found it worthwhile to kickstart with this course of Biblical Stewardship as it is the foundation of all the other courses we teach. In fact this course is foundational and all the other courses hinge on it. We decided in Rema that all the courses begin with Biblical Stewardship. Our experience has shown us that this course changes and transforms people in their practices and thinking. In fact, this course opens the horizon of participants and gives them the thirst and hunger to attend all the other courses we offer. They were amazed to realize that from the beginning all the people were created in the image of God with the mandate of being stewards. They were surprised that stewardship encompasses all the sectors of life, starting from the earth we live on, the environment, the mind, the body, the relationships, giving and tithing, money, time, etc. Starting from Genesis, we explored the whole Bible to see the purpose for which men were created.

This vision casting created in the participants the hunger and thirst to attend all the courses ECLEA gives. They realized that what they had been taught in their theological schools, for those who went there, is different from what they discovered in the course. Starting from the top leadership, people have realized that pastors need to get their capacity built so that they be able to impact the sheep the Lord has entrusted them with as stewards.

Senior pastors share their comment and concerns

One senior pastor after sharing with other pastors, said: “I am surprised and amazed that the Bible is an encyclopedia. In short the Bible contains everything. It is sad we do not know how to explore and exploit it. We are seated on wealth we do not know. May the Lord help us to open our mind and see how we can find not only life in it but also means of creating wealth based on it. It is sad we do not enjoy its worth in its fullness.”

Another pastor said: “It is my first time to realize that the Bible is so rich. This is my first time to realize that all we said is contained in this Bible we have been using all the time as pastors. Among things that had sank in my heart let me underline three of them:
     1. Stewardship of time: I am surprised that the Bible talks about time. I never realized that the Bible talks about time. I had never given attention to how I use my time. I have noticed for the first time that time is money and that the time that has been squandered never comes back.
     2. Hygiene: This subject has touched my heart. I for the first time undestand why God asked people to go outside their camp if they want to relieve themselves and cover with the earth what came from them as feces. I have never undestood how we are the temple of the living God and as a result should be good steward of our bodies knowing that we will give an account to God as to how we have taken care of our body. We are not our own and hence should not dare to treat our bodies lightly. It is sad that most of us do not have decent toilets either at our churches or at our homes. I should urge all the participants to this course to change our attitude re hygiene.
     3. Stewardship of money: To this, I am not alone, we have all cheated the Lord, we need to repent and cry to the Lord for mercy. On my side, I would like to say something which will be foundational as we have been taught. Before I seek for money I need to to be faithful and trustworthy first.”

Response from participants and Rema comments
This course is so crucial for every human being to know. We are grateful to the Lord for the time we have spent here. It has been worthwhile. Considering the importance of this course, we ask you to create training centres in each parish of our diocese where all the Christians who wants to come out from their ignorance can come and take part. for it is impossible to teach such a big number of people. To respond to this request, centres should be multiplied. This would reduce the number of people that would attend in each centre and give opportunity to the facilitor to master the class.

Rema response to this request was to urge the participants to discuss this issue with the diocese of Makamba and come up with tangible and feasible solution. Rema class cannot exceed 60 attendees since there are tests and assignments to be corrected. Therefore, we decided to create at least two new centres as 2 centres will have graduated. Hence, depending on the vision of the diocese and availability of participants. Two new centres may be created starting from the month of October in the diocese of Makamba. However, this will be decided by the diocese of Makamba and the board of Rema. Rema is ready to kick start with the new centres if the diocese finds it worthwhile.

We are grateful to the Lord to have opened this new opportunity. In fact, the Anglican diocese of Makamba covers a big area and has many pastors and servants of the Lord who need to be trained.


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

I greet you in the name above all names, the name of Jesus. I just came back from evangelistic campaigns in villages we have been doing since sometimes the end of last month. This campaign has been one of the results of ECLEA teachings to Church Leaders. Passion for the souls ware raised resulting in a decision of joining forces together to win the lost souls for Jesus

Duga Lutheran Church joined forces with New Life in Christ for eight days soul-winning evangelistic campaign which was very fruitful. The eight days of evangelism from 20th August to 29th August brought over 100 souls to Christ majority being Muslims. The local Church has gained new Church members from among them. The place was very ideal as at least ten demonized people were set free from bondage each day. Women were much more possessed than men. Some girls vomited chams and other strange things which came out of their alimentary canal. Before spitting out they took time struggling and groaning as if they were in labor pain. We applied a follow-up program which helped retain some new converts to church members.

From the beginning of this month, we did other three meetings at Mapojoni village, Kichangani, and Ndaoya villages, running at least three days in each village. Ndaoya and Mapojoni villages are almost 95 to 99% Muslims respectively with no church at all. We managed to start a Tanzania Assemblies of God Church at Ndaoya.

I went to Pangani for a Christianity and Islam conference course, 27 church leaders attended. Assistant bishop from a Pentecost Church testified that he did not have the courage of witnessing Christ to Muslims but now he has an instrument with him for the work. I am expecting more testimonies from there.

Briefly we did EXPOSITORY PREACHING at New Life in Christ, Agape Duga and Korogwe.
BIBLICAL THEOLOGY at Bombo and Boko Dar–es–Salaam Church at New Life in Christ and Duga.
CHRISTIAN & ISLAM at Gofu, Mkinga, Zanzibar and Pangani. JAMES at Horohoro and Gombero.
BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP at Muheza, Bagamoyo, New Life in Christ and Duga. Bagamoyo class was the smallest with 19 participants while Bombo was the largest with 39 participants. The majority of the courses were done almost at the scheduled time and perhaps three switches of the stations between April and June but Zanzibar and Pangani were postponed to July and August.

Zanzibar with Bishop Sheggah last July was one of the interesting classes. Christianity and Islam conference drew attention of Zanzibarian Church leaders. We had a lot of questions from pastors and we accommodated them all with the passion to equip them. We advised them to form their unity and have sessions among themselves for discussions and sharing testimonies of what each one of them does for witnessing Christ among their neighboring Muslims.

We are already on good terms with one of the Bible schools trying to arrange when to meet the institute leadership for coming to agreements about our courses. I think I will need some assistance for it. We are working on the year-ending program proposal, will send the same to you soon. 



Protais Nshogoza, ECLEA-Rwanda national coordinator

September 2021
Kayonza class studying Habakkuk. Innocent Mbonigaba Nigaba is reporting that 26 pastors are happy and enjoyed the Book of Habakkuk especially surrendering their lives to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

October 2021

Today I started a new Class in Northern Province at Gakenke District 18 Pastors attended tomorrow We expect the increase to 30 Pastors.

Here in Rwanda things are going on well. I am winding up Kanombe 1and 2, Kayonza, Rukira, Ruhango, and Gicumbi for graduation which might take place in December or January. I started a new class at Kanombe, Gicumbi, Rwinkwavu and Gakenke and then will be opening new centers in other areas.


Francois Nitunga, ECLEA-Burundi coordinator


We are delighted to send you the last yearly report of activities that took place from September to December 2021. Those trainings took place in our 6 centres namely: Nyanza Lac, Muzye, Rutana, Cankuzo, Mishiha and Bukeye. In this report we are going to focus more on the impact these courses are making not only in the churches but also in the communities that re surrounding those churches.


2.1 OT and NT overview in Nyanza-Lac from 4th to 8th September 2021 and graduation.
To start with, The Nyanza-Lac was culminated by the issuing of diplomas to 20 people who had followed those courses from beginning to the end.


2.2. The following courses in those other centres were dispensed:
1. Biblical Theology in Muzye from 12 to 17 September 2021 in Muzye
2. From 17 to 22 October: The church: its nature, purpose and mission in Cankuzo
3. From 17 to 22 October: The church: its nature, purpose and mission in Mishiha
4. From 20 to 26 November: The church: its nature, purpose and mission in Muzye
5. From 20 to 26 November 2021: Biblical theology at Rutana
6. From 06 to 10 December 2021: Biblical Theology in Cankuzo
7. From 06 to 10 December 2021: Forgiveness and reconciliation in Mishiha

We are first of delighted to inform you that among those that have graduated from the past courses we taught, the most performing candidates have been selected to be helping us in the trainings we hold in those centres and they work as volunteers. They are given food, transport and accommodation. The idea behind is that we are training and coaching them to be able to conduct those trainings effectively and efficiently. Moreover, two have always been better than one, once one is over exhausted or stretched, the volunteer takes over. It is a way of training them on the field as well.

This is an adult learning we believe that every person has something to share and to contribute towards the success of the training. We emphasize the discussion groups

We are thankful to our Almighty God because of this training here at Rutana centre It is an opportunity that we cannot take for granted. This course is bringing transformation not only in our lives and families, but also in our local churches and communities as well.

All these activities have taken place during the time of Covid-19. We had to follow the government instructions and advice which delayed us and reduced as we took time to remind the people of the measures taken to fight and reduce its spread and this had a negative Impact on the time that was to be allocated to the courses. We even issued masks to the participants. Although it was a time of heavy rain which some time would disrupt the teaching as we could not continue teaching, we are grateful to the Lord that we were able to deliver those courses.


From 6th to 10 December 2021, During Nyanza Lac graduation, people were amazed how this programme has been there for a long time yet thy did not attend it. This is the reason why Nyanza Lac Pentecostal church came to look for us. we are for the time being looking for ways to incorporate them in the programme.

We praise the Lord that the graduation took place. We had started the training with a total number of 33 trainees. But 20 completed the course and were graduated. Among the graduates, there was only one woman who followed faithfully and courageously the training. 

Theophile: This program of the training, has been an eye opening to all of us who attended this course. If you come and see in our churches, you would yourself notice changes that have taken place as a result of us attending these numerous courses. I would just mention one example: when I was teaching on eschatology, I asked all the participants to show me just one verse in the Bible which speaks of secret trumpet in the Bible, none could show it to me yet this is something they have been believing and singing much.

NDAYISENGA Remy Paul: “Church leaders and preachers should attend theological trainings”. Whoever does not want to come to study is doomed to teach heresies. I used to listen to many pastors and could see the mistakes and errors they make in their sermons and teaching, misleading congregants. Unfortunately, in the kingdom of blind people the one with just one eye becomes automatically their king. That is exactly what has been happening. As pastors call themselves servants of the Lord, they believe they hear from God and pass on to the congregants what they have heard from God and nobody is allowed to question them. Now, I encourage church leaders and all preachers to attend theological trainings.

I am grateful to the Lord that when I put into practice what I learned, I was able to have much harvest and was able to have some money which I used to cater for my needs without depending on anybody which was a new experience in my life. Now I am helping people in my community to change their worldview as far as agriculture is concerned. Showing them how they can work and change their lives, as they change the way they look for good harvest.

MUKOZI Elyse: “For sure my time was not in vain.” I had been a pastor for 15 years yet I had never made head or tails as to how the feasts, practices which were in the OT were just a type and shadow of what would happen to Jesus and how he would fulfil them. Really, we are teaching heresies as it is said, my people die for lack of knowledge. We are grateful to the Lord for you who have opened our eyes, the scales fell from our eyes and we were able to see clearly how the OT was a preparation for the NT and how the NT was a fulfilment of the OT. I gained many things during these years I have been doing this ECLEA course. For sure my time was not in vain. I praise the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless a Servant of the Lord who was used by himself to initiate these courses. I encourage my fellow pastors to come to join this training.


Pastor NGEZE Jean said: “Burundi has been in a long period of conflicts which has stained people’s relations. This course of forgiveness and reconciliation has come at the right time. We should shun away from hypocrisy and walk in the light as Jesus is the light of the world. During this course we were able to reconcile and know the benefits of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not an option it is a must if we are to inherit the kingdom of God. After all, people who do not agree here on this earth will not agree when in heaven that is why I urge anybody to reconcile with God first and then to his neighbour for the door that leads to heaven passes through the door of your enemy and my enemy as well”. 

Forgiveness and Reconciliation bear fruits in MISHIHA. There was a big tension in one of the Parish. Whereby the senior pastor and other Parish Council members were differing to certain issues and were divided. No talking to one another, and sanctions were taken towards some people. After going through this course, they came together, discussed between themselves. They openly, cried repented, confessed and reconciled. Some went to a length of restoring and repairing what they had damaged. It was a special evening. The Holy Spirit came down. We really experienced the revival times. We praise God for that. There were misunderstandings and hurts in the church. Fortunately, to the glory of God, they have come to an agreement. They chant Praise God!


A church leader from Rutana shares:
“I am a parish council member and I do preach from some time to time. To say the truth before attending this course I could not see how Jesus in the OT is revealed in the NT. Now I feel very comfortable to read the OT and understand it as I discover Jesus hidden in it. I can now preach easily what from OT, something I could not do before I took this course. Here I mean Biblical Theology. I am so happy for this opportunity I got to be one of the trainees. People who listen to my sermons have realized how I improved my preaching”. We are grateful to the Lord that these teachings are making a tangible impact not only in the church but also in the community where the participants to those courses are living in.

I should give few examples: You have seen in our last report some photos of how in Mishiha, participants to these courses, have come up together with an idea of identifying the poorest and most vulnerable person in the community. In fact, it turns out to be a widow in the community and they decided to build her a decent house where she lives.

Rev. Pastor RUGINA testifies that from the time he took part in the stewardship course, he always has enough food for the whole family to live on and even spares some to give to friends and relatives, if not he does not sell the excess and surplus. Reverend RUGINA putting in practice what he learned in stewardship course. He built a decent house and is planting crops in a modern way. People are learning and copying him.

In Muzye, Rev. Pastor Gakwaya Simon bought a piece of land in fact two hectacres. Meanwhile he found at the border of the land he bought there was a poor woman whose house was very much leaking whenever it rained. He decided to put into practice what he learned from Stewardship course, 1 Timothy and the Church courses, and bless her by buying her new iron sheets to cover her house. He came and shared this to other trainees. They all responded positively to the call of Simon. They put together money to buy all that was needed to complete the house. Unanimously the trainees said: "We want not to be hearers of the word only but rather to be the doers of the word of God. It is our open opportunity to practice what we have been taught." It was, and is still, a vivid testimony to the surrounding that Christianity is not a matter of words, it is rather actions that speak louder than words. One of our students, pastor Gakwaya sponsored the building of this vulnerable widow.

Gakwaya in front of the house that was being built for the vulnerable widow. I would also give an example of Pastor NDUWIMANA Josias of Anglican church, one of our trainees who is also an agronomist. He has put in practice the new way of cultivating using the course of Biblical stewardship. So many people nowadays are imitating and copying him, he has been a guinea pig. Among those who are trying to imitate him are Muslims. He decided to supervise that Muslim among others. This Muslim was able to plant 3400 banana trees under the supervision of that pastor.

This is pastor Josias NDUWIMANA, one of our trainees, who coached a Muslim and is trying to woo him into becoming a Christian as the Muslim regrets being a Muslim but unfortunately due to threats of Muslims, he decided to remain in their community though deep down in his heart he has discovered the truth that only Jesus can lead to the father, that is, heaven. To our amazement He says, “I used to think that Christians are our enemies. With the time I have spent with this pastor supervising my fields and building my capacity, surely, I realize that by the end of three years I will have a car bought out the harvest and this in general is the result of my relationship with this pastor. I notice that the maize I have planted thorough his supervision and following his instructions, and seeing him what is doing in his field, will give me at least more than 10 tons. Had not been him, I would never achieve that thing. In fact, if I did not fear the animosity of my brethren Muslims, I would have left the mosques and joins my Christian brother in his parish. Moreover, there are many Muslims who are learning from me and copying me as well to see if their plantations can look like mine”.

It is very interesting to see that even kids who have come with their mother to these trainings, are also enjoying the course. We are looking forward to seeing them become a great church leader in the future.
We are having so many demands while we have few resources to satisfy all the demands. But we thank the Lord for the support we get from ECLEA through Jonathan MENN and thanking him to have accepted to be used by God as he uses his full time to prepare these courses.

* In Cankuzo, upon learning the stewardship course, so many people changed their behaviour. For instance, Rev. Pastor Venant HARERIMANA changed the house the pastors were staying in and initiated a seating toilet where pastors do not need to go outside the premise in case of toilet needs.

* Pastor Louis from Muzye is another tangible example. Before he attended the stewardship course he was like any other citizen. But after he attended the course, I once went to his home and found the following: three good cows which produce enough milk daily, a plantation of bananas at least which would weigh easily 60 kg. I saw new plantations of avocado trees, mangoes, oranges and mandarins. His fields are very good to see as he has enough manure to fertilize his lands. Now he says he regrets the time he has lost in ignorance and want to redeem it by fructifying it and by being a good steward of what the Lord has entrusted him with including land.

We thank our Almighty God who helped us and gave us strength to accomplish what we were able to do. That period though the training was successful, we encountered many challenges in our work/ministry. Many of our staff were tested Covid-19 positive and were confined in their houses, apart from one who was hospitalized for several days and escaped narrowly death. We praise God for that. We have enjoyed God’s protection as we travelled long distances in the countryside to do the training.

There were some of our participants who seriously got ill, and could not continue the trainings. Bad enough is that there are few among our trainees who went to be with the Lord. To worsen the situation, few weeks ago, the cost of all goods; etc… were raised up considerably. Since the outbreak of the covid pandemic, the price of many goods was raised up considerably, such as food, accommodations in hotels, or guest houses, medications, to mention but a few. To add salt on the insult, few weeks ago the price of the fuel has gone up about 12.5% and this will have another big negative impact on transport and prices of various items. Please pray for us. God bless.


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

November 27, 2021, ECLEA 2021 YEAR-END REPORT
2021 has been an eventful year for ECLEA. Our dear friend and Tanzanian national coordinator, Dickson Laizer, died after a lengthy illness. Ever-changing government shutdowns and restrictions affected our ability to travel as often as we would have liked. Nevertheless, our work—both from the American side and indigenously by the East Africans—continued almost unabated. New ECLEA books and translations were completed, and ECLEA extended its relationships with East African colleges and theological schools. Here are some of the year’s highlights:

Jonathan’s work in East Africa
I was able to make four trips to East Africa this year. In January I taught Revelation, James, Christianity & Islam, and Galatians in Tanzania. In April I returned to Uganda, to which I had not been able to go in 2020. I first taught Galatians on Buvuma Island in Lake Victoria, where I had never been before. We then traveled to the West Longo diocese of the Church of Uganda (Anglican), where ECLEA’s Ugandan treasurer, Julius Ceaser Nina, is bishop, for a course on The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose. The month of May saw me in Kenya. I first went to Karatina where I was present and spoke at the first graduating class of 49 students (most of them existing pastors, including bishops) from Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College which had incorporated ECLEA's materials into the curriculum. Following that, we did the book of James in Webuye, 1 Timothy in Eldoret and Nairobi, a special session on Leadership in Nairobi, and concluded with the book of James in Murang’a.

Although I have had a number of illnesses over the last 15 years in East Africa (including malaria, dysentery, and food poisoning), at the end of my trip to Kenya I was hit with a “quadruple whammy”—food poisoning, covid, a throat infection, and a bacterial infection in my lower intestine. As a result, I ended up staying in Kenya an extra week. I dropped about 12 pounds, but I believe the fact that I generally eat a healthy diet helped me withstand what could have been much worse. I thank God that he preserved me, and I have no long-term residuals. In October I returned to Uganda, where we did Christianity & Islam, The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose (twice) and Habakkuk. All-in-all, a challenging but good year.

Frank Cummings’ work in East Africa
Dr. Frank made three trips to East Africa this year. The first was in January, leaving on New Year's Day.  After preaching two services on Sunday, it was on to three counseling workshops in Central Kenya. About 75 pastors, church leaders, and village leaders attended. The students were grateful for not just learning how to be an effective counselor, but that ECLEA would go to remote places (villages) to train them.

Dr. Frank’s second trip was in late February and early March. There were four workshops over an eight-day period with a total of about 80 pastors and church leaders.  It is interesting to note that ECLEA is a non-denominational ministry, thus, leaders at all levels and from various church backgrounds are invited participants in all that we do. It was also on this trip that a drunk driver had struck a young woman visiting Murang’a just moments before we approached the scene. It was obvious to that with the extensive blood loss (truly a river of blood) from her head that she was going to die. Indeed, she did pass away. The driver escaped and hasn’t been found to this day. We encounter all kinds of things during our time in East Africa. 

The third trip was in November. This trip involved four hermeneutics workshops with a total of about 170 participants in various places. One was at a large church located in Turkana, Kenya. It is the sight of the famous “pink flamingo” lake. If you have time, Google that lake. It is quite large and shallow. Ironically, that is an analogy of the theological mindset we often encounter during our workshops; however, that is why ECLEA exists—to deepen the foundations of local church leaders.

Paul and Rosemary Nelsen’s work in East Africa
Paul and Rosemary Nelsen are in Kenya at this moment! Paul is leading a medical mission in Kisii.
Rosemary will be teaching her Bible Literacy courses in Northwest Kenya, hosted by Bishop Justus Wafula at two different churches, at Chesamisi near Elton and one near Webuye.

All-African ECLEA training conferences
ECLEA’s name reflects what we stand for: we equip church leaders of East Africa so they can equip others. As a result, the vast majority of ECLEA’s work is done by the East Africa church leaders themselves! The importance of this was made clear this year, since we Americans faced travel restrictions. In 2021, despite government restrictions, our East African ECLEA teams kept moving forward as much as possible:
* Burundi: Rema Ministries (ECLEA’s teaching partner in Burundi) has now established multiple teaching centers around the country; they teach for 5 days in a row, giving assignments and conducting follow-up. This year they have done approximately 40 training sessions around the country, up from 27 last year!
* Kenya: Kenya added two new regional coordinators, Lydia Wanjiru and Abednego Mwika, bringing the total to 16 ECLEA regional coordinators. This year they did approximately 90 ECLEA conferences.
* Rwanda: Under national coordinator Protais Nshogoza, our Rwandan ECLEA teams did approximately 65 all-African training conferences this year.
* Tanzania: Dickson Laizer’s death dealt us a blow, and many of the all-African conferences that had been scheduled were not able to take place. Nevertheless, ECLEA leaders Joram Ibrahim, Bishop Bartholomew Sheggah, Paul Mdimi, and Emanuel Sanare stepped up, came up with a transition plan, and the work was able to go forward. Despite the setback, approximately 90 conferences have been or will be held, ending at the end of December.
* Uganda: Under Bishop Stephen Sempala’s leadership, over 300 all-African teaching conferences have been held throughout Uganda (again, they are ongoing and will conclude by Christmas)!

Reports from the all-African training conferences are available on the ECLEA website ( by clicking on the flags of the different countries, and reports of my conferences are on the “News & Blog” page of the website (

The impact of ECLEA
ECLEA’s vision and goal is: “Deep Foundations=>Healthy Churches=>Transformed Lives.” Here are some reports I have received this year concerning the impact ECLEA is having:

* Julius Njuguna (Kenya): Thank you so much for all the hours you invested in preparing these notes! I am using them this week in a Bible study in among the Ilchamus tribe of Baringo County. Thanks once again. 
* Rev. Yusufu Alfaksad Malahu (Tanzania): I’m serving the Lord in as the Principal of Geita Christian College. I was passing through the Internet looking for some resources to develop my Course Biblical Stewardship (“Uwakili wa Kibiblia”) and found your book which has blessed me and my students in the college.
* Niyokwizera Obed (Burundi): Greetings in the name of our Lord! I saw the Kirundi version of Habakkuk. Your works are helping us to preach the Gospel for the expanding of God’s Kingdom. May God empower you to continue this work of equipping Church leaders in our region. 
* Victor Mushimbami (Unknown): I’m a missionary working among Muslims. Someone shared some of your writings on Christianity and Islam. I am using your material when sharing the gospel with Muslims. God is really using your writings, and Muslims are listening to our Gospel. You don't know me, but I do know your writing. I found your email at your book of Christianity and Islam.

Other ECLEA happenings
In addition to our multiple church leader training conferences all over East Africa, ECLEA has a number of other projects to increase our lasting impact and effectiveness. These include:

* ECLEA books and video lectures: In 2021 our ECLEA books on Habakkuk and the gospel of Mark were finalized. Sets of video lectures (each lecture is about 30 minutes in length) were also done to accompany each book. All of our books and video lectures are on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website: The video lectures (as well as videos of other matters pertaining to East Africa and ECLEA’s work) also are on the ECLEA YouTube video channel:

* ECLEA book translations. Translations of several of our books also were completed in 2021. These include the KISWAHILI translations of Habakkuk, the updated translation of Biblical Theology, and Mark-Part 1; the KIRUDI translation of Galatians; the KINYARWANDA translation of The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose and James; the KIRUNDI translation of Habakkuk and the updated translation of Biblical Theology; and the LUGANDA translation of Galatians. Other translations are in process. All of our translations are on the “ECLEA Courses & Resources” page of the website:

* School partnerships. Our ECLEA teaching books provide some of the most in-depth teaching available. One of our goals is to establish partnerships or agreements with existing East African theological schools whereby our materials become part of the schools’ curriculum. We already had an agreement in place with Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College for their diploma-level courses. This year our materials were approved for their degree-level courses. This is a big step forward! NPBC is affiliated with Global University (headquartered in Springfield, MO). I recently was approved as an adjunct faculty member of Global University and will be teaching our course on Biblical Stewardship remotely to the NPBC students in mid-December. Additionally in Kenya Professor Patrick Njuguna of Breakthrough International Bible University (BIBU) was excited to let us know that ECLEA course books will adopted as course books for a new degree course to be announced soon.

In Tanzania, we recently have established a relationship with Bishop Kiguru Bible College located in Babati, TZ. The diploma certificates will be jointly issued by both ECLEA and The Bible College. We have also started the discussion with Kilimanjaro Christian College leadership for the same. In Rwanda, ECLEA recently affiliated with Lawrence Bible University, an accredited University from Sierra Leone. It is accredited in 38 countries and affiliated with several Colleges and Universities. In such affiliation we will be known as Equipping Church Leaders Rwanda Bible College and provide online courses. Additionally, Harvestime Bible Institute from NIGERIA is planning on using our materials as part of their curriculum. So, as you can see, even though ECLEA concentrates on East Africa, even now our influence extends far beyond East Africa! We are working to establish similar agreements with other recognized Bible and theological schools throughout East Africa.

Looking ahead
By God’s grace we will continue moving forward in all areas in 2022! God has certainly answered our prayers. Very few others are doing what we are doing and not on the scale we are doing it.

You can make a difference
* Giving opportunities: 100% of donations goes to the work of the ministry. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Your financial support is paying great dividends. Tax-deductible giving can be done through the website (, automatic fund transfers can be arranged through your bank, or checks (payable to ECLEA) can be sent to the ECLEA office at 3701 N. Gillett St., Appleton, WI 54914.

* To contact ECLEA's bookkeeper: If you wish to contact Benda Haase, ECLEA’s secretary and bookkeeper, her office number is 920-731-5523 and her email address is

* We value your input and suggestions. Let us know what you think! If you no longer wish to receive these updates, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from the mailing list.


David Njeru, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We did our last meeting (ECLEA Nairobi Region) on Thursday 16 through Saturday 18, December in Kabiria, Nairobi.

Of the 15 pastors who attended, the predominant conversation was how it was easy to understand Revelation - a book which was problematic up to now. The most appreciated part was the four interpretive views, especially the summary.

The part that deals with tribulation had a considerable heat with the question whether we are in the tribulation, like the way we are seeing some governments pushing a mandatory agenda to vaccinate every citizen; which is also replayed in other countries requiring immigrants to produce a vaccine certificate. It was thus settled that indeed the church is going through a form of tribulation. The greatest consolation though is that God is with His church in all this.

The same question was posed in another WhatsApp group of 97 national church leaders where I'm a member and I was glad to share the book with the group and they were delighted.

We appreciate you Jonathan, the supporters as well as the national leadership of ECLEA for making a great impact in the lives of so many leaders.

Blessed festive season of 2021 & a gracious 2022.

Shalom, David


Abednego Mugambe Mwika, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordiantor

We conducted sessions of training 1 Timothy study manual, where by Reverends, Pastors, Evangelists and others church leaders from divers denominations like, Baptist, East Africa Pentecost, KAN international, Zion and many others were privileged to encounter powerful teachings. The book of 1 Timothy became more and more clear according to the elaboration and expository found in this manual.

When we based on qualifications to be a church leader, the chapter became very interesting to understand the principle of a "must qualify" since in our locality many self-proclaimed apostles, bishops, and pastors are found who say "the apostles of Jesus did not attend any theological school neither were they ordained by any one," not considering the three years Jesus stay with them. Therefore, False Doctrine vs. True Doctrine brought about final word positively, them having believed and the importance of studying, taking 1 Tim 4:14-16 to be their guide line.

So thanks ECLEA Director Jonathan Menn, thanks National co-ordinator Bishop Barnabas and ECLEA fraternity. Now I am through with my scheduled meetings this season 2021.

Respectfully submitted,
Abednego Mugmabe Mwika


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator


I wish to let you know that our ECLEA conferences at Kisii, Chuma Mbili, Migori, Rodi and Homa Bay were very successful. We did Forgiveness & Reconciliation as our 2nd ECLEA conference at Kisii, with George Oyaro, very successfully; Dominic, an adopted son of Mr & Mrs Paul & Rosemary Nelsen, confessed that the course had helped him tremendously, and had caused a great change in his life. When we first kicked off with training, no one had an idea what the course was all about or where it would lead; they had never been exposed to the subject before, and they were therefore so grateful that ECLEA, for the first time, had brought such a training to them. In the meeting, a pastor who, on attending the first day of the training, commanded all his leaders to attend the following day. We scheduled the Biblical Theology course training for the month of February 2022. 

Our 1 Timothy courses at Migori were also very educative to all the trainees in attendance. The trainings, attended by different denominations, brought many controversial issues to the fore. For example, the issue of women leadership, and the question of whether they should speak in the church or at home. One Mr. Nyamari, who has 2 degrees from different public universities of our nation and another one from a theological college were happy to know about the qualifications of a leader. Many were edified and happy to learn that "the lifting up of holy hands" was a metaphor and not literal in sense.

Our Forgiveness & Reconciliation conference at Rodi bore immediate fruits. A certain elderly lady, after the training was over, came to us and confessed that for over 30 years she begrudged her mum-in-law, but as the training was going on she forgave her from her heart and she was healed immediately, spiritually and physically.

Also at Homa Bay we did Forgiveness & Reconciliation. Many pastors in the meeting highly appreciated the course and all demanded that we go back again. They were glad to know that Prayers and Love are linked with Forgiveness. In fact some Primary and Secondary school teachers who were in attendance promised to teach on Forgiveness & Reconciliation to their Pupils and Students respectively.

Finally, since ECLEA started in Kenya we had been unable to reach Kisii, Migori and Homambay Counties. Pastor Isaac Wanjala and another Reverend Called Julius Olale are the two men who are doing great work in the area of planning and putting everything in order in Migori and Homambay Counties.

Regards, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We are not weary on this noble work of God, in fulfilling the ECLEA vision and mission. For your information, I have come to the end of my conferences this year. Last weekend I did my last conference 21-23/10/021 on Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

The turnout as usual was very encouraging, inputs and questions were many, an indication that the class was very lively. Books for self-study, this time was in high demand. I was compelled to print more books and send them. Is this not amazing?

It is my prayer that this will continue, and we will be good stewards of ECLEA vision. I wish you God’s blessings as you prepare to end year 2021.

With regards, Rev. Fredrick


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

This meeting went on well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Peter Mwangi. It had 15 participants and the following were the major denominations represented:


REPORTS: The participation of the delegates in this meeting was commendable. They were all active and keen to understand all what was being taught.

REV. SAMUEL NDIRANGU (OUR HOST) learnt on the importance of having a time to hear God. He also learnt that just as Habakkuk learnt, God is always God despite the circumstances. He also saw the importance of changing our perspective of the way we see God.

REV. KIARIE learnt on the importance of having a new focus on the way he used to see things. He felt that he had been renewed like Habakkuk and that despite what happens, He will learn to rejoice in in the Lord.

MRS LUCY NJERI learnt that at all times God is powerful. She also learnt on the importance of judging yourself so that you will not be judged.

REV. JOEL was greatly encouraged to know that in all situations God is firmly in control. He was also happy to note that the just shall live by faith in all circumstances and will focus on the Lord.

Respectfully submittted, James Kamau


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

Good news is that ECLEA is getting better by the day in this region. The biblical courses that we offer have been embraced and especially by the senior church leaders. I think this was the original vision of ECLEA, in getting to the churches that in rural areas. This is my fifth conference this year, one more remaining that will be conducted in the second week of October.
On 16-18/9/021 we held this conference on 1st Timothy. Participation was so good, lovely engagement in the process was witnessed, very encouraging. The church leaders are the ones who propose where and when the next conference will take place, Is this not a plus in the ministry. This is encouraging me so much.

Those who waited until the last day are the ones in the photo.

Rev. Fredrick Njoroge, Nyeri/Nyandarwa coordinator


Fredrick Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

We all fine here very busy taking covid 19 precaution seriously. I am reporting my fourth conference which took place on 26-28th August. I am pleased to note that ECLEA courses are taking firm and spiritual root here in the rural areas.

You have to believe this: local leaders are the ones planning when the next conference will be, and where the conference will be. Is this not amazing?
This conference was on Biblical Stewardship. The attendance was very encouraging, and the learning was highly participatory. I highly appreciate the opportunity to be a biblical teacher with you. Something spiritual is happening in our churches, and I believe this will continue.

Rev Fredrick Njoroge [Nyeri/Nyandarwa co-ordinator]


Peter Njoroge, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

In August 2021 we held a training conference on Biblical Stewardship in R.C.M church Karuku.

After the meeting people commented on this meeting as follows, Pastor Jackson Maina made this comment, "I have never known that it was all that important to take search great care for our bodies.”

In July 2021 we held in R.C.M Church Makutano where we were doing the book of 1st Timothy on Church leadership. After the meeting people commented on that day's teaching. One Pastor, John Mwai, made the following comments, "I have now understood this book better than ever before."

God bless you, Peter Njoroge, regional coordinator


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

August 28, 2021—Kisii, Migori, Chuma Mbili-Migori

Here is to let you know the above mentioned meetings ended very successfully; we did one meeting with George Oyaro (Kisii) because he had a very tight schedule that could not allow him to hold two meetings and two conferences as we had earlier planned with him. For this reason we scheduled two meetings for Migori. Both meetings were very successful as the attached pictures can attest.
In Kisii we had very mature leaders from different denominations-although there was an unforeseen language barrier, Many leaders were not well versed in the English language. So we used Swahili to communicate. We also realized the importance of ECLEA manuals being translated into Kiswahili. We also promised them that next time we would print Swahili versions of ECLEA manuals.

The meeting which had more Pastors than leaders was greatly appreciated by all the participants.
All participants admitted that there is a lot to learn from the book of 1 Timothy and commonly in the area of who is qualified to be an Elder or a Deacon in the Church.

All the Participants confessed that they had never experienced such teachings in their life. They demanded that we should go back sooner than later. We are agreed with Oyaro that it is very important for us to do two meetings in Kisii early November this year God willing. It is also good to let you know that four mature men and one lady gave their lives to Jesus Christ as I shared the word of God in the Church that George Oyaro is the senior Pastor.

We did  Forgiveness and Reconciliation at Migori in two different venues. The two meetings also had very mature people who demanded that we go back by November this year. One Pastor, Julius Olale, said that the Forgiveness and Reconciliation message was meant for him by God; he had a big grudge with his Pastor who had grievously oppressed him and for long time had been unable to forgive him. But after the teachings he promised us that he will go back and look after him and forgive him unconditionally.

Chuma Mbili-Migori
Many Pastors from different denominations attended this Conference. All the Pastors in Chuma-Mbili confessed they had been to many theological schools but they had not been able to differentiate between Forgiveness and Reconciliation. What forgiveness is and what forgiveness is not. Some Pastors travelled from nearby Constituencies the second day when they heard more about our teachings from their Church leaders as they needed to hear more of this message that powerfully impacted their lives. After the training, they promised to forgive all who had hurt or offended them 

Pastor Isaac Wanjala Nyongesa is doing a great work in Migori and Homambay Counties. He is one of the ECLEA/NPBC Students who graduated in the month of May when you were here. He is from that region and he can do a good job.

Finally, there is a great need to conduct AA CONFERENCES in Nyanza region because since the time ECLEA started in Kenya, Kisii, Migori, and Homambay Counties has been left out, this was the first time ECLEA has conducted AA CONFERENCES in the above mentioned Counties.

Regards, Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi, National coordinator


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


The meeting went on well on the above dates. This is a new area, where we were having ECLEA for the first time. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Tom Mboya. The meeting had 23 participants. The following major denominations were represented:-
     1. Mountain Gospel Church
     2. Kingdom Light Congregation
     3. Sanctuary of Grace Church
     4. Glory Celebration Church
     5. Redeemed Gospel Church
     6. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church

The meeting went on well. The delegates were thrilled to hear the teaching on forgiveness in a new way, different from how they had heard it in the past.

PASTOR SHADRACK ROTICH – Our host Pastor said he had learnt a lot especially on how to forgive. He had also learnt a lot on the steps to follow in order to reconcile based on the Worthington’s bridge model of reconciliation.

KATE MONIAH – Learnt that in this life people cannot live without forgiveness, because after salvation, believers are all striving to perfection and in the process they can be wronged or wrong others.

PASTOR AYUB WANYOIKE – Learnt that forgiveness is beneficial to him personally. He also learnt that luck of forgiveness will do him harm.

ISIAHO SHEILLAH – Said she had learnt the importance of forgiving, without which one cannot enter heaven. She also learnt that reconciliation brings peace and love between two warring parties.

James Kamau, ECLEA regional coordinator


Jonathan Menn, ECLEA Director

Uganda - October 2021

My final trip to East Africa in 2021 was to Uganda over the last two weeks of October. After a day spent in Kampala, Bishop Stephen Sempala (ECLEA-Uganda's national coordinator) picked me up and we drove about 6 hours to Aduku (in the northern part of Uganda), which is headquarters for the West Lango Diocese of the Church of Uganda (COU). After crossing over the Nile River, at a spot with lots of rapids, baboons lined the highway for some distance. West Lango's Bishop, Julius Ceaser Nina, is a good man whom I have known for a number of years.

The first day was a celebration of the seventh anniversary of the founding of the diocese (which was split off from the Diocese of Lango). There were speeches and other activities, culminating in the championship football match between the top two division teams from the diocese. Although as bishop, bishop Nina was, of course, impartial, he was not entirely displeased that the red team, which was from his birthplace, won the exciting match, 2-1.

We then did a somewhat compressed (2 full days) course of Christianity & Islam for approximately 26 archdeacons and other top leaders of the diocese. The bishop was personally present the first day, which demonstrated his commitment to clergy-training. The course itself went well. There were many good questions and I saw lots of the participants taking detailed notes. One of the leaders said that Islam is the biggest challenge they have. I talked with the participants and the bishop about their strategizing how to help Muslims who come to faith in Christ and about training those of their members who themselves are former Muslims (and who can therefore be the best witnesses). I think much good will come of this!

Following our time in Aduku, we did conferences at three somewhat dispersed venues within the Masindi-Kitara diocese of the Church of Uganda: Kiryandongo, Bulisa, and Masindi. The diocese is in the western part of Uganda. Bulisa is next to northern part of Lake Albert, across from Democratic Republic of Congo.

Kiryandongo. We did The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Purpose, with about 40 participants. There was a lot of interchange concerning the relationship between Anglicans and Pentecostals. One of the Anglican priests said he had always been an Anglican and always had thought that those who left the Anglican church or became born again in the Pentecostal church were not real Christians. Yet towards the end of the conference he was the man who said that the next time ECLEA comes to Kiryandongo, "we should not just put on a conference for Anglicans but should be sure to include Pentecostals." Praise God!

Bulisa. This was the seat of the Bugungu Archdeaconry. We had about 32 participants (primarily Lay Readers) for another conference on The Church. Because of the heat in the church, on both days, after an initial sessions in the church, we taught the bulk of the class outside under the shade of a large tree. The new diocesan secretary, Joshua, accompanied us to Bulisa and was very impressed with the work of ECLEA. One of the things we had mentioned was the issue of budgeting and saving. One reverend said that that discussion really got to him, particularly how regular saving compounds. The course itself can be very challenging, especially developing a comprehensive discipleship program and getting engaged with the community in mission. One participant said, "I am a needy person. How can I reach out to others?" I said that "we are all needy people, and it is only needy people who can recognize and relate to the needs of others and know how to help. In fact, God can only use needy people, because that is the only kind of people there is."

Masindi. On the way here, we (along with others) got stuck in the mud for quite awhile (all roads between Masindi and where we had been were dirt because of road construction, and it had rained. Here we did the book of Habakkuk for about 30 participants, including Rev. Evas who will soon be installed as a new Canon. This book is unique in that it deals almost exclusively with the so-called "problem of evil" (i.e., How can an omnipotent, omniscient, and good God ordain and allow such rampant evil in the world?). It is also unique in that Habakkuk, alone among the prophets, was not called to prophesy to or against a specific person or nation but entirely dialogued with and prayed to God. The appendix to our book deals in detail with "The Problem of Evil: God's Sovereignty; Human Responsibility; and the Existence of Sin and Evil." You might  want to check it out on the "ECLEA Courses & Resources" page of the ECLEA website (www. At the end of the conference, one participant related how Habakkuk prayed and God ultimately answered him. She mentioned that she knew of a Muslim man who had a disease for 10 years but never got any help from Muslims; Christians prayed for him and God answered. The man is now a Christian.

Traveling in the age of government restrictions can be rather tedious, if not disagreeable. However, I was able to get all the required tests, test results, and forms completed in a timely way. I also had to hire a private airport taxi (at considerably increased expense) to take me from Kampala to the airport in Entebbe, because a government curfew would have prevented me from taking public transportation. 

I am now scheduled to be home for the remainder of 2021. There is much work I have to do, including beginning work on the next ECLEA book, which I have decided will be 1 Peter. I have chosen this because the last book, the gospel of Mark, was a long one; 1 Peter is shorter + it is both theologically insightful and important in that it deals with how Christians should live in difficult circumstances; I also have taught it before and have a number of resources (some of which I brought with me to Uganda).

I hope to see many of you while I am home. Thank you again for your financial and prayer support. Both are necessary and are bearing much fruit. And both are appreciated very much, particularly given the challenges to working in East Africa during these times. Here are some pics from the entire trip.

God bless you, Jonathan


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

Summary report of 2021 in Tanzania

The year 2021 we did a total of 47 All African conferences; 6 of them were reported as done under Dickson’s arrangement, the late National Coordinator, who passed away mid last year. These conferences empowered not less than 1,400 church leaders in the country. Also, Jonathan taught 4 other conferences in January. Making the total number of equipped church leaders for the year 2021 to be almost 1,500. Minimum participants was 19 Church Leaders, while maximum was 51 Church Leaders in one conference.

Subjects taught included Expository Preaching, James, Christianity & Islam, Revelation and Biblical Theology, Biblical Stewardship, 1 Timothy, Galatians, Biblical Marriage & Parenting and The Church. List of teachers who taught includes Joram, Bishop Sheggah, Lazaro, Paul Mdimi, Julius and Emanuel Sanare, Anthony Mwaisaka and Chaba. The last two conferences on 2021 schedule were done from 10th January to 15th January 2022.

Apart from teaching conferences we also used the year end-conferences to publicize the ECLEA School program, which has just started the end of last January. The response was good as many after asking a number of questions came to conclusion that they need the school. We started ECLEA school committees at the local areas, who arrange for school publicity and coordination. By now we already have two stations who need the school and they are ready to pay for books and their own food.

The role of the ECLEA school is not only to feed Church Leaders with useful information and then offer advanced diplomas, but also to effect changes to each and every student, and apply the same for changes in their ministry and their society, as ECLEA’s mission and vision ever since is to Equip Church Leaders for Deep Foundation, Healthy Churches, Transformed Lives. We are looking forward to see a well-established East Africa Theological Bible Institute-TZ that will bring impact to the county and to the world.

We are traying to organize for better in 2022. May the Lord be with us.

Regards, Joram


2022 News Archive

Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator


On my journey through the southern Sub region of Uganda, I met with the Coordinators of western Uganda, central and also eastern Uganda here referred to as the southern Sub region of Uganda.

Among the key issues that we talked about was: How the ECLEA Trainings have impacted their lives and ministry, how are they using the materials given to them to reach out to others, what are the challenges, and finally what are their future plans to expand the work of ECLEA when they are self-sufficient.

With no doubts all agreed that the trainings have opened their eyes to see the Bible more clearly than before. Their understand and interpretation of the Scriptures has greatly improved.

Through these training, they have come to appreciate their communities and they have started building working relationships with their communities.

One of the Coordinators in western Uganda admitted that he used to go in solitude for weeks praying and fasting, and every time he came back he only found problems at home. All a long he thought that the more he spent days and weeks away from his family, and have "quiet time with God for longer days" the more God would bless him, but this was the opposite, he always left his family unattended to, they was no one taking care of his family, so his family became a problem to the community. But through ECLEA training he came to understand the value of first attending to the family, as this is the first ministry given to any minister before reaching out to others. 

Many have shared their testimonials about how their lives have changed after going through the Book of Biblical Stewardship. They have started working hard as they serve the Lord and they have seen God blessing the work of their hands. Some have gone ahead to create saving clubs (Saccos) with members they are training with in ECLEA. While on the Islands of Buvuma, the ECLEA team organized the farmer groups of that area to work on their 200 acreages in order to benefit their people. The Church has started thinking for its community. There are more Testimonials in the field areas of how lives have been impacted, transformed, and basically seeing the Church taking her rightful position in the communities.

On the other hand there is still a lot that needs to be done in order to see a continuation from the old generation to the next generation. Discipleship is key to have lasting impact everywhere I have gone. There is a need to have engagements going on in order to deal with the ministry is done in most of the rural areas.

One of the challenges they raised across the board was the continuity of the trainings. There are those who want to have a Certificate up to the level of a Degree. They were asking whether we were going to get them a place where they will be coming for more engagement as other Bible colleges do and how much will be the cost? So a good number of them are looking at that possible of having a Bible college. Those who are demanding to have a Bible college are the new blood, these want the training to be formal, these have had a chance to attain a certain level in education. Though the younger blood generation wants a centralized location, the rest of the members are advocating for the creation of other centers citing long distances from where trainings are taking place.

At one time I had to ferry coordinators and leaders in my car. The car was overloaded as everyone saw it as the only option to get them closer to their destinations. In some of the photos will see that. In other areas at one point I had to leave the car some kilometers to go and meet with the Coordinators and their leaders. This was done because of the poor road network, still some of the photos were taken when I was on the back of a boda-boda going through a narrow slippery road.

Finally, when we got to the self-sufficiency, all were pointing to the next two years after they have stabilized in their income. Some are attributing their being in lack due to COVID-19, citing that churches have been closed, schools and the economy. They promised to support ECLEA Trainings in a nearby future. On the other hand some of the centers more in western Uganda are having trainings, which are not supported by ECLEA funds. For these leaders carry these training as manuals in their churches during Bible study time.

There is a mixed feeling that on one hand ECLEA Trainings has done a lot in impacting the many Church Leaders, but also on the other hand there still more that is needed to be done, and hence the need to continue supporting the transition from being dependents to self-sufficiency, which will come after one or two years of supporting the ECLEA program.

Thank you for supporting ECLEA in Uganda, may the good Lord continue to water the field where you gather from in order to supply to this Noble cause of training Church Leaders not only in Uganda but East Africa as a whole because what I have shared for sure cuts across this region of East Africa and Africa at large. But thanks to these training the Church has not remained the same. God bless you mightily.

Kind Regards,



Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

February 2022

I made it to Tanzania without any of the documentation problems I was concerned about materializing. Thank you for your prayers.

I am happy to say that ECLEA has an agreement with Bishop Kiguru Bible College in which our courses are being used as part of BKBC's curriculum and will lead to diplomas for the students. They are calling the endeavor the East Africa Theological Bible Institute-TZ. Joram Ibrahim told me that they are planning on spending one week per month here going through our courses. 

We completed the book of Habakkuk, including a session on "The Problem of Evil: God's Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, and the Existence of Sin and Evil."  There were approximately 22 students (including some bishops). The course included homework, small group discussions and group reports, individual reports, and a final written examination. Also, there is a "post-session assignment" of several questions with a practical/applicational focus to be completed in about 2 weeks. I am very excited by this and hope to see this kind of thing replicated all around East Africa. The new ECLEA-Tanzania leadership (following the death of Dickson Laizer last year) really seems to be stepping up, for which I am very grateful.

After the group and individual reports (which were all given in Swahili), Bishop Sheggah (one of the ECLEA-Tanzania leaders) told me that they showed that the participants really understood everything we had been talking about. A number of the participants indicated that our going through Habakkuk caused them not to want to read just a few verses but see the whole context and caused them to realize that a "minor" prophet does not mean an "unimportant" one. All of this was confirmed by the lively discussion we had following my presentation on the "problem of evil." BTW, if you are interested, Habakkuk (including the appendix on the "problem of evil") is on the "ECLEA Courses & Resources" page of the ECLEA website (

After that, we went through (with the same group) part 1 of the gospel of Mark. Again, there has been very good engagement, lots of good Q&A, and the summaries by the participants each morning showed that they have been paying attention and have learned much. One bishop was struck by the deep meanings of Jesus' baptism, i.e., it identified him as the Son of God, showed his identification with sinful humanity (which would be consummated at the cross), began his recapitulation of the history of the nation of Israel, and symbolized his fulfillment of the requirements of the priesthood. During the course, we had discussed the subject of fasting. The group demonstrated their commitment today by deciding to spend the lunch hour fasting and praying for the ECLEA school, their families, the nation, and some other important matters.

Following Babati, we did conferences in Arusha on the book of Revelation and in Kikatiti (near Moshi) on Biblical Eschatology. Here's how they went:

We began with 22 participants and increased to 28 on the second day. Revelation was entirely new, since virtually all the participants had only previously been taught a very dispensational view in which, in the culminating book of the Bible, the church was said not even to be present after chapter 3!

Since the book is apocalyptic literature, based entirely on symbols, the natural inclination to "literalize" things also proved problematic. However, light began to dawn as we discussed the "progressively parallel" structure of the book. The second day was spent largely going through the symbolic depictions of the church, which appeared in almost every chapter.

At the beginning of the third day, each participant briefly talked about what he or she had learned. Although challenged, their responses indicated that they were, indeed, "getting it." There were lots of good questions. As we summarized toward the end, I pointed out that the book continually confronts us with the questions: Who is the true Lord of the world? and Who is my Lord? I think and hope they will continue to study and think about this book, since it promises a blessing to those who read, hear, and heed it (Rev 1:3).

We were very fortunate to have Moses Malugu among our number. He has a PhD in Islamic studies. He spoke on two occasions at some length concerning Islam. I hope the participants and their churches take advantage of his expertise.

Kikatiti (near Moshi)--Biblical Eschatology
We did Biblical Eschatology to a group that varied between 22-26. It was a challenging course since all the participants had only heard and been taught dispensatuonal premillennialism.

We went through the Bible's clear "two age" eschatological structure ("this age" and the "age to come") and saw that the dividing line between the two is the second coming of Christ. The second coming entails resurrection and judgment of all people and the renewal of the earth. Hence, there is no place for a temporary 1000-year "millennial kingdom" after Christ returns. Indeed, the "1000 years" of Revelation 20 is a symbolic term for the time we are in now.

I do not expect that people would change their views as a result of one 2 1/2 day seminar. But many bought the book, asked good questions, and stayed engaged. They were given good food for thought, and Joram told me he heard a number of conversations in which the people obviously were reflecting on what they heard and were encouraging each other to investigate further.

I am now home until April, when I am tentatively scheduled to go to Kenya (depending on various covid-related government restrictions which I have to check out). Here are some pics from both weeks in Tanzania.

God bless you, Jonathan


Isaac Wanjala Nyongesa, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator

My name is Isaac Wanjala Nyongesa, I am the Regional Coordinator for Migori and Homabay Region. I conducted a training on 1 Timothy at Rongo and Uriri respectively. This is the first ever ECLEA conference in this region.

When I taught them the qualifications of a Church leader many were surprised because in some Churches some leaders have 2 wives hence a great debate on the same. When we shared the two honors and their different meaning in Chapter 5 according to their contexts, it was an eye-opener to our people. Now they understand that the true widows ought to be supported by the Church and every Church should pay their Pastors who run the affairs of the Church well. Every Chapter was very new to these people.

Pastor Isaac Wanjala Nyongesa
Regional Coordinator


February 2022: Summary of ECLEA in Burundi

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The whole month of December we closed office due to the presence of Covid cases among our personnel. Even in the country there were so many cases of covid but we praise God that now the numbers of infections are decreasing sensibly and again the variant that is present now is not so dreadful as the former one. Very few people die.

We have added new centres namely: Buhiga, Makamba, and the new centre of United Methodist Church in Bujumbura. It seems to us that the harvest is plentiful but there are few harvesters. We had planned to hold graduation in Bukeye, but unfortunately we could not make it for there were courses we had not taught yet had already been written on their Diplomas and we decided to teach them first. Therefore, we are grateful to the Lord that the Centre of Bukeye is graduating in the month of March and this gave us another opportunity to add the new Centre of Bujumbura. Moreover, when we went around the country to see how the people who have been in our training are faring on, we realized that the way they used to preach is different from the way they preach and prepare sermons now, and this is a testimony not from the participants but from the Christians themselves who attend their congregations.

We were also privileged to notice with our own eyes how the courses they took, especially Biblical Stewardship, 1 Timothy, and the Church, were put in practice and how now most of those who took part in those courses are trying to be self-sufficient and self-reliant and are in the process to stop depending on the tithes and offerings of the church which used to be their sole subject of preaching in the past. We praise God for these ECLEA courses which are having a tangible impact in the lives of the people and bringing strong impact on the vision and mission of the church.  We have seen participants to our training starting to have a different view of how to serve the Lord. Some of them have gone ahead and built decent houses for the poor, widows and orphans to the glory of the Lord and without expecting anything in return, knowing that they will be rewarded in heaven. People are changing.  The work of teaching this course is not in vain.

The people of United Methodist Church in Bujumbura called upon us to go and empower their church leaders. Most of those people who would participate in that course are intellectuals and civil servants who work during the day; therefore we will teach them from 17 h 30 to 20h 30 from Monday to Friday and then Saturday from 8 am to 14 pm. The United Methodist Church realized that those civil servants are the once who will be entrusted with the work of God in the near future, and the Government is making it clear that soon, only people who have got some skills in Biblical knowledge are the ones that will qualify to stand in front of congregations and preach.

We are talking to big denominations in Burundi to see how they can introduce those ECLEA courses in the Biblical schools they have set up. Pray for us as we make such move to reach out to them and believe you me, they are in great need. We praise God that now they have started top approach us having noticed the impact this course has made on those people they used to disregard as leaders of sects.   I would quote the leader of the second biggest church here in Bujumbura: “In our generation I do not think that the people we are to lead are to be pumped with nonsense as it used to be in the past. Pastors need to be taken into workshops and seminars as well as conferences where people like you must come and teach, empower our people so that they may be able to know and desiccate the word of God until the hearers understand what they believe and how they can apply what they would have heard. To this I am grateful to the Lord that in due course the Lord has provided people like you for such an important ministry”.

Frederic Harerimana and Francois Nitunga


March 2022: Last week we made a big move when we entered the second biggest church in Burundi that is the Swedish Pentecostal Church. We trained 56 pastors from the Swedish Pentecostal church in Nyanza Lac. To our astonishment, the senior and his deputy pastors were all there all the 5 days we spent there. They are ready to attend all those courses from ECLEA Rema is offering.

Frederic Harerimana


Barnabas Mpekethi, ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator

MARCH 2022: One of the teachers who has been attending our trainings invited me to minister to their school as well as to minister to the students. I told them that they should make good use of their time in school because if you fail to master your time,you fail to master your life. Great was the joy of the Lord after the teachings.

Hope you will also appreciate what God is doing in Kenya. Before you trained us, we were very blunt, but now we are ministering to Schools, Supermarkets, and our Churches. ECLEA is making a great impact.

Bishop Barnabas Mpekethi
National coordinator, ECLEA KENYA


Joram Ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

I just came back from Babati, where I taught Expository Preaching and Emmanuel Sanare taught The Book of James.
It was a wonderful week and students were so excited. Although we have registered two more students but four of our prominent students missed the class due to different reasons. They will have to repeat the course so that they can graduate accordingly.

Paul Mdimi and Lazaro were in Mwanza the last week of April, teaching Biblical Stewardship and Habakkuk.

Be blessed,


Joram ibrahim, ECLEA-Tanzania national coordinator

February 2022:
We finished Biblical Theology here at the ECLEA-Bishop Kiguru Bible School here in Babati. The students are seated for exam. Today we started The Book of Galatians. 



Francois Nitunga

We praise the Almighty God for this end of the training which was culminated by graduation after almost five years, characterized by so many challenges, which had a negative impact on the training. Let us mention two major ones among others: Floods and Covid-19. These two major problems impacted negatively the training but we praise God that we didn’t stop the training. One of our students passed away and one student also lost his wife. But in all we saw the hand of our almighty God. Floods caused havoc as many of our students were internally displaced, and could not save anything from their houses. Though that was the situation we praise God that no one died as a result.
The reason we praise God is that most of the graduates have gone through the whole curriculum, that was so far 15 courses. Of course, there are courses like the Gospel of Mark and the books of Habbakuk and Galatians which have not been included in those courses for they had not been available by the time we decided that these students graduate.

1. Activity progress
We are grateful to the Lord that from 15 to 19 March we held the last training and the course was on Biblical Literacy: OT and NT overview. As I have already said, this training was culminated by the issuing of diplomas and certificates on the 20th of March. 22 participants who had gone through all the 15 courses got diplomas while 5 certificates of participation were given to those who went through few courses only. In total, 27 people graduated.

2. Biblical literacy: OT and NT overview
This course has been important on the students as one of the students said: “We would have missed something very important if we did not have this course. In conjunction with all we saw in other books, and courses, this course gave us an opportunity to see the links especially when it comes to knowing the backgrounds, geography, the areas, locations, customs and traditions and where things happened.” This course has helped us when it comes to Biblical interpretation especially when we are introducing the expository preaching and exegeting any biblical scripture. In brief, as we teachers, we realized that this course opened the eyes of the students. For instance, students know where the Church of Corinth is situated, the journeys Paul made and the itinerary, and what gentiles mean in terms of circumcised and uncircumcised, etc. They were delighted to know key points that are in each book, or how Jesus is portrayed which will help them in their exegeting and expounding any text of Bible.

3. Graduation
The long-awaited graduation took place on Sunday 20th 2022. Jesus is Lord Church which had hosted the training had invited prominent senior authorities in the government, in the security sector, in administration and senior pastors and representatives of different denominations as aforesaid to come and witness the graduation.   

This gave Rema an opportunity to cast a vision of ECLEA program, and its vision on Burundi as a country; in brief they were made aware of what ECLEA is all about. It was also an occasion for Rema to tell the people where the centres are, where Rema is conducting our program of the trainings for any pastor who would wish to attend. One of the invitees not only encouraged us but also challenged us that we should have invited the media to cover the event for public awareness of existence of this program, especially to those churches and pastors who are unaware of the existence of this training.
It was so good that the graduates are still remembering that Jonathan Menn visited them, and taught them the book of Revelation. They thanked him and asked Rema to transmit their gratitude.

The chairman of Evangelical and Pentecostal churches in Burundi, Bishop Independence Calixte said:
“This program is so crucial and has come as an answer to our prayer. In fact, we have been praying that there can be a program where all the pastors who stand in front of people to teach need to go through, in order to be able to preach and teach and expound the Bible effectively and efficiently.” Now, God has given an answer to our prayer request. Therefore, I encourage you my fellow pastors to take this training as a God given gift to us. Prepare yourself to stand before your congregations and preach what you know. Take this opportunity to prepare future leaders, preachers and teachers of the Word in your churches through attending these courses offered by Rema Burundi”.

Before the end of the ceremonies the graduates sang a worship song to praise the Lord for his goodness and his mercies that endure forever. The dean of the students Rev. NYANDWI Shadrack was amazed to reach to this special day. He could not believe that that was a long waited day. He says: “This is my day. In life what matters a lot is endurance. Prayers, keeping and planning the time, hope and endurance are the keys of success”

4. Conclusion
We are grateful to the Lord that this program is having a tangible impact not only on pastors but also among the Christians and on the surrounding communities at large. However, despite the willingness and zeal of the pastors to take part in that program, they are hindered by many challenges:

     1. The floods in some areas have caused havoc and many livelihoods have been taken away.
     2. The covid-19 has worsened the situation though in Burundi we were lucky as no church was closed or zoom was used.
     3. The climate changes have made most Burundians who are cultivators to lose their livelihoods. As a result, though they would wish to contribute towards the cost of the books and their upkeep while on the training, from time to time it becomes difficult for them.
     4. As we have 6 centres and in each centre we need to be there at least 6 times for a whole week each year, seasonal calendar becomes difficult to manage. 



For a long time, we have been longing to have access to the Swedish Pentecostal church, the second biggest denomination in Burundi after the Catholic church. We praise God that from 7 to 11 March we were able to access it and took all the pastors of Swedish Pentecostal church mission in Nyanza Lac through the Biblical stewardship, something they had never heard of, or had misinterpreted. For your information, in the Pentecostal Swedish Church, what they call mission is the same as a diocese in the Anglican and the Roman Catholic Churches.

We took the participants, 54 of them including the senior pastor and his deputy into the course. In fact, The senior pastor made it mandatory that every pastor has to go through these teachings. In fact, he said:
“I regret the long time I have been a close friend to Frederic Harerimana yet, did not know the wealth and the talents the church had, unfortunately we did not make use of them. This is high time we learned. We are in a new environment where we need to learn in order to be able to stand in front of the church and teach. Moreover, there are regulations of the ministry of home affairs which stipulate that no one who has not been trained will be able to stand in front of the church, teach or preach. Sadly, enough, most of these pastors have never attended seminaries or biblical training yet are leading big congregations”.

This denomination had been isolating itself to other people and would not want any other pastor to associate with it, to the point that some of the pastors think that only Swedish Pentecostal followers are the only people that are entitled to access to heaven!

The course itself
We had to take the participants to the course of Biblical Stewardship. To their amazement, when we took them to the Scriptures, they realized that every human being who was created in the image of God is the steward and has a mandate and obligation from the Lord to be a steward. What threatened them was to hear that according to the talents they had been given they will be held accountable the day of Judgment. Having been taught heresies, they had a lot of questions which led us to slow down the speed and make sure that we explain every scripture referred to in the course.

I will never forget the heavy loaded discussion on the idea of being fruitful and increase in number, to fill the earth and to subdue it. The Swedish Pentecostal church has been teaching that family planning is a sin and that all the people who use the family planning methods are sinners. The senior pastor took the participants into reasoning them and showing them all the errors and mistakes some of the pastors of the Swedish Pentecostal church. There were some church leaders who had been to some Bible training schools run by Pentecostals but they admitted having not been exposed to anything of such a calibre.

Responses from participants
Participants were very much pleased to have attended the training. They, unanimously, said: “For sure, God willing and by His grace, we will make every efforts to attend all the trainings, whatever time they will take to get all those courses.
The Nyanza lac Churchy decided to buy books and to feed the students through her budget, all the time the training will be going on." The senior pastor said: “Our aim is to train all our pastors leading churches, and later on we shall train our deacons, catechists and all evangelists. We want to see changes in the lives of our preachers and teachers of the Word, and then that transformation will affect our local communities and all the church in general." Mission took on its shoulders the whole programme and it voted 30,000,000 Bif allocated to this programme. They bought the books on the budget of the church.

The harvest is plentiful but the harvesters are few. In fact, in Rema Burundi Francois and Frederic are the only people attached to this programme of building capacities of pastors although the director from time to time go to join them but not at a regular basis. Due to the Paschal Season which has many activities in churches we will the next training in May from 9th to 13th instead of next week which was scheduled to take place from Monday 25th to 29th 2022.

Pastor Nestor Hakizimana: First of all, I am grateful to the Lord for this programme that came to help and rescue us through these teachings. During these 5 intensive days we have spent here, I have understood what a steward is. A steward is a manager, an intendent, an ambassador, a director, who has been trusted and has been sent to a mission to work, cultivate, keep, protect, rule, tend and subdue, knowing that one day he would appear before the Lord and give a report, an account to the one who mandated him on how his tenure has been. We have seen various facets in which stewardship must be apparent or seen. I was surprised to realize that the Lord did not keep anything for himself in giving us all the authority and ruleship over all the things he has created including the environment, the time (we have seen that the misuse of the time is the misuse of our whole life). Moreover, we have discovered that failing to plan is plannning to fail. We have discovered the importance of planning the day, the week, and the month. This helps to check on what one has achieved and helped him to assess and review. We noticed how stewardship of the body is important. In fact, everything be it time, money, environment, body, church, people, family, spouse the Lord has entrusted us with, we will account for it. To wind up, I am grateful to the exercises we went through, they gave us time to rethink how we have been understanding stewardship and gave us an opportunity to change and apply the knew knowledge in our daily lives. We were so much helped by the exercise we were given to stand in front of the congregation and teach. The positive critiques were of incredible importance.

Hacimana Jean Bosco: Among many things I learned in the course of Biblical Stewardship, I was so much helped by the topic on the stewardship of the time. I came to understand that time is not only money but it is also life. I also came to understand that time cannot be bought by money. I realized that even if all the people do not have the same wealth they however all have the same amount of time, what differs is how each one organizes and plans his time. It became clear to me that I should always plan my day so that I may know where to start and how to prioritize whatever I have to day everyday. I came to understand that we should you misuse our time through trivial things and useless things which “kill” our time. It became apparent to me that I lost much time through useless talks and communications which do not yield any return for my life. I found myself doing things I had not prepared or planned for. There is no way I could redeem the time I have lost. From now on, I am going to use my time sparingly, and avoid those things which take my time yet are not important for my life. So for my first time, it dawned to me that planning my time equals to planning my life and my future. I am grateful to the Lord and to the senior pastor that this programme has been compulsory to all the pastors of this diocese.

Pastor Ntahondereye Manasse: I am so grateful to the Lord that in my whole time I have been involved in ministry I had never come across this programme. I used to believe that stewardship is something I should not lose time on. In fact, due to the wrong teachings we got in the past, we were made to believe that only pastors are stewards and that only pastors are servants of the Lord. It dawned to me that every human created in the image of God was made a steward and that he would give an account of what the Lord has entrusted him with and what he has bestowed on him, as well as the gifts and talents he got from the Lord. It dawned to me that every human being is important in the eyes of the Lord as is the Pastor. I am grateful to the Lord for Rema Burundi to have taken upon their shoulders to equip us with all these things that are key to our ministry. Most of us have not gotten any opportunity to go to seminaries or be exposed to such teachings. Yet we are called to stand in front of congregations and share the word of God which was written in a culture and for an audience which different from ours. We pledge to keenly attend these courses until the end for our benefits and for the benefit of our congregants we have been called to serve. Although we are still in the beginning, we are convinced that as we will proceed, we will discover much more. Knowledge is gotten from various sources. For instance, I discovered that time is not only money but also life, once squandered all life is squandered.

Nkunzimana Emmanuel: What I have gained from this course which has taken 5 intensive days is enormous. I have acquired a lot I used to ignore. The most important thing I acquired from this course of Biblical Stewardship is that the Lord wants us to be faithful and trustworthy people who use the gifts and talents the Lord has bestowed and entrusted to us. Moreover, it dawned to me for the first time that as a pastor I came to serve and not to be served. I used to preach about being a servant, but deep down my heart I did not understand the implications and repurcussions of what I was preaching and teaching the congregants. For my first time, I came to understand that I am responsible and that I will give an account to him who has entruested me with whatever I have been given, and I discovered that the gifts and talents that the Lord has put in the church should be profited by the whole congregants as we all are part of the same body, the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. On my side, there is something I am going to put into practice and apply. The stewardship of money and time. I am also going to identify all the talents that are in the church the Lord has entrusted me with and see how they could be a beneficial to the whole congregation as one body. I am going to multiply opportunities where all those talents can find expression for the profit of the church. May the Lord strengthen our senior leadership and Rema Burundi that have made this programme a reality. I pledge to attend all the courses that have been developed by ECLEA since I realized that they are unequal. Some of us have attended some biblical institutions set up by our denomination, but what we have seen in this course has been utterly new and we hope that the courses ahead will open up our minds greatly.

Hamenyimana Michael: I am grateful to the Lord for this time we have spent here. It has not been useless. In fact, I have understood something new in my life. I used to believe that a steward is somebody who works as pastor or a deacon, somebody enrolled by the church to do something. It surprised me to realise that all the people were created in the image of God and were mandated to be stewards of all what the Lord has created. I understood what a talent is, and that the Lord gave the talent to each one of us according to his/her ability. I came to understand that ill understanding of the Bible breeds ill understanding Jesus and what he has created. This course helped me to prepare and plan my future. When you come back, I will tell you what has changed in my life as a result of what I garneered from this course. My request is that you come back soon although I know time is precious. May God bless you.


James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


The meeting went on well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Tom Mboya. The meeting had 14 participants. The following major denominations were represented:
     1. Kingdom Light Church
     2. Redeemed Gospel Church (Host)
     3. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church
     4. Glorious Celebration Church

REPORTS The delegates participated well in this meeting and were eager to understand all what was being taught.

REV. SHADRACK (OUR HOST) – was happy to have learned about the importance of the stewardship of the environment. He commented that it was good to learn that even taking care of the environment is also spiritual and that it also glorifies God.

ESTHER – Learnt of the importance of being a good steward of all the resources entrusted to her.

REV. MUTURI – Learnt on the importance of the stewardship of time. He noted on the importance of good time management, because time is life.

MARGARET – Said she had learnt that the church is a family. She saw the importance of the church members having good relationships with each other. This will help them to walk in unity and love and Christ would be manifested in them.

PST. SAMMY WAGURA – Learnt on giving in the New Testament as an act of love. He saw the truth of giving the tithe as a foundation, and looking at Christ giving himself fully at the cross as his example.

ALICE – Learnt on the importance of being a witness for Christ wherever she is.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. James Kamau

James Kamau, ECLEA-Kenya regional coordinator


This meeting continued well on the above dates. The teachers were James N. Kamau and Monica Wambui. The meeting had 16 delegates. The following major denominations were represented:
1. Nuba Christian Fellowship
2. Alpha Mission Church
3. Gospel Equippers Ministry Church (Host)
4. Kingdom RoleModel Fellowship
5. Canaan Pentecostal Church
6. Mount Olive Healing Ministry

The delegates listened keenly to the teachings and also participated well in their contributions.

PST. ZABLON TIEMA – Was impressed by Jesus' expression of his true family, as those who do his Father's will. He however noted that we still need to have a good relationship with our earthly family.

DOROTHY TIEMA – Learnt a lot about the importance of faith. She cited the examples of the woman with the discharge of blood and the Syrophoenican woman’s daughter’s healing.

PETER MUTINDA – Learnt on the importance of the temptations of Jesus. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He noted that God is able to give us victory over temptations when we stand with his word.

PASTOR CHRIS – Learnt on the compassion of Jesus that as the good shepherd, he is concerned about both our spiritual and physical needs.

God bless you, James Kamau




We praise the Lord that we were able to hold these trainings respectively in Cankuzo, Mishiha, Rutana and Muzye, though it was heavily raining in those area. Very often our daily program was disturbed by the rain. But this did not prevent the advancement of our training activities. We went to the end of the session. In both centers, we started the Biblical Interpretation course. From the start of this course, we realized that the students were looking forward to it. It is because some of them had heard about this course from some of the former student who attended it in Cankuzo. Biblical Interpretation course is bringing new input on the way they were doing their exegesis as they prepare biblical messages.

How the training activities were carried out during the week
It has become a good routine that anytime and anywhere we go for the training the first thing we do is to remind our trainees that the covid-19 is still with us, by reminding our students to continue to observe the hygiene measures taken by the government through the Ministry of Public Health to fight against this virus, such as to keep the good habit of hand washing, using masks and keeping distance.

As usual, each Monday before we proceed with the training, we do evaluation of what our trainees were able to do during the two months, homework and activities they did as they put into practice what they are learning. This is very important because it is part of learning. Theory: what they learn in class on a daily basis takes 50%, and practical works also take 50%. In total each course is marked at 100%.

At Mishiha we had done Forgiveness and Reconciliation whereby our students shared powerful testimonies and experiences they encountered during the two months in their local churches and communities.

This report is full of some few testimonies from out trainees in Mishiha, and one testimony from Cankuzo among many. We continue to praise our Lord God that this course, as we have already said it, is transforming many lives of our students hence bring changes in the life of their communities. The Church has an impact in the community. We praise God!

Various testimonies

Reverend Harerimana Venant. We are seeing tangible impact on the field due to the courses we have gone already through. For instance, Pastor Harerimana Venant expounded the book of Esther to the astonishment of all the people that were in that gathering. When asked where he got all this, he said that he has been a student for the last year in Cankuzo in a Bible school held by Rema Burundi and where they teach ECLEA material. They kept asking how they could get access to this Bible school as well for they had realized how powerfully he was exposed the Bible. They said that they also yearn to learn and said that they did not know that in Cankuzo, far away from the city, there could be such powerful preachers. They did not know that in Cankuzo there could be people of such a calibre; they even regret that they had been inviting preachers from other denominations, ignoring that within themselves there are hidden talents.

"Using the course on Biblical Stewardship did help me a lot in preparing what I preached that day. I took almost 30 minutes talking about the lessons I drew from Biblical Stewardship course. From there I proceeded to tell them to check on how the church is bedevilled by diseases while we have so many doctors in the church, check on how the church is poor economically, people get loans on very high interest rate while we have so many people in the church who did economics and graduated from powerful universities, I told them that they are a talent the church has. I challenged them if they have you gone to study all this for their own and selfish profit and benefit, or it should be a talent that is put in action for the betterment of the community and the church at large. Check on how the grassroots people are poor, yet we have so many agronomist engineers who know how to plant bananas which could yield a lot, yet they keep for themselves this knowledge and the people die for lack of knowledge. I told the gathering that all this poverty the church is encountering would be laid on their shoulders since they hid the talent the Lord had bestowed upon them. To cut the story short, after showing them all the talents hidden in them, we were able to raise more than 20,000,000 Burundian money, something nobody could understand and could have predicted. This testimony raised the profile of that school and for this reason, soon, the whole denomination in Bujumbura vowed to take part in those courses”!

IRAKOZE Emilienne. “Before I attend this course on Forgiveness and Reconciliation, I was overburdened. As there was somebody we would not agree, I thought that because he/she is the one who was wrong, I could not initiate the reconciliation. Things have changed and it amazed me, and since I got acquainted with this course, I went to see him, we discussed although it was not easy, we had to confess and ask for forgiveness. Now, we talk and laugh together; he is no more suspicious. We could not greet each other though we were part of the same church, we could pray together in the same church yet could not greet each other. Now we have reconciled, I consider it to be a miracle, for even today if he is in hospital or has somebody in hospital, I go to visit him and if I take to him something to eat he eats it, something that was impossible before we reconciled. Now there is peace between her and I, no grudge between us any more, we are now free and have been liberated. Now we are free I am grateful to the people who have prepared this course. Thank you”.

Ndayisenga Felix. “The course of Forgiveness and Reconciliation was very helpful in the church I lead. This course did help me to reconcile a couple who were always in disagreement. The wife used to be beaten up, and from time to time could even go to hospital to nurse the wounds inflicted by the husband. Although they were living in the same house as a couple they were sleeping in different rooms. They call each other brutal. They could not talk to each other. I did bring them together, I taught them the course on reconciliation and forgiveness, it took me ample time, but the end was good as they agreed to reconcile, they asked for forgiveness to God and then they asked for forgiveness each other. Now all is well in their home. This brought a good testimony in the neighbourhood and as a result many are flocking to this church when they realized what happened to this family.”

“Forgiveness and Reconciliation opened the doors for the neighbours. I had a neighbour we could not agree, whenever we met, we could not greet each other, we held grudge against each other. After I went through this teaching, I went to see him although reluctantly for I was not sure if he would receive and accept me. I was heavily burdened. I realized that the Lord had opened his heart, we were able to reconcile and ask each other forgiveness. I praise God that there is no more misunderstanding between us, I do not carry him any more wherever I go. Our relationships are so bright, the doors that had been closed are now open. Each one of us had decided to close the door but we found that this was an enemy’s strategy to divide us, now we live in harmony”.

Rev. Mpfukamiyimana Patrice. “I want to thank God for the teaching we got from this course of Forgiveness and Reconciliation. When I got this book, I haste to read it all. I made a programme of teaching forgiveness and reconciliation in the parish I am leading. The outcome is that there are many families and a number of Christians who took the step of asking for forgiveness. There are even people who had gone to the court of justice, but after going through this course, they withdrew the case for the court of justice and sort out their difference themselves. Although it is not easy to ask for forgiveness, it is possible, remains just to kick start. What I praise God for is that I understood that we are forgiven by the grace of God we cannot buy forgiveness. The walls that were separating us, have started to crumble and collapse”.
The secret of the success of each course is the full participation of the trainees through, giving comment, through asking question for clarification and through their contribution with good ideas to make the course alive.

We praise the Lord for this church leaders’ trainings. We continue to see how changes are taking place in their churches. In all we say: God is good all the time! On Saturday we take time to go to visit our students and also those who finished the training, to see how they are doing and to encourage them to keep moving ahead, to reminding them their call to serve the Lord in God’s vineyard.


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

APRIL 2022

It has been good to be back in Kenya (healthy and well this time). The trip has been interesting and productive. We began in Karatina with Christianity & Islam for about 20 participants. They were eager to learn. God-willing, they will apply what they have learned. Kenya is in the grip of a terrible fuel shortage. Most petrol stations are out and the minority who can get it see lines blocks long. So far, we have been able to get some, albeit at exorbitant prices 

We did our next conference in a small, mud-constructed church in a rural area near Usingo village, about as close to the middle of nowhere as one can get. The 14 participants, however, absorbed the material like sponges. They see the value of biblical training and want to start a school there. Barnabas Mpekethi, George Okuta, and Robert Mwago all teamed with me in teaching Biblical Stewardship. They did excellently and related well to the students. All this confirms the truth of our name: we equip the church leaders of East Africa and they, in turn, equip others.

The students proved how committed they were. The church did not even have a pit latrine. After discussing stewardship of the environment, including an incident that happened in Uganda some years ago when cholera broke out in an area where people did not have pit latrines, the very next day the people of the church began digging a pit latrine! And we even talked about how doing that for others could be a great outreach. Applied Christianity is truly amazing! It also confirms ECLEA's motto: Deep Foundations => Healthy Churches => Transformed Lives.
We did another Biblical Stewardship conference in the western Kenyan town of Kimilili. We had more than 50 participants, with Robert and Justus Wafula sharing the teaching load. They are understanding the material. This is my first time here, and they want ECLEA to return. I am sure that Bishop Justus will do just that. I am sending this report now because tomorrow, as soon as we finish in the early afternoon, we have a long trip back to Karatina, where we will begin another conference (on Biblical Marriage and Parenting) the next morning.
In our travels to the various venues we were able to briefly stop at: Thomsons Falls, located near the town with the highest elevation in Kenya (2360 meters above sea level) and also saw the homes and graves of Barack Obama's grandparents and father. 

I did three more conferences: Biblical Marriage & Parenting in Karatina and two 1 Timothy conferences, in Kiambu and Nairobi.

The Marriage and Parenting conference involved what I believe were the most in-depth discussions I have had in East Africa concerning the most important issues of marriage. These included communication, trust, sex, and money. The 12 participants also broke into small groups and discussed at length what they like and do not like about their spouses. All of this revealed that there are very significant issues in all of these area in a large number of Kenyan marriages. In light of that, we also talked about the need for doing lengthy and comprehensive pre-marital counseling for couples who want to get married. They need to go into marriage with their eyes open and equipped to deal with many of the challenges they will face. Please pray for the church leaders as they address these important matters.

In Kiambu, I was able to lead the church's Bible study and preach on Easter Sunday. At the conference, which began the next day, ECLEA regional coordinator Thomas Mwai taught about 1/2 the 1 Timothy teaching sessions. This was a new venue for me, and they definitely want ECLEA back. Thomas will probably lead a Biblical Stewardship conference in the relatively near future.

David Njeru organized the 1 Timothy conference in Nairobi. He, along with former ECLEA-Kenya national coordinator Ernest Mwilitsa, taught about 1/2 the teaching units. The conference went well. As was true throughout this trip, this conference showed that our East African ECLEA teachers know their stuff and can teach it well. This is very important, since deepening the foundations and equipping the church leaders should not depend upon the Westerners.
One thing I learned was rather troubling. Kenya will be having national elections in August. Some people are afraid of the election being stolen. Related to that is that there appears to be a movement among some of the Kikuyu (Kenya's largest tribe) to go back to their traditional religion. Current President Uhuru Kenyatta recently said that Christianity is a foreign, white man's religion. This idea was started by his father, Kenya's first president, Jomo Kenyatta. This is troubling in that the "traditional religion" of the "god of the mountain" entails such things as animal sacrifices, tribal traditions, female genital mutilation, drinking blood, etc. I was told that even some pastors have gone to traditional tribal elders to be blessed by them after slaughtering goats. Please hold this situation up in prayer.

On a more positive note, I met Oliver and Margaret Chiraba who operate the Agape Center orphanage and school. They are doing amazing work and recently have opened a restaurant to provide a source of additional income as well as a training ground for some of the orphans. David and I ate breakfast and dinner there during the time I was in Nairobi. Even when there are forces of darkness, the light of the gospel can still shine brightly, bringing hope, change, and salvation to many.
My plan is to next return to Burundi in the latter part of June. In the meantime, I will working on my next ECLEA book, the book of Ruth. Thank you again for your prayer and tax-deductible financial support. They are making all this possible and, as I hope you see, bearing much good fruit.


Jonathan Menn-ECLEA Director

June 2022: BURUNDI

Greetings from Burundi! It has been too long since I have been in this beautiful country. Getting here is not the easiest: I had to spend the night in the airport in Kigali, Rwanda for an afternoon flight the next day to Bujumbura, Burundi, but there was really no alternative. But I made it all right, and the first night (last Saturday) there was a very nice outdoor dinner for the entire Rema Ministries staff, spouses, selected others, and Sally, the head of Rema-UK. (Rema is ECLEA’s “feet in the ground” here in Burundi.)

The next day we travelled about 5 ½ hours to Nyanza Lac. Nyanza Lac is on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, Africa’s longest and deepest lake. Our venue has been a large church of the Swedish Pentecostal Church, Burundi’s largest Pentecostal denomination. The SPC has embraced ECLEA, footing the bill for the books and food. They want all of their pastors to go through our courses. This is something I hope can be replicated by other churches and denominations throughout East Africa.

Nyanza Lac: Revelation
In Nyanza Lac we had about 54 participants, and we spent Monday-Friday going through the book of Revelation. Unlike many places in East Africa, the people here kept time, and it was a very strict schedule indeed. We began each day precisely at 8:00AM (the first day began and 9:00AM). At 10:00AM we had a ½ hour break for breakfast, then continued teaching until a 1-hour lunch break at 1:00PM, then taught until 4:00PM (the last day concluded at noon). Frederic and Francois had written assignments they gave the participants each day. It was impressively organized and run.

The material itself was completely new to all the participants. A number of them had had some prior teaching on Revelation, but all their prior teaching had been strictly along dispensationalist, premillennial lines, a position I find biblically unsupportable (as I discuss in my book, Biblical Eschatology, 2nd ed.). The participants were somewhat handicapped, not having previously gone through our courses on Biblical Theology or Biblical Eschatology. This prompted many, many questions every day. That is a good thing. And I could tell that they were following the teaching, particularly as we got to the crucial chapter 20.

When we completed the course, they had many swirling thoughts. I know they were challenged, but I could tell by their comments, eye contact, and body language that what we were talking about was hitting home and, I believe, will ultimately result in their being able to much more effective and truly preach and teach God’s Word and lead their congregations to a much deeper level of biblical understanding. This should become evident after they have gone through more of our ECLEA courses and thereby themselves develop deeper biblical foundations and become more well-rounded leaders. Let us hope and pray that that will be the case.

Muzye: Revelation
We completed our time in Burundi by doing the book of Revelation to about 74 church leaders of various denominations at the United Methodist Church in Muzye. Although, again, my explanation of Revelation was largely new to the participants, their understanding was helped by my beginning with an overview of the Bible's overall eschatological structure: the two ages (this age and the age to come) and the pivotal role that the Second Coming of Christ plays in ending this age and inaugurating the age to come. The Second Coming also entails resurrection of all, judgment of all, and the renewal of the earth. Repetition of the recurring pattern of the book seemed to lead to real understanding.
On the way back to Bujumbura, Francois made sure to stop by the house of Pastor Louis. Many pastors live only on what they receive from tithes and offerings at their churches; hence, they complain how poor they are. Not Louis. He came to the area as a refugee and built his own house. However, it was ECLEA's course on Biblical Stewardship that transformed him. He saw how, by planning his church time and planning projects, he could make something good of his life for his family and others. He has now planted bananas and oranges, is raising cows and chickens, and has plans to build a large water collection facility and start a fish farm! Louis is an inspiration. He is one example of the tremendous difference your prayers and financial support of ECLEA are making. It always amazes me when I see it for myself.

A very unfortunate event has occurred. Frederic Harerimana, of Rema-Burundi, our Kirundi translator, and one of the primary ECLEA-Burundi teachers, has had Guillain-Barre Syndrome for some years. He said he had been falling a bit recently. While in Muzye, he stumbled and fell. After that, he needed assistance to get in and out of cars, had trouble walking on uneven surfaces, and then said he had no strength in his legs. He was driven to a hospital in Bujumbura (Francois and I finished the course). A specialist said that he needed injections of a medicine not available in Burundi. Consequently, Frederic and his wife planned on going to Nairobi for treatment at the hospital where he originally was treated for Guillain-Barre.

After finishing in Muzye, Francois and I returned to Bujumbura. We visited Frederic in the hospital. His wife, kids, and some friends were there. He looked fine and was in good humor and good spirits. However, that night he took a turn for the worse and was placed on supplemental oxygen. Then the doctor said he was too unstable to travel. Later that night he died.

This is a terrible loss. While it is true that, for Frederic, "to die is gain" (Phil 1:21) and is "to be present with the Lord" (2 Cor 5:8), that is not so for those left behind. Frederic leaves a wife, children, friends, a host of people around the world whom he influenced for Christ, and big holes in the ministries of Rema and ECLEA. Frederic was only 58. It breaks my heart. He was my friend, and I will miss him. Please hold his wife and family up in prayer.

You may not realize it, but as Pastor Louis exemplifies and as Frederic's life demonstrated, step-by-step, thorough your support of ECLEA, you are positively changing the world for Christ - and we will press on despite the loss of Frederic.

God bless you, Jonathan


Stephen Sempala, ECLEA-Uganda national coordinator

June 2022
Here are the updates from Uganda. We had resolved that those who have had a chance to train with us should go ahead and train their members/leaders from their church by:
1.       Moving the training closer to the masses.
2.       Avoiding more spending on new centers, but we maintain the existing ones.
3.       Developing new teachers in order to reach the unreached.
4.       Practically display what they have received by sharing it in their communities.

So far according to the report I have received from western Uganda, some of parts of northern and central region this exercise has started. I will share with you some of the photos, where leaders are engaging with their members and others with their communities. These are new centers being run by ECLEA students, some are meeting in homes and others in churches.

In the northern region, in Arua we have got in touch with a Pastor who has connections in both South Sudan and DRC church leaders. God willing by July I will connect with the Church leaders in those two countries. Even in the western province of Uganda, in the Kasese region we have a connection to the DRC.

Concerning the main trainings of ECLEA, the work is ongoing, I have not got any challenge in terms of delays and the like; only in the Teso Region where there was no training for almost 6 months, but we thank God that at least the challenges which were there are gone and we are back on track. So far so good, we praise the Lord. Here are photos from various training sessions:
Kind Regards,


Report of Activities that took place Successively at Nyanza-lac, Muzye,Cankuzo, Mishiha, and United Methodist church, Rohero parish: June-August 2022.

Training in Muzye and Nyanza lac

We would like to thank God who enabled us to hold trainings in different areas and provinces according to the following schedule:
- From 20th -24th /June we hold a training at Nyanza –Lac with the book of Revelation and Jonathan was the Trainer,
- From 27th/June -1st/July we hold a training at Muzye with the book of Revelation, Jonathan was the main trainer,
- From 1st-7th August,we hold a training at Mishiha with the book of Biblical Interpretation, we finished that book and started the book of Expository Preaching
- From 15th-19th/August, we hold a training at Cankuzo on the book of Biblical Interpretation, we finished that book and started the book of Expository Preaching,
- From 22th -26th /August We hold a training at Muzye. We did Biblical Interpretation and finished it.

- From 22th -26th /August a training was organized at Rutana center, we finished the book of Biblical Interpretation.
At the Rohero United Methodist Church, we have continuous courses as we do classes in the evening hours from 17h to 20 h apart of Saturday where we meet from 8 am to 2pm. Actually, we have finished the book of Biblical stewardship, 1st Timothy, biblical counselling, Marriage and Parenting, and See Through the Scriptures as well. Now we are starting Biblical Theology.

In the course of these trainings, Nyanza-Lac and Muzye centers were honored by Jonathan who spent two weeks doing the training. He took the trainees through the book of Revelation. During his stay, he got an opportunity to preach in different churches, including the Pentecostal church of Nyanza Lac and the U